Sonic the Hedgehog Fanventure Page 10

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Pages in the Sonic the Hedgehog Fanventure Archive
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~The missile hits Hedgehog square on the back, forcing him to lose rings. Golem and WW lose their grasp because of Hedgehog's temporary flashing invincibility after being hit. Golem and WW fall at the entrance of the cave previously mentioned.~

Golem: Owww... What do we do now? We've lost our only lead, which we weren't even very sure of in the first place.

WW: Hmmm... I hear cake trees are getting ripe this time of year. Let's go pick some cakes.

Golem: Hey, wait! I have the powers o' Tails! I could fly us both up over that ledge!

WW: As long as there are no hidden fees for taking the Golem Express, why not?

~Golem hops up in the air, starts flying with his tails for a bit... gets used to flying... then swoops down near WW. WW holds his hands up for Golem to latch on to. Golem takes both of WW's hands and flies as hard as he can. Unfortunately, WW's weight isn't something very easily lifted. Golem, even when he tries as hard as he can, can't lift WW one inch into the air. Meanwhile, Mecha has persued Hedgehog over the cliff...~

Wonder Wario

Mecha: Designation: Wonder Wario the Hedgehog- There is no chance of saving this dimension from the Elipsis Cannon.

Hedgehog: Bull plop!

Mecha: ??? I'm sorry... what was that?


Golem: WW, you might wanna think about a diet!!

WW: A what? Can I eat it?


Cheeos: ~forms at the feet of WW~ Did someone mention eating?!

WW: AAH! ~lets go of Golem, who had been trying so hard to fly, that he ends up flung between the two boulders mentioned before~ You big meanie!!

Cheeos: Meanie?! Grrr, can't a guy try to attain tons of food in peace?!

Golem: ~peering from ledge between boulders~ Hey... Cheeos has that emerald he took from WW, but it's inside of Cheeos' body... and still in one piece!

Wonder Wario

WW: I'm sorry, I'm hungry too..

Cheeos: I could use some cake right now.

~Meanwhile~ ~Hedgehog is playing a game of 'Why are you hitting yourself' with Mecha~

Hedgehog: Having fun?!

Mecha: Not especially...WAIT A MINUTE!!

~ Mecha sucker punches Hedgehog of the cliff, where he lands on Golem~


Golem: OW!!

WW: Hey, look, some cake fell on Golem!

Hedgehog: I'm not cake!!

WW: I know... just wishful thinking...

Golem: Get off'a me!

Hedgehog: Erm, sorry. ~stands up~

Golem: ~stands up~ Hey, cake... that's it! Cheeos, doesn't a Swiss Emerald sound good right about now?

Cheeos: Ooh, you're right! And I know just where we can find some!

Mecha: ~hops down off the cliff beside Hedgehog~ Did you say you knew where to find one or more Swiss Emeralds?!

Cheeos: Yeah! Come along if you're hungry! ^_^

Mecha: ~gets into fighting stance~ Divulge this information or face deactivation!

Hedgehog: Death.

Mecha: Face death, whatever!

Wonder Wario

~Golem, WW, Cheeos, Hedgehog, and Mecha, now inside the 'hide out' walk up towhat looks like the shrine of the Master Emerald~

Golem: ~sarcastically~ Like I hav'nt seen THIS before...

Cheeos: This is where we put the Cheese Emeralds! I'm not aloud totouch them without permission...

Mecha: Surrender your Swiss Emeralds or prepare for total destruction!!

WW: .... How do you prepare for something like that?

Mecha: Initiating battle mode!

~ Before Mecha can make a move, Timnis digs out of a wll near the group~

Timnis: There you guys are!!


Timnis: I found--~sees Mecha~--another Super Emerald...!

Mecha: ~takes notice of Timnis~ Echidna subject identified as previous invader!

~Hedgehog takes this opportunity to rev up a spin dash and take off at Mecha, who jumps up to avoid it, letting Hedgehog crash into the wall.~

Mecha: ~running up to the altar~ Too slow for this 'bot!

