Cat Investigations Page 4

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Pages in Cat Investigations
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Author: Raakone[edit]

Sam, who was still stuck in Vile's forcefield, simply yelled "My love, get Cat a way out of here!" The Shining One who seemed to have something wrong simply closer her eyes and focused. The stones on her necklace flashed, and then the roar of engines could be heard as a single-car Bull-Liner started up, and one of the doors to the place was suddenly opening up. Cat made a break for the train. MEanwhile the other Shining Ones, Vile, and Mr. Carpainter fired a variety of projectiles. As soon as Cat was aboard he set the thing on full speed and the railcar quickly left. Vile activated the door-closing mechanism, but he did so a little too late.
"You realise how difficult it will be catching Cat again?" asked Mr. Carpainter in disgust, "Just for that, I ought to..."
"NEGATIVE!" interupted Vile, "This is my fight, you shall watch the other prisoners!"
"WATCH THIS!" shouted Schala, as she built up a blue aura, and then fired a large blue blast at Vile. Vile was pretty much unnefected.
"VILE SUPERIOR, SCHALA INFERIOR, STARWAY SUPERIOR, INTERLOPERS INFERIOR!" announced Vile. Both Vile and Mr. Carpainter were annoyed. Vile turned around and looked at Sam. He launched a few concussion bombs from his shoulder-mounted launcher and they blew up around the free prisoners. He then fired a few more at Sam, and knocked him to the floor, injuring him severly. He even had burn-marks now. But the forcefield was shattered.
"I'm not out yet!" muttered Sam, as he slowly got up, "I think you made a mistake destroying the forcefield!"
"One that I, Mr. Carpainter, shall rectify!" retorted Mr. Carpainter. "That pile of scrap metal thinks he's a better Messenger than me? I assure you he is not!" The four "normal" Shining ones were in a state of confusion. The confused one floated over to Sam's side.
Meanwhile, Cat was on his way to the city. He knew where a good home-improvement centre was, and they had plenty of wood, as well as orange paint, orange varnish, orange finish, and other stuff for making wood orange. However, the engines suddenly died. He looked at the controls. It just happened that the particular train he was on was out of fuel. He opened the doors and walked down. He'd have to walk the rest of the way downtown. Little did he realize a helicopter was observing him.

Author: Flutter[edit]

Just then Cat spotted a kid on a bike. He walk over to him. After telling him what happened, he asked if he could borrow the bike. The kid said no, but Cat needed to get there and fast, so he hit the kid and took the bike. "I'll bring it back later!!!" Cat shouted while he was riding off. The helicopter saw that he was going to accomplish his mission so it followed him...

Author: Raakone[edit]

