Kaiser Bear V

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The second Kaiser Bear to appear in the Gamehiker Member OG series. He appeared in Gamehiker Member OG VII: The Undiscovered Subtitle. He met up with the sidekick revolution while looking for the people who killed his father, Kaiser Bear IV. He then found that his father's ghost was inhabiting Roy's body and joined with the sidekick union because of this. After Straw Man is overthrown as leader of the sidekick revolution, Kaiser Bear V argued with his father's ghost over which of them should take over, as Kaiser Bear V felt it was his time to shine, but his dad's ghost wanted him to step aside, and the argument ended when Guiseppie took control.

At the end, he sacrifices himself to save his father from the attacks of the angelic zombie ninja pirate dwelves. He was succeeded by his (grand?)son, Kaiser Bear VII in Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody.


~The car swerves through traffic at crazy speeds. Kaiser Bear V's grip releases, and he falls back, his claws slashing through a tree trunk. The trunk falls on his head.~

Kaiser Bear V: Rrgh... YOU JUST MADE ME ASSASSINATE A TREE! ~gets on all fours and runs after them~