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(New page: {{Galaxy Goers Pages}} {{TOCright}} ==Author: GM== <nowiki>=Year 2065, several months after the destruction of Earth=</nowiki> ''(Giuseppe Masteri, the current GM's predecessor, was sta...)
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Jorge: I’m sorry, Andi. I didn’t mean to--
Jorge: I’m sorry, Andi. I didn’t mean to--
Andi: *slaps him again*
Andi: *slaps him again*<br />
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Andi: I can try.
Andi: I can try.
==Author: Masamune--
==Author: Masamune==
Masamune: How's our cargo?
Masamune: How's our cargo?

Latest revision as of 00:13, 3 April 2009

Pages in Galaxy Goers
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

Author: GM[edit]

=Year 2065, several months after the destruction of Earth=

(Giuseppe Masteri, the current GM's predecessor, was staring out a window next to his son, John. They were in a space colony that they retreated to after escaping the destruction of Earth. Despite his age, GM still seemed be muscular and healthy. However, this was all thanks to power-up codes. In his youth, he only used them if they were needed in the situation, but now he was dependent on them to keep his old body working.)

Giuseppe: Son, there was once a time where I thought I would spend my entire life playing video games, smoking pot, and getting into pointless fights. Turned out to be slightly more than that. And since the planet has been destroyed, I shall one day be one of the people who will fight back against its destroyers. When that times comes, I doubt I'll come back alive. Also, when that day comes, I won't be with my usual weapons. I've kept them for too long. It's time to pass down the family heirlooms.

John: Dad...

(Giuseppe turned to him and handed him his sword, the one with the multicolored blade.)

Giuseppe: First, my sword. This blade has been passed down through countless generations of the Masteri family. It has gone by many names. I, as you know, named it Mirage Girl. I now give it to you, and you can name it what you want.

(Then he handed him Omnipotence, his assault rifle.)

GM: I would also like to give you my gun. Like Mirage Girl, Old Omnipotence has been by my side through the good times and the hard times. Maybe it'll be the same with you.

John: Dad, won't you need these when you're in battle?

GM: Nah. They'll give me replacements. I thought it would be important to make sure these get passed down instead of possibly getting lost on the battlefield. Finally, there is something that I can't give you now, and might not be able to give you at all.

(GM points to his head.)

GM: The cheat code implant in my brain. It contains hundreds, maybe even thousands of codes gathered throughout my life. I'd suck if they were all lost. When my time comes, if my body is recovered, I want the implant removed and passed down too.

(Months later, Giuseppe Masteri participated in a key battle against the Ushatarisns. He fought long and hard, but was eventually killed. His body was eventually recovered and given a proper burial, but not before the cheat code implant was removed, as he had wished.)


=Syntax, 2345

(The sword and Omnipotence passed down future generations of Masteris until it got to this time, where the lay next to the current Giuesppi Masteri's bedside with a few other weapons. Omnipotence had gone through a few upgrades, and the sword has yet to have been named by the current Masteri. The cheat code implant, which had never been implanted in anyone else's head since the last GM, was being stored somewhere in GM's home for the time being. He was sound asleep, tired from all the eating and partying and everything. He kept sleeping even as Delta came in to take some blood.)

=GP Cruiser, Location Unknown, 2345=

(Loter had lost his ability to speak when he was very young, in an accident that involved a fire. Still, he had always been a quiet person, and he rarely had to say anything that couldn't be explained using hand gestures or other forms of body language. When he wanted to say something more complicated, he just wrote it down on a note book he carried around. I was now one of those times, so he took it out. He, who pretended to sleep, scribbled something down and woke up Kolan. Datana and Nefertina were still sleeping.)

Kolan: Wh- Wha- What? What's going on.

(Loter showed him the page he wrote on.

I don't trust Tiffa

Kolan: Yeah, no kidding. Why'd you wake me up?

(Loter scribbled some more down.)

I saw an evil look in her eye. She's up to something.

Kolan: Well don't worry. We'll just dump her ass somewhere and... Huh?

Loter: ???

Kolan: We got a signal.

(They examined it. It was from Jorge.)

Kolan: Oh great...

(It said that he, Andromeda, and Tiffa were being held captive aboard a pirate ship called the Bladechappe, and gave it's location. Loter began writing something again.)

We have Tiffa, don't we? Then what's this?

Kolan: Tch! I know what this is. Jorge got himself in trouble. He doesn't know we're with Tiffa, so he said she was captured too so we'd come to her, and his, rescue. Well, he's screwed! We have enough problems without worrying about him. Go back to sleep, don't worry about it.

(But Loter didn't. He was still suspicious of "Tiffa", and then there's the message. Something wasn't right. So, he waited until Kolan was asleep, and then he changed coordinates and directed the ship full speed toward the Bladechappe's coordinates.)

Author: Mario Jr.[edit]

(Nefertina watches as Datana drifts off to sleep in the seat next to her. She seemed to have the most peaceful smile on her face. Nefertina wondered what it could be...)

(Polor Private School, 2335...)

(A bunch of first to third graders flood the courtyard as the recess bell signals their temporary freedom from nagging teachers and boring schoolwork. The kids wasted no time heading towards the playground, and wthin seconds the playground was completely covered. A yong Datana looks around indecisively amongst the crowd. To her amazement, she spotted a pair of cat ears nearby and she couldn't help but give them a a little tug.)

Tiffa: Hey!

(Datana jumped back and did a double take when she found that the ears belonged to a humanoid girl just like her.)

Day: You're... a person?

Tiffa: Of course I am! What did you think I was!?

Day: I thought you were a cat. I love kitties! They're cute! ^_^

Tiffa: You're making fun of me...

Day: No seriously... I think your ears are SO COOL!

Tiffa: You're just saying that so you can trick me into a joke. Like everyone else does... All the other kids treat me different because of my ears...

Day: I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... Kids make fun of me too.

Tiffa: They do?

Day: Yeah, Itoli's are naturally stronger than most humans... the girls don't like me because I'm to buff and the boys think I'm a freak because of my size... Now that I'm older and bigger, other kids are too scared to even talk to me...

Tiffa: ^_^ I don't think you're scary.

Day: Really!?

Tiffa: Wanna be my friend?

Day: ^_^ Sure!

(A year later, the two girls are sitting in a tree together.)

Day: Wow! We're pretty high up.

Tiffa: I always liked heights. I always felt safe high off the ground.

(Tiffa looked dreamily up at the starry sky above.)

Tiffa: Someday I want to be up there, fighting crime and protecting innocent people from theives and space pirates... Like my father did. He's a Galatica Police Officer. Just like his father. And his father before him.

(Then TIffa turned to Datana with a coy smile on her face.)

Tiffa: You should come with me.

Datana: Be a Galatic Police officer? I dunno.... I heard they're pretty hard to get into. But whereever I go, I will follow you.

(Tiffa suddenly gets an idea and takes off one of her pendant and breaks it half.)

Datana: Tiffa... Your favorite necklace...

Tiffa: This necklace was the only thing left to me by my real parents. They abadoned me at my parents footsteps when I was still a child. They never found out who they were or whether or not they were human or not. I never found out if they even loved me... Maybe they were human and I was born a freak and they didn't want me anymore. But... when I wear this necklace, it's as if they're still with me. And everything suddenly feels right with the world... So I'm going to keep one half of the pendant and give you the outher half. So no matter where we are in the universe, we will be bonded by the love that flows from this pendant. And we will never be apart...