Hedgehog: ~sitting in a heap of himself~ It was worth a shot...

Cheeos: Hey, I thought you wanted us to surrender it! You've just bought yourself a fight with Cheeos!! Oh, and humans? Don't even think about TOUCHING those five Swiss Emeralds around the altar.

Wonder Wario

WW: ~with the five Swiss emeralds in his mouth~ Whoops!

Cheeos: GASP! I trusted you!

Golem: We'll get the emeralds outta WW, you go after Mecha.

Cheeos: Good idea! ~grabs Hedgehog by the tail and runs after Mecha~


~Golem tries to rip the Swiss Emeralds out of WW's mouth with his hands, but manages only to get two out. WW swallows the other three.~

Golem: Wah-oh... Hey, I still got my hands! ^_^

Cheeos: I won't forget that!!

Wonder Wario

Hedgehog: Lemmee go!

Cheeos: Nope, I'll need your spin dash attack!!

~Cheeos starts spinning Hedgehog like a basketball and throws it a Mecha. Hedgehog ricochet's off of Mecha's hed and lands on his face in front of Cheeos~

Mecha: ~kneeling over~Amount of damage recieved... 32%.


WW: Golem.... Timnis....I feel.. funny...

Golem: The Swiss Emeralds may be too much for you!

~Sonic runs up to Golem, Timnis, and the sick WW~

Sonic: Looks like I got out of the Slow down shoes just in time!


WW: I'm gonna go... lie down...

Golem: Hey, you still got those Slow Down Shoes, Sonic?

Sonic: ~holds up Slow Down Shoes~ Yeah... I didn't wanna litter... why?

Golem: What if we could get them on Mecha?

Timnis: Haw haw! Leave that to me, while Cheeos and Hedgehog distract him!

Wonder Wario

Hedgehog: Why do "I" gotta distract him?

~Cheeos once again grabs Hedgehog by the tail~

Golem: Alright, while they're taking care of Mecha, let's think of how to get the Swiss Emeralds from WW...

Sonic: Geez! What is it with you and eating?!

WW: Where should I start... ~moan~

Golem: I guess my only plan is to get the emeralds out the same way we got Tails out...

Sonic: How'd ya do that?

Golem: You don't wanna know...


Golem: So, uh... I guess just punch him in the stomach.

~Then, Hedgehog bounces off of Sonic's head to Golem's head and hits the ceiling, then bounces back down onto the floor on his hands.~

Hedgehog: Come on, kiddaroos! We can deal with the stomach later! Help me take on--~tackled by Mecha~

~Cheeos runs up to WW, and then puts his hand on his stomach. Cheeos moves his hand around, and then...~

Cheeos: Aaaohhh, man!

WW: What is it?

Cheeos: The emeralds are no more! They've... blended with your being!

WW: Does this mean my price on eBay goes up??

Wonder Wario

Cheeos: It basically means your'e now a living Swiss Emerald!

Golem: But that means...

WW: ~starts to slowly turn yellow~ Look at me! I feel funny!

Sonic: What the heckis this all about?!

Golem: In an earlier issue of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic, Knuckles becomes sort of a living Chaos emerald and turns green....

WW: I'm a yellow hedgehog person now! YAY!! ^_^

~WW then sneezes causing a huge blast of energy to rush through his nose, stopping Mecha in his tracks~


Sonic: Woah! Way cool!

Golem: Please don't sneeze on me!!

Mecha: ~dripping~ Urgh... darn these Slow Down Shoes... and this Swiss Snot...

Timnis: Hey, we should all invest in this energy!

Cheeos: Woah, woah, woah!

Timnis: Yeah, then we could beat Rachel!

Golem: But... WW has an iron stomach, and he almost got outwardly sick!

Cheeos: Yes, yes, listen to Golem!

Hedgehog: What about me? I want a cut of this deal!

