Cat Investigations Page 5

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Author: Raakone[edit]

"You call that a weapon?" asked the Spirit of Death, as he fired numerous orbs at Al, which he all avoided.
"Yes, and so voice!" He began singing a rather off-key version of the Beatles song that asks "What would you think if I sang out of tune?"
"'re singing off-key!" muttered Death....Ok, I summon...The Boots!" A pair of giant boots walked towards them. "These boots were made for walking, and that is what they'll do, one of these get the idea, don't you?" asked Death. Al rolled out of the way as the boots ran towards him.
"Freak Slash!" yelled Al as he did a slashing move at Death and did minimal damage.
"Fool! Boots, Walk over him, crush him!"
"Your shoelaces are untied!"
Death bent over and Al leap-frogged over him. The Boots of Death ended up walking all over Death. Bright flashes of light filled the sky of this "dimension" and weird music abounded....Al picked up a quarter on the floor and dropped it into a strange slot. Bright white lights.....
Al woke up. "Was I dead, or was it a dream?" he wondered. At least he had his robotic arm back. But Vile was still there, and so was Mr. Carpainter and the Shining Ones, who were still building up a charge, oblivious that Vile had returned to finish things off. "This can't be!" yelled Vile, "My fully charged attack has KILLED people stronger than you!" He jumped into Goliath, his Mech, and speed-dashed towards Al. "No escape, your death is at hand, I'll start with you first, you're so annoying!" Al had one idea and one idea only. If it worked, two problems would be gone. If not....the cult would be finding a use for assorted dead bodies! He got between Mr. Carpainter and Vile. "Cliché, but effective!" Just Then Mr. Carpainter stopped charging.
"Electric Nova Leveler!" shouted Mr. Carpainter, as the combined energies of him and the Shining Ones surged forward. As it was electricity, it was attracted towards Metal. Just what Vile and Goliath were made of. An enormous explosion filled the room, and pieces of metal flew everywhere.
"WHAT THE?" yelled Mr. Carpainter. He saw Sam, the renegade Shining One, Al, Cat/Golem, Schala, and Sarah were now all ready for battle and up on their feet. And he saw that he was tricked into destroying Vile.
"I'd almost want to thank you, Al, for getting rid of Vile. He was too arrogant. His ego was too big for his metallic body. And he always upstaged me. You realise how tough he is to work with? King Mole is a good Messenger, Vile is not. I'm still unsure about K'terbia the Umgah and the Atma Weapon...they're both slightly on the crazy side, but at least they aren't Vile. However, you are a threat to our organization. All of you. Especially you Al, and you, Cat. I see Pieruru isn't here. Oh well, I'll kill him later. Now, Shining Ones, give me the four pieces of Saphire!" The Shining Ones gave him pieces of a strange saphire sculpture that glowed with intensity when combined. "For the final fight is now. Maybe I'll make things interesting!"
"I honestly don't understand why Vile left here, when it looked like he had a good chance of killing you!" commented the man in the leather jacket.
"This is indeed illogical!" commented the stout man, "but then so are you, what's your name?"
"Pieruru!" replied Pieruru, "Of the Star Runner clan...oops, forgot, wrong world.
"I can see that!" said the man in the leather jacket, "You're the only one here wearing a wraparound skirt and sandals! But why did Vile leave?"
"Because I SAID SO!" boomed a voice, "you three maggots will die, die, DIE!" Several glowing blue stones hovered around the room. "I sense that Vile has been defeated. But nevermind. Soon the bodies I need will be here, and the destiny of the Afava'a will be realised. Now where were we? Yes...YOUR DEMISE!"
"Everyone we've defeated said that!" said the man in the leather jacket.
"Yeah!" added the Stout Man, "I don't care if you lack a body, you're still going down. We are Force Y. You are history!"
Two ominous what will happen? tune in next week, same bat time, same bat....never mind that....some genious here knows EXACTLY what will happen next!

Author: Golem[edit]

"Those stones..." said Pieruru. Their power was strong enough to send Cat into a trance. With True Blue in the same room, he was betting something worse was going to happen. His only option was to dash out. However, unlike most pyramids, this one's side was a great saphire color and shiningly smooth. It looked to be a long way down. With the force behind him, Pieruru was sliding down. How did the others stay up there?!
A blue essence, looking like smoke or a sand cloud, chased Pieruru down the pyramid.