Datana: Never forget?

Tiffa: ^_^ Never forget.

(Flash forward to their teens and they're in Datana's dorm, studying while playing some loud music. Tiffa was trying to explain fcatoring binomials but Datana's mind was elsewhere. She didn't realize she was staring at Tiffa until Tiffa gave her worried glance.)

Tiffa: Day? Are you alright?

Day: Oh... yes. Kinda faded off there...

Tiffa: Okay then... We start off with some easy ones. What is (x+3)(x+3)?

(Day was silent for a moment and her face was twisted in a frustrated expression.)

Tiffa: Day... It's okay... We can go through this step by step--

Day: It's not that... It's...

Tiffa: Day, you're like a sister to me. You can tell me anything.

(Day seemed to only grow more troubled. After a long and awkward silence, Day pinned Tiffa to the ground and kissed her on the mouth. Tiffa pushed her in surprise. She had never been kissed like that, not even by a boy, let alone a girl.)

Tiffa: Day!

Day: I'm sorry Tiffa... I...

Tiffa: Stay the hell away from me!

(Tiffa ran out of the room in shame. Datana still layed sprawled across the ground, touching her lips that still tingled from that kiss. What had came over her?)


(A week later, Day barges into Tiffa's room.)

Tiffa: Gah! Day!?

Day: Naru Law!? When were you going to tell me you were going to Naru Law?

Tiffa: I was going to tell you sooner... but...I...

Day: It wouldn't hvae to do that kiss, would it?

Tiffa: Oh, gods, no. Day, you'e my best friend in the whole universe... You're my only friend... When I said 'never forget' I meant it.

Day: Then what's this I hear about you getting accepted into Naru Law? I thought we had plans to into the Galatic Police Academy together.

Tiffa: Things change Day... Dreams shatter, people die, even something as true and just as the Galatic Police can be currupted... A bunch of dirty cops killed my father. He died trying to protect a family of illegal aliens that had crossed into our space trying to run from evil space pirates.

Datana: Tiffa, I didn't know...

Tiffa: *stifles back tears* Those cops were promoted and declared heroes and my father was said to have went AWOL. THey said they had NO choice but to shoot him. But mother and I knew... We knew they made a pact with those space pirates. Those people were jailed and their kids were taken from them. And the space pirates got away while my dad went down as a crooked cop. But we knew. We knew he was the only good cop left on the force. Everyone knew. But no one was brave enough to do anything about it. That's why I want to become a lawyer. I can do more to stop injustice being in the courtroom than behind a gun. I'm not going to let dirty cops like the bastards who killed my father get away harming more innocent people. I have to do this. For my father...

Datana: Tiffany. Had I known.... I would've been there sooner.

Tiffa: I know... But hey! At least I'll get to run into you every now and the courtroom when you become some bigshot space detective.

Datana: Nah... I'm thinking that maybe the Academy isn't for me. I'm heading into the family business with my brothers. We're going to be body guards for rich and famous people. But we'll see each other right?

Tiffa: Perhaps. *holds up her necklace* Never forget?

Datana: *holds up her half of the necklace* Never forget.

(Tiffa wrapped her arms around Datana and two girls squeezed each other tight.)

(Years later...)

Dean Skyla: Tiffany Alexia Katrov, awarded her Associates in Legal Defense and Criminal Justice.

(The crowd cheered as Tiffany, an alien girl who didn't know where she came from, walked across the stage defying all odds. After saking the Dean's hand and accepting the diploma, she looked around in the audience an saw her human mother and standing next to her was the one girl who had never been anything less than a sister to her.)

Day: Never forget, Tiffa! Never forget!


(Back in the Present...)

Datana: Never forget... Never forget...

Kolan: Time to wake up. We're here.

(Meanwhile, on the Bladechappe...)

Lt. Cho: Captian, The Empress wishes to see you.

Masa: Tell her she will have to wait.

Lt. Cho: She asked politely... with cheeries on top.

Masa: Cheeries? o.O

Lt. Cho: That is what she said.

(Just then Tiffa bursts in, seeming jumpier than ever.)

Tiffa: I'm so sorry Captian to barge in like this but I'm having... female issues.

Masa: *double-takes* Female issues...?

Ashley: Oh for the love of... what kind of ship are your running here Masamune! *takes Tiffa by the hand* Come with me. I have a few extra tampons you can use.

(As they dissappeared around the corner, Ashley looks back and sticks her tongue out at her husband. Lt Cho and Masa just exchanged dumbfounded glances with one another. Once in the bathroom, Tiffa imediately heads into one of the stolls and does what she needs to do.)

Ashley: It's amazing how far across the glaxy, we women still have to face the same problems.

Tiffa: Yeah. Neko-Neko's aren't all that different from humans, really. They say we're only one chromosome away from being in the same species. I'm sorry, it's kinda embrassing... My cycle has a very strict schedule. I can tell down to the exact second I'm about to have a period.

Ashley: Heh, I wish I could do that.

(After a brief silence, Tiffa steps out pale-faced.)

Ashley: What's wrong?

Tiffa: My period skipped.

Ashley: I'm sure it's just stress...

Tiffa: But it NEVER does that. What's going on?

Ashley: Well... it could be that you're pregnant.

Tiffa: But how!?

(Meanwhile, in the Imperial Palace of Solara.)

Neko Lt: Our satellites have detected Masamune's ship. Should I ready my men?

(The Neko General seemed preoccupied by a female Neko scientist holding vial contancing a strand of golden red hair.)

Neko General: What did you find?

Neko Scientist Lady: *smiles smugly* The results were conclusive. It's her.

Neko General: Excellent.

Neko Lt: Sir, the Neko Empress.

Neko General: Masamune does not have the Neko Empress. No, what he has is something far more valueble: Tifara.

Neko Lt: Tifa..ra? But that's just a legend.

Neko General: *holds up the vial* These test proves that she does exist. She IS Tifara, Mother of us ALL. And I am now our father.

Author: Masamune[edit]

~suddenly the Bladechappe lurches dangerously~

Masamune: What was that!?

Depkon: We're being fired on. A Neko-Neko Military Class Ship. Apparently our little raid was not taken lightly.

Masamune: Damn! *hits intercom switch* All hands to battle stations. This is not a prank, I repeat, this is not a prank. *turns to a Zebesian* Make sure the prisoners are in the brig and dammit, stay this time.

Lt. Cho: We're receiving a transmission.

Masamune: This should be good. Put it on.

~Screen turns on, showing a image of the Neko-Neko General~

General: Surrender your vessel, pirate.

Masamune: You see, that's not going to work for me. I have a lot of fond memories with this thing.

~Screen goes blank~

Lt. Cho: They're readying weapons.

Masamune: The Temporal Drive is up again?

Lt. Cho: Correct.

Masamune: Good, we'll use it as insurance. But first I want to give them something to remember me by.

Ditto-Tron: Hey. This little screen here says there is a Galactic Police Cruiser.


Datana: Hey, this doesn't look like the right place.

