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=Author: GORE-ILLA=
=Author: GORE-ILLA=
~The Dark Dimension~
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mirawk dashes forward with all eight swords at the ready.*
Yami Yoshi: (bending over backward in the nick of time to dodge Bat-Ear's right hand lunge stab) Wait, we didn't do our roll call!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mirawk brings down the other seven swords towards Yami at the same time, but Introbulus uses his metal powers to hold the swords back long enough for Yami to escape while Mirawk struggles to force the swords down.*
Introbulus: I am Introbulus! I'm the mechanical expert, and I'm a pro using the weapons I make, too!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Introbulus releases his mental grasp, Bat-Ear stumbles over foward and falls flat onto his face. Bat-Ear struggles to his feet, only to be punched in the face by GORE's mechanical right fist.*
GORE: I am GORE-ILLA! I'd say more, but I like to use my fists to do the talking!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mirawk slides backwards across the floor and is about to get up when he sees a sword held across his neck.*
SwordMaster: I am SwordMaster! I can sneak up on anyone from the shadows and attack with my double swords- er... one sword.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Bat-Ear flings SwordMaster off of him and into the air. He then raises his sword to impale SwordMaster as he falls, but a flurry of attacks knocks him back.*
Chizu, Saru, Lord Kantii and Cerulea: We are not Blue! If you want us to operate a truck, tank, spaceship or anything, we can guarantee that we won't use it and probably not make use of the firepower as well!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Bat-Ear runs after them until he gets a Dark Egg in his face.*
Yami Yoshi: I am Yami Yoshi, the leader of the OG Six! I... have a select few of the powers in the universe. Please don't call me Gamechamp!
All: And together, we are the OG Six and its Seventh Wheel!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The OGers all pose together as Bat-Ear crawls to his feet.*
Bat-Ear: There. I think I'm used to this body now. Enough warm-ups! (eyes scan the OGers) Eight swords... Eight targets. Now you all fall. EIGHT SLICES!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Bat-Ear flies into the crowd of OGers, striking each and every one of them.*
~The Light Dimension~
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Yamina and Ishay finally notice each other's presence.*
Yamina & Ihsay: (simultaneously) YOU!!!!
Legion: What's all this then?
Culex: You know each other?
Yamina: She's my evil little sister!
Ihsay: No way, you're the evil one!
Yamina: Don't listen to her; she's the one who gavet Yami the poison cheesecake!
Ihsay: That's a lie! You sent Yami those threatening anomynous e-mails!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>They begin pummeling each other until Culex breaks it up.*
Culex: Wait up! I've secretly spied on Yami, and he never got any poison cheesecake or threatening e-mails!
Yamina & Ihsay: ...Really?
Verde: Sibling rivalry, it seems. But why were you working for Goren, Yamina?
Yamina: To find out what happened to my brother!
Ihsay: Er... about that...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Ihsay tells Yamina the story of Therodik and Ishoy while Culex makes a a startling discovery of stone.*
Culex: Aaron? Oh crap...
Verde: Ingrid, what are you doing with that Game Boy?
Ingrid: This is no ordinary Game Boy...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Ingrid suddenly vanishes and the Game Boy with her.*
RHYK: Why didn't I try that?
Legion: Hey! You're still here?
RHYK: For the millionth and a half time, I'm only here to help!
Legion: (pulls out gun) Sorry, but an enemy of Yami's is an enemy of mine.
RHYK: (hopping back quickly) Sapphire Shield! Golem Stretch!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>A transparent blue shield materializes before RHYK and absorbs the shot while a ghostly brown scarf shoots out, grappling onto a building and pulling RHYK up. Legion adjusts his aim, but a paper airplane collides with the gun. He drops it to the ground quickly as it explodes.*
Legion: (as the black-garbed ones approach) Guys... we have company!
~The Dark Dimension~
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The OGers crawl to their feet slowly, and all of them have deep gashes on their bodies.*
Bat-Ear: Ha-ha! This is perfect! I have you all on the ropes!
Yami Yoshi: Quick! I need you all to set a diversion while I work on something, and Chizu gets to healing!
Saru: I don't think so.
Yami Yoshi: What? Just go! No time to explain!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Yami Yoshi produces an Absorption Egg while everyone else, except for Saru, charges Mirawk. But SwordMaster cut them off.*
SwordMaster: Wait, stop!
Introbulus: What is it?
SwordMaster: All of you! This is my battle! I'll fight him myself!
Chizu: No way, you'll get yourself killed!
SwordMaster: Just give me a chance. Bat-Ear Mirawk was stuck-up, but he was a worthy fighter. I promised to beat him, but he died before I could. But now this villain has taken Mirawk's body, his honor. I will not let his noble self be defiled like this!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>As he says this, the OG Blade glows fiercely. Everyone else steps back in awe. Chizu is about to say something, but Kantii cuts her off.*
