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==Author: Raakone==
==Author: Raakone==
Mnowiki>*</nowiki>Iv'e been having problems posting it..including my internet connection at home dying....that's why the delay!!!* ~Ra'akone
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Iv'e been having problems posting it..including my internet connection at home dying....that's why the delay!!!* ~Ra'akone
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"He has lasers, grapling hooks, homing missiles, the works...oh, to answer your thoughts, which we have read, he's a cross between Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic, and Silver Sonic....three failed robots from those games....but this robot has the power of BLUE! Have fun, I know I will!" added the Shining One.<br />
"He has lasers, grapling hooks, homing missiles, the works...oh, to answer your thoughts, which we have read, he's a cross between Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic, and Silver Sonic....three failed robots from those games....but this robot has the power of BLUE! Have fun, I know I will!" added the Shining One.<br />
"Good luck!" said Sam in a suddenly cheerful (for a zombie) voice, "You'll need it!" The hedgehog rolled up into a ball that was covered with spikes and sawblades.<br />
"Good luck!" said Sam in a suddenly cheerful (for a zombie) voice, "You'll need it!" The hedgehog rolled up into a ball that was covered with spikes and sawblades.<br />
"Acquiring targets!" announced the robot, "Testing will commence, The Future is Blue!"  
"Acquiring targets!" announced the robot, "Testing will commence, The Future is Blue!"
==Author: Golem==
==Author: Golem==

Latest revision as of 16:10, 25 February 2009

Pages in Cat Investigations
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7

Author: Golem[edit]

Sam arrived in the pyramid. He was directed to the right, walk through the hall until he reached three doors, go in the one most on the right, go down that hall and monitor the "guests." If they tried to escape, he was alert the closest Shining One by pressing the bright blue button on a royal blue remote he was given.

"He's expecting us to escape," thought Al. "Even if we could, we'd be smashed by reinforcements. He's expecting us."

"That's what he wants us to think," thought Schala. "He wants us to stay here."

Pierru thought against that. "Ah, but isn't that the wiser thing to do?"

"Exactly!" Cat thought.

Pierru thought again. "If we try to escape now, he'll wonder why we're such dolts."

Cat replied. "That's a triple-bluff, no?"

Schala tried her magic; all it did, though, was to give her a headache for a minute or so. Cat tried pure strength, but that did not will these walls. But Al had an idea; if someone could bust open the trap door, he could fiddle around with the circuits and make them voltless. Sam, seeing them working on the trap door to find a safe way to open it, pressed the blue button.

Had only they expected a cuadruple-bluff from the True Blue.

Author: Raakone[edit]

*Iv'e been having problems posting it..including my internet connection at home dying....that's why the delay!!!* ~Ra'akone

Bells could be heard in the distance.
"It's nothing!" thought Pieruru
"Don't be so sure!" thought Schala.
Just then the door of the holding chamber flew open, and in marched Sam and a Shining One.
"You are subversives, you do not fully appreciate Blue!" uttered Sam in a droning monotonic voice.
"Hi Sam!" shouted Cat, "Remember me?"
"You have deserted, but you cannot resist, the whole world shall turn blue!"
"He's right!" added the Shining One in a Patti-Labelle like voice. This Shining One, instead of the usual nightgown, was wearing a saphire colored evening gown and a matching scarf. She also had medals which may have indicated her as a superior among the Shining Ones. "The Future is Blue! And your future, is to help test our newest weapon!" She focused her powers and a strange flash of blue light was seen. When it cleared, a strange metallic robot that resembled a cross between a human and a hedgehog appeared.
"And I thought that only Eastern European mad scientists made robotic hedgehogs!" thought Cat.
"Seems to be a trend towards videogame-inspired danger here. But then again, we have Schala!" thought Al.
This robo-hedgehog had numerous "Blue Stones" and several Saphires on it that were glowing. It also had a jetpack with blue fire coming out of it.
"You will learn to love the Saphire Hedgehog, or else..." began Sam.
"He has lasers, grapling hooks, homing missiles, the works...oh, to answer your thoughts, which we have read, he's a cross between Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic, and Silver Sonic....three failed robots from those games....but this robot has the power of BLUE! Have fun, I know I will!" added the Shining One.
"Good luck!" said Sam in a suddenly cheerful (for a zombie) voice, "You'll need it!" The hedgehog rolled up into a ball that was covered with spikes and sawblades.
"Acquiring targets!" announced the robot, "Testing will commence, The Future is Blue!"