Meanwhile, Force Y entered the room. Oddly, they felt nothing.

The stout man fiddled with his glasses. "These aliens have been documented before, Mark."

Mark almost asked who Mark was. "Y-yes... Yeah."

Pieruru was at the base now. Seconds later, Force Y stood on the very top of the pyramid, no roof above them.

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

With all his thoughts escaping him, Al wondered one thing, "So... I killed myotherself... is that suicide?"

"That isn't the thing you need to worry about, Al, surviving is essential, now" responded Sam.

"Qu'est-ce quil te faut?"

"Yaaaahhh!" Screamed Carpainter.

"Okay, so what did you just do?" Asked Sam.

"That's my secret French Attack!", said Al, "It may not be as cool or pleasing to the ear as, perhaps, a giant robot, or radioactive monkey, but it'll have to do."

"Yeah, but what does it mean?"

"I forget… Wait… My French dictionary is around here some where. " Al reached in his pockets, "Oh yeah. Bonjour, J'mappel Alain Michel Blanc. J'ai trente et un ans."

As he mouths off his life's story, Carpainter screams in a horrible pain.

"Unclean!" Screams Carpainter.

Author: Raakone[edit]

"He can't stand unusual languages?" asked Schala. She began saying something in her own language, but Mr. Caprainter smiled.
"Only works with F...F...the language of those people who drive Peugots and have that funny tower!" explained Mr. Carpainter.
"Ah, le mot correct est 'FRANCAIS'" uttered Al. Mr. Carpainter was beginning to shudder. Everyone was laughing, even the four Shining Ones around him.
"It's just a language!" said Sarah.
"No it's not!" said Mr. Carpainter, "Now, if you don't mind, I'll explain just WHY I can't stand that language, THEN I will get around to finishing you off!" He began explaining, "My father was a stuck up jerk from Ohio who had delusions of grandeur and a desire for power. He often claimed to have invented the Edsel, and had a paranoid fear that Bob Barker was hunting him. He also had plans for a solar-powered flashlight. He also drank and gambled frequently. My mother was a vahine from Tahiti who was beautiful but she had a slight speech impedement, she also twitched whenever she saw the K-mart logo. When I was eight they moved us all to Chicoutimi-Nord in Quebec, where my father opened a lucrative radiator store. I kept hearing French until I was sick of it. My father then forced us all to learn French. He'd tie me to one of his radiators if I made a single mistake in singing 'Alouette'. Needless to say this drove my determination to become a demented super-villain. Otherwise I would have probably gone into the radiator bussiness."
"Really," replied Al, "And I just tried a random attack. I could have just as easily done my rendition of Mambo Number Five. It worked before. Or maybe I could have done my Ricki Martin..."
"Don't even think about it!" replied Mr. Carpainter, "An I may have lied about my past for all you know. But you won't live long enough to attack. My Shining Ones will take you on. Despite being outnumbered they are superior. Oh, and the French Language won't work on them. Not to mention these ones have a different reaction when they see orange, instead of flight it is fight, understand?" "I understand you are a jerk!" replied Sam, "Now just hurry up and be defeated, I'm going to ask this SHining One with me out on a date, I still need to know her name!" The renegade shining one hugged him.
"THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!" yelled Mr. Carpatiner.
"No, it's called a hug. And now, I think we should start fighting!"
"Your funeral!" laughed Mr. Carpainter.
Pieruru was running along a railroad track being chased by the strange entity. He saw a closed gate ahead, and there was electrified fence on either side.
"It ends now, boy!" uttered the entity, "Blue will win, blue always wins. Give up now!"
"Never!" replied Pieruru. He focused his powers and then planted his feet onto the gate, which itself was not electrified. He dashed up the gate as though it were level ground. But he forgot about the spikes at the top. HE got down on the other side, but not without cuts, scratches, and a couple of small tears in his sarong, although thankfully none in any embarassing locations. He landed on his feet on the otherside. He heard the whine of motors, which meant the door was being opened. He had to hurry, or else...

