Halloween Haunter 3 Page 1

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Pages in the Holiday Goers: Halloween Haunter Archive
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Narrator: Golem and Rhyk are in a costume store.

Golem: I can't believe you're trick or treating. You're a robot!

Rhyk: Robot or not, I'm still ten.
Now, should I be Zapdos or Tenchi?

Sgt. Flutter[edit]

Flutter: I'll take Tenchi.

Rhyk: How did you do that?

Flutter: Do what?

Golem: Pop up like that.

Flutter: Oh that I had to do something on Halloween. There had to be a full moon, you have to go to mystery cave, make a circle of ashes, and chant these words: Eiki eki pandoo zowery!

Rhyk: Cool you can have the Tenchi Costum.

Flutter *takes the costume, pays for it, and leaves the store* Kids, they'll believe anything.


Dude appears infront of Golem and Ryhk.

Dude: Wassssssup?

Golem:Trick or treating.SO what what are you gonna be?

Dude:...Well actully im going to be Golem.

Rhyk and Golem:what the heck?!

Dude:the pokemon..

Rhyk:I knew that..


At an ice cream shop across the street from the costume store...

MagiKoopa: With this device I won on eBay, I can bring any Pokémon I've captured on the Game Boy game to life! They'll be to scale, with experience and attacks intact.

Meowth: If you need that doohickey to bring Pokémon to life, then what am I doing here?

MagiKoopa: One of the many mysteries of the Ongoing Story Board.

Meowth: You mean, like how Sapphire stole your flying sub, and everyone uses your "Censor Man" character freely without giving you any credit?

MagiKoopa: exactly. and don't forget I'm indirectly responsible for the widely popular Ryoko-Sapphire.

Meowth: Wow. You never vent like this normally.

MagiKoopa: This peppermint ice cream is like a truth serum. I can't lie to its deliciousness! that, and Bomberman isn't here.

Meowth: Something about racing some Max guy to rescue some creatures and something about Future Star.

MagiKoopa: Well, we've probably bored the heck out of these readers just sitting here and talking. Time to show off the machine!

MagiKoopa plugs his Game Boy Color into the device (which looks like a cross between a laptop, a scanner, a printer, and a Transfer Pak) and activates it. A few minutes later...


the smoke clears from inside the shop.

MagiKoopa: BEHOLD! My Haunter is born!

Oddball Mario[edit]

While Golem and Rhyk are looking at costumes, they bump into Oddball who seems to have appeared just like everyone else.

Golem: Hey Oddball! Whacta doin' here?

Oddball: nothing, I'm just here to make the story go on.

Golem: oh.....so your not here to look at costumes?

Oddball: nope, in fact, when my purpose here is said, the camera will pan away, and I just "magically" disappear.

Golem: oh...

Rhyk: so.... what is your purpose here?

Oddball: mostly just to tell U that their some guy across the street, in that ice cream shop, that has a machine that can bring Pokémon to life.

Rhyk: Why?

Oddball: don't look at me. My part is done here.

Rhyk: hmmm.... why would a person make a machine like that? I thought there was already a Meowth.

Golem: maybe that guy made it so that he can have more friends?

Rhyk: Should we look into this?

Golem: *shrugs*

~camera pans away and Oddball "magically" disappears from where he used to be~

Golem: I guess he wasn't kidding...

Rhyk: guess not....

Digital Mario[edit]

In the icecream shop.............

Digital Mario: Master why did u make this pokemon machine.........

master -nick of ndm:i don't know.....prehaps Ishould destroy it after coming back from trick-or-treating, digital I'm going stay on guard

Digital: Yesh master


Golem: Well... as long as I don't hafta accompany you, I think I'll go to the SMBHQ Main Park. They say there's gonna be a new "Ball" dance.

Rhyk: No! I've learned that I must always have a chaparone when Trick-or-Treating.

Golem: Where did you get that?

Rhyk: Educational software. ;)


Magikoopa: Hey, I want another triple scoop of peppermint!

The icecream man turns around and it's . . .

Magikoopa: Vorpal!

Censorman comes and stands next to Vorpal

CM: So should I kick this idiot out?

Vorpal nods.

Magikoopa: Hey, wait! You can't! I'm your master! You're my creation! The created cannot disobey the creator!

Vorpal: Good, now that he's gone I can actually get some work done around here!


MagiKoopa: rrrrgh... [begins shaking]

Meowth: Calm down, Koopa! Just because you were mistakenly hired as a hitman once--

MagiKoopa: I enjoyed it! almost as much as I enjoy getting back at smarta** characters that I CREATED!!!! [points wand at the ice cream shop]

Let's check in on Golem and co.

Golem: A chaparone? Couldn't that guy do it? [points to a guy]

That Guy: My middle name happens to be Chaperone!

Rhyk: Hey, that's not a bad idea. Do you have candy?