Kolan: Oh well, there's a Neko-Neko ship. Lets get rid of her royalness.

Datana: We're not giving Tiffa to the Neko- Nekoians.

Nefertina: No no, that's alright. I'm one of them, they'll be willing to transport me home.

Datana: Judging by those lasers, they don't look like they're in a mood to talk.

Kolan: Hey, that's Masamune's ship. The one who sent us the transmission.

Datana: So?

Kolan: Send another message Lotan, encyrypted the same as the one we received.

Datana: I don't think-

Kolan: Just trust me on this.

~The Bladechappe flies up beside the Military Class Ship and fires barrage after barrage of plasma blasts into the hull of the ship. The smaller Bladechappe is iinside the Military Ship's shield, preventing it from counterattacking. In response, it releases several one-man fighters from its hangars~

Masamune: We've got company, Depkon, Ashley, Ditto-Tron. Come with me, we're going to man the turrets.

Lt. Cho: We received a encrypted message-

Masamune: Ignore it.

~The Bladechappe breaks off from the Military Ship. As it does, several turrets emerge from different parts of the ship. The Neko Fighters start swarming the ship, some managing to hit the shield, but most not thanks to Lt. Cho's piloting skills.~

Ditto-Tron: I got one!

Masamune: Don't get cocky, kid.

~seconds later~

Masamune: I waste all my best Star Wars references on you. -_-

~the Military Ship begins to maneuver to block off Masamune's escape route, while it continues to fire on the Bladechappe. The Neko Fighters continue to press their attack. Despite being picked off one by one, there's too many of them~

~in the brig~

Jorge: Andi, can you hear me?

Andi: Unfortunately.

Jorge: The console is flashing over there. We got a reply.

Andi: Fine. *opens the cell door* This guy really needs to upgrade his brig. *opens message* It's from a Galactic Police Cruiser. They say... they already have Tiffa.

Jorge: I thought we did.

Andi: We do, idiot. We'll just to tell them.

~in the turrets~

Ditto-Tron: They're all over the place!

Masamune: Keep your head.

Depkon: Argh, well there goes my turret.

Ashley: There's too many of them.

Masamune: Depkon, take my turret. *jumps out just as Depkon jumps in, he then goes back to the Bridge* What's it look like?

Lt. Cho: We'll get killed if we stay out here any longer.

Masamune: Until next time then, activate the Temporal Drive.

~there is a dull hum~

Masamune: What was that?

Lt. Cho: It was repaired, I swear.

Masamune: Dammit. I'll be right back.

Lt. Cho: How long do you need?

Masamune: A few days.

Lt. Cho: I'll give you a minute.

~the Bladechappe continues taking volley after volley. Meanwhile back in the brig~

Andi: The ship is getting destroyed.

Jorge: We're going to die. o_o

Andi: The computer says the Temporal Drive has a conflict with the Neko-Neko engine they stole.

Jorge: *rocks self*

Tiffa: Can you fix it?

Andi: I think so. *presses a few buttons* There.

~suddenly the ship vanishes from the battle scene~

Masamune: Whoa! *falls over in the engine room* The heck?

Lt. Cho: *intercom* The Temporal Drive has been activated, we've cleared out of the battle.

Masamune: *after coming back on Bridge* How long until we reach the Pies 'N Cake?

Lt. Cho: A few hours at our present rate.

Masamune: Good. Once we get rid of Depkon and that Empress, I think I'm going to retire for a decade or two.


Datana: The ship just vanished. Not warped, vanished.

Kolan: Not surprising, from what I've heard, he installed a Temporal Drive to increase speed.

Datana: I thought that was illegal.

Kolan: He is a pirate.

Nefertina: Well at least I can go home now, right?

Loter: *holds out a print out from the computer; which reads: "Tiffa is here with us. The empress must have got left behind in Milliways"*

Kolan: Hm.

Nefertina: They're lying. I might think I'm the Empress at times, but I'm not really the empress. *laughs*

Loter: *writes on paper: "I say we go after the Bladechappe and find out."*

Datana: .... I trust you Tiffa, but I have to find out for certain. I'm sorry. Loter, change course to pursue the Bladechappe.

Nefertina: *glares, but says nothing*

Author: Mario Jr.[edit]

(Datana notices that the pendant around Nefertina's neck was whole. She looks down at her own half of the necklace and instinctively hides it beneath her vest.)

DatanA: Tiffa?

Nefertina: ...

Datana: Tiffa?

Nefrtina: Huh? Oh, what is it Day?

Datana: Your necklace...

Nefertina: Yeah? What about it?

Datana: I thought you broke it.

Nefertina: Oh I got it fixed years ago.

Datana: Oh.

(Loter shoots Datana a knowing glance.)

Datana: No Loter. Don't look at me like that.

Kolan: Well, let's take Tiffa home. Wherever the hell that is.

Nefertina: I don't think so!

(Before any of the Itoli's could stop her, Nefertina salms her fist on the control console, sending a distress beacon to the Nekotian ships.)

~Onboard the main Neko Starship~

Neko Lt: Masamune has escaped once again. Also, it appears our computers have picked up a distress message from a nearby Galatic Police cruiser.

Neko General: Ignore them. We have no time to waste helping non Neko-Neko's.

Neko Lt: Our scanners have detected that the Empress is onboard.

Neko General: Well in that case shoot them.

Neko Lt: Sir?

Neko General: She's just a mere figurehead anyways. She's outlived her usefullness to the Empire.

Neko Lt: ...

Neko General: That was a direct order, Lt.

(The Neko Lt does a slight bow and heads on his way.)

~Back on the Galatic Police Cruiser~

Nefertina: Once my people pick me up it'll be adios for you three. Not to worry though. I'll make sure my guards give you a quick and painless death.

Kolan: You lying bi--

(Suddenly the cruiser shakes and sparks start flying everwhere.)

Datana: What's going on!?

Kolan: It seems those damned Neko's are firing at us!

Nefertina: But WHY!? I'm their leader!

Kolan: Well I guess betrayal runs in your species.

Nefertina: ......

Author: Luiigii of the Pipes[edit]

~Light-years and light-years away~

Gravve: PREDIC! That ship is still following us! I thought this was supposed to be easy!

PREDIC: I've been trying to tell you, Gravve, that ship is slaved to this one's plot designator.

Gravve: It's manned by slaves?! Oh man, they fight dirty!

PREDIC: No, it's...

Gravve: We'll need some blasters. And a big cannon. And ice cream. I thought I told you to search the ship for those hours ago.

PREDIC: You never told me.

Gravve: That's what you say!

PREDIC: I should probably direct your attention to the two lifeforms that have been steadily trying to break open the door for the last fifty-two hours.

Gravve: Those two Basks?

PREDIC: They're not Basks.

Gravve: But this is a Bask ship.

PREDIC: Yes, but I tried to tell you, it's not piloted by Basks.

Gravve: Then why is it a Bask ship?

PREDIC: Nevermind. I've been holding them off by playing elevator music every so--

Gravve: Elevator music?

PREDIC: It makes them dance. But I can't hold them off much longer. They'll be punching through in three... two...

Computer: A fireball flies through the door of the bridge and splatters against the forward viewport.

Gravve: You were a second off!

PREDIC: On one, not after one.

