Cat Investigations Page 6

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Pages in Cat Investigations
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Author: Raakone[edit]

At the mouth of the tunnel Cat was flabbergasted that Big Bear was that intent on stopping Mr. Carpainter. He could only shrug, and prepare to attack. He was watching Pieruru fighting the Blue-Menace.
Cat knew just what to do. He psychicly told his plan to Schala and Sarah, for he would need their help.
"Ok, we should get the explosives ready!" told Mark to his partner.
Big Bear, meanwhile, was upset that he lost his target. He turned around and began running towards the outside. Suddenly the ground shook and the King Mole, in a blue robe and shogun-helmet, appeared, carrying a sledgehammer.
"No, you won't help your friends today!"
"OUT OF MY WAY!" shouted Big Bear! He picked up the offending mole and tossed him asside. The mole then burrowed underground. "Pushover!" Bear began ranning. Suddenly the Mole surfaced under him and threw him against the ceiling, with surprising strength.
"You're too powerful, I can't let you stop Blue!"

Author: Golem[edit]

"Okay, now we get everyone out of the pyramids, right?" asked Steve.

Mark was still working on that part.

Author: Raakone[edit]

Big Bear was in a nasty fight with Mole King. He didn't quite understand it, he seemed too powerful. The Mole King suddenly zapped Big Bear with a powerful yellow lightning blast.
"Taste my Rotor Claw!" yelled Big Bear, as he did a twisting claw attack that severely scratched the King.

"This can't be!" yelled the Mole, "I have better weapons!" The Big Bear said nothing, picked him up, and performed an inverted Piledriver on him. As soon as he recovered he dug his way out. The whole collapsed, meaning Bear could not pursue.

The Big Bear was more upset now. He wanted someone to just stay and fight. He rushed out of the pyramid, and saw a battle unfolding.

Author: Golem[edit]

As the stone soldier with the Entity as its soul saw more enemies arrive, he yelled something in a foreign language. The mindless, led by the Shining Ones, emerged from the pyramids slowly.

Mark was watching from above. "Get down there, now, Steve. Oh," he added, "and wear this." Mark gave Steve a device with headphones and a speaker that fit over one's head. It had a cord that dangled down to a little black box that attached to one's belt loops. Mark took out one for himself.

Steve received his set. "Right. I expect you'll tell me when to start the fire?"

"Yes, yes, of course."

Author: Raakone[edit]

"We have a problem!" yelled Cat!
"Tell us something we don't know!' snapped back Sarah, as she nearly missed being blown up by a grenade thrown by a rather insane cultist.
Sam and his new "girlfriend" were also in the fray. "We have to help Pieruru!"
"I can help!" suggested the Shining One Currently Known As Sam's Girlfriend. She probed into the minds of Cat, Schala, Sarah and Sam. "We will fight blue!" Faint beams of light bounced between their heads. "Harmonized Big Bang Blast!" She yelled, as a large orb of energy formed in the hands of the Shining One, and raced towards True Blue.
***************************************** "It's SHOWTIME!" yelled Steve, as he slammed the detonator button. A low boon reverberated through the battle field.

Author: Golem[edit]

"Huh?" the Shining One said, losing concentration and glad she was not attacking.

"What was that?!" Cat asked in confusion.

Sam directed the group to the giant statue of rocks, which had just collapsed. The blue spirit was still in the rocks, but was not holding it together.

The Shining One explained that it must have lost concentration. This might be their only time to get a good hit in.

As they were preparing to attack, Pieruru called their attention to a giant fire surrounding the area.

"We'd better get out of here soon!" Pieruru said. The fire was unusually quick to spread.

Sam looked to his girlfriend. "Can you get these people out?"

"I sure hope so," she replied, knowing he meant the mind slaves.

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Using his Bear like instincts, Big Bear followed a scent on the ground, and found his way to Cat. The thing is, it wasn't Cat's scent he was tracking, but rather Carpainters.

"What is it?" Cat asked.

Big Bear walked around in a circular pattern, because he was confused. He had lost the scent during the battle with the now deceased King Mole, But he was sure that the scent was Carpainter's. So he did the only thing he could do: he back tracked, until he found a second scent. This time, he was sure it was Carpainter. Not because he was seen (Carpainter was in hiding), but because he was in a different area. and this time, the scent was a bit stronger than the scent he smell near Cat.

Big Bear could hardly vocalize two words, "FIGHT…ME!"

"So, you've found me. I'm suprised. But I know you won't harm me." said the villian in the shadows.

"WA…GOLEM", The Bear stammered in rage.