The helicopter was a jet black and had a crew of two, both of them colorless. However, one of them was wearing a blue amulet. "Our target's getting away" said one of the crew.
"On a BIKE? he can't get away!" said the other, "you're such a moron, you realize that?"
"Ok boss, whatever you say!"
"I say you're a moron. I also say that we use the radio-faker device. Call the police, and ask them to monitor him without apprehending. They'll be doing our work!"
"That's genius, Boss!"
"I thought so!"
"I sense something!" thought Cat. He sensed something behind him....but he senses something else far ahead of him. As soon as he got to a grade-crossing he left the tracks for a road. He wanted to get the wood, but first he had something to get. He realized that the same weapons used by Blue to make video-game villains into their "messangers" was also accidently bringing others into the world. That's how Schala appeared. It was causing all kinds of distortion. Now this thing he was sensing was moving around him.
"There's something zooming by us!" said one of the copter troops. The other one picked up his binoculors. "Oh's...ORANGE! It's a spaceship. It looks like the...oh no....not the Axelay? Oh no, another Anomoly. The Afava'a Gate has coughed up again. We'd take care of this, but it's better armed. I sent the cops following Cat, we must go back to tell the Messengers about the Axelay spaceship entering here. Worse yet, for some reason there's a blue haired girl inside it....and she isn't dressed like a standard space pilot. We already had a blue haired girl who's being a bit of a pest at the Saphire pyramid, we don't need another!
Cat tried following the spaceship. It eventually landed, and he pedalled like he was in the Tour de France, he didn't care that the bike was a bit too small. He arrived at the Axelay. Its door opened. Out stepped a blue-haired girl in a bright white and blue gown. "Who are you?" asked Cat.
"My name is Sarah, Sarah of the Light Dragons. My brother Ryu was left to save our clan. Oh...where am I? Strange distortions happened. First I return to life. Then a man in a spaceship lands around Winlan (a/n Breath of Fire I...spaceship from Axelay) The pilot got out....but then all kinds of freakish weather appeared. I took shelter in the spaceship, and then accidently activated it, then ended up here. It's easy to fly this, but still, it's confusing. Cat filled her in on everything.
"You mean, my world, and others, are your games?" asked Sarah, confused. "And now others are trying to take over your world?"
Cat then explained what had to be done. Sarah, meanwhile, said she tested the weapons, things called "Wind Lasers", powerful red beams, something called Round Vulcans, rapid-fire plasma that is, and Macro Missiles, which were self-explanatory.
Cat was happy. Now they had some more firepower and another ally. Little did they know that the helicopter men were relaying all kinds of information to their superiors.....the Starway Cult!

Author: Golem[edit]

"You might want to change your hair color, bee tee double-you..."


"Er, nevermind. So, where was I headed?" Cat looked up to the sky, something he always did when he thought. "Oh, yes I'm five blocks from where I was, so that means now we need to hang a left, and then..." He looked to Sarah, who was still looking up in the sky for whatever Cat saw.

Then she saw what he should have been looking at. "Why is that black helicoptor sitting there?"

"Oh, it's nothing, probably from Channel 11 or something."

"Channel eleven? ...May I ask what that is?"

"Yes, um, forget it, nothing." Cat was about to move onward when he noticed the bike was too small for two adults. "Uhhhh..." he stuttered. The bike was starting to get staticcy as if it was teleporting away.

Meanwhile, the four Shining Ones were still monitoring their subjects. "It is time to awaken them," one stated.

Another thought it was not. "Mr. Carpainter isn't back yet. He wants to be here for it."

Author: Raakone[edit]