Gravve: Oh, right.

Splot: ~peeks through hole in the door~ ~urrrrghSurrenderDehughuhShip!~

Gravve: That's not a Bask!

PREDIC: No. No, it's not. Imagine that.

Slorg: ~pushes Splot out of the way~ ~uggghGetToDehChopper!ugh~

PREDIC: Those are goombas. Very powerful physically, very weak mentally.

Gravve: Look at their tiny heads! It's so cute!

PREDIC: They usually carry flamethrowers...

Gravve: Aww widdle baby-- ~is hit in the face by fireball, leaving only charred mass and two big eyes~

PREDIC: I saw that coming.

Gravve: Shut up!

Author: Murasame[edit]

Aged Syntaxian Woman: What have you found?

Delta: The warrior's blood is too dangerous for normal extraction, but I did manage to get enough to study. It will require more extreme measures. The other one will be good for our immediate usage. The cyborg's blood is also usable, Professor Beta.

Prof. Beta: Good. Have the robot destroyed, the rest brought in for experimentation.

Delta: Beta... is it right for us to do this? They trust us.

Prof. Beta: You're our leade... trying to save our people. Do no doubt that.

Delta: What of the other prisoner? The one we found last year.

Prof. Beta: He still proves erratic.


Computer: Underground Syntaxian Laboratory.

~inside a room, blocked off by a forcefield, a robed and cowled man sits in a corner in a heep. Outside the cell, the syntaxians go about their business~

Prof. Beta: Human... your tests once again come back the same. You are by all acounts human, but yet your body does not respond to any of our tests. What are you?

Man: As I tell you every time, I am what I am. I ask only for peace.

Syntaxian Scientist: Maam, a moment if you will.

Prof. Beta: Yes?

Scientist: The warrior's blood, look at the DNA.

Prof. Beta: And?

Scientist: Compare it to our other guest.

Prof. Beta: ... they're related. Very curious.

Scientist: It suggests that the warrior is a nephew or such of the man. But here is the truly strange part. The warrior has the same DNA degeneration of other humans, despite the odd heat immunity. But...

Prof. Beta: The man's degeneration is not as advanced, yes. We established that long ago. He seems to be a time traveller from Earth's past. This is not that unusual. But the relation is of interest. *turns to the man* What says you of that?

Man: It is your research that doomed your people. More research won't save them.

Prof. Beta: Bah, your contempt does you no credit.

~the next morning~

Computer: Planet Surface

Triple-X: Man, they got mosquitoes bad here. Look at this bite. *points to his right arm*

GM: That's odd, I received a bite in the same place.

Luigi: That's not a bite. Delta came in to my sleeping quarters and took a blood sample.

Triple-X: Why?

Luigi: He said it was to check for diseases.

Rhykette: That's not likely. They would have checked you before the feast when there was the most potential for spreading anything.

GM: I tried calling the ship this morning. I didn't get a response from your two henchmen.

Luigi: Not surprising.

Delta: *walks up* Ah, refreshed from your sleep?

GM: Um, yeah. Actually, we were going to head back to our ships.

Delta: A good idea, but before you do there is one matter. I have something to show you.

Luigi: *leans over to GM and whispers* I don't think this is a good idea.

GM: *aside* What choice do we have? *to Delta* Sure, just one quick stop won't hurt.

Delta: Good. This way. *leads them towards the Lab*

Author: Mario Jr.[edit]

~The Brig, Bladdechappe~

Jorge: Tell me why we’re escaping again?

Tiffa: Well we can either wait here and starve to death. Or we can hijack one of their escape pods and return to Milliways and… hopefully run into Datana and them along the way.

Jorge: Hopefully!?

Tiffa: Well, there is always a chance that we might run into the Neko-Neko again.

Jorge: The Neko-Neko!?

Tiffa: And that’s if Masa doesn’t hunt us down first

Jorge: Hunt us down!!? *hyperventilates*

Tiffa: Well look at the bright side Jorge! Anything’s better than sleeping in dingy cell for the remainder of the OG. Now! We’ll be needing a distraction. Andi, you got anything?

Andi: Well, if I can hack into the ship’s mainframe I think I can overload the ship’s computer guidance systems and force them to do a mass reboot. While they’re scrambling trying to figure out what’s going on, I’ll slip in a encrypted virus in the computer’s buffer that’ll release the moment they get everything back online which will cause all systems to start malfunctioning all at once, giving us enough time to--Jorge! Are you paying attention?

Jorge: Boobs…So jiggly…

Andi: *slaps Jorge*

Jorge: I’m sorry, Andi. I didn’t mean to--

Andi: *slaps him again*

(Hours later, while the Bladechappe was in total chaos, Tiffa and them escape the Bladechappe on one of the ship’s escape pods.)

Tiffa: I’m sensing we’re being followed.

Andi: I’m picking up multiple dart ships coming from the Bladechappe.

Tiffa: Don’t kill them. We don’t need to piss off Masamune anymore than we already have.

Andi: Don’t worry. I’ve got an idea.

(Andi swings the escape around and faces the dart ships head-on then she powered the pod down.)

Jorge: Um, Andi. You sure you know what you’re doing?

Andi: Positive. Just wait for it…

(As the dart ships neared them, a wave of blue energy comes out of nowhere and slices through the ships causing them to freeze all at once. Andi then switched the power back on.)

Jorge: Wicked!

Tiffa: What was that?

Andi: A pulsar wave. It short-circuited their computers all at once giving us enough time to escape into a slip stream.

(A blue tesseract field forms to the left of them and they veer towards it, disappearing into it’s event horizon just before it vanished. They reappear on the other side, only to find themselves face to face with the Neko Armada.)

Jorge: Oh frak! Out of the frying pan into the fryer.

Andi: As far as I can tell, these ships are the real thing, not an illusion like before.

Jorge: Look! They seem to be attacking that Galactic Police cruiser.

Tiffa: Why would a lone Police Cruiser be doing all to way out here outside of Colonial territory? … It must be Datana nad them. They must’ve came looking for us when they ran into the Neko. We have to help them!

Andi: We’re in an escape pod. We have no weapons.

Tiffa: You’ve worked with less before.

Andi: Yes but this is just pushing it.

Tiffa: I guess it’s time to play the matriarch card again. Can you get us a direct link with the Nekotian Armada?

Andi: I can try.

Author: Masamune[edit]

Masamune: How's our cargo?

Lt. Chozo: Gone, as planned. Although dealing with that virus was an irritation.

Depkon: What fools they must be, thinking they got out on their own.

Ashley: How were they to know we had a mind-reader on board?

Masamune: Still, we're rid of them at least. The Neko-Neko Empire behind us, I'm feeling good about this.

Ditto-Tron: Not me, I'm a robotic freak.

Lt. Chozo: Ah, on that note. We seem to be getting a transmission from the Darth.

Masamune: Ugh, put it on the big screen.

~Darth appears, only he's cowled and his face is hidden~

Darth: I see Dark Ditto made his first step, very good.

Masamune: Yeah, um. What's up?

Darth: Merely providing his next step. I'm sending some computer subroutines to be added to his programming.

Ditto-Tron: You planned for me to become a freak!?