Kantii: Go ahead, then. Preserve your honor.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Chizu glares at Kantii while SwordMaster rushes Bat-Ear.*
Bat-Ear: Bleh! Foolish pedestrian, prepare to be pwned! THE PIZZA CUTTER!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Bat-Ear brings all his swords down on SowrdMaster at the same time, but he slashes his own OG Blade, powered by the rage of SwordMaster and the spirit of Daioshogun, and it cuts through four whol swords. Bat-Ear stands there frozen. SwordMaster plants his blade in the ground and closes his eyes in prayer.*
SwordMaster: Franken Mirawk, forgive me for breaking the swords you held so dearly.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>In the meanwhile, most of the OGers are filling the Absorption Egg. Chizu is too busy watching SwordMaster fight.*
Yami Yoshi: Quick, load it up!
Introbulus: Ultimate Prod!
Yami: So Intro, where have you been all this time?
GORE: Primate Punch!
Introbulus: Frozen in einsteinium sandwhiches. Long story.
Kanti: What was my attack again?
Yami: Well it's good to have you back.
Cerulea: Broken Hydrant!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Cerulea shoves her open hands forward, and a jet of stream rushes out, filling the crack in the Absorption Egg.*
Yami: Whoa! Who's the new girl?
Introbulus: She's Cerulea. She is... or was... a member of my organization. Her Marine Armor gives her power over water- and she can summon it in limited amounts. She must have been charging that for a while.
Yami: Okay. Saru! You gonna help us anytime soon?
Saru: Hell no. I'm waiting until you all lose. By then he'll be tired out, and I can finish him by myself.
Cerulea: That's a messed-up game you're playing!
Saru: It's called strategy. The man who helped to create this shell was the Warrior of Fire who fought the Dark Cloak long ago, but he was too weak to finish the Dark Cloak.
Yami: Don't bother with him, new girl. He doesn't understand anything. DARK OMELET!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>As Yami craps Dark Eggs like a machine gun into his Absorption Egg, SwordMaster is taking a turn for the worse. Despite his amazing beginning, SwordMaster has been steadily weakening since as the glow in his sword faded.*
~The Light Dimension~
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Though they've lost their baseball caps, the black cloaks now have both paper planes and flaming cigerettes in their arsenal. Culex battles the left-hand man, Yamina and Ihsay fight the middle man, and Verde and Renn are stuck with the right man.*
Culex: My punch attack!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Culex punches at Leftie, who blocks with the paper airplane. Culex retracts his hand with a nasty paper cut. While he's sucking on his wound anxiously, Leftie gives him a double-punch to the face and then kicks him while he's passed out on the ground.*
Leftie: Bah! These are mere stock characters! The important ones are gone!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Leftie turns around when feeling breathing down his neck to see a pissed-off looking Culex standing there.*
Culex: What... did you... call me???!!
Leftie: You're still alive, stock character?
Culex: STOCK CHARACTER????????
Leftie: C-calm dow-
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Leftie is disintigrated by the flaming wave. Yamina and Ihsay take cover behind an overturned car as paper planes fly by wildly.*
Yamina: Where is he? Go out and check!
Ishay: No way! Then he'd know where we are!
Yamina: Fine, I'll look for him!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Yamina peeks out from the car and sees the Middleman standing right there, staring at her. She stumbles over.*
Yamina: Yeep.
Ishay: Barbed Egg!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Ishay flings a spiked egg at the Middleman, but he catches it in a metallic glove.*
Yamina: I saw a hole in his chest, I think you should check it out!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Ishay throws a second Barbed Egg, and the Middleman catches in in his other hand. He flings them both back at her, but as he's tossing them she springs into the air and chucks a third Barbed Egg that hits his chest and knocks him over. Yamina and Ihsay give each other a high five, but then they start bickering again. None of them notice Fusion's spaceship landing.*
Fusion: Aha! The Holy Plot Device (Reverb)! BSD must have ditched it. I might as well take it to a safer place.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Fusion takes off with the Holy Plot Device (Reverb).*
Rightie: Enough fooling around. You've had your last last last last warning. And now you'll definately die. Unless we lose, in which case this will be your last last last last last warning.
Verde: Yeah right! Let's get this over with! C'mon, Renn!
Renn: Err...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Renn looks like he's about to move, but he hesitates. Rightie flings a metal ball which spreads into a net and captures Renn.*
Verde: What? Why'd you freeze up?
Renn: I couldn't think of anything original to do...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Rightie turns to Verde and blasts some cigeratte flames towards him, but Verde blocks it with his Barrier Gloves and then dodges a swarm of paper planes Matrix-style. Verde dropkicks Rightie, who gets up immediately to find himself surrounded by Legion, SSG, Magikoopa and the Shy Guy Army.*
Verde: Get out of our country.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Rightie gets up and rushes off, bumping into the Ponchos.*