Author: Golem[edit]

"They can't be THIS dumb, can they? It'll blast right through the walls!" thought Cat.

Pierru thought that there must be a catch behind this. The others agreed.

Just then the robot announced it had its targets set. Saphire Sonic seemed a bit slow acquiring targets to the gang because thinking is a lot faster than talking. Before another thought could be uttered, Saphire Sonic blazed right towards our heroes. Each one was able to jump out of the way, but thoughts could not process fast enough as to figure out how to stop Saphire from hitting the wall and setting off whatever trap was meant for them.

Behind them was nothing out of place... the outside lay unchanged too, the Shining One and Sam in beautiful condition. The wall stood as firm as ever, in tact. Saphire was outside.

"Video games..." uttered Cat, aloud this time.

OoC: NOT to especially mean that they were IN a video game. That's so trite... :lol I'M one to talk. :lol Anyhow, just, uh, yeah.

Author: Raakone[edit]

"I wonder why Saphire didn't just kill us?" blurted Pieruru
"It was but a test!" replied the Shining One, having heard him, "He will help us crush the enemies of Blue. You'd be dead, however, True Blue has better plans for all of you. Just wait, and don't try escaping this time, it's futile!" The Shining One, Saphire, and Sam all walked away from the cell.
"One thing!" yelled the voice of Sam, "Sapphire is programmed to return if you cause any more disturbance. We are ordered not to kill you, we will inflict all nessescary pain!"

Cat was thinking....."I HAVE A BETTER PLAN!"

Author: Golem[edit]

(OoC: Saphire or Sapphire?)
"What?" thought the others.

Cat explained it all to them. If everything there was similar to video games, then there must be a video game solution. And being the video game freak he was, he had what they needed. Silver and Mecha Sonics both had only aversions to speedy hedgehogs, two-tailed foxes, and spike-knuckled ant-eaters. But it was still one-third Metal Sonic. When Sonic was cornered by Robotnik's one-hit-kill ray and had no time to dispose of Metal Sonic, he let Robotnik--and more importantly his ray--do the job for him. After all the What Ifs and How the Hecks, they all arrived at a plan.

They'd coax Saphire in, leaping out before the wall could come back, and go crazy through the most populated parts of the building. Hopefully before long the Shining Ones would accidentally destroy Saphire in the confusion or vice versa.

Author: Flutter[edit]

OoC: What is happening?

Author: Raakone[edit]

"Hey Saphire!" yelled Cat, "You're inferior, you can't stop us!"
"Yeah!" yelled Al in derrision.
"Prisoners are of vital importance plus safetly contained, therefore no action shall be taken!" added the hedgehog. "Hey, we're about to break out here!" said Schala, as she went after the trap-door.
"This is not allowed!" added the hedgehog, as the door flew open and he bursted inside. Schala focused her powers to dash to the door, and all the others were already there.
"Prisoners are escaping!" yelled Saphire, and all of the sudden alarms went on and blue flashing lights were visible. The group of four made a break for it, with Saphire, Sam, and the Shining One leader in pursuit. The group ran through a large room in which many "initiates" were praising the color blue. These zombies tried to stop the group of four but Al and Pieruru plowed through them like a bulldozer. "Out of the way!" yelled the Shining One as she, Sam, and Saphire continued through. "Sam, go to the Azure room to report to the Messenger there, Saphire and I will follow the prisoners!" said the Shining one. The chase continued, as some gates ahead began closing, but the group of four was able to get through. The Saphire Hedgehog simply rolled into a ball and smashed through the barricade. However, there was now more distance between the groups. Suddenly holes were opening in the floor. Booby traps, as if things couldn't get worse. There were also electrified pieces of floor that were glowing blue, a "50,000 volt welcome mat" as it were. Avoiding everything was done, but it was hard. However, all the trapdoors swung shut, and the voltage didn't affect either the Saphire Hedgehog or the Shining One. They reached a train garage, and there was the "train approaching" warning. That gave Pieruru an idea. He stood on a certain track, and then began mocking the Saphire Hedgehog. He fired laser blasts at him, but he avoided them. The hedgehog rolled up and began reving up his motors. Pieruru jumped away, and the hedgehog rolled forward.....only to be smashed by a three-car "Bull-Liner". The group was sure they would triumph now. But bright blue lights came on, and a group of Shining Ones surrounded the four.
"you don't know when to quit, do you?" asked one of them, "smashing our weapon like that....not nice. Don't worry, we'll deal with you nicely!" Their eyes started glowing blue, and then blue energy was serging through them.
"Uh-oh" commented Al.