"I knew we should have flown!" commented Cat.
"I thought it would be safer if we continued on that funny two wheeled thing!" replied Sarah. Just then there was a rather bright flash of light, and then they, and the bicycle, were gone.
"This is Team Indigo!" came a voice over the radio aboard the helicopter, "Thanks for pointing them out. We used our experimental weapon on them. The fugitive and his...uh...girlfriend are now in the Saphire Pyramid, where they belong. We'll check out the parked spaceship, this Axelay. If only it was painted blue it would be perfect. We might not even need the Bluebirds anymore!"
"But we are Bluebirds!" commented the helicopter pilot.
"I suggest you see about learning to fly the Axelay then, see you later today, at Club Azure, Be there or be Orange!"
Meanwhile, at the Saphire Pyramid....
The Shining Ones in the train-shed were admiring their defeated victims. Admiring that they were defeated, actually. Al, Pieruru, Schala, Sam, and even the "traitor" Shining One were now all lying on the floor. With them was Vile.
"We shall comence now!" announced Vile.
"Wait, Mr. Carpainter went to notify True-Blue, let him return first!" said one of the Shining Ones.
"Very well, it shall be his one reward, for actually doing something right. If he were not a Messenger he would be destroyed. I tire of his incessant incompetence." Just then there was a loud whining noise, a crackle, and then a bright flash. Cat, Sarah, and the bicycle built for one appeared. "This is excellent. The Shifter works. Now then, you, Cat, are of vital importance. I recommend that you surrender. You have been caught again!"
"NEVER!" yelled Cat, as he ran towards Vile. Vile just zapped him with his forcefield-gun and trapped him.
"You will not deny us this victory, Inferior!" screamed Vile.
"Where's Zero when you need him?" asked Cat.
"Don't worry, he has zero hope!" answered Sarah, as she closed her eyes and focused. Intense lightning arced and zapped Vile. "Warning: Voltage and Amperage at unnaceptable levels, attempting to compensate, auto-repair systems non-functional, EMP damage, motors non-functional!" uttered a more robotic voice from Vile.
"That won't work with ME, witch!" shouted Mr. Carpainter as he came in. "At least that bucket of bolts captured Cat. Now then, victory is so close, I just have to deal with this new interloper. Why don't you join the Starway?"
"I don't trust you!" shouted Sarah, "You're evil!"
"I can see you won't join voluntarily. I'll just have to FORCE YOU!"
"LIGHT DRAGON SURGE!" shouted Sarah, as lightning filled her body, and then a large bolt shot out at Mr. Carpainter. There was no effect.
"That was pathetic. I'll show you real lightning!" chided Mr. Carpainter, as he charged up a blast of his own, and let Sarah have 25,000 volts of pure agony. She convulsed and then fell to the ground.
"We're not through Yet!" shouted Pieruru, as he suddenly jumped to his feet. "Fist of the Lion!" he yelled as he charged at Mr. Carpainter and knocked him out.
"Maybe you should TANGLE with someone tougher!" said Al, as his bionic arm assumed the form of a ball at the end of a long spiked chain.
"She looks like one of my race!" said Schala, "You had no right to knock her down!"
"Ok, this time I MEAN BUSSINESS!" warned Mr. Carpainter.
"SHining Ones, help me!" He snapped his fingers, and the electricity around Vile disipated. The fight was about to start.

Author: Golem[edit]

(OoC: I've been setting this up ever since "True Blue's favorite trick" was performed, but if it's too drastic, I can change it. ^_^ BTW, do you understand it? The writing's a bit tricky here.)

The others started to get mind static from Pieruru again. They confirmed themselves that he was still there by looking around when they got the chance. "Just forget about it," they told themselves, as this was not the time.

Meanwhile, the four Shining Ones were still awaiting Mr. Carpainter. Then one looked to the others. "Did you awaken him?"

"No," they all responded in turn. Mr. Carpainter wouldn't like this.

Pieruru's eyes opened. His head felt like it had something on it. He reached up and carefully slipped off a helmet with a tube in the top of it. It lead up into the wall.

The battle went on.

"Time to rock 'n' roll!" Pieruru shouted. Mr. Carpainter's own blue energy shot back at him.

At least the other three were still "asleep." The Shining Ones were not greatful for that, though. They needed Mr. Carpainter's help to put him back under right away.

Pieruru was still getting things from the others' minds. He heard things like "YEAOW!" and "Look out!" What the--?!



I'm confused. What is happening?


In my post, or overall?




Pieruru just awoke from a spellish kinda thing that some shining ones put on him an' the other three, convincing them that they were in a world that was not real. The other three are still in the dream state, and the four shining ones monitoring Pieruru an' the other three are just finding out Pieruru has awoken. Meanwhile, inside the dream, all four (with Sam an' a shining one) are battling Mr. Carpainter and Vile.


I wouldn't know how to post after that.

Author: Raakone[edit]

"ENOUGH!" yelled Vile, as he held up his arms. All of the sudden a large headless robot appeared. It was a Mech-walker known as Goliath that was piloted before by Vile. Vile jumped into it. At the end of each arm was a set of four spikes, with a gun-barrel between them.

He fired shots at Sam and the renegade Shining One, knocking them both out. Meanwhile Pieruru dashed at Vile/Goliath and jumped onto them. "STAR SLASH!" he yelled, as glowing claws appeared on his hands and he cut sliced off the arms of the Goliath. Vile just looked at Pieruru and then fired a forcefield shot that trapped him.