Middle Poncho: We're late.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Left Poncho holds up the charred remains of Left Dark's clothes.*
Left Poncho: Too late. We should have been here...
Right Poncho: Where are the cowboys?
~The Dark Dimension~
SwordMaster: Gack!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>SwordMaster is pinned to the wall with Mirawk's nose sword-the most deadly of them all- through his chest. Suddenly the scene moves in slow motion with sad music playing in the background ala Lord of the Rings. Bat-Ear grins derangedly as he pulls the sword out. SwordMaster slides down to the ground slowly, leaving a trail of blood on the wall. With a mighty kick, Bat-Ear sends SwordMaster flying across the room, where Chizu rushes to his aid. The slow motion stops as Chizu tries her healing magic.*
Yami Yoshi: That's it! Absorption Egg!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Yami Yoshi throws the Absorption Egg at Mirawk, but Mirawk catches it on his nose sword and flings it towards Chizu and SwordMaster. Chizu looks up in shock, as she and SwordMaster would inevitably be crushed. However a blast of flame knocks the Absorption Egg to the other side of the room. Chizu looks up to see Saru, who immediately rushes back to his dark corner. She stares after him until she remembers SwordMaster and continues the healing.*
Yami Yoshi: That didn't work well!
GORE: Well it did something- he has lost half of his swords. Now we need to finish this.
Introbulus: Yes. This will be our final charge!
Cerulea: This is it!
Kantii: For our honor!
Saru: Let's do this.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Everyone looks at Saru strangely, but they don't say a thing. All of the OGers fling themselves at Bat-Ear, unleashing all of their best attacks.*
Yami Yoshi: Hades Egg!
GORE: Primate Punch!
Introbulus: Ultimate Prod!
Cerulea: Tidal Wave!
Kantii: Swooping Eagle!
Saru: Meteor!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Kantii swoops down at Mirawk, who ducks to the side and instead places his left hand blade in Kantii's path. But GORE's Primate Punch hits the left arm, knocking the sword out of it.Cerulea's Tidal Wave brings down a surprising amount of water on Mirawk's head, stunning him while the Meteor drops down on him and forces him to drop the sword in his left foot. The Hades Egg, propelled by the Ultimate Prod, beans the stunned Mirawk righ in the "V" on his forehead. He releases an inhuman screech before dropping over.*
Yami Yoshi: Wow. It's finally over.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The "V" suddenly glows red with blood as Bat-Ear's eyes spring open. he gets up and begins swinging his nose sword around wildly. He picks up the three swords he dropped earlier and flings them towards Yami, Cerulea and Chizu. Yami raises his baseball cap and catches the sword in it; GORE then catches the one bound for Cerulea in his. Chizu quickly yanks SwordMaster's cap from his belt and catches the third sword in it. The swords then fly from the hats back at Bat-Ear, slashing his skin and making black blood ooze out as Bat-Ear releases another screech.*
Kantii: Okay, he seems very much madder now.
SwordMaster: Leave this to me.
Chizu: What? You haven't even recovered! Wait- what the...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>SwordMaster's wounds have completely disappeared, but there is another differance. In his eyes shine the eyes of Daioshogun. SwordMaster flies right into the air above Mirawk, pulls the OG Blade up high over his head...*
SwordMaster: Be gone, demon!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>...and thrusts it down into the "V" on his forehead. One last screech is emitted as all life drains from Bat-Ear Mirawk's body. His corpse falls down on the ground as the Black Smoke drifts away. SwordMaster passes out right then and there.*
Yami Yoshi: Good job. But how do we get home?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Ingrid appears with the Game Boy in hand.*
Ingrid: Where am I?
Yami Yoshi: Good idea!
Ingrid: What?
~The Light Dimension~
<nowiki>*</nowiki>All of the OGers return via the Game Boy and have the usual reunions and stuff. Saru has already left through.*
Kantii: Oh, and Yami Yoshi...
Yami Yoshi: What is it?
Kantii: I found this. I was gonna keep it for myself, but...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Kantii hands Yami Yoshi a cheesecake.*
Yami Yoshi: ...MY CHEESECAKE! I'd recognize it anywhere! Thank you, Lord Kantii! Thank you!
GORE: (aside to Kantii) So you really got his cheesecake back from Goren?
Kantii: Er... there was a sale on cheesecakes in the deli across the street...
GORE: Aw, I was hoping you knew where PL was...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Culex silently floats by with the stone Aaron.*
Culex: We'll cure you someday, Aaron!
SwordMaster: Chizu...
Chizu: Yes? What do you need, SwordMaster?
SwordMaster: I'm sorry... I'm not gonna make it....
Chizu: Don't talk like that! My magic will heal you in no time!
SwordMaster: No.... no magic can save me now. I'm sorry, but...
Chizu: What, SwordMaster? What?
SwordMaster: I have something to tell you, before I go... I just need to say it, before... it's too late...
Chizu: Yes?
SwordMaster: April Fool's! (springs to feet and performs backflips)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>After recieving a beating, SwordMaster crawls up to Yami and GORE.*
Yami: Daym. How come you don't have a scratch?