Darth: Give it time, my young apprentice. You will see what awaits you. That is all. *screen fades out*

Masamune: I'm starting to hate him. So, what did he send?

Lt. Cho: From a quick glance... these seem to be schematics to battle with a lighsaber and many advanced fighting techniques.

Masamune: I guess that's useful.

Ashley: Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea? He's a VILLAIN. With that stuff he'll slaughter us in our sleep.

Ditto-Tron: She makes a compelling point.

Lt. Cho: Except we installed a safety to override that. Even if your still human brain desires to kill us, your mechanical body will not allow it.

Masamune: Then it's settled. *presses a button to transfer the data* With this, 'Ditto-Tron' is now useful.

Ditto-Tron: Au Contraire, with my skillz, I will now be addressed as MASTER DITTO.

Masamune: No.

Master Ditto: Yes.

Masamune: Fine.


Lt. Cho: We're in the are where we attacked them. There is still some debris floating around. No sign of a Bask ship, though ours and the Lead Zeppelin's ion trail is still fresh.

Masamune: Great, how do we find the Pies 'N Cakes then?

Depkon: I modified my ship to leave no trail or any method of following it. But we can follow it.

Masamune: How?

Depkon: I'm a bounty hunter for a reason. Note the path the Zeppelin took. Some slight debris that way, but long range sensors pick up a clean ion trail for lightyears. In the attack, my ship suffered damage, but none to the propulsion systems. Once our ship was removed from the battlefield, they would have easily overtaken the Zeppelin and been able to attack again. But they didn't.

Lt. Cho: Very impressive. I think I see where you're going. The ship that displaced us... it's ion trail shows where it came from, but dissapears. That means it rendevoused with the Bask ship and travelled in front of it. Whether this was intentional or not, it successfully hid the ion trail. But...

Depkon: Not completely. It only cast it aside. A scan altered to pick up on this alteration provides us with a path we can follow. Which appears to be coordinates 5.616.29.90, give or take.

Masamune: You could've just said 'this way' instead of all that stupid techno babble. Yeesh.

Depkon/Lt. Cho: ....

Ashley: But wait, you said that other ship was the Lead Zeppelin, right?

Masamune: Yeah.

Ashley: Isn't that what Steve flew back in uh, my time?

Masamune: Oh yeah.

Steve sneezed. Or rather he didn't, because he had no nose to sneeze with. But he made all the motions of a sneeze, which annoyed him greatly because he had no idea why it happened. But he quickly forgot it and made another scan on the Lead Zeppelin XII's console. The last few scans had picked up nothing, which was annoying. He went to all that trouble to cloak the ship and nothing.

He blamed Straw Man, who told him to cloak the ship instead of looking for Masamune. Sheer irritation made him just give up and cloak the ship. This Straw Man, in some ways, was more annoying than the old one. He wasn't sure how that was possible, but it had happened.

The computer suddenly beeped. He looked down and didn't grin, since he was unable to anyways. The Bladechappe had entered the sensor range. He realized he had to make a quick decision. Shoot and ask questions later or shoot and forgo the questioning. It didn't matter to him either way. He would be eliminating Masamune, the last surviving Party Goer, that ridiculous group of Festivity Attenders wannabes.

Author: Mario Jr.[edit]

Neko Lt: Sir, we've picked up an nearby space craft. Scanners indicate the Tifara is onboard.

Neko General: Well, what are you waiting for? Bring them in.

Neko Lt: She sent us a message. Apparently she wants us to cease fire on the police cruiser immediately.

Neko General: Ah yes. Just like the Tifara to be so merciful. Bring them all onboard.

Neko Lt: Right away sir.

Neko General: I should enjoy the look on the Empress' face when the two meet.

(The Neko Lt. waves his hand over one of the consoles and passengers of both ships appear before them in a ball of white light.)

Nefertina: General! What is the meaning of this? Why have your ships opened fire on me? Did your scanners not indicate I was onboard that vessel!

Neko General: Yes. They did.

(Nefertina glances over at Tiffa then does a double take as did Tiffa.)

Tiffa/Nefertina: YOU!

Jorge: Whoa! There's two of them! My greatest fantasy made rael!

Kolan: Okay. Which is which?

Nefertina: I'm obviously the original. She's just some cheap imitation. Guards! Get rid of her!

Tiffa: Hey wait a minute!

Neko General: SILENCE! I've known all along that she wasn't the real Empress.

Nefertina: Exactly.

Tiffa: You did?

Neko General: She is the Tifara.

Nefertina: Impossible!

Tiffa: The Tifawhodda?

Nefertina: The Tifara was a Goddess! Not some lowly peasant girl who obviously wasn't brought up by the ways of the ways of the Neko.

Neko General: Tifara, come with me. There is much I must explain to you.

(Tiffa obliges and walks up to him and takes him by the arm as if mesmerized by him. The two head out the control deck together, Tiffa with her head on his shoulder as he lead the way.)

Nefertina: Now hold on! I'm still the Empress here! I disagree with this whole thing.

Neko General: Guard. Put her in the airlock.

(The Neko guards seize the Empress by the shoulders and throw her into one of the airlocks.)

Nefertina: Hey wait a minute! You can't throw me in here! I'm royalty dammit! Wait till father here's of this. He'll have you--

(Her voice cuts cut off when the secondary hatch closes on her. Nefertina continues pounding and screaming at the door but as soon as the exterior hatch open, she was sucked into deep abyss of space, never to be heard from again. A tear trickles down Tiffa's cheek.)

Neko General: No. Don't cry for her, Tifara. She is disposable.

Tiffa: She was me.

Neko General: She is not you. She are invaluable to our race. If you come with me I will show you.

Datana: Not so fast, Speedy. *holds her gun at the Neko General* Tiffa is our friend. She's not going anywhere with you unless we're with her.

(The Neko General cracked a small smile as the Neko Guards all raised their staffs at Datana and her friends.)

Neko General: And just how do you plan on stopping me?

Andi: *stepsa forward* She might not be able to but I can.

Neko General: And who are you?

Andi: I'm Andromeda P90. I'm a android with superhuman agility and strength. I can slice off your guards hands with one fell swoop, run up to you, crack your skull, and throw you into that airlock over there, in less time then it took me to explain it to you.

Neko General: Heh. You're bluffing.

Andi: Am I? I suppose I can just break Tiffa's neck instead. I'm assuming that baby inside her is somehow imprtant to you.

Datana: Andi!

Neko General: Very well then.

Tiffa: *breaks way* No. It's alright guys. I'll be fine.

Datana: Are you sure Tiffa? This guy seems totally slimy. I don't want him tricking you into anything.

Tiffa: I'll be fine Day. I'm not the scared little girl from Polor anymore. Trust me. I know what I'm doning.

Datana: Okay...*lowers her gun*

(Tiffa smiles and then returns to the general’s arms. He places his hand possessively around her waist and together they leave the room. Just before the disappear through the hatch, Tiffa looks over her shoulder and gives Datana a reassuring wink.)

Neko Lt: Okay, take the other to the brig.

Jorge: THE BRIG!? But we just came from one...