Author: Golem[edit]

The Shining Ones, minding that these four could not become slaves, decided to try True Blue's favorite "move." Before long, it was done.

Cat, Al, Pieruru, and Schala were still standing, to their amazement. The Shining Ones gave orders for each to do, separating each one from the other. They then went about and started on these tasks. However, the mind link was still in use. They felt as if their body, including their eyes, mouth, nose, and everything else but the subconcious and concious thoughts were on auto-drive. Eventually they all fell silent since no way out seemed available. Then Pieruru's mind started to make a kind of mental static, a sign of no activity.

Author: Flutter[edit]

Another Shining one came up to Sam and the Shining one

"We need a guard for one of the prisoners."

"Take him, he will serve your purpose."

"Come with me."

Sam and the Shining one walk away. They walk a cell.

"Guard this prisoner."

"Sure thing," said Sam.

The Shining one left. Then the prisoner came up to Sam. He revealed himself to be an Insane Cultist.

"You're that guy!" shouted the Insane Cultist.


"You're Sam! You're the guy who put me in here!"

Sam replied, "I do not recall."

"Red," said the Insane Cultist. "You tricked me into saying red."

"Red?" thought Sam. Then something clicked. "Now I remember," said Sam.

Insane Cultist responded, "That rights. You idiot."

"We don't use that kind of language in your cell. What did you say anyway?"

"You tricked me into saying, Red is the only color worth worshiping."

"Guards!!!" shouted Sam.

The Guards come in and beat the Insane Cultist senseless.

"Now I've got to rescue Cat and the others."

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

In a miracle of science, the Blue energy caused Al to do something he hadn't done in months... He pressed a few buttons on his Artifical Arm, and his arm transformed into a Turbine, which lunged him into the Bull-liner Smashing it into peices.


"That isn't a very positive self image you seem to have." retorted Cat.

"This isn't time for jokes, Golem!"

"Golem...? Why you're Nintenfreak Jr.! No wonder Bull wants to destroy you."

"Not destroy, remerge. I'll explain after some butt kicking."

Author: Golem[edit]


The test was under way. Four shining ones monitored their subjects.

"One has started to fiddle with it."


The Shining One who spoke before pointed to the second silhouette to the right. "Him."

"It makes sense now that one thinks about it," another said.

"We hadn't expected such complications, though. By these readings he might be unwinding our program and start large loopholes." the first one said.

"Then the test wouldn't really test them, would it?" the fourth one responded. "But we didn't really need to test them in the first place. We needed to stall them until True Blue is ready."

Author: Raakone[edit]

Just then, the door to the room the Shining Ones were in burst open, and in walked Mr. Carpainter. "So what have we got here, girls?" asked the Messenger. Referring to Shining Ones simply as "girls" was generally frowned upon, but since Mr. Carpainter belonged to the Messengers, the "Inner Circle" of the Starway, he got away with it. He looked at the monitors they were looking at.
"Something's wrong here!" shouted Mr. Carpainter. "Even if that train car the freak just wrecked was unrepearable. We're still not ready for them. I have to handle this myself. Besides, I have a score to settle with Al and Pieruru, for breaking my control of Cat. As for that blue-haired girl....she'd make a perfect addition to the Inner Circle. Where are the prisoners being held?" "Rail garage Number Nine, Sealed, all locks OK, Magi-Seal activated, Perimeter Defences online, electro defence activated" said one of the Shining Ones, reciting the standard procedures for high-risk prisoners, or anyone who suddenly broke free from the "control" and had special powers. Many parts of the complex could become temporary "prison cells" if need be. "Two of you come with me!" ordered Mr. Carpainter, "I need backup!"
******************************************** Sam, meanwhile, was in another part of the Saphire Pyramid. He was hoping that nobody noticed that he wasn't under control at the moment. He remembered his moments as a zombie, thanks to the precise way in which he was "freed", therefore he knew many things, including the hierarchy....zombies at the bottom, the Inner Circle, as well as this "True Blue", at the top.....and everything else in between. He even knew the names of a lot of the "Messengers". But that was all irrelevant. What he wanted to know was where the special prisoners were held. He suddenly saw Mr. Carpainter walking through a hallway, flanked on either side by a Shining One. He backed into a hallway, chosing to follow behind at a safe distance. HE figured that following a Messenger would lead to important clues. As long as they didn't go into a sealed or locked area, he was fine. Actually, he noticed that he was issued a card-key with embedded saphire crystals while he was a zombie. Probably part of his guard duties he thought. He hoped they were heading to his friends. Now he wasn't sure wether to follow them or find another way. HE didn't know where they were, until he overhead Mr. Carpainter, when they met a group of Shining Ones and another Messenger, King Mole. The train sheds, he had a good idea where those were. He just needed a shortcut, or perhaps some way to stall Mr. Carpainter.