SwordMaster: Daioshogun's soul restored me. But now I don't feel him anymore... I'm afraid his soul has moved on. He and Mirawk can rest in peace.
Yami: Oh, that makes sense! Like how the souls of Pharoah and Hades share my body!
GORE: And how I used to have those Party Goer ghosts, until that stupid robot stole them.
Yami: Now there's an idea! Let's party, like the goers of old!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>In the shadows...*
Middle Cowboy: Should we tell them now?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere, Fred, Lithium, Yahtzee and Lighthouse Monocle Blasphemy IIV's jets approach the Real Lupus's base- a giant space station comprised entirely of cheese. The legendary Cheese Star.*
OoC: Made some changes to the Light Dimension parts.
=Author: Golem=
=Author: Golem=
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=Author: GORE-ILLA=
=Author: GORE-ILLA=
Cast, in Order of Appearance
Frank Oz as Yami Yoshi<br>
Cedric the Entertainer as Goren Goren/Therodik Loki<br>
Elijah Wood as GORE-ILLA<br>
The Beastie Boys as The Black-garbed Men<br>
The Spice Girls as The Cowboy Men<br>
Tom Green as The Monkey<br>
Sean Hayes as Space Harold<br>
Ray Park as AaronGuy<br>
Eminem as Culex<br>
Samuel L. Jackson as Abbadon<br>
Jim Carrey as The Arcanist<br>
Keanu Reeves as The Presumably Human Lord Kantii of the Crows<br>
Kevin Spacey as Runto<br>
Jackie Chan as Snoopy<br>
Hayden Christensen as SwordMaster<br>
Bob Saget as Saru<br>
Kathy Kinny as Chizu<br>
Viggo Mortenson as Lithium Debater<br>
The Hanson Brothers as the Poncho Men<br>
Ray Romano as Dark Cloak<br>
Queen Latifah as Yamina<br>
Natalie Portman as Flog<br>
Kenny Baker as Verde<br>
Adam Sandler as Bat-Ear Mirawkv
Peter Boyle as the Black Knight<br>
Doris Roberts as Shade<br>
Micheal Jackson as Renn<br>
Sandra Bullock as Mistress Canary<br>
Simon Cowell as Walrus-man<br>
Clint Eastwood as Frederick von Bisquick<br>
Jerry Seinfeld as Machine-Made Dark Force<br>
Jason Alexander as Machine-Made Gato Diablo<br>
Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Machine-Made Skelegon<br>
Micheal Richards as Machine-Made Commander Hades<br>
Wayne Knight as Machine-Made Aeroskull<br>
50 Cent as SpearShift<br>
The Rock as Snowman<br>
Halle Berry as Ihsay<br>
Britney Spears as Miss Ingrid Number<br>
Micheal Keaton as Tenorvista Degnerie<br>
Tom Hanks as Chief Sigmund<br>
Ashton Kutcher as Akujin<br>
The Backstreet Boys as the Elemental Crystals<br>
"Weird Al" Yankovic as Pharaoh Yami Yoshi<br>
Liv Tyler as Introbulusn<br>
Fran Dresser as Fusionn<br>
Courteney Cox Arquette as Bsdn<br>
Harrison Ford as That Guyn<br>
Pierce Brosnan as Dark GORE-ILLA<br>
Tom Cruise as EVIL Scientist Dude<br>
Orlando Bloom as MON-KILL<br>
Johnny Depp as Diskun<br>
Cameron Diaz as Mousie<br>
William Hung as Author 1<br>
Justin Timberlake as Author 9<br>
Topher Grace as Nijuka<br>
Danny Devito as BSD<br>
Michelle Pfeiffer as Fusion<br>
James Earl Jones as PL-0TT<br>
Dennis Hooper as Rojo DeSangre<br>
David Shwimmer as Legion<br>
Ryan Seacrest as Sergeant Shy Guy<br>
Micheal Jordan as Failed Lupus Clone<br>
Bob Hoskins as Yahtzee Dubloons<br>
Christopher Walken as Lighthouse Monocle Blasphemy IIV<br>
Clunt Westamber as Himself<br>
Drew Carey as Don Giovanni<br>
Tom Jones as Magikoopa<br>
Adam West as Introbulus<br>
Jennifer Aniston as Cerulea<br>
Christopher Lee as RHYK<br>
And Featuring Andy Serkis as Gollum
Narrirator: Next time, on Member OG 8: Savanna Nights...
Old Hermit: They say there's strange stuff going down in that house. Nobody who lives there lives long.
Yami: But my friends just moved in there!
Old Hermit: GET THEM OUT OF THERE!!! NOW!!!!
Narrirator: There is plenty of action...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Random explosions.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Introbulus and Lupus duel atop two speeding ostriches until Lupus's ostrich veers offroad, crashes into a canyon wall and explodes.*
Narrirator: ...And plenty of drama...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>GORE has all the OGers assembled.*
GORE: I'm sorry everyone, but I have to leave the OGers.
Everyone: GASP
GORE: Because I've moving... (dramatic zoom-in) to PARIS!!!!
Narrirator: ...as the truth comes out...
BSD: I have AIDS.
Lupus: I... killed... Mufasa.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Yami Yoshi hangs from a windswept platform in Cloud City as Pharaoh approaches him.*
Pharoah: Master Yoshi never told you about your extremely distant ancestor, did he?
Yami: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!
Pharoah: No, Yami Yoshi. I AM your extremely distant ancestor!
Yami: noooooo
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Yami Yoshi, Introbulus, SwordMaster, GORE, Fusion and BSD dance in a fountain as the Friends theme plays in the background.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The OGers do some wild breakdancing moves.*
Yami: Try to beat that, Lupus!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Anti-OGers begin breakdancing in reply.*
Narrirator: ...and the OGers not only suffer their greatest defeat...
Lupus: You just got served.
...but they face BETRAYAL within the group.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>GORE-ILLA and Yami fight in a surging volcano as GORE twists Yami's hand with his own mechanical one.*
Be there for the one, the only, the nonexistant Member OG 8: Savanna Nights!
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Latest revision as of 22:20, 21 December 2007