The others, meanwhile, were all walking around in seemingly random directions, or at least as far as they could with the various restraints attached to them, acting out what was going on in their "dream". Mr. Carpainter looked at them and chuckled. They were fighting a "false" Carpainter and Vile in the dream, but the actual movements they made looked funny to watch.

Sam slowly got up, and, feeling attached to the Shining One he messed with, tried waking her up. "The Madness ends here, NOW!"

"No!" retorted Mr. Carpainter, "You do not understand. You are no longer a mere nuissance, but a threat to the glory of True Blue, the Afava'a, and the Messengers. So tell me, how many volts in a lightning bolt?"

"I have no idea!" replied Sam. The renegade shining one was slowly getting up. "But why are you asking?"

A blue aura surrounded Mr. Carpainter. Small flashes of lightning were beginning to dance around him. "Perhaps because I'd like you to FEEL THE ANSWER?"

"NO!!!" yelled Pieruru, still trapped in the forcefield. Pieruru couldn't help but feel the irony that the original prisoner in a forcefield like this was X, the new "Blue Bomber"...that gave him an idea. He struck a pose like that of one of the many Robot Masters/Mavericks from various Megaman and X games, and focused his power. The forcefield exploded and Pieruru absorbed the power. His eyes were now glowing orange.

"Ok, I'll take on this idiot, you take on those idiots!" ordered Vile to Mr. Carpainter.

Author: Golem[edit]

Pieruru dodged a shot whose follow-through almost hit the three still under mental captivity. He had to get out of the room. The only way to lead them out without destroying some console or another that was taking care of the other three was to go out the door probably leading to Shining Ones most likely on their way.

Wait, he didn't see the other four Shining Ones that were just there.

Author: Raakone[edit]

Pieruru dashed ahead, but the four Shining Ones had caught him as he opened th door. They focused their powers and used a purple-colored mind-blast on Pieruru. A strong voice was swimming through his head. "You Are Mick Jagger, you must sing like him, to not be Mick Jagger will give you excruciating Pain!"
"Must...fight.....I see a red I want it painted bl...BLOODY WITH YOUR BLOOD!" He snapped out of his trance and double-punched two of them. He then dashed between the other two and rushed into a hallway.
A Rent-A-Cop walked out of another door and noticed something wrong. "GET HIM!" he yelled and doors up and down the hallway swung open. The crowds were mostly "Initiates" and "Volunteers", some of them grabbing whatever was nearby to use as weapons. A couple of Shining Ones were visible among them. He would be sandwiched between the mobs. He saw a single door, he lept for it and tried opening it. It wouldn't budge. Desperatly he kicked the door and it flew open. Inside the room was a table which he pushed against the door.
Meanwhile in the other room the "controlled" were still acting out their fight, while Sam and Mr. Carpainter were in a staring contest. He charged up and launched a lightning blast at Sam. He shuddered. The "renegade" Shining One was slowly getting up to her feet. Mr. Carpainter had no idea whether or not she was "thinking correctly", but it mattered little, for he was sure he was more powerful than her.

Author: Golem[edit]

Sam started to notice what Pieruru had noticed. When he had the split second, Sam told the Shining One to get the three out of their state, and to try the computer. He just hoped she was familiar with it. Mr. Carpainter's attention could be easily divided. However, this time it meant forgetting Sam for a moment. He aimed his sights for the computer.
Pieruru took a breather and leaned against his hand, which was pressed against the wall.

"Say the password," an emotionless, mechanical voice requested.

Pieruru thought a moment...

...And said "Orange!" even though he knew it wouldn't work. In less than a minute, however, he was up on top of the pyramid. *****************************
Vile finally charged the door open. He was nowhere to be seen. Obviously, the escaped one had said the password. His luck was about to run out.

In response to the voice, Vile said "True Blue."

Author: Raakone[edit]

Back in the trainshed where everyone else was....