Author: Golem[edit]

After talking with the Shining Ones, Mr. Carpainter entered a room to his left with them. Seconds later, an announcement boomed over the PA. "The train shed is off limits to everyone but Mr. Carpainter." Terse, but it said it all.

Sam looked at his watch. To make things worse, he would be late reporting to the midday meal if he didn't hurry.

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Thinking quickly... "I said, 'thinking quickly'..." Sam got am Idea!

As covert Mission Impossibe music played over the PA system for unknown reasons, Sam snuck behind a Plant that had been painted blue, and instantaneously appearend to have a Dijorno's Pizza Delievery Guy suit on and walked up to Mr. Carpainter's shed.

"Special Delievery!" Same Said.

As Mr. Carpainter bit into the pizza, he announced that, "it wasn't delievery, it was Dijorno." Carpainter closed the door.

*Ding Dong*

Sam in a Business suit asked, "Do you wanna Sharpe?"

"Yes, i'll have the blue one" Said Carpainter.

"What?! you have to have the whole box!" Sam shut the door. "Wait! Give me my Sharpe, dude!"

Carpainter opens the door.

"Its the right PC for the right price!"

Carpainter Shuts the door.

*Ding Dong*

Carpainter Opens the door.

Sam in Mario Suit says, "Clean is better than dirty..."

Carpainter Shuts the door.

*Ding Dong*

Carpainter Opens the door.

"Listen If I let you in, will you leave me alone?" Asked Carpainter.

"Yeah, of course!"

Author: Raakone[edit]

  • Note.....simultaneous posting occured....but since the other one was up first....I am changing mine to avoid conflict*

Sam entered, and then looked around the room that was officially "Train Shed Number Nine". The prisoners were at one far corner, and another corner had assorted boxes. In the middle of the room were about twenty tracks, with numerous Bull-Liner self-proppelled passenger cars, as well as a few other train cars, mostly boxcars, presumably for delivers of something or another, and a couple of Starway Locomotives (painted blue, of course!) At one end of the tracks was a large reinforced steel door, with numerous warning lights flashing. Standing near him were Mr. Carpainter and a pair of Shining Ones.
"You!" he said, pointing at one of the shining ones, "Find out what this man wants, something is seriously amiss here! The other one, come with me!" Mr. Carpainter led the other Shining One across the room and went to the prisoners.
"Greetings, I think most of you remember me. You with the blue hair, I'm Mr. Carpainter, one of the Messengers. Pieruru and Al, or should I say, Nintenfreak, I have a score to settle with you. This time I have all my powers ready. Plus a Shining One should the need arise. I need you again, Cat, or should I say Golem, and your powers are most intriguing, Schala. I was able to get that name from you quite easily. Anyways, we are about to rumble. And I know that I shall win!"
"I think not!" said Pieruru, as he assumed a fighting stance.
"You're going down!" warned Al, as his bionic arm assumed the form of a sledge-hammer.
"Impressive!" commented Carpainter, "But not impressive enough! Observe!" A blue aura encircled him, and then he shot a light blue lightning-bolt at the Shining One, who started to glow. "AZURE-AMPLIFIER!" yelled the Shining One, as she directed lightning at all four of the interlopers, shocking them quite well.
"Do you give up?" asked Mr. Carpainter, "Or are you thirsty for more?"
"No to both questions!" groaned Cat, as he slowly got up. He knew it would be a tough battle.
Meanwhile Sam was being scrutinized by the other Shining one. This Shining One wore a necklace with many of the strange blue stones on it. Like the others, she was relatively short, had dark skin and dark hair, and was floating a bit. This one wore a blue cotton nightgown.
"So, what's the meaning of this?" asked the Shining one.
"I'm Mas Silverstone from a reputable cell-phone company!"
"Cell-phones? I think there's a mistake..."
"No mistake, miss, I'm here to show you..." Sam pulled out a British cellphone and some literature....it was all from Orange..."That the future is bright, the future is ORANGE!" He knew Orange was even more distinct from blue than Red, so the Shining One was freaking out a bit. The Shining One backed off, and then began to glow a little. She then turned around and saw the battle in progress, so she wanted to join in the fight. Sam had other ideas.
"Come back here, I love you, my Saphire Gem!" He sounded corney, but he hoped it would work. Fooling with unknown forces wasn't always a good idea, but he prepared to do it anyways.
"You're trying something!" she yelled, "You're not under control. I will fix that!"
"No, I shall!" replied Sam, as he changed his voice, and began his William Shatner impression. "Hey. Mr. Tam. Bourine man. Hey. MR. TAMBOURINE MAN! In the jingle. Jangle. Morning. I'll come. FOLLOWING. you!" The PA system was now playing the slightly odd music that William Shatner would "sing" (if you could call it that) to. "HEY MR. TAMBOURINE MAN!" The Shining One was suddenly in an odd trance, with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Sam found it odd, because his attempts at singing and whatnot never worked with anyone before. Yet now they were working with one of these odd psychic goons of the True Blue. He had a plan.