Pages in the Member OG 7 Archive
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

~The Dark Dimension~

*Mirawk dashes forward with all eight swords at the ready.*

Yami Yoshi: (bending over backward in the nick of time to dodge Bat-Ear's right hand lunge stab) Wait, we didn't do our roll call!

*Mirawk brings down the other seven swords towards Yami at the same time, but Introbulus uses his metal powers to hold the swords back long enough for Yami to escape while Mirawk struggles to force the swords down.*

Introbulus: I am Introbulus! I'm the mechanical expert, and I'm a pro using the weapons I make, too!

*Introbulus releases his mental grasp, Bat-Ear stumbles over foward and falls flat onto his face. Bat-Ear struggles to his feet, only to be punched in the face by GORE's mechanical right fist.*

GORE: I am GORE-ILLA! I'd say more, but I like to use my fists to do the talking!

*Mirawk slides backwards across the floor and is about to get up when he sees a sword held across his neck.*

SwordMaster: I am SwordMaster! I can sneak up on anyone from the shadows and attack with my double swords- er... one sword.

*Bat-Ear flings SwordMaster off of him and into the air. He then raises his sword to impale SwordMaster as he falls, but a flurry of attacks knocks him back.*

Chizu, Saru, Lord Kantii and Cerulea: We are not Blue! If you want us to operate a truck, tank, spaceship or anything, we can guarantee that we won't use it and probably not make use of the firepower as well!

*Bat-Ear runs after them until he gets a Dark Egg in his face.*

Yami Yoshi: I am Yami Yoshi, the leader of the OG Six! I... have a select few of the powers in the universe. Please don't call me Gamechamp!

All: And together, we are the OG Six and its Seventh Wheel!

*The OGers all pose together as Bat-Ear crawls to his feet.*

Bat-Ear: There. I think I'm used to this body now. Enough warm-ups! (eyes scan the OGers) Eight swords... Eight targets. Now you all fall. EIGHT SLICES!!!

*Bat-Ear flies into the crowd of OGers, striking each and every one of them.*

~The Light Dimension~

*Yamina and Ishay finally notice each other's presence.*

Yamina & Ihsay: (simultaneously) YOU!!!!

Legion: What's all this then?

Culex: You know each other?

Yamina: She's my evil little sister!

Ihsay: No way, you're the evil one!

Yamina: Don't listen to her; she's the one who gavet Yami the poison cheesecake!

Ihsay: That's a lie! You sent Yami those threatening anomynous e-mails!

*They begin pummeling each other until Culex breaks it up.*

Culex: Wait up! I've secretly spied on Yami, and he never got any poison cheesecake or threatening e-mails!

Yamina & Ihsay: ...Really?

Verde: Sibling rivalry, it seems. But why were you working for Goren, Yamina?

Yamina: To find out what happened to my brother!

Ihsay: Er... about that...

*Ihsay tells Yamina the story of Therodik and Ishoy while Culex makes a a startling discovery of stone.*

Culex: Aaron? Oh crap...

Verde: Ingrid, what are you doing with that Game Boy?

Ingrid: This is no ordinary Game Boy...

*Ingrid suddenly vanishes and the Game Boy with her.*

RHYK: Why didn't I try that?

Legion: Hey! You're still here?

RHYK: For the millionth and a half time, I'm only here to help!

Legion: (pulls out gun) Sorry, but an enemy of Yami's is an enemy of mine.

RHYK: (hopping back quickly) Sapphire Shield! Golem Stretch!

*A transparent blue shield materializes before RHYK and absorbs the shot while a ghostly brown scarf shoots out, grappling onto a building and pulling RHYK up. Legion adjusts his aim, but a paper airplane collides with the gun. He drops it to the ground quickly as it explodes.*

Legion: (as the black-garbed ones approach) Guys... we have company!

~The Dark Dimension~

*The OGers crawl to their feet slowly, and all of them have deep gashes on their bodies.*

Bat-Ear: Ha-ha! This is perfect! I have you all on the ropes!

Yami Yoshi: Quick! I need you all to set a diversion while I work on something, and Chizu gets to healing!

Saru: I don't think so.

Yami Yoshi: What? Just go! No time to explain!

*Yami Yoshi produces an Absorption Egg while everyone else, except for Saru, charges Mirawk. But SwordMaster cut them off.*

SwordMaster: Wait, stop!

Introbulus: What is it?

SwordMaster: All of you! This is my battle! I'll fight him myself!

Chizu: No way, you'll get yourself killed!

SwordMaster: Just give me a chance. Bat-Ear Mirawk was stuck-up, but he was a worthy fighter. I promised to beat him, but he died before I could. But now this villain has taken Mirawk's body, his honor. I will not let his noble self be defiled like this!

*As he says this, the OG Blade glows fiercely. Everyone else steps back in awe. Chizu is about to say something, but Kantii cuts her off.*

Kantii: Go ahead, then. Preserve your honor.

*Chizu glares at Kantii while SwordMaster rushes Bat-Ear.*

Bat-Ear: Bleh! Foolish pedestrian, prepare to be pwned! THE PIZZA CUTTER!!!

*Bat-Ear brings all his swords down on SowrdMaster at the same time, but he slashes his own OG Blade, powered by the rage of SwordMaster and the spirit of Daioshogun, and it cuts through four whol swords. Bat-Ear stands there frozen. SwordMaster plants his blade in the ground and closes his eyes in prayer.*

SwordMaster: Franken Mirawk, forgive me for breaking the swords you held so dearly.