Little did anyone realise that Sarah was slowly recovering from the thorough blasting Mr. Carpainter had given her. She focused her powers, and sent out a "calming wave". Sam, Cat, Al, Schala, Sarah, and the renegade Shining One who as of yet is still nameless all stood up and became aware. Mr. Carpainter was smiling maddly. The Shining Ones around him were beginning to tremble, because they never saw that look on him before. A blue aura so intense that it crackled formed around Mr. Carpainter.
"I shall not hold back any longer. Girls, fuse powers with me, the time for intense voltage is now! Normal people would be dead after all I've done, but these people are not normal. Blue shall triumph, it always does!"
"Well, it's been nice knowing you all!" commented Cat, "Even this Shining One here who is thankfully with us now...may I ask what your name is?"
"It is..." she was interrupted.
"BEHOLD MY POWERS!" He and the Shinning Ones were now glowing a bright blue. "You intterupted an important experiment, strange blue-haired girl, and you, renegade Shining One, NOBODY turns her back on the Starway! I shall have my respect!"

Up on top of the pyramid Pieruru had made his way into a chamber that was at the top and had skylights, letting in the outside. In this room was a strange blue glow, and an enormous blue monolith with strange designs that was glowing and spinning. The walls of the room were lined with blue stones.
"There you are!" yelled Vile, as he teleported in and noticed Pieruru. "Now I shall finish you!"
"Correction, I shall!" boomed a low voice, "You can not hold back the Afava'a, foolish man!"
"You....wherever you're responsible for my sister and my girlfriend......I know it!" yelled Pieruru.
"Whether or not that is true is irrelevant. It is time, to paint this planet BLUE!"

Author: Golem[edit]

A door that led to the pyramid's side opened. Revealed was a stout oriental-looking man wearing a pair of glasses and thinning hair, at least 40. He seemed gleeful. "Our planet is already 75% blue," said the man, concluding with a stereotypical snort. Vile ignored him for the moment, as he posed no threat. He turned to Pieruru and some shot was made from somewhere. Pieruru dodged it, the edges of it throwing him flat agianst the wall.
Another man, this one caucasian, popped his head in. He had the kind of hairdo one could almost imagine the hair gel dripping off of. His face told one that he was slightly annoyed at the moment but pumped as well (and not in a muscle man sort of way). He also donned a leather jacket to finish the character off. "That was supposed to be my cool line," the man spoke in such a way that one couldn't tell if he was dissapointed, annoyed, or just plain angry.
"We saw your space ship and followed it. Are we welcome?" the stout one said to... well, anyone who was in the room.
"Man, they aren't listening."

What do you think they did with the guy who was riding on the bike with that girl?"
The one with the gelled hairdo shrugged. "I dunno."

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Awaking from this daze on the floor, "Vile... so that's what you're calling yourself now, Bull?" Said Al defiantly.

Vile, "Insolence. Well, now you have the choice of surrendering your frineds life, or merging with me, so we may be one again.

"Gr... You have me at a disadvantage."

"I know!"

Al jumped up, and ran infront of Golem, being killed instantly.

Game Over

~~In another dimension~~

Death, "The time has come."

Big Al, "No, I have to save my friends."

"But you have no continues"

"perhaps not, but I can't abandon them."

"then you will have to fight me!"

Author: Golem[edit]

Al thought. Isn't this guy just a middle man? Does he really have any power to escape this zone?

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

"Listen, Death, buddy, you've gotta spot me this time", Said Al, as if his like depended on it, which was ture.

"I don't have a choice" relpied death.

Distraught, Al though for a moment...

"My parents told me that someday, I was going to find my purpose in life, and when I did, not to deter from it. I never knew what that was, until now, and I've gotta save my friends, and Kill, my other self. Is that suicide?"


"Then eat this!" Al searches for his robot arm, but it is nowhere to be found. "What?!"

"You're a spirit now, that arm of yours wasn't a part of you. If you fight me, you'll have to use SPECIAL ATTACKS."

"Right, Hydrochloric Burp!"

Pages in Cat Investigations
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