Kolan: Why does that NOT surprise me? Rolleyes.gif

(As Tiffa and the General walk down the corridor together, Tiffa began to notice how different the ship's interior was than any other ship she was on before. The walls seemed to be made of pure gold and were covered with what seemed to be some ancient writing of some sort. She could not read it but something about their forms seemed familar, almost calming, to her. Also, instead of fluorescent lights, bright torches illuminated the corridors corridors, making the jewels that dotted the ceiling seem to twinkle like stars in their dancing glow. It was as if she was walking inside a grand palace rather than a warship.)

Tiffa: General?

Neko General: Please. Call me Nirgal.

Tiffa: Nirgal...

(The name seemed familiar rolling off her tongue. She looked up at him and for the first time she noticed how handsome he was with his strong jaw, a nicely groomed beard that came to a curled point on his chin, and long snowy white hair that framed his tanned golden face. He reminded her of a Siamese cat almost. Even his cold blue eyes that stared hungrily down at her seemed Oriental almost. Tiffa felt her face grow warm. She was blushing! What was coming over her? Why was she suddenly feeling this way about a man she had rrecently met. Nirgal must've noticed her reaction because he began to pull her closer and began to run his hand up and down her side.)

Nirgal: Do you know what you are, Tiffa?

Tiffa: Actually, I always thought I was the only one of my kind. I was raised amongst children of mixed races and yet I've always been alone. Datana and my human parents have been the only family I ever had. But now that I know of the Neko-Neko, I don't know what to think anymore...

Nirgal: We are your family Tiffa. We are your children. Every last one of us.

Tiffa: Waitaminute... Hold up! What do you mean 'Children?'

Nirgal: We Nekotians have a legend. It tells of our creation. According to this legend, we were born of a lonely woman, known as the Tifara, born amongtst the stars who gave birth to the first four Neko's. Two males and two females. And a male and female each were taken to the opposite sides of the galaxy where brother and sister mated and began to spread their seed across the galaxy. It was thought have been just a mere myth until 100 years ago when the two sides of the Neko race met for the first time in billions of years. Thus began the Neko-Neko War. Though they came from the same mmother, there separation had caused them to elvolve differently, both genetically and socially. Eventually, Queen Nefertina I brought the two races together in the Article of Solara here the two races forever became known as the Neko-Neko. And taht is how the Neko-Neko empire was born, with it's base being the planet of Solara. The planet where the four abbies were said to have been first separated when they were brought to the past. Are you begining to understand yet, Tiffa?

Tiffa: No.

Nirgal: Tiffa... you ARE the Tifara.

Tiffa: It can't be. *turns away*

Nirgal: Search your feelings, girl. You know it to be true.

Tiffa: No... no...

Nirgal: All your life you've been alone, not knowing who and what you are. You WERE one of a kind. And we are the product of your unique genes. Inside you now grows the foremothers of our race. And I am their father.

Tiffa: Wait! But how?

Nirgal: *smiles smugly* Remember that night when we first took you on our ship* I gave you a drink and you feel asleep.

Tiffa: You bastard! You drugged me!

Nirgal: When I first suspected who you were, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to ensure that our race strives as strong as ever.

Tiffa: Who gave you the right to play God with my life!?

Nirgal: Playing god? I am merely acting as his intrument. It was always my seed that that was planted inside of you. Who else could've co-created the Neko-Neko race but me? History will never remember me but my DNA will forever be ingrained inside of our race and insure that we prosper another millennia.

Tiffa: You raped me! I HATE YOU!

Nirgal: You can never hate me, Tiffa. We've mated. Once a Neko mates, they are forever bound by their mate. Nothing can come between the love we share. Not even death.

Tiffa: You're wrong. I already have a mate.

Nirgal: Oh? And who's that?

Datana: Me!

(Datana hits him with the but of her gun, knocking the 200 pound general out cold.)

Author: Golem[edit]

Computer: As Delta leads the Galaxy Goers to the lab, they come close to what seems to be a town square. Delta listens to a small black device in his ear.

Device: Our captive is related to Luigi of the Stars. Convince him that Delta I was the man we have captive, and no one will dare dig up the grave, and no one will find the entrance to the garage where we hold our space crafts.

Computer: Delta stops in front of a patch of dirt in the center of the town square.

Delta: I am sorry for another delay, but I must inform you that here lies Delta (he had no second name pertaining to his family), for whom I am named. He was a great human warrior in our recent past. If only we had more time together, I could share the stories of how he maintained the town's border and made it safe from breach by the Badland creatures. However, there is a more relevant reason for pointing this grave out. When I took a sample of your blood, Luigi, though the needle was melted, it still had some of your DNA on it. Our doctors have compared that DNA to the DNA of Delta I... and found that you two are very close relatives. When Delta came, he was very strange, and remained so until the end. Delta hadn't been his real name, but instead preferred Delta, as it was given to him by our people, and never shared his real name--if there was one. The only custom he held different from ours was that he requested to be buried upon death, as opposed to the standard incineration. In fact, we were hoping you might help us shed some light on Delta, Luigi. But first, we shall go to Professor Beta's lab... it is not wise to keep an eager scientist waiting.

Luigi: Uh--

Computer: Soon after, at the lab...

Beta: ~big smile~ Ah, good to finally meet you all! When I heard newcomers were here, I just had to have them see the stuff our little planet is doing. ~takes out five goggles~ All us organics will need to wear goggles, including you ~turns to GM~,... GM, is it?

GM: Yeah.

Computer: Professor Beta hands out goggles to Luigi, GM, Triple-X, and Delta, then puts on one herself. Then she stands in front of a large pane of glass in the back of the room which gives a view of a large metallic device which is overflowing with wires.

Beta: Line up beside me everyone, this is the best place to view the action from.

Computer: As the other four line up beside Beta, she watches Rhykette's feet, then looks back to the device. She gives a thumbs-up to a scientist on the other side of the window pane, who goes behind the wall. A few seconds later, bright flash of light comes forth from the machine. Beta and Delta look away at the last second and Luigi, GM, and Triple-X fall to the ground.
Meanwhile, Rhykette has been sucked into a trap door. On the other side, she is tossed up and into somewhere in the Badlands. She stomps the ground below her with her foot, but the trap door does not reappear. She takes the gun off of her leg and looks around for familiar surroudings.

Computer: Two hours later, Beta and Delta are getting into sitting positions where they were standing two hours previous.

Beta: Keep your eyes open for another opportunity to get them unconscious. Luckily, due to our efforts this time, at least we'll have the information necessary to hold them captive next time. Have you secured all of the research we conducted?

Delta: Yes, everything is safely put away.

Computer: Luigi and company start waking up. They find Professor Beta sitting where she was standing, and she gets up first, then helps them all up.

Beta: Woo... maybe we need to reduce the light that thing makes. ~grabs a paper sticking out of a slit in the wall~ Aha, but it was a complete success.

GM: What were we supposed to see?

Computer: Triple-X goes over to Beta and looks over the sheet she holds.

Triple-X: Wow...!

Luigi: Where's Rhykette?!

Computer: Everyone starts looking around. Rhykette seems to be nowhere.

Delta: She can't have gotten far. It's been a minute at most.

GM: ~sticking his head out the doorway~ She's not outside!

Computer: Luigi pulls an unactive light sword from his shoe, activates it, and slices a wide hole in the glass with his laser sword and hops through, then leaps up on top of the machine.