~Timnis jumps onto Cheeos and starts bashing his brain over and over.~

Timnis: Golem, when the emeralds start to come out, grab 'em!

~Cheeos stomps the floor, and a lever pops up. Through the pain of having his brain punched, he manages to pull back the lever, hurling Timnis and everyone else in the room (except for Mecha, who dons the Slow Down Shoes) backwards.~

Hedgehog: Hey, that's cheating!

Cheeos: Just because I'm in tune with the Cheese Zone, which has blended with this own world, and you aren't?

Wonder Wario

Cheeos: I should have known better than to trust all of you! Now Mistress Rach will be angry at me for losing those emeralds!

WW: I don't like this game! ~pulls out the lever he broke out of the special zone, and pushes it to the oppisite direction, casuing the pull to end~


Cheeos: Oh yeah? ~pulls lever back again~

WW: Yeah! ~pushes lever forward again~

Cheeos: Oh yeah? ~pulls lever back again~

WW: Yeah! ~pushes lever forward again~

Cheeos: Oh yeah? ~pulls lever back again~

WW: Yeah! ~pushes lever forward again~

Golem: I wish I brought my Game Boy...

Cheeos: Oh yeah? ~pulls lever back again~

WW: Yeah! ~pushes lever forward again~

Timnis: WW, hold it as long as you can. I'll try to burrow under Cheeos and--

Cheeos: Oh yeah? ~pulls lever back again~

Timnis: Dangit, WW!

WW: Yeah! ~pushes lever forward again~

Timnis: When Cheeos pulls it back again,--

Cheeos: Oh yeah? ~pulls lever back again~

Timnis: Don't push it back again!!

WW: Yeah! ~pushes--~ What?

Timnis: Don't do anything. ~whisper~ I'm going to burrow into the wall...

Wonder Wario

Mecha: Unable to move. Proceed with "Self Destruct Mode"!

Hedgehog: Aw crud.... This is just perfect...

WW: No it's NOT!!

Golem: Better move fast Timnis!!


Timnis: ~digging frantically, his body partially in the wall, and thus producing muffled speech~ I'm moving as fast as I can!!

Hedgehog: Hey, Mecha! I bet you're just going to explode 'cuz you're a wuss!

Mecha: Your accusation is false.

Hedgehog: Oh YEAH? Well, PROVE IT!

Mecha: I need not provide anyone but my creator with proof of anything. Continuing with "Self Destruct Mode"...

Hedgehog: ~looking around frantically~ Uhh, uhhh, uhhh... ~turns to WW~ Can't you sneeze again?!

WW: I'll try... Aahhh, ahhh, achoo? Or was it like... aCHOO??

Mecha: 4...

~Cheeos runs back to the wall with the others.~

Mecha: 3...

Cheeos: Everybody, hold on to me or WW!

Mecha: 2...

Cheeos: Hold your lever forward,...

Mecha: 1...

Cheeos: NOW!

~Cheeos and WW hold their levers forward, and as Golem clings to WW and Timnis falls backwards onto WW's back, Mecha explodes. The fire, however, is redirected to the sides by some unseen force. A few seconds pass, the light dies down, leaving a pile of small metal bits and thick gray smoke where Mecha used to be.

The altar and the emeralds remain unharmed.~

Wonder Wario

Hedgehog: Heh. Well, looks like my job here is done!

Golem: What'cha mean? Your job?

Hedgehog: Mecha Me was sent to this dimension from my universe to aquire the Swiss Emeralds, and use them to fire the Elipsis Cannon, which would destroy the planet.


Hedgehog: Just after it would destroy half the moon.



Cheeos: Yeah, yeah, now let's get back to business! ~uses lever to shove everyone in hole Timnis dug into wall, leaving Timnis squished behind everyone~

Timnis: WW, will you do the honors?

WW: ???

~Golem, understanding Timnis' meaning, knees WW in the back, causing him to crouch forward, shoving the lever forward. Timnis pushes everyone towards Cheeos, and they tackle him as one big mass, causing him to lose a Cheese Emerald and a Swiss Emerald he had absorbed.~

Timnis: C'mon Golem, let's eat up!