"You're a smart boy," said Carpainter, "I suppose you'll want a cookie for a reward. I'm afraid that we're fresh out of that. All we have left is untimely death."

Wagolem, or Carpainter as he called himself, lunged out of the shadows and around the neck on Big Bear. Since he was on the back of the Bear, he could not be reached, but he forgot one thing... Big Bear turned his right arm into three metallic tentacles that pulled Wagolem off of his back, and bount him in place. Big Bear turned back into Big Al, and pulled Wagolem closer to him, and rippedhis Carpainter costume off of the dubious villian.

"Why?" Asked Big Al.

"Isn't it obvious? Big Bull promised Fluutar and myself power if we helped him. He may be gone now, but I'll still be successful.

"Where is Fluutar?"

"If you look for him on Earth, you won't find him. He's still taking care of business back home."

"In that case, you're coming with me!"

By the time he had said that, Wagolem was out of the tentacles and out the door.

"Not today!"

Author: Golem[edit]

Using his Bear like instincts, Big Bear followed a scent on the ground, and found his way to Cat. The thing is, it wasn't Cat's scent he was tracking, but rather Carpainters.

"What is it?" Cat asked.

Big Bear walked around in a circular pattern, because he was confused. He had lost the scent during the battle with the now deceased King Mole, But he was sure that the scent was Carpainter's. So he did the only thing he could do: he back tracked, until he found a second scent. This time, he was sure it was Carpainter. Not because he was seen (Carpainter was in hiding), but because he was in a different area. and this time, the scent was a bit stronger than the scent he smell near Cat.

Big Bear could hardly vocalize two words, "FIGHT…ME!"

"So, you've found me. I'm suprised. But I know you won't harm me." said the villian in the shadows.

"WA…GOLEM", The Bear stammered in rage.

"You're a smart boy," said Carpainter, "I suppose you'll want a cookie for a reward. I'm afraid that we're fresh out of that. All we have left is untimely death."

Wagolem, or Carpainter as he called himself, lunged out of the shadows and around the neck on Big Bear. Since he was on the back of the Bear, he could not be reached, but he forgot one thing... Big Bear turned his right arm into three metallic tentacles that pulled Wagolem off of his back, and bount him in place. Big Bear turned back into Big Al, and pulled Wagolem closer to him, and rippedhis Carpainter costume off of the dubious villian.

"Why?" Asked Big Al.

"Isn't it obvious? Big Bull promised Fluutar and myself power if we helped him. He may be gone now, but I'll still be successful.

"Where is Fluutar?"

"If you look for him on Earth, you won't find him. He's still taking care of business back home."

"In that case, you're coming with me!"

By the time he had said that, Wagolem was out of the tentacles and out the door.

"Not today!"

Author: Flutter[edit]

"Listen," said Sam,"I want you to take these people and get out of here."

"What about you?" the Shining One asks.

"I have some unfinished buisness. Before I go, what's your name?"


"Heh. A lovely name for a lovely girl. Take care."

"Please, come back alive." And with that she teleported herself and the other people away.

"Hmph... Time to get to work," he said as he started running towards the pyramid.

After awhile Sam came to a dead end.

"Crap, I have to get that breifcase." He ran back through the dark and silent halls of the pyramid. He found the elevator, pushed the button and got in. Three "dings" later the elevator stopped suddenly. 'That only could mean one thing,' Sam thought as he tried hide himself in the elevator.

When the door opened, three shinging ones got on and rode it up 4 more floors. On the way they started to have a conversation...

"Why would anyone try to break into the treasury?"

"It's not like they could get in anyhow."

"Listen we have our orders."

When the elevator came to a stop they got out and went down a hallway, with Sam soon after. 'It's going to be harder to get that briefcase that I originally planned,' thought Sam.

Author: Golem[edit]

The Shining Ones, too busy to notice Sam had pulled himself into a tight ball on the floor of the elevator and slowly followed them out, made their way to the treasury. There was a large door at the end of a seemingly endless hall, or at least it's seemingly endless when you're following three Shining Ones who could notice you any second. In any case, when they came to the end, there was a dark blue orb to the right of the door. The leading Shining One waved his hand over the orb and it lit up a brilliant bright blue for a second, after which the doors opened towards the Shining Ones. Sam peered in. Lo and behold, there was his briefcase...! To the further confoundment of Sam, nothing else was in the huge room.

Two of the Shining Ones walked up to panels with numbers on them on the side of each door that was showing. Sam had to keep them from finishing, so he threw some marbles that he had in his pocket at the panels just before he slid into the room.

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

~Where ever Big al and Wagolem are~

Big Al: Hold it right there!

Wagolem: Or what?

Big Al: It's a rehtorical statement. You aren't supposed to respond.