Author: Golem[edit]

...A huge area lay before him. There were two other pyramids, each aligned with the other two to make an equilateral triangle. No activity lay outside the other pyramids' gates at all.

Pieruru just kept running just to gain distance from the pyramid. He noted that the other pyramids' gates were opening. Their tops were gone, too. Without getting a chance to look behind him at the blue essence, Pieruru--in the center of the three pyramids--was trapped in a room like the top of the building he just escaped from, only three times larger.

True Blue began to take shape as a solid being.

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

"That monster will pay for each and everyone of my friends and superiors he killed! Erne, Bleu Blur, Mom, Dad, he took them all to their deaths, and after I avenge them, I must find a way to resurect them!" I thought to myself.



*****Hi htere....I noticed mentions of the "I".....who is the "I" in this case? I'd like to know! The sudden shift to 1rst person is confusing!


He's referring to "Al." ^_^


Ok, thank you! ~Ra'akone


Yeah, I went to edit it when I got royally screwed by Bellsouth.

Author: Raakone[edit]

Al rushed towards Mr. Carpainter and activated his bionic arm. Pieces of shrapnel (far sharper than bullets) were sprayed at him. However, after taking a few hits Mr. Carpainter ducked behind a Shining One. Al could have taken them on, but he didn't care about the Shining Ones. He only wanted Mr. CarPainter. The end of his arm turned into a drill and he lunged towards Mr. Carpainter. The well dressed villain smirked as a forcefield stopped Al. Mr. Carpainter and the Shining Ones then jumped into a hidden hatch in the ground that opened them. It closed behind them, and Al couldn't get it open. "Cripes!"
"Remember you are still sealed!" warned Mr. Carpainter over the intercom, "All the doors are closed, only a Shining One or someone superior...oops, never mind that, ignore what I just are doomed!"
"A Shining One?" asked Cat, with a smile on his face. "Say, Sam, that new girlfriend of yours, what is she?"
The Renegade Shining One dashed towards something that was virtually ignored during the many fights. A single Bull-Liner car. As it was a self-propelled railcar, there was no need for a locomotive. The Shining One just looked at it and the doors opened and the staircases lowered. Everyone hopped aboard.
"Say, what is your name?" asked Car to the Shining One.
"Well, my name is..." She was interrupted by the sound of clanging metal. "Quickly, we have to leave!" She and Sam rushed to the front and started it, while the rail-door opened. Al got to the back and opened the back door, which had a fence, ensuring no one would fall out.
"Anyone here looking for trouble?" asked Al, as an arm-cannon in his arm activated, "you just found it!" The RDC (short name of that kind of rail car...nicknamed a "Bull-Liner" by the cult...since there's just one, you can't call it a train) sped through the passageway that was lit with blue spotlights. A loud clanking was heard behind. Then it became apparent. A mech with a pair of legs, a large white face, and a pair of arms with lobster claws at their ends. Seated in this machine was what appeared to be a person, except that it had a face that looked like it was made of clay, and he was dressed like a Samurai.
"Marzen 64" thought Al, remembering the guy and his robot from a certain game. However, one thing he didn't notice before, and it was there now, was directly behind the Samurai pilot was Mr. Carpainter, with a scowl on his face. "Faster, Marzen, Faster!" barked Mr. CarPainter.
"Sir, I'm going as fast as I can, we're gaining on them..."
"That's not fast enough!" complained the irritated Messenger.
"Chew on this!" yelled Al, as he began firing shots from his gun. They did little if any damage. Most of the shots seemed to just deflect off.
"Marzen, Retaliate!"
"Sir yes sir!" The robot launched numerous balls with attached 'copter blades from the "mouth." Al was occupied intercepting those. "Magnetic Charge!" yelled Al, as his arm glowed, and a couple of 'Copter Bombs were pulled to it. He then reversed the polarity and shot the bombs back at the Mech, which then jumped as the explosions shook it. It still kept running.
"So, you wanna play hardball? That's fine with me. Schala, Sara, Sam, the Shining Traitor, Al, and Cat, your end is near, very near, that rail car shall be your coffin!" Carpainter smiled. The tunnel was starting to turn to the right, and then passed a switch. One tunnel was going upwards towards light. It wasn't the one the rail-vehicle was on, however. It was now on a downward track with the Mech in pursuit. "Marzen, charge the Saphire Faualo Beam!"
"Yes Sir!"
If the rail passengers were in dire straits, Pieruru was in straits that were even more dire. Sand and block was sucked up from the ground and formed into a large being that turned Saphire. It was controlled by the Entity.
"You are a very good warrior, Pieruru, so is your entire clan. I must confess, yes, it was the will of I, Lord of the Blue, that your sisters and girlfriend were claimed!"
"Pig, what did you do to them?" demanded Pieruru.
"Why should I tell you? The main reason I told you this much was to get you in a rage, so your judgement would be clouded. Why be sure I can win, when I can be extra sure?" The being waled around. It approached a pair of train tracks, and stood with one foot on either one, right between the rails. "Star-child, you are inferior. I suggest you take off that sarong, tie it around your neck, and attach it to something high off the ground. That would be a more pleasant method of death than what I have in store for you!" "Never.....STAR Lion SLASH!" yelled Pieruru, As several glowing "Claws" flew through the air and slashed the being.
"That actually hurt, you twit!" replied the being. "It's been so long since anyone was actually able to hurt me. So, I shall have a more interesting battle. But I still shall win!"
So what shall happen to them all? Future events will affect their future!

