Halloween Haunter 3 Page 11

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Pages in the Holiday Goers: Halloween Haunter Archive
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Oddball Mario[edit]

OBM: Well........ I guess that's it....

VGF Members: yep! Another sucessful OG!

OBM: So....... what do U guys do now?

VFG Members: hmmmmmmm....... WE KNOW!!!



OBM: Can I be in it?

VGF Members: *stare down at Oddball Mario*
...... wellllllll......


PWD- Oddball Mario...let's see your file...[types something on a computer] Hmmmm...caught being weird in three OGs...Junior Member...Registered in October...posted 26 messages...
OBM: So,...am I in the next OG?
PWD- Judging by your file...
Kirby- I found candy!
PWD- D'oh! Kirby, you just made me forget!
Kirby- Forget what?
PWD- Go stick your head in the clothes drier!!!!
Kirby- Okay. [walks over to his clothes drier and goes inside it.] PWD, close the door and turn it on.

PWD pours water on Kirby, closes the door, and turns it on. After awhile, the machine stops, and the door opens. Kirby comes out, dizzy and fuzzy.

Kirby- Oh, MaN, I wAnNa Do ThAt AgAiN!!!!!
PWD- You'll do it later. Now, Oddball Mario, your file is pretty good, so you'll be in the next OG...if it's okay with Golem. And Dude.
OBM: Yes!
Kirby- (@_@)

Oddball Mario[edit]



Golem: Just one thing Oddball.....

OBM:*gulp* yes......

Golem: How come U look so famaliar?

OBM: -_-0....... let's just say that I came from a similar place in another Dimension somewhere......


OBM: Uh...... over there..... in that trash can...

Golem: OH BOY!! *jumps in trash can*
OW! HEY TRERE's no....

OBM: *whistles*

Golem: What's that noise?
~a garbage truck comes and picks up the trash can that Golem was in~
~Golem gets thrown into the trash compactor~

Golem: I have a feeling this is gonna hurt........


Rhyk: Fanfic's over. Finished. THE END.

~everyone continues~

Rhyk: STOP IT!!!!!

Ditto McCloaker[edit]

Golem: Hey! Do you mind? WE're tryin' ta...

--At that moment, an old guy wearing a janitor's costume walks by, sweeping up a few pieces of trash. He looks up, surprised--

Janitor: Hey... you kids still here? *looks around at the empty lot. A cat meows in the distance* This OG was over days ago!

Golem: Uh, well, we...

Janitor: Well, take your time, but it's dangerous hanging around OGs after hours!

Oddball Mario: Oh, We're sorry.

Golem: We didn't realize--

Janitor: *smiles beneath his mustache* Oh, that's all right. *tosses them the keys* Just turn out the light and lock up when yer done.

~Walks away, whistling~

Oddball Mario: Whoa. That was surreal.

Golem: I never knew the OG board had a janitor. *picks up some garbage he threw down*

Oddball: So, am I in?

Golem: Sure, you're in.

Oddball: Thanks! I'm glad!

--A few workmen come in and begin carrying off the background scenery. Golem and Co. quietly file out--

Pages in the Holiday Goers: Halloween Haunter Archive
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