Wagolem: Well, it's a bit late for that.

Big Al: That's isn't the point. the thing is, you did it.

Wagolem: I wont let you take me alive! *jumps off of dam*

Big Al: There is no dam there.

Wagolem: Well, that explains why i'm only on the floor in pain.

Big Al: Right, then. *handcuffs Wagolem* You'll pay for your crimes against humanity. Now, you'll answer my questions...

Author: Golem[edit]

Meanwhile, Steve was using a telephone booth a couple blocks away to call the fire department. He had asked Mark if the police would catch them, but Mark assured Steve that the police wouldn't know a thing about what happened. Mark was waiting outside the telephone booth.

"I've got your back, Golem..."

Outside of the compound, Cat, Pieruru, Chasity, and the mass were waiting. "C'mon, guys!" Cat said to himself. Big Al and Sam were still through that bar of smoke and fire spread farther by the moment. "I just feel so useless! Can't we do anything?!"

Chasity had an idea. "Well, we can at least get the people to wake up..."

"That's right!" Pieruru said with a bit of an oncoming smile. It just got his mind off of the others.

"So, what do we do?" questioned Cat.

"Not really sure... Hmmm... Oh, I know!" Chasity replied. She looked in one's eyes and put her hands on his cheeks. Her hands glowed and so did his eyes. A minute later, she stopped. "That should do it!"

They waited. Nothing.

Chasity was starting to worry. "Hmm... That should have worked."

"Well, try again! Pieruru and I will try the others.

Chasity did it again. Nothing happened. She went to another person... who showed no progress. Hundreds of attempts later, nothing had happened.

"You don't mean..." whispered Cat.

She nodded solemnly.

Author: Nintenfreak (?)[edit]

"Cat," Chasity says, "I'm begging you, help Sam get out alive."

"But how am I even suppose to find them, let alone get in there?" remarks Cat.

"If there's one person alive today that could do this task, it's you cat."

"Okay. I'll do it."

Author: Golem[edit]

You coming?" Cat said as he looked to Pieruru.

"Mmm, sorry, but I'm drained right now..." he said slowly as he rubbed his forehead.

"Okay, okay..." Cat said to himself. "Where...?" He looked around. Straight in front of him, past the former battlefield, was the main pyramid. He bolted for it as fast as he could. As he strayed from the front gates, he could feel the heat closing in on him. Cat went straight through the front door, left open. "Now, where would he be?!"

Wait. He knew Sam. A sly smile spread across Cat's face.

He dashed to the elevator and hopped in when the doors opened. When it closed, Cat used his brilliant idea. "I hate blue." He was forgetting one thing in all this, though.

You don't ever use an elevator when there's fire closing in on you.

Author: Raakone[edit]

The elevator suddenly stopped and the doors flew open. An alarm went off, with blue lights flashing.
"Due to the fire, all elevator service is suspended!" announced the voice. Just great, he'd have to go the rest of the way on foot. Suddenly he was approached by a man who looked tough. He dressed like a Russian soldier, but in blue, and he carried a pair of guns.
"I am Volkov, the Super-Soldier. You aren't going anywhere!" he announced. "I can stand intense heat, you cannot!"

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Earlier Big Al ran off to find Cat, with Wagolem in tow.

When Big Al found Cat, he realized that he is being attacked by Volkov.

Big Al: What are you doing?

Cat: Oh, we're just hanging around, quite literally.

A bit of the elevator's cable gave way.

Wagolem: Volkov! I order you to shoot this man, and rescue me.

Volkov: Aye, Captain.

Big Al tosses Wagolem at Volkov, and knock them down. Using this time wisely, the occupants of the elevator use his time to escape the burning elevator.

Wagolem: What are you waiting for? After them.

Author: Golem[edit]

"The stairwell is this way," said Al.

"We have to go up!" replied Cat.


"We need to find Sam! Not only for Sam himself but for Chasity, too!"

"Makes sense that he'd run off..."

While deciding the course of action to take near the stairwell, Volkov caught up. He wound up a punch and lunged at Big Al, whose back was facing Volkov. However, Cat saw Volkov from his eye's corner and shoved Al down to the floor. Volkov instead tripped on Big Al's back.

"I guess now we're even," said Cat.

"No matter," was the reply. "To Sam!"

Then a huge explosion erupted from somewhere above. Cat started into the stairwell, but noticed Al was not accompanying him.

"Well?!" demanded Cat.

"Hold back, they've found Sam!"

Cat looked to Big Al, who was leaning out of a large hole in the wall. The Russian super-soldier was gone...