*In the meanwhile, most of the OGers are filling the Absorption Egg. Chizu is too busy watching SwordMaster fight.*

Yami Yoshi: Quick, load it up!

Introbulus: Ultimate Prod!

Yami: So Intro, where have you been all this time?

GORE: Primate Punch!

Introbulus: Frozen in einsteinium sandwhiches. Long story.

Kanti: What was my attack again?

Yami: Well it's good to have you back.

Cerulea: Broken Hydrant!

*Cerulea shoves her open hands forward, and a jet of stream rushes out, filling the crack in the Absorption Egg.*

Yami: Whoa! Who's the new girl?

Introbulus: She's Cerulea. She is... or was... a member of my organization. Her Marine Armor gives her power over water- and she can summon it in limited amounts. She must have been charging that for a while.

Yami: Okay. Saru! You gonna help us anytime soon?

Saru: Hell no. I'm waiting until you all lose. By then he'll be tired out, and I can finish him by myself.

Cerulea: That's a messed-up game you're playing!

Saru: It's called strategy. The man who helped to create this shell was the Warrior of Fire who fought the Dark Cloak long ago, but he was too weak to finish the Dark Cloak.

Yami: Don't bother with him, new girl. He doesn't understand anything. DARK OMELET!!!

*As Yami craps Dark Eggs like a machine gun into his Absorption Egg, SwordMaster is taking a turn for the worse. Despite his amazing beginning, SwordMaster has been steadily weakening since as the glow in his sword faded.*

~The Light Dimension~

*Though they've lost their baseball caps, the black cloaks now have both paper planes and flaming cigerettes in their arsenal. Culex battles the left-hand man, Yamina and Ihsay fight the middle man, and Verde and Renn are stuck with the right man.*

Culex: My punch attack!

*Culex punches at Leftie, who blocks with the paper airplane. Culex retracts his hand with a nasty paper cut. While he's sucking on his wound anxiously, Leftie gives him a double-punch to the face and then kicks him while he's passed out on the ground.*

Leftie: Bah! These are mere stock characters! The important ones are gone!

*Leftie turns around when feeling breathing down his neck to see a pissed-off looking Culex standing there.*

Culex: What... did you... call me???!!

Leftie: You're still alive, stock character?

Culex: STOCK CHARACTER????????

Leftie: C-calm dow-


*Leftie is disintigrated by the flaming wave. Yamina and Ihsay take cover behind an overturned car as paper planes fly by wildly.*

Yamina: Where is he? Go out and check!

Ishay: No way! Then he'd know where we are!

Yamina: Fine, I'll look for him!

*Yamina peeks out from the car and sees the Middleman standing right there, staring at her. She stumbles over.*

Yamina: Yeep.

Ishay: Barbed Egg!

*Ishay flings a spiked egg at the Middleman, but he catches it in a metallic glove.*

Yamina: I saw a hole in his chest, I think you should check it out!

*Ishay throws a second Barbed Egg, and the Middleman catches in in his other hand. He flings them both back at her, but as he's tossing them she springs into the air and chucks a third Barbed Egg that hits his chest and knocks him over. Yamina and Ihsay give each other a high five, but then they start bickering again. None of them notice Fusion's spaceship landing.*

Fusion: Aha! The Holy Plot Device (Reverb)! BSD must have ditched it. I might as well take it to a safer place.

*Fusion takes off with the Holy Plot Device (Reverb).*

Rightie: Enough fooling around. You've had your last last last last warning. And now you'll definately die. Unless we lose, in which case this will be your last last last last last warning.

Verde: Yeah right! Let's get this over with! C'mon, Renn!

Renn: Err...

*Renn looks like he's about to move, but he hesitates. Rightie flings a metal ball which spreads into a net and captures Renn.*

Verde: What? Why'd you freeze up?

Renn: I couldn't think of anything original to do...

*Rightie turns to Verde and blasts some cigeratte flames towards him, but Verde blocks it with his Barrier Gloves and then dodges a swarm of paper planes Matrix-style. Verde dropkicks Rightie, who gets up immediately to find himself surrounded by Legion, SSG, Magikoopa and the Shy Guy Army.*

Verde: Get out of our country.

*Rightie gets up and rushes off, bumping into the Ponchos.*

Middle Poncho: We're late.

*Left Poncho holds up the charred remains of Left Dark's clothes.*

Left Poncho: Too late. We should have been here...

Right Poncho: Where are the cowboys?

~The Dark Dimension~

SwordMaster: Gack!


*SwordMaster is pinned to the wall with Mirawk's nose sword-the most deadly of them all- through his chest. Suddenly the scene moves in slow motion with sad music playing in the background ala Lord of the Rings. Bat-Ear grins derangedly as he pulls the sword out. SwordMaster slides down to the ground slowly, leaving a trail of blood on the wall. With a mighty kick, Bat-Ear sends SwordMaster flying across the room, where Chizu rushes to his aid. The slow motion stops as Chizu tries her healing magic.*

Yami Yoshi: That's it! Absorption Egg!

*Yami Yoshi throws the Absorption Egg at Mirawk, but Mirawk catches it on his nose sword and flings it towards Chizu and SwordMaster. Chizu looks up in shock, as she and SwordMaster would inevitably be crushed. However a blast of flame knocks the Absorption Egg to the other side of the room. Chizu looks up to see Saru, who immediately rushes back to his dark corner. She stares after him until she remembers SwordMaster and continues the healing.*

Yami Yoshi: That didn't work well!

