Cat Investigations Page 7

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Author: Golem[edit]

"I understand..." Cat shuffled his hands around in his pants pockets, then his left one emerged with a giant rubber band pen.

"What? I thought you said you hid it!" pondered Pieruru.

Cat looked at everyone. "I can't explain it,... but I just had to have it with me. Big Al," Cat said as he peered into Big Al's eyes, "take good care of this." With that Cat handed the TASTS over. "There's a manual inside, everything is clear."

"Grrr... I'm not done with you!!" Wagolem snorted as Big Al clicked the pen, turning it into a newsstand.

Big Al stepped in with Wagolem, and in a few seconds, they had disappeared. Everyone was still looking at where the TASTS was.

"My job sucks..." Cat said. "I'm going to get fired for this... missing the hours that I was supposed to be in for today, that is."

"You know," Pieruru chimed in, "we could make money from this."

"Hmm?" the others thought.

"There's a lot of stuff that doesn't hit the news. You know, weird stuff. Like this. And, well, frankly, me. I think we could provide a service for extermination of supernatural forces!"

"Now you're starting to sound like Sam," Cat warned.

Pieruru defended with "Maybe, but wouldn't it be possible?"

"If there really are so many issues that don't hit the media, we could provide a good service. Helping people is always good, and we can support ourselves if we charge them."

"But just us four?" Cat asked. "And don't you have to get back home, Pieruru? I mean... with all the stuff that went on that developed Al's world for us... and you get zilch."

Pieruru was startled at the second question. "We three will do fine... I provide the brains, Chasity the magic, and we both possess a little of both of those. You are the brawn of the operation, and Sam has the clever moves to pull it off. You two also share some of each other's shining qualities."

Author: Raakone[edit]

"Well then," began Cat, "We should approach a network, I think 21rst Century MINK would be interested,"
"I'd agree," added Pieruru, "I've seen some of the stuff they pulled. Such as Who wants to Be a Millionaire while Marrying a Princess on the Roof of a Train When Animals Attack?"
"But what about you?" asked Cat, pointing at both Pieruru and Chastity, "Pieruru's home is far away, and as for you, Chastity....where did the Shining Ones come from, anyways?"
"Well, uh..." began Chastity. Suddenly there was a loud thud.
A giant robot appeared. It was enormous, blue, and humanoid looking. It turned out to be an enormous Mech, driven by Vile.
"How's he..."
"101110 I am VILE 1100101010 Error! Master destroyed, bases destroyed, Must have revenge...1110101110 DIAGNOSTIC, ,8,1 11100 01010101 MUST DESTROY THE KNOWN UNIVERSE, MY NEW AVENGER MECH SHALL CRUSH YOU. I HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COPIED THE POWERS OF SCHALA AND SARAH. PREPARE TO DIE! DATA 255 Inversion 96799 Torque!" Sparks flew out of him.
"Man, this thing's gone nuts!" shouted Cat.
"Maybe he's bluffing!" suggested Pieruru, "Maybe he doesn't have their powers at all!"

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

~In the Zone of Despair.~

[The Council is a Group of brilliant spheres that have, since the bengining of time, corrected errors in history.]

Hoover: Very Good.

Miele: However

Kirby: you forgot

Griggs: your twin.

Big Al: It doesn't matter. He's dead now.

Regina: Is he?

The Council shows Big Al to a pool of water, showing what is happening.

Big Al: I can't let it happen! I'm going back.

Eureka: Wouldn't you like

Hoover: a way home?

A bright shaft of light poured down on Big Al.

Windsor: You have proven yourself

Kirby: to be incorruptable.

Miele: Therefore, we have given you

Eureka: the ability to transverse time.

And he was off, to stop his evil twin.

Author: Unknown (Golem?)[edit]

Pieruru turned to face Vile. Vile shot sparks in all directions. Then he fired an energy ball at Pieruru that trapped him. "THIS IS NOT OVER YET!" yelled Pieruru. He broke free from the energy hold, and then charged at Vile. He jumped a short distance off the ground, then time seemed to slow down. His sarong hung down but didn't move in the wind. There was no wind. He heard a low "woosh". Then things turned around, and he kicked the robot with a powerful kick, Matrix style. "This is for my sister!" he yelled. Then he jumped at the robot, and held his hands out. "STAR SPEAR!" he yelled, and a magical energy spear appeared, with which he impaled the robot. "And this is for my girlfriend!" "NON-FUNCTIONAL....CHECK TO SEE IF WARRANTY IS STILL VALID!" shouted Vile, as his shoulder-mounted cannon exploded.

Suddenly a bright flash of light appeared, and Al was there.

"Al", began Pieruru. Sara and Schala then appeared as well. "Al" they said.

"I have a fight," began Al, "that I must take on myself. They say you are your worst enemy....well I must fight myself. Wish me good luck!"

"GOOD LUCK!" yelled Pieruru. He reached underneath his sarong, and produced a weird charm, shaped like a cross between a shuriken and a spiral. "I saved this for special occasions. You have it, friend, and may it SAVE YOU!"

"Chasity," a familiar voice said. Soon Sam emerged from the flames.

And everything was so much better. (The mind link soon faded.)

"We rocked and rolled!"

But... the book on mysteries wasn't closed... On the outskirts of the ruins, Steve looked for Mark. He was nowhere to be found... But there was a curious blonde kneeling on his hands and knees. This guy looked as if he wore the same exact clothes as Mark...

The blonde muttered to himself, "Dangit... I'm here early."

As for those who lost their mind... they were sent to a mental facilitation company (company?). Someone funds their stay.

Time to call the Cat...

Pages in Cat Investigations
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