Big Al turned his attention to the sky and said: "Think quick, Cat. Sam's got a suitcase. Oh, yeah, he's flying out of the top floor of the building followed by a blast from a large blue-tinted beam."

Author: Flutter[edit]

"Quickly, Big Al! We've got to catch him!" shouts Cat.

"We can't," responds Big Al.

"I know that I've let Chasity down, but what hurts me the most is that I'm helpless to save Sam. And it's not just that it's Sam, it's that it's a life. Why can't I do anything?!" And with that said Cat emitted a strange aura...

In a secret base far away...

"Sir, something's on our monitors. It's being emitted to where Sam is suppose to be."

"What?! He may be in danger. Tell him to pull back."

"Will do sir... He's not responding."

"He must be in trouble, send a rescue team and tell the other operative to rescue him.

Back with Sam...

Cat let's out a roar as his muscle tense up, then he makes a run towards Sam.

Big Al shouts out, "You're not going to make it."

But Cat doesn't listen, as he continues his run across the side of the building.

"Is this all my life amounts to?" asks Sam. "What's that? Is that Cat? It is. But how could he be running across the side of a building?" Right before Cat could grab him a swish of light grabs him and both Sam and the swish crash through the Window, leaving Cat to fall down.


The swish reveals himself to be a person, the other operative.

"What do you want?" shouts Sam.

"Don't forget your mission."

"It's taken care of, I have the suitcase."

"You were about to die."

"My friends would have saved me."

"Fool!" He disappears and Sam flys backwards. He then reappers. "You don't need friends. You aren't suppose to have friends. They are not to be trusted." After saying this Cat flies into the room...

Author: Golem[edit]

Cat was panting heavily, staring straight at the Shining Ones in the vault. "Alright... I just have to..." Big Al was down below, shouting at Cat about something--

But then the building creaked. And shifted. It slowly started to tip in the direction Cat was facing. Cat, very alarmed, made a run for the wall, which was nearing becoming the ceiling. He grabbed on and hauled himself outside. The Shining Ones were too far away to have reached the wall...

Cat charged down the building as fast as he could. All of his friends were at the bottom. It was going to be a happy ending.

At the base he leaped off and kept running, and as the building met with the ground, he was running from a dust cloud. A little more than several ten yards away, he stopped and watched from a distance.

"Yep... we did it!" Cat said. He had a giant smile on his face.

Then Chasity spoke. "You have used your party energy, though."

"...What?" Cat said, half alarmed.

She explained. "Today, when we were invincible on the train... that was us using our party energy. But you, having enough party energy for three forms, had not used all of it up. You used it up trying to save Sam." She would have thrown Sam a warm smile if he were there. She continued, "But you only get your party energy rejuvenated every five-hundred years. You have none left for future events..."

"So THAT'S what happened!" exclaimed Pieruru.

"What do you mean, three forms?" Cat asked.

"You know what I mean," Chasity replied, leaving Cat to think a bit.

Big Al was over with the crowd. "Hey... these guys are lifeless. Shouldn't the spell have been lifted?"

The entire compound was up in flames, nothing was left.

Chasity again stepped in to explain. "They cannot be jolted from their places... they need to be properly moved."

Everyone went "Huh?"

She blinked and said, "There's a procedure that needs to be done. Destruction of the buildings and Shining Ones, their surroundings, leaves their minds, lacking the resources for the procedure, empty."

"How horrible!" Pieruru shouted. "Isn't there anything we can do?!"

"I'm afraid not..."

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Wagolem: This isn't over!

Wagolem tries to make an escape from the scene.... but he is spotted.

Big Al: Not so fast!

Big Al lunges at Wagolem, almost crushing him.

Big Al: By the power invested in me by the Council, you are under arrest.

Big Al handcuffs Wagolem, and walks over to Cat.

Big Al: I have my prey. Now I must leave.

Cat: Leave? But why?

Big Al: For you, the story is ending, but for me it's the beginning. Cereus is in ruin. I must return and undo the evil these...opposites have unleased upon us.

Pieruru: But what if we need you?

Big Al: You can keep in touch with the internet. Now that Fluttersoft has made interdimensional communication fast and efficient.

Everyone is still unsettled by how close they've grown to each other, and now one of them is leaving? It's really hard on them.

Big Al: Believe me... It isn't my decision to leave, it's a must. I want to go back home. I want to see my Daughter again. I want to open up my Museum for the first time in months.

Cat: How are you going to get home? You'd need a warp gate of some kind!

Big Al: Let me use your TASTS.

Cat: Never. I hid it for a reason.

Big Al: Innocent people have died. If I hurry, I can fix it. Now, if you please.

Pages in Cat Investigations
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