GORE: Well it did something- he has lost half of his swords. Now we need to finish this.

Introbulus: Yes. This will be our final charge!

Cerulea: This is it!

Kantii: For our honor!

Saru: Let's do this.

*Everyone looks at Saru strangely, but they don't say a thing. All of the OGers fling themselves at Bat-Ear, unleashing all of their best attacks.*

Yami Yoshi: Hades Egg!

GORE: Primate Punch!

Introbulus: Ultimate Prod!

Cerulea: Tidal Wave!

Kantii: Swooping Eagle!

Saru: Meteor!

*Kantii swoops down at Mirawk, who ducks to the side and instead places his left hand blade in Kantii's path. But GORE's Primate Punch hits the left arm, knocking the sword out of it.Cerulea's Tidal Wave brings down a surprising amount of water on Mirawk's head, stunning him while the Meteor drops down on him and forces him to drop the sword in his left foot. The Hades Egg, propelled by the Ultimate Prod, beans the stunned Mirawk righ in the "V" on his forehead. He releases an inhuman screech before dropping over.*

Yami Yoshi: Wow. It's finally over.

*The "V" suddenly glows red with blood as Bat-Ear's eyes spring open. he gets up and begins swinging his nose sword around wildly. He picks up the three swords he dropped earlier and flings them towards Yami, Cerulea and Chizu. Yami raises his baseball cap and catches the sword in it; GORE then catches the one bound for Cerulea in his. Chizu quickly yanks SwordMaster's cap from his belt and catches the third sword in it. The swords then fly from the hats back at Bat-Ear, slashing his skin and making black blood ooze out as Bat-Ear releases another screech.*

Kantii: Okay, he seems very much madder now.

SwordMaster: Leave this to me.

Chizu: What? You haven't even recovered! Wait- what the...

*SwordMaster's wounds have completely disappeared, but there is another differance. In his eyes shine the eyes of Daioshogun. SwordMaster flies right into the air above Mirawk, pulls the OG Blade up high over his head...*

SwordMaster: Be gone, demon!

*...and thrusts it down into the "V" on his forehead. One last screech is emitted as all life drains from Bat-Ear Mirawk's body. His corpse falls down on the ground as the Black Smoke drifts away. SwordMaster passes out right then and there.*

Yami Yoshi: Good job. But how do we get home?

*Ingrid appears with the Game Boy in hand.*

Ingrid: Where am I?

Yami Yoshi: Good idea!

Ingrid: What?

~The Light Dimension~

*All of the OGers return via the Game Boy and have the usual reunions and stuff. Saru has already left through.*

Kantii: Oh, and Yami Yoshi...

Yami Yoshi: What is it?

Kantii: I found this. I was gonna keep it for myself, but...

*Kantii hands Yami Yoshi a cheesecake.*

Yami Yoshi: ...MY CHEESECAKE! I'd recognize it anywhere! Thank you, Lord Kantii! Thank you!

GORE: (aside to Kantii) So you really got his cheesecake back from Goren?

Kantii: Er... there was a sale on cheesecakes in the deli across the street...

GORE: Aw, I was hoping you knew where PL was...

*Culex silently floats by with the stone Aaron.*

Culex: We'll cure you someday, Aaron!

SwordMaster: Chizu...

Chizu: Yes? What do you need, SwordMaster?

SwordMaster: I'm sorry... I'm not gonna make it....

Chizu: Don't talk like that! My magic will heal you in no time!

SwordMaster: No.... no magic can save me now. I'm sorry, but...

Chizu: What, SwordMaster? What?

SwordMaster: I have something to tell you, before I go... I just need to say it, before... it's too late...

Chizu: Yes?

SwordMaster: April Fool's! (springs to feet and performs backflips)

*After recieving a beating, SwordMaster crawls up to Yami and GORE.*

Yami: Daym. How come you don't have a scratch?

SwordMaster: Daioshogun's soul restored me. But now I don't feel him anymore... I'm afraid his soul has moved on. He and Mirawk can rest in peace.

Yami: Oh, that makes sense! Like how the souls of Pharoah and Hades share my body!

GORE: And how I used to have those Party Goer ghosts, until that stupid robot stole them.

Yami: Now there's an idea! Let's party, like the goers of old!

*In the shadows...*

Middle Cowboy: Should we tell them now?

*Elsewhere, Fred, Lithium, Yahtzee and Lighthouse Monocle Blasphemy IIV's jets approach the Real Lupus's base- a giant space station comprised entirely of cheese. The legendary Cheese Star.*

OoC: Made some changes to the Light Dimension parts.

Author: Golem[edit]

~Back in America...~

RHYK: Yami Yoshi, I--

Yami: Oh, just shut up pal, the OG is over!

RHYK: No, you don't understand. Another of the two--

Yami: Hey, maybe I'd be willing to listen if you actually came to help, okay?

RHYK: I tried to help, I don't know what happened.

Yami: Well, the way I see it... if we came up with the same results when we tried, we'd all be dead right now, right?

~The cowboys step out of an alley and into the open area where everyone is.~

Middle cowboy: You managed to kill some of our best men. Author 9 is really going to have it in for you now.