Author: Golem[edit]

"Can't this thing go any faster?!" yelled Cat, the whites of his eyes comparable to dinner plates.

The Renagade Shining One turned away as she thought. When she turned around, she held out her hands. "Focus your party energy!" she shouted over the loud clanging behind them and closing her eyes. She just hoped that the factors were all right in order to pull this off.

"Whuh?" Everyone was confused but Cat, who was now wondering about what she knew about this.

"Just join hands with me and do it," commanded the Renegade Shining One, whose voice seemed to be a whisper over the metal clangs.

They all joined hands in a circle, their eyes closed. They could feel that they were going faster, but a few seconds later, they slowed down, slower than they were before.

The sickeningly blue beam was coming at them for what seemed an eternity. "Been nice knowin' ya...!" Al said over the mind link. Everyone kept their concentration, however, as they felt the RDC fall apart in front of them.

Pieruru edged back as the Entity's block man advanced. A giant blue beam shot up in front of both of them, barely missing Pieruru and the block man. He tried to step in it, but the beam dissappated before he could.

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

"Cat..." Said Al.

"What is it? It'd better be important!" responded Cat.

"I need to give you something that will help you on your way."

"Can it wait?"

"No, I want you to have this." Al handed the starman consealed on his... um... person to Cat.

Author: Golem[edit]

Cat remembered.

Around the time of his death, Nintenfreak Senior had presented Golem--in a dream--with what seemed a pen under a mess of rubber bands. "It's yours, Golem." Nintenfreak wore a smile. When he regained conciousness, the pen was there.
He also recalled that in this way, Nintenfreak Sr. was the only friend to stick with him. Although he didn't know "NintF" long enough to become great friends, he always seemed to feel warmth like "NintF" had in the pen. This also opened up entire new worlds, litterally, and had changed Golem into what he was now--

"You gonna help or what?!" Al called back to Cat.

Cat "woke up," the starman in his hand. He felt the same warmth. Did this mean...?

Cat got ready.

Author: Raakone[edit]