Golem: What?

Timnis: Let's swallow the remaining Swiss Emeralds! Then we'll be super-powered enough to stop Rach, and then some!

Golem: I don't like this idea...

~Timnis shoves Swiss Emerald that Cheeos dropped in Golem's mouth, then runs off to get the other three.~

Cheeos: HEY!! You can't do that!

Golem: ~picks up Cheese Emerald that Cheeos dropped, gives it to WW~ You know what to do THIS time, right?

WW: ~takes the emerald~ Cheeos CONTROL! ~sweeps by both Timnis and Golem, who hold on for dear life, picks up the remaining three Swiss Emeralds at the altar, and leaves, swinging Timnis' feet into Cheeos' head.~

Wonder Wario

Hedgehog: Welp... Time ta' go home.

Sonic: Thanks for the help dude! ~gives a thumbs up~

Hedgehog: No prob Sonic, it was way past cool!

~A giant ring appears and Hedgehog steps in. The ring intantly vanishes in a bright light~


~Warping through time and space using the Cheeos Control, WW, Golem, and Timnis discuss what their next move should be~

Golem: I say we find N first, we left him at the train station!

Timnis: I say we find Rach and take her outta commission!

WW: I say we get CAKE!

Goelm: ....~sigh~ Wonder! Take us to the train station okay?

WW: Got it Mister!


~Wonder Wario moves out to the area with the train station, and failing to stop at the bottom of the stairs, turns around and runs into the wall of rock beside the stairs to Tails' laboratory. WW runs smack into it, and then falls back, taking Golem and Timnis with him to the ground.~

WW: ~looking to emerald~ Doesn't this thing come with an air bag?

Timnis: Yeah, it comes with you.

WW: Oh. So where's N?

Golem: I meant back at the Station Square train station. Erm... that IS where N should be, right, Timnis?

Timnis: Yeah.

~Back in Station Square...

Ultimate N finds himself hungry, so he walks over to the fast food place. However, he ends up in an area he has never seen before--a concentrated area of specialness, also known as a Special Stage. This one is akin to the one Wonder Wario was in earlier, before breaking it...~

N: ~looking around~ So, uh... how much is a burger and fries?

~Soon, WW, Timnis, and Golem arrive at Station Square...~

Timnis: So, where should we start looking?

WW: Ooh! Let's get souvenirs!

Golem: Aren't you getting a readout on anything, Timnis?

Timnis: A "readout"? I can't really tell because of the Super Emeralds... they've set my radar haywire.

Wonder Wario

WW: Haywire?

Golem: It means that it won't work.

WW: Well, what if we just follow her? ~points to Rach, who is running towards a portal to special zone~

Golem: WW! Run after her!

WW: ~Runs in the wrong direction~

Timnis: I'm getting tired of that joke....


~As WW, Golem, and Timnis run towards Rach...~

Golem: Okay, this OG has gone on long enough! Time to put an end to things!

Timnis: YEAH! Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles don't have the cheese power we've eaten!

WW: So it's up to us to save the day!

WW, Golem, and Timnis: 'Cuz we're BACKUP HEROES!!!

~Rach turns around at the entrance to the portal, looking straight at WW and company.~

Queen Rachel: Well, well... You three are ready to meet your doom, then.

Timnis: I think not!

~Timnis lunges at Rach with a punch, but she barely sidesteps Timnis' fist. Timnis is drawn into the portal.~

Rach: He's a goner. I finally amassed enough cheese to create the ultimate special zone, where Cheeos can become Perfect Cheeos, regardless of how many emeralds he has.

~WW and Golem face Rach, and no one makes a move. After a minute or so, Cheeos' arm stretches out from the portal and snatches both WW and Golem, then drags them into the portal.

Inside the portal...~

Ultimate N: There you guys are. I've been trying to order some food for a while now, but the service here is awful.