Author: Golem[edit]

Meanwhile, the four Shining Ones were still monitoring their subjects. "How come he can but we cannot?" one asked.

"Mr. Carpainter has abilities beyond ours." another replied. The four waited a while.

Then the machine in front of them started to beep slowly, then it stopped after a Shining One pushed a button. "They have entered battle. This will determine our plan."

Just then, Cat fell and locked eyes with Sam for a second. He got up again, slowly, though. That was a hard one.

Sam folded up the orange ad into a plane and threw it at... Someone over there. He scuttled away before anyone could take notice.

Author: Raakone[edit]

Mr. Carpainter then cast a Chain-Lightning spell that zapped all his four adverseries.
"Hey, Painter, what's that on the floor?" asked Cat.
"Since you're so pathetic, I'll see what's on the floor right now, and then STILL beat you!" He looked at it. It was an ad for Orange. "THIS IS AN INSULT!" he screamed. A blue aura encircled him, and then another force was seen building up in him, a strange "ramping-up" noise (think of the "Harmonizer Hyperbeam" that the Brain-o-saurus in Metroid 3 uses) was audible, and then a large cone of all the shades of blue flowed out and incinerated the literature. "TAKE THAT!" he yelled.
"No, take THIS!" yelled Al, as he hammered Carpainter with his hammer-arm. He fell down onto the floor.
"Did you get that letter I sent you last week?" asked Pieruru, as he stared at the man. Before he could answered Pieruru answered for him. "No, you didn't, because I forgot to STAMP IT!" He stamped on the head of CarPainter to emphasize this. The Shining One that was nearby rushed to the aid of her superior, but Pieruru had other plans.
"My sweet Miare'e, you have returned!" he said in a romantic-sounding voice. Pieruru was sure she wasn't his lost girlfriend, but she looked vaguely like her, and he enjoyed playing mind-games on those who uses mental-weapons. "ME and her are engaged!" he shouted in a fake Cockney accent to Carpainter. The Shining One was visibly agitated, as this was one attack she was NOT trained to defend herself against.
Meanwhile, Sam was having much luck with the Shining One he was pitted against, his singing seemed to have somehow struck a soft-spot, and he was talking to her more like she was a girlfriend rather than an enemy.
****************************************** In the control room the four Shining Ones were very alarmed. Just then Vile, a robot in a blue Bobba Fett-rsque armor with a shoulder-mounted gun and a jetpack came in.
"Messenger, there's a problem!" said one of the Shining Ones.
"I see that, you inferior...as much as I resent Mr. Carpainter, the Master seems to favor him more than me, it is my duty to rush to the aid of a fellow Messenger. Come, Shining Ones, it is time that the priority subjects be properly subjegated, as for that upstart fake initiate Sam....do what must be done, whatever that is!"