Lights cleared and the group that was aboard a Bull-Liner were now in a tunnel near the entrance. The pursuing mech had now stopped.
"I'll handle this!" Yelled Mr. Carpainter. "Cat, you're about to lose all nine lives!" A blue aura surrounded him. "Remember, those rails are made of metal. Metal conducts electricity. All of you are finished!" A force built up, which he threw down at the tracks. Cat yelled "SUPRISE" while brandishing the Starman, and then a bright flash of light flashed on him, and then he was glowing all colors of the rainbow while surrounded by tiny white stars. The electric attack travelled harmlessly through and around Cat and then dissipated into the ground, without reaching anyone else.
"Is that all you got?"
"Marzen, retreat, retreat!" ordered Mr. Carpainter. The funny mech swung around, its claws scratching the walls of the tunnel and knocking off rocks, and then it ran away from Cat at full speed. Cat just smiled as he began pursuing them. "Faster, Faster!" "This is the fastest I can go sir, and this isn't the best surface---"
"Shut up and run, Marzen!" The Mech released a few bombs behind it, but these merely gave a gentle backwards push to Cat, they couldn't do much in his state. Mr. Carpainter pulled out a communicator and pressed some buttons.
"Close Railgate 5 upon passing, repeat, 5 upon passing, close!"
Cat was gaining on the Mech, when suddenly metal beams shot across from the wall, blocking him. He was able to smash his way through them, but by then a stronger wall had appeared on the other side. Worse, the effects of the Starman were wearing off.
"You ok Cat?" asked Sarah's voice. Cat turned around and saw her.
"Why did you follow me?"
"I wanted to see that you were ok.."
"Well I used a Starman, so I couldn't have been...sorry, forgot, you're from another world, don't know what a Starman is!" "Well, I haven't known you long, but...I can see something special in you!" said the long blue-haired girl. "Anyways, we should leave this tunnel. I'm sure you'll have your chance to stop him soon!"
Outside, Pieruru was jumping and running as the Entity kept firing all manner of projectiles at him.
"You are no match for Blue, no match at all, stop moving and save yourself the pain!"
"I've had enough pain from you!" fumed Pieruru.

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

[EDIT: Sorry, I'm not very good at reading comprehension.]

"I'm about to do something... I haven't done in a long time!" Said Al. Suddenly, he got fatter, and fatter, then all his hair turned green! His nose grew long, and ears moved up to the top of his head. As soon as his nails became claws, he was a bear, Big Bear.

Author: Raakone[edit]

I thought Carpainter got away.....please explain how Al found him!

Author: Golem[edit]

OoC: Continuing others 'till you clear the Carpainter stuff up...

Mark looked to the stout man while holding a black Game Boy sized device in his hand. "Hey Steve."

"Yeah?" the other replied.

"Think you can start a fire?" Mark punched something or other into his device.


"We need some way to destroy this area before the 'aliens' can be called upon." He looked at the screen of his device with dismay, not turning away from it.

"But couldn't they be friendly?"

"I've done my homework this time." Mark really hadn't. However, Golem had said it all when he was riding on that bike.

"Very well, Mark. You're the only guy I'd follow with that order, what with its massive destruction... I'm on it." Steve knew Mark had a mysterious way... As mysterious as the extra terrestrials themselves.

Author: Raakone[edit]

OoC: thanks for the edit/clarification, Nintenfreak
Al/Big-Bear ran and nearly bumped into Cat and Sarah. "Save some action for me!"
Sarah then informed Big Bear what happened.
"If I don't rip appart something soon, I'll go nuts! I need some good old fashioned destructive action!" The big freak slashed part of the track on the floor and then tore up a piece of the metal, the spikes holding it in place giving way quite easily. Just then rumbling could be heard.
"Your action, I believe, is at the end of this tunnel!" suggested Cat. Bear grunted a thanks and then rushed off with inhuman speed. "Cat, I have something to tell you..." began Sarah.
"I think it's time for us to join the fight!" interupted Cat, as more shaking was felt. They rushed to the end of the tunnel. There, everyone was gathered, watching the mayhem that was going on outside.
There were two things....there was Pieruru vs. The Entity.....and then.....there was Force Y.
"Those men give me the creeps!" said Schala, pointing to Force Y.
"I agree," said the Renegade Shining One, who was of yet still un-named, "I sense that there is a possible three way conflict ahead!"
"Are you Shining Ones all this psychic?" asked Sam, "or is it just I'm lucky in my choice of girlfriends?"
"We all are!"
"Oh, and I thought I was special!"
"Ok, whatever, it's time to smash heads and eat pizza!" roared The Big Bear, "And we're all out of pizza!"

Author: Golem[edit]

Everyone was betting that not even Carpainter and his giant robot could stand up to The Big Bear. The Big Bear tore through the metal beams in no time, but another was in front of that one. The Big Bear could crush them, but probably not fast enough. Marzen could have gotten off the grounds by now.

Pages in Cat Investigations
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