~Wonder Wario, Golem, and Timnis begin floating while emanating blue, yellow, and red lights respectively.~

Golem: ~looking to Wonder Wario~ So, YOU must be Perfect Wonder!

~Ultimate N tries to shield his eyes, but a concentrated stream of the blue light, a concentrated stream of the yellow light, and a concentrated stream of the red light hit him all at once. N grows two tails, large fists with two spikes (a la Knuckles), and spikes that run down his back (a la Sonic).~

Princessi's Voice: It's the... uhh... Rad Blue Flying Red Blur Fox?? It allows you to use the powers of the owners of the Blue Blur, Rad Red, and Flying Fox!

~The four float together, with N at the front.~

Ultimate N: Now, about that food service...

Golem: I think you mean Cheeos, and how he's perfect, and how we have to take him down or something.

Timnis: Cheeos is here?!

Golem: Hey, where is Perfect Cheeos, anyway??

Wonder Wario

~The swirling portal seems to dissapear as they all end up in what looks like Staton Square~

Timnis: We're... back?

WW: Fun! Do AGAIN!

Rach: Fools! Don't you know a hologram when you see on?! This ends now!

~The emeralds arise from WW, Timnis, N and Golem, and float to Rach. She throws the remaining emeralds into the ocean. Seconds later, Perfect Cheeos emerges ala SA~

Golem: This isn't good....


~Elsewhere, not too far from the four transformed humans...~

Sonic: It's time, guys!

Tails: Awesome!

Knuckles: Right!

~Sonic pulls out a microphone, Tails pulls out a tamberine, and Knuckles pulls out a banjo. They begin playing this song:~

Cool breeze, warm, inviting Danger, boredom rising Clamor, Cream is wailing It's such a bad OG

Shadow's an angsty guy Weirdos floating in the air People run for BOGO Who's gonna write this drivel?!

All the steps we take, all the posts we make, all the stuff at stake I see cheese samples for everyone--where are they?--what can we eat? You and I are same in the way that we have our own nose hairs that we won't pluck Yours are filled with evil and mine's not there is no way I can lose

Can't hold on much longer--So I'll probably let go I know it's a one way track--Tell me how to go in reverse I'm not gonna think this way--Nor will I think at all Close my eyes and feel it burn--Now I see something is on fire


Cheezy "queen" yakking Upgrades really stink Little kitsunes crying At least Princessi isn't here

I don't know what it can be but we sing like crazy All these different notes make me sick, we won't sing it the right way

Can't hold on much longer--So I'll probably let go I know it's a one way track--Tell me how to go in reverse I'm not gonna think this way--Nor will I think at all Close my eyes and feel it burn--Now I see something is on fire


~Guitar Solo~

If we can't sing, there will be no stuff to do Sheet music is tied down by all the hate, gotta keep it there

I know it's a one way track--Tell me how to go in reverse Close my eyes and feel it burn--Now I see something is on fire


Can't hold on much longer--So I'll probably let go I know it's a one way track--Tell me how to go in reverse I'm not gonna think this way--Nor will I think at all Close my eyes and feel it burn--Now I see something is on fire


Tails: But Sonic...?

Sonic: Yeah?

Tails: We don't have shirts.

Sonic: Huh. How 'bout that.

Wonder Wario

Golem: ... Yah?

WW: Now sing "Backup Heroes"!!


Golem: Okay guys! I got an idea from Sonic Adventure that just might work! Let's TOTALLY FORGET that we can fly, go out to the ocean where Cheeos is (the set designers forgot to flood the entirety of Station Square), and fly right above the water into the base of his being!

Timnis: 1) You said we had to forget we could fly, and 2) what the heck would that do?

Golem: Well, for 1) it doesn't count if we pretend the water is the ground, and 2) it would obviously whirl us through Cheeos' body and we'd hit his brain on the way out.

N: But don't we want to stay OUT of Cheeos? Isn't he BAD?

Golem: You're making far too much sense.