Story:MMEDDP2 Chapter 4

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Chapters in Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik 2: The Vorpal Administration
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Chapter 4[edit]

Masamune: This whole thing is boring... I can't believe I decided to be that goofball's advisor...

*wanders off to the men's bathroom, little does he know Old Man Bush is in the stall next to him*

Old Man: Those young whippersnappers, I told em, don't mess with the president! Young or old, but do they listen? Nosiree! Why they plan to cancel the sequel, take out Vorpal's term, and use that sweet Cheney as a distraction! Those women are nothing but trouble, them and their wicked wiles!

Masamune: *blink blink* Whoa... I just stumbled on to something important, something drastic to the story! ... and without Dodo or Murasame to help, I have no idea what it is!!!!

He's a bad boy man with a big Ol' Sword...
Ran for prez, lost as well as Bush and Gore.
Now he's helping his ol enemies,
Gotta stop those wannabe-prez meanies.

He's Masa! Masa! Masa-sa-sa-sa!
Mune, ends with that! Ya-ya-ya!

Got no clue, got no help, what to do?
Without his twin, or bird henchmen!

He's Masa! Masa! Masa-sa-sa-sa!
Mune, ends with that! Ya-ya-ya!

Masamune: *irritated look* That has to be the dumbest song I ever heard! I don't need no theme song! I'll figure it out. Hey! Cheney? Wasn't that Bush's running mate? And wasn't there supposed to be a dance off between Saph and Bush's wife? Wait, I forgot where I'm going with this, Oh, yes! I must save First Lady in Red Sapphire! *shudder*

During the dance, two figures suddenly enter...

Prepare for trouble
Consider it double...
To protect the world from Politicization.
to unite all democrats within this nation.
To denounce the evils of votes and rights,
to take the presidency with all our might...
Democrats blast off at the speed of light!
Recount now or prepare to fight!
Leiber! That's right!

Vorpal: What the! What are they doing here!?

Tipper: We're here to take your White House!

Algore: Hand it over!

Vorpal: No way! It's mine; I won fair and square! *crosses arms and sticks tongue out*

Algore: Grrr...! Digi-Armor... ACTIVATE!

Leibermon: Leibermon Armor Digivolve to.... Metal Leibermon! Metal Leibermon, the Axe of Persistence!

Dubya: Whoa! Metal Leibermon is a political Digimon. Its anti-lawyer armor makes any political counter impossible. With its heavy shield and axe, it grinds all rivals into nothing.

Laura: Well! Don't just stand there, make Cheney Armor Digi-something!

Bush: Isn't Cheney a pokemon? *Scratches head*

Ditto: Great... I didn't even bring Guiseppe either...

*in the bathroom*

Masamune: I must stop them! *runs in the utility closet, runs out a few seconds later* But not through there! *runs out of the bathroom*

Vorpal: Augh! Look at what's happening to my ball!?!?!

Saph: You've been asleep, for over half of it.

Vorpal: --0 That's beside the point! How am I gonna battle back?

Ditto: Oh, geez, this is degrading! I'm not doing you're dirty work.

Meanwhile with Masamune--

Masamune: *bursts through door* I'll save you Mr. President!

Masamune looks into another broom closet!

Masa: D'oh! Why are there so many broom closets!?!?

Back at the Ball--

Vorpal: I know! Where are my secret service agents?

Saph: You don't recall firing all your agents?? Something about "not needin’ no stinkin agents" if I recall.

Vorpal: Oh, yeah, that was stupid, wasn’t it?

Ditto: Yep.

Vorpal: Oh, well . . .

Tipper: Pay attention to us!

Vorpal: Oh, yes, well, I’d love to stay and chat, but you know, being a President is tough and . . .

Masamune bursts through door.

Masa: Ahh, rats! Hey, wait this is the right room! I’ll save you Mr. President!

Vorpal; All right! Now battle Leiberman and make sure you win!

Masa: eep . . .

PWD- Hey, Rocky, do you know if Mr. President Vorpal won??

Rocky- Um...I hope so.

PWD- Well, this stinks...

Rocky- Why are you so mad?? I'm the one who has to be "accessorized" by Miss Sapphire!!

PWD- Well,...all the humans are getting lazy out there....the human energies are fading; and it could cause major damage to the human species.

Rocky- Meaning...?

PWD- That the humans will be the first mammals to become extinct.

Rocky-.....So, is that good or bad??

PWD- It depends on how you look at it. Also, the Terrorists are still planning their big attack on us.

Suddenly, Paula comes in.

Paula- Good news! The enemy base has been located; they are losing their human energies, so they can't attack!

Rocky- *faces PWD* Is that what you meant?

PWD- Sort of. Good work, Paula.

Paula- Jeff has finished his weapon, also. We are waiting for the signal in which the weapon will be set off...therefore getting rid of all living -- and dead -- Terrorists!

PWD- *shudder* That's nice.

Paula- *bows* We won't let you and President Vorpal down!

Paula leaves.

Rocky- Plasma Wisp is losing energy.

PWD- Um...Kirby can always make more, right?

Rocky- Yes, but that's beside the point!

PWD- I've got a question: Who feeds you?

Rocky- Nobody does; I'm a rock.

PWD- Then how come you ate in Kirby's Super Star??

Rocky-...Uh...I don't know!

Screams are heard.

PWD- What was that??

Rocky- Uhhh...

Mr. Saturn enters the office.

Mr. Saturn- Oh, BoInG, iT hOrRiBlE! DiNg, We DoOmEd!!!! Masamune iS rIsKiNg HiMsElF fOr Vorpal, ZoOm!!

Rocky- No need to panic, I'm sure somebody has this in control.