That Guy: I say, what the bloody heck was that?

Golem: Look!

Golem, Rhyk, and That Guy look out the window to see a smoldering crater across the street. in front of it are two charred bodies.

[to end the huge conflict with Vorpal, let's say he escaped.]

MagiKoopa: Look! It's us!!

Meowth and MagiKoopa stand pointing over each other's dead bodies.

Meowth: How can we be here... and there?

Haunter: Haunter Haunter! [points to MagiKoopa, Meowth, and itself]

Meowth: It says, "we're alike now!"

MagiKoopa: We must be...

Meowth and MagiKoopa stand in silence for a minute.

Meowth & MagiKoopa: ALL RIGHT!!! WE'RE DEAD!!

Haunter: Haunter! Haunt Haunter! [yes! time for some fun!]

MagiKoopa: Hey, look! my wand's powers work here in the afterworld. [turns Meowth into a Persian]

Persian: Hey! Stop that!

MagiKoopa: and in the real world! [turns Meowth to normal and turns a nearby mailbox into an ostrich]

Meowth: Make Haunter speak English!

MagiKoopa: Good idea! [zaps Haunter]

Haunter: Time for fun... times 2!


Sapphire: Y'know... Halloween just isn't my thing.

Bomberman: Well, you don't need a costume...

Sapphire: [kicks Bomberman]

Bomberman: Just kidding!

Sapphire: What are you doing here anyway?

Bomberman: looking for Magikoopa. Somebody didn't tell me that I was supposed to be in this script...

Sapphire: How unfortunate. But you just gave me an idea. I'll don my Ryoko-Saph outfit.

Bomberman: Real original. [rolls eyes]


BM: You know, you COULD always go back to wanting to end stories...

Saph: No way!
...Even though it does sometimes sound tempting...


Dude: can I come?

that guy:no.



Dude:pretty please?


Dude:pretty please with sugar on top?


Dude:pretty please with sugar and candy on top?

all: no.

7 hours later

Dude:pretty please with sugar and candy and grapes an fruit and cake and brownies and fudge and frosting and pie and more cake and more sugar and candy and apple pie and candy bars and gum and toys and money and reesis and snickers and milky ways and triple layer cake an wedding cakes and twix and everything else you like no top!!


Dude:yay thank you

Magikoopa:what do ya say we go have some fun with them?

Meowth(or persian:agreed.


Magicoopa:*grins evily* This is gonna be the worst halloween of their lifes!

Haunter:And the best of ours!

Meowth; mwhahahhahaha they are gonna have the time of thier lifes... If they even have a life at the end

MagiKoopa meowth and haunter:Mwhahahahhahahahahahaha


Haunter: Hey! I was in the Ghost-type racket loooong before they were. I want top billing!

MagiKoopa & Meowth: Okay, cool.

Haunter and co. teleport to the costume shop.

MagiKoopa: Look! It's Ryoko!

Meowth: No, stupid, it's Sapphire dressed like Ryoko.

Haunter: You can see the zipper in the back.

MagiKoopa: Huh. how 'bout that. I was played for a sap. [turns a cash register into a clone of Ayeka]

Ayeka clone: Rrrgh! What are YOU doing here?

Saph: wha?

Ayeka clone: I came here to the best costume shop in the country to pick up costumes for Lord Tenchi and me. I thought you were still at the house!

Saph: Oh, I get it. You must have mistaken me for Ryoko. See, this is just an outfit.

Haunter: Not anymore! [grabs zipper on back of outfit]

Saph: Hey, it won't unzip!

Ayeka clone: I've had it up to here with your foolishness! Come here, you!

The Ayeka clone begins chasing poor Sapphire through the entire store.

Haunter, MagiKoopa, & Meowth: [laughing]

Meowth: The best part is, they can't even see us!

Ditto McCloaker[edit]

Meowth: Man, bein' dead sure is fun! Why didn't we just die sooner?

Magikoopa: We didn't know it would be this much fun...!

Meowth: You're right! Actually, with the kinda lives we led, I always thought our afterlives would be more... fiery.

Magikoopa: Yeah, whatever happened to that?

Haunter: *breaking in* Oh, that'll come soon.

Magikoopa and Meowth: WHAT?!

Haunter: Oh yes. It'll just take a while for them to find out your dead.

Magikoopa and Meowth: *gulp* Them?!

Haunter: Of course! You didn't think this was it did you? You think ghosts just wander around enjoyin' themselves? Who do ya think ya'll are, Elvis?

MK: How long will that take?

Haunter: They should be getting to your paperwork right about... now.

~Suddenly, scary organ music begins to play~

Magi and Meowth: *gulp*



Narrator: The two rush towards their bodies to go in, but they are caught just before entering...

Pages in the Holiday Goers: Halloween Haunter Archive
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