Luigi: Tell us what's going on here or the machine gets it.

Beta: No, don't--

Computer: Delta grasps Beta's shoulder as GM falls limp in the doorway. The soldier that shot him runs in through the doorway.

Delta: It's not working any more, Beta... Luigi, that was just a machine made to blind you, it has no meaning to us.

OOC: I fear that what Luigi does at the end might be out of character... as always I can delete it if need be. Also that plotline ended kinda suddenly. Bah... I should shut up or something now before I embarrass myself.

Author: Fred[edit]

OOC: At least for the moment, Fred's post from this line and above does not fit with the story and should not be referred to. The stuff below this line still works, though.

Computer: Meanwhile, at um.. uh.. wait, don't replace me with Computer 2.0! My memory banks recall, now, with Delta Error and the othersz...

Beta: Delta! I demand you keep the subjects under control!

Delta: I didn't want to do this, Luigi. Unfortunately, I have to, for my people. So I'll try to enjoy it!

(Delta leaps with his sword and brings it down on both of Luigi's. Luigi uses both of them and the force in conjunction to send him flying into the ceiling. Delta lands on both feet, and lunges with one hand. Luigi sidesteps and prepare to cut the limb, only to be answered with a very-well backed punch to the face Luigi flies through the air, landing in the wall, out cold)

Triple-X: (Shirt turns to Chewie in a rage) RAWR FO SHO! (Triple-X Leaps upon Delta's back, and stabs him with a neural disabler. Delta falls to the ground with a large shaking and a thump) GUAHAAHHA!

Beta: So, you think you're good, huh kid? Well, you've done me a great favour in dealing with him. His attempts to save the Syntaxians are futile!

Triple-X: So! (Shirt turns to Anakin confronting Sidious) The disease is a fake!

Beta: Not entirely. But it is meant to control the Syntaxians. Because of such a threat to their race, it causes them to give full support to whatever seems necessary. And intruders are necessary to get rid of!

Triple-X: So, the guards?

Beta: Anyone at this facility works for the commander of the Badlands, Baron Von Desperation.

Triple-X: Not as if I'm one to talk, but that's a terrible name.

Beta: We convinced Delta we needed your blood. Desperation was told to take care of you by an old friend of his. Soon, he will have absoloute control of the Syntaxians, and those quick enough to see his uprising will stand beside him in his uprising will have the front seats, so to speak, on the creation of his empire!

Triple-X: Not that I blame you, this is a horrid planet. However, if he's the ruler of the Badlands, then- (A guard comes to hit him, but he leaps to the side. He then trips the guard, sending him into the wall. Triple-X grabs his laser rifle and aims it to Beta's head)

Beta: This planet has unique resources! You're a man of science, you can strike a deal with us! Well, a boy of science, anyways! Think of the funding our institute recieves!

Triple-X: It's said that all men have their price, but this is not mine. Now, we're going to wait for my friends here to wake up, and then we're going to have a nice little chat with this Baron fellow.

(Beta nods, and reaches under her desk where she presses a silent alarm)

Computer: In Baron Von Desperation's hillside fortress in the badlands...

Darth:(over video screen) Ah, Desperation, is it ever good to see you. It's important that you've dealt with them.

Desperation: (A large, hog-like creature with scaled arms and legs, along with huge beasts surrounding his stereotyped Jabba-style chair) It's finished. There, you are repayed for your favours on this planet.

Darth: Tell me, did you see them die by your eyes?

Desperation: Not yet, but I'll be in contact with my minions in about an hour. To keep up illusions, it has to be done by the book.

Darth: These ones have a habit of cheating death. I trust the tactical nano disease dispensers are working?

Desperation: Without a hitch. You just set 'em and forget 'em! Now, if anything goes awry, then I'll deal with them when the time comes. The name in ruling Syntaxian scum is not Delta Error, but moreso Desperation. Hunkhunkhunkgunk.

Darth: Do see to it that you never laugh again.

Desperation: Peace out. (screen off)

Darth: Myyesss. The maximals are truly- I mean the Galaxy Goers are falling into place, in place for their doom. It seems the stage is quite set, and that we won't be making the same mistakes as last time, will we?

Lowly Minion: Who were you talking to, just now, sah?


Lowly Minion: Right away, sah, I love tormenting myself to please you, sah!

Darth: Nothing can ruin this. Except something. But it hopefully won't.

Computer: In a small, comfortable two seater Volvo-ish ship, Captain Absoloutely Nobody and Sometwo Else fly towards Desperation's Position...

AN: Capricorns, this jerk has probably already dealt with them.

SE: (left) Did... did you actually just say Capricorns?

AN: No. You did.

SE:(right) Keep your mouth closed, then, left head!

SE:(left) You're not the boss of me.

AN: In order to keep us out of the plot and create a good ship chase scene later, let's stop for ice cream.

SE: (both) But we three all know that ice cream is the most illegal substance in the universe!

AN: Oh, well, then let's randomly weave through highway traffic! Wee!

Author: Luiigii of the Pipes[edit]

Computer: GM stands up, checking his bullet wound.

Triple-X: Serious?

GM: It hit metal. Nothing serious.

Beta: You can put the ray gun down.

Triple-X: No I can't.

Beta: Yes. We of course went to the liberty of deneuralizing your neural disabler before you woke up.

Triple-X: Yeah. So?

Computer: Delta smacks GM and Triple-X over the head with the hilt of his sword.

Beta: Well done, Delta. ~conveniently looks away a moment, then turns back to see Delta pointing the ray gun at her~ Ah... you weren't disabled as long as I thought you would be.

Delta: I've been deceived. Was everything an act, then? Collecting the DNA?

Beta: No. Desperation said that his friend was interested in information about these "Galaxy Goers" as well, though he wouldn't give a reason. ~evil smirk~ I sent some of your data as well.

Delta: You--

Computer: Desper-rationalizers, Desperation's personal soldiers, burst into the room and form a semi-circle.

Desper-rationalizer: Don't hold that gun! It's, um, covered in germs! The sword, too! And you could trip if you keep standing up like that! And you should put your arms up, so that your muscles can grow strong!

Delta: How about I--

Computer: Triple-X stabs Delta with another neural disabler.

Beta: You people just don't stay down.

Triple-X: ~points ray gun at Beta, who sighs heavily~ Everyone back away slowly. My friend's got a machine gun and he's not afraid to use it.

GM: Um... yeah. They've got some thick body armor.

Triple-X: Stupid outdated bullets...

Desper-rationalizer: Bullets are a plague! Put them down! And sit! It'll make your butts warm!

Triple-X: SHUT UP! ~shoots the wall next to Beta for effect~

Desper-rationalizer: He opened fire! That means that we can! It was self-defense!

GM: Nice.


Computer: Triple-X and GM jump in opposite directions as the Desper-rationalizers open fire. They sweep their fire toward Triple-X, but Luigi jumps back in through the window (although tipsy from his KO) and returns the fire with his laser swords. They turn their fire to GM, who rips a set of curved pipes off the wall. He catches their shots in one end of the pipes, which ricochet around and come out the other back at them.

Desper-rationalizer: They're shooting our own shots at us!

Another Desper-rationalizer: Ed Nott was shot but Sam Shott was not! So it is better to be Shott than Nott!