PWD- Don't be such a baby. Masamune is strong, so he can defeat anything...right?

Mr. Saturn- OoOoOoOoH! YoU rIgHt, ZoOm! Masamune StRoNg! DiNg, DiNg!

Singers: Leiber-mon, Liberal monster, Leibermon is the champion!
Leiber-mon, liberal monster, Leibermon is the champion!

Masamune: How can I defeat him?

Laurya: You can't. But I can... Cheney!

Chainy: Cheney! Chey! Chey? Cheney.

Vorpal: What's Cheney doing here?

Ditto: He's Dubya and Laurya's Pokemon.

Vorpal: Yer kiddin' *pulls out Pokedex and points it at Cheney*

Veepedex: Cheney. An experience Pokemon. This Pokemon is unique in that no matter how much experience it gains, it never evolves.

Vorpal: Isn't that Farfetch'd?

Ditto: The whole recount thing was, if ya ask me.

Vorpal: *Sigh*

Dubya: I'm sure y'all remember me. I'm Walker, Texas Ranger...

*chirp, chirp*

Dubya: I tried patterning myself after the father of our country, or as his friends used to call him, "George Dubya!"

Washington's Ghost: WHAT?! I WARNED THE WRITERS ABOUT THAT!!! *levitates a plate and throws it at Dubya, missing him*

Dubya: But, hey, this isn't about me tonight, folks. And now, for your entertainment, the comedy stylings of Richard Bruce Cheney!

*summons Cheney*

Cheney: *straightening his tie* Well, I see we got Leibermon in the audience. Looks like ya got an axe to grind, there Joe. Heh-heh.

Leibermon: Grrr! Prepare to be chopped into dog food, by my tireless persecution!

*he swings his axe, but it does not damage to Chainy*

Chainy: Looks like that blade your using's gotten a bit dull.

Leibermon: Graaah!

Chainy: So, how about them recounts? I tell ya, leavin' it up to Democrats was like bein' nibbled to death by a duck, wasn't it?

Leibermon: AAAARGGHH! *falls to the ground thrashing around* Water! Gasp... choke... Water...

Algore: Oh NO! He's using his "Dryness" attack on him! His tongue is like sandpaper!

Chainy: But, hey, no hard feelings. I don't hate anyone. Not even my enemies... cause most o' the time, I made 'em!

Leibermon: AARRGHH... *shrinks back into a tiny little round ball*

Laurya: Excellent. That takes care of him. What would you have done if that hadn't worked?

Chainy: I had a back up plan. I'd call the "Minority Whip."

*Suddenly, the Minority Whip appears, and begins lashing Leibermon back to the Senate*

Minority Whip: Yah! Yah! *lash, lash* Get back into the Senate, you! *crack, snap* Yah! Yah!

*lashes Leibermon out the door and back to the Senate* Masa: Oh . . . *leaves*

Vorpal: That does it you went and hurt Masamune's feelings! You'll pay Dubya!!!

Vorpal draws his sword, but is stopped by . . .


Ditto: Him!? He wasn't scheduled for reappearance until episode three!

Murasame: *smirks and brushes his long hair out of his face* Change of plans... all of you are going to see what REAL dancing is now!

*Murasame gets on the dance floor and starts dancing better than ever done before*

Laura: *jaw drops* How... can... we.... compete!?

Murasame: By buying Ultra-Shoes! And you'll be the real deal slam-dancing Dancer! Even (FF6) Mog wears these!

Dubya: I'll be, was that some sort of advertisement?

Sapphire: That's just...not right.

Ditto: Where have you been?

Sapphire: *Glares* I was right here the whole entire time!

All: *sweat*

Laurya: *small smile appears on her face as she waves a small fan* I do believe the night is spent.

Dubya: I wonder how much them Ultra Shoes be costin'...


Ow, what did you do that for?

Laurya: *closes fan* Because you are drifting, dear. I hereby say that the night is ended and we take what we came for.

Vorpal: What? You lost!

Ditto: Isn't it time for you to be making your sensible exit?

Laurya: Sensible? *laughs* we're not playing fair, or sensible. We've always planned to gain control; this was just a minor challenge.

Sapphire: That's still not possible.

Voice: Let us take care of this.

Voice: Since you've obviously forgotten about us.

*Algore and Tipper reappear looking like androids 16 and 18 in DBZ*

Laurya: *sweat* I think the anime references are getting quite redundant, if you ask me.

Tipper: While you were battling Leibermon, I thought best to prepare. *smirks* Behold this new Algore, more powerful than ever!

--0 and don't even think of deactivating him until I've had the pleasure of..

All: *BLINK*

Tipper: *giggles* oh, my apologies. If you must know, There is a bomb set to go off in about 5 minutes.

Vorpal: O.O 5 minutes?

Dubya: Now wait a minute thar, you democrats you!

Laurya: No time for that now, we have to get out of here!

Tipper: Al, sweetie, why don't you give them a lift?

Narrator (TDPJ): Using his newfound superhuman strength, Algore lifts up a screaming Laurya, Dubya, and Chainy and throws them out a nearby window.

Lauyra, Dubya and Chainy: We're blasting off agaiiiiiiiinnnnn *ding*

Sapphire: ~.~0 so much for the ball...

Narrator: But wait. Now Tipper and AlGore stare down the president and his friends, while the bomb ticks away in the white house. This is a new turn of events!

Vorpal: --0

Ditto: That's it?

Narrator: Will they figure out where the bomb is and detonate it in time? Will they defeat the democrats once and for all? Will Masamune and Murasame ever get their acts together?

Masa: Okay, just shut up, now. --0

Narrator: Stay tuned...

Chapters in Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik 2: The Vorpal Administration
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20