Author: Flutter[edit]

"Hm... Others are comeing. We must finish Carpainter off." Stated Pieruru.

Al whacks Carpainter with his Hammer again. A white number pops up above the head of carpainter.

"That means he's getting weaker." Said Al

"How do you know?"

"Trust Me. I'll finish him off with a special... Hydrocloric Burp!"

A horribe stench filled the air. Carpainter returned to normal.

"What did you eat?" Asked Cat.

"If I told you, you'd probably recoil in disgust" Said Al.

Author: Raakone[edit]

"Fools, poison and gas attacks are no match against me!" laughed Mr. Carpainter.
"Well I just chain-ged my mind!" yelled Al, as his weapon assumed the form of an air-powered gun and he fired a pair of metal-balls joined by chain at Mr. Carpainter. He seemed to be trapped. The four surrounded him.
"Very clever!" remarked Carpainter "BUT NOT CLEVER ENOUGH! Why do you think that I am a Messenger and not YOU?" A force built up in him, the chains snapped off, and then lightning arced out at everyone. "That's just the beginning of my powers...lightning gives me a magnetic personality!" As he said this he "magnetically" picked up an RDC Bull-Liner that was across the room, brought it over, and started twirling it in mid air with nothing but his strange forces, while singing "That's Amore."
"If there's anything worse than his powers, its his singing!" remarked a bruised Pieruru. Mr. Carpainter then threw the railcar at Pieruru, but he was able to roll out of the way in time.
Meanwhile, Sam was still working his magic, whatever that was, on the Shining One.
"Do you really like Carpainter? He's such a jerk!" Sam then did his best sexy jazz musician impression, and much to the surprise of everyone, it worked. All fo the sudden the Shining One that was near him turned around, and flew towards Mr. Carpainter. The other Shining One was shocked. The first charged up a blue energy (if you've played any R-Type game you'll know EXACTLY what I mean) and then fired it at Mr. Carpainter, knocking him to the floor.
"TRAITOR!" yelled Mr. Carpainter.
"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ALL THIS?" yelled Vile, as he and his entourage of four Shining Ones broke in.
"I'm Mas Silverstone!" said Sam, "I'm in love with one of your beauties, she a model for a line of sleepwear or something?"
"INSOLENCE, I WILL NOT TOLERATE INSOLENCE, I WILL CRUSH INSOLENCE!" remarked Vile in a robotic voice, which was hardly surprising, as he is a robot. "The Afava'a will not be denied, True Blue will not be denied!"
"But she's in love with me!" said Sam, "Say you love me, say you love me!" he sang in an appaling voice that would make Carpainter sound like Pavaroti.
"I LOVE YOU!" replied the obviously confused Shining One.
"And I'm taking her to see a movie...A CLOCKWORK....what is it?" said Sam, feigning confusion. "Oh, I know....a clockwork ORANGE!" When he yelled it he threw oranges he had concealed, threw them at the Shining Ones, who scattered.
"PARLOR TRICKS ARE INNEFECTIVE!" announced Vile, as he fired a blue blast from his shoulder-cannon. The blast formed an electric forcefield around Sam. "NOW SNAP OUT OF IT, HE IS NEUTRALIZED, BRING HIM TO ME!"
"See here!" said Mr. Carpainter, as he slowly got up to his feet, "This is my battle, I say he stays!"
"NO, I AM SPEAKING WITH AUTHORITY FROM HIGHER UP!" was Vile's reply. The group of four who were fighting Carpainter got up and had smiles on their faces. Little did they realize the potential for a battle royale in the room!

Author: Golem[edit]

Mr. Carpainter saw that the four would not attack him if he gave them a few spare moments. They wanted rest, and didn't know what he was doing, and if any of them tried to attack him, he would just start the battle quicker.

"What doesn't conduct electricity?" Pieruru asked, as if he already knew the answer, which he did.

"Wood," Schala replied.

"And in the right color?" also knowing the answer.

"Yes, there is orange wood..."

They sat there for a moment. They didn't know how close Mr. Carpainter was to finishing, but he was almost done.

"Someone's going to have to rock 'n' roll outta here." Pieruru broke the silence with.

"I know this town better than any o' us, I think I should go," Cat suggested.

The Shining One, Vile, Mr. Carpainter, and Sam turned around.

Pages in Cat Investigations
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7