Other Desper-rationalizer: I think this gives us plausible reason to run!

Fourth Desper-rationalizer: This fight needs closure, so I feel entitled to say, "YOU WON THIS ROUND! BUT WE WILL COME BACK WITH FASTER GUNS AND TWICE AS MANY PEOPLE AS A RESULT NEXT TIME!"

A Desper-rationalizer: That was long.

Fourth Desper-rationlizer: I can rationalize it.

Computer: The Desper-rationalizers run away. GM, Triple-X, and Luigi all turn to Beta.

Beta: Look! Delta woke back up!

Computer: They all turn to look and see Delta sitting in the floor mumbling. They turn back and see that Beta is gone.

GM: Crap! Shouldn't have fallen for that one!

Luigi: ~staggers over to Delta~ Fine. Now what's this about?

Delta: ~mumbles~

Triple-X: I was going to show you, Luigi. This information that Beta "dropped". I dunno if you are related to this Delta guy, but you definitely ARE related to this prisoner they've been keeping. ~shows paper to Luigi~ Ever heard of a "Murasame?"

Luigi: . . .

Triple-X: Is that a...?

Luigi: ~turns to Delta, pointing his laser swords at his throat~ Where is he?

Delta: No need for violence. I was going to show you anyway.

Author: Mario Jr.[edit]

Fred_Of_The_Bed wrote:

OOC: At least for the moment, Fred's post from this line and above does not fit with the story and should not be referred to. The stuff below this line still works, though.

OoC: If you say so.

(Some guard rush in and and help General Nirgal back unto his feet.)

Neko Guard: Sir, our captives have escaped.

Nirgal: Yes, yes! I know! Go get them!!!

Neko Guard: Right away sir!

(The two guards bow slightly and head down the corridor, readying their energy lances.)

Datana: *glancing behind* They're gaining on us!

Kolan: Me and Loter will take care of them.

Andi: I shall join you two.

Kolan: Whatever. Just don't drag us behind, lady.

Jorge: Now hold on--

Day: Forget her Jorge! Let's go!

(Datana pulls Tiffa in closer as the three continued to run, leaving Kolan and Loter behind to buy them some time.)

Tiffa: Right now may not be a good time mention this but... when I said mate I didn't mean...

Datana: DAMMIT! They got the hangar blocked off. We'll never get off this ship.

(Suddenly a hands grabs them and pulls them into the shadows just as a band of guards coming from the hangar passed them.)

Tiffa: What the...

Neko Brig Guard: Shhh! Follow me if you want to live.

Datana: Okay.... Um, who are you?

Tiffa: That's Jorge's boyfriend from the brig.

Jorge: He's not my boyfriend! And by the way: Why aren't you dead!?

Neko Brig Guard: I love you too, Jorge. Template:Razz In here!

(The three follow the Neko guard down ventilation shaft leading them straight to the hangar.)

Tiffa: God, I hope those three are okay...

Datana: Oh I'm sure they can handle few measly Neko's. You were saying earlier?

Tiffa: Oh. Um, nothing.... Where's Jorge?

Neko Brig Guard: Come down from up there you silly human, you!

(Tiffa and Datana look up to see Jorge had somehow gotten up on the ceiling and was hanging unto the airducts for dear life.)


Neko Brig Guard: Oh c'mon! You humans are no fun....

Tiffa: Okay keep your hands off Jorge, mister.

Jorge: Template:Razz

Tiffa: You can molest him all you want when we get off this ship and back to Colonial Space.

Jorge: Evil.gif *starts cursing in spanish*

Author: Murasame[edit]

Computer: The Galaxy Goers gather in front of the cell where the Man is kept. His back is to the wall, not even looking at them.

Luigi: You Murasame?

Man: So, it's finally happened. Dear old Beta has been defeated. And look, little Delta is here too. Finally saw through her schemes?

Delta: You knew!?

Man: I spend all my time here. I also know about that sword you have and plenty more. *stands up and turns to them. He brushes the long hair out of his face, revealing himself to them. His face looks strikingly familiar to Luigi, though he's not sure why. His expression is one of weariness* it is I, Murasame.

Luigi: You're... Masamune's brother.

Murasame: *nods* The same. Here to kill me I suppose? You're welcome to try. Beta couldn't do it, I couldn't do it, not even Delta's little toothpick there could do it.

Delta: *grumbles*

Luigi: I'm not here to kill you. I'm-

Murasame: A descendant of Luigi of the Pipes.

Luigi: How did you?

Murasame: I may be over 800 years old lad, but I'm not senile yet. Beta hinted that there was a relative here. I figured it was one of Masamune's descendants. And your striking resemblance to my old apprentice is rather striking.

Luigi: Old... apprentice?

Murasame: For another time. I suspect Lord Desperation sent company to meet you already. I would suggest making a hasty exit.

Triple-X: He's right. If we leave now, we might be lucky enough to catch my ship.

Delta: Ah... you guys were actually out longer than a few minutes. Both your ships are out of our scanning range.

GM: What about the pod we came down in?

Delta: We kind of destroyed that.

Luigi: Is there ANY way off this planet?

Delta: Well um...

Murasame: You could take my ship.

Delta: Er, what?

Murasame: I was exiled here, Delta, but not by force as I told your people. I exiled myself here, thinking it to be an isolated planet where I could spend time in repentance. The ship is nothing special, but it's space worthy and will get you to a space port.

Luigi: What about you?

Murasame: I wish for you to drop me off at the next uninhabited planet.

Luigi: Listen...

Murasame: My mind is made up.

GM: Well, that's great and all. But shouldn't we find Rhykette first? Where is she anyways?

Delta: Ah, um. *cough* About that...

Author: SteveT[edit]

Lt. Cho: Captain, the Lead Zeppelin is charging weapons

Masamune: Open a hailing frequency!

~The computer screen blips~

Masamune: SteveT..it's been a long time...

SteveT: Fire torpedo!

Masamune: Well...ok...

~The two torpedoes hit each other in a spectacular explosion that doesn’t damage either ship~

Ashley: Will you stop that for just a minute?!

Felix [offscreen]: The captain can't hear you over the clicking of the fire button

Straw Man [also offscreen]: What? Oh yeah, it's true! You'll have to talk louder!

SteveT: All right, no torpedoes. I have a better idea.

Masamune: What's that?

SteveT: [pulls Don Miguel, tied to a chair, into the view screen] Masamune, last of the Festivity Attender Reminders, surrender yourself or I kill this innocent bystander!

Masamune: I think you have me confused for someone else

Don Miguel: What? I finally showed up again?

SteveT: You're lucky we remembered about you

Don Miguel: Sweet luscious screen time...

Felix: Can I shoot him?

Don Miguel: Hey, a glorious death scene is better than being missing for two pages

Straw Man: Why is the dog guy threatening our chef?

Masamune: Shut up! Ok, I'll do it. But we'll both have to lower our shields to transport.

SteveT: Obviously. Lowering shields in 3..

Masa: 2...
Steve: 1...

Steve and Masa: FIRE! Wait! Hey! You didn't lower your shields! Neither did you! You're such a jerk!

Straw Man: That's because I lowered both your shields.

Don Miguel: Does this mean I don't get to go free?

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