Left cowboy: Author 9 was trying to help, so he sent us to get your attention. But you ignored us, so he sent the men in black garb to capture you, so we could force your attention. That didn't work, he tried a few different things, and here we are now.

RHYK: See, Yami Yoshi? You ignored the problem, and it only got worse.

Yami Yoshi: This "Author 9" guy is the only one causing problems. Let's get outta here, guys.

~Everyone but the ponchos, cowboys, and Rhyk walks off.~

RHYK: That "Dark Dimension" they entered was S-Space, the realm where imagination (or thoughts) is reality. It's now known as the "Dark Dimension" because Akujin opened the floodgates from S-Space into R-Space (what should be a place where only reality exists). He let a lot of evil into R-Space (using the power he took from Dark Cloak and claimed was dedicated to forming a new universe, which was in fact the R-Space universe Akujin had merely stumbled upon), but over time the light has revealed itself to be the stronger force of R-Space. However, that's strength missing from the light in S-Space. If darkness completely rules over S-Space, all thoughts of those in R-Space will be of evil.
If balance is to be restored, we need to reverse what Akujin has done, and any one of four defeats give us a proper opening to readjust the balance; Akujin himself, Lupus, the Dark Cloak's true form, and the OGers. However, the defeat needs to be handled with the pen known as TASTS, else it's meaningless.

~Long pause.~

Middle poncho: I like long speeches to no one in particular.

RHYK: C'mon, we've got a job to do, men. ~just then, a note appears in RHYK's hand~ Hold on...! It says "Author 9 has been taken care of. You won't be hearing from him for a long while."

THE END... go read MOG8!

Author: AaronGuy[edit]


AaronGuy: *left behind in Rocketsville* ...

*small hairline cracks form across the rocky surface of the statue. These cracks meet, sprawling out until all lines are connected. Finally, the statue sort of 'pops', leaving an alive, albeit dusty, Aaron.

AaronGuy: *yawns* Wow, that was a great nap... I haven't felt so rested since before OG6... Wait, where am I? And where is everyone else? Hello? Helloooooo?

Magikoopa: *standing behind Aaron* So, they left you behind, did they?

AaronGuy: Ack! Who are you?

Magikoopa: I represent Team Rocket Omega... We SAID that there was a truce between us and the OGers right now, but lets face it, it'll be gone within the next 2 OGs. So why not be on the winning side?

AaronGuy: I thought I WAS on the winning side.

Magikoopa: NO, you fool! The OGers will fail, eventually! TRO shall eventually conquer all!

AaronGuy: Yeah yeah. I'll just get the next flight to Japan and get to Yoshi Island from-

Magikoopa: We have cool hats.

AaronGuy: Deal!


Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Cast, in Order of Appearance

Frank Oz as Yami Yoshi
Cedric the Entertainer as Goren Goren/Therodik Loki
Elijah Wood as GORE-ILLA
The Beastie Boys as The Black-garbed Men
The Spice Girls as The Cowboy Men
Tom Green as The Monkey
Sean Hayes as Space Harold
Ray Park as AaronGuy
Eminem as Culex
Samuel L. Jackson as Abbadon
Jim Carrey as The Arcanist
Keanu Reeves as The Presumably Human Lord Kantii of the Crows
Kevin Spacey as Runto
Jackie Chan as Snoopy
Hayden Christensen as SwordMaster
Bob Saget as Saru
Kathy Kinny as Chizu
Viggo Mortenson as Lithium Debater
The Hanson Brothers as the Poncho Men
Ray Romano as Dark Cloak
Queen Latifah as Yamina
Natalie Portman as Flog
Kenny Baker as Verde
Adam Sandler as Bat-Ear Mirawkv Peter Boyle as the Black Knight
Doris Roberts as Shade
Micheal Jackson as Renn
Sandra Bullock as Mistress Canary
Simon Cowell as Walrus-man
Clint Eastwood as Frederick von Bisquick
Jerry Seinfeld as Machine-Made Dark Force
Jason Alexander as Machine-Made Gato Diablo
Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Machine-Made Skelegon
Micheal Richards as Machine-Made Commander Hades
Wayne Knight as Machine-Made Aeroskull
50 Cent as SpearShift
The Rock as Snowman
Halle Berry as Ihsay
Britney Spears as Miss Ingrid Number
Micheal Keaton as Tenorvista Degnerie
Tom Hanks as Chief Sigmund
Ashton Kutcher as Akujin
The Backstreet Boys as the Elemental Crystals
"Weird Al" Yankovic as Pharaoh Yami Yoshi
Liv Tyler as Introbulusn
Fran Dresser as Fusionn
Courteney Cox Arquette as Bsdn
Harrison Ford as That Guyn
Pierce Brosnan as Dark GORE-ILLA
Tom Cruise as EVIL Scientist Dude
Orlando Bloom as MON-KILL
Johnny Depp as Diskun
Cameron Diaz as Mousie
William Hung as Author 1
Justin Timberlake as Author 9
Topher Grace as Nijuka
Danny Devito as BSD
Michelle Pfeiffer as Fusion
James Earl Jones as PL-0TT
Dennis Hooper as Rojo DeSangre
David Shwimmer as Legion
Ryan Seacrest as Sergeant Shy Guy
Micheal Jordan as Failed Lupus Clone
Bob Hoskins as Yahtzee Dubloons
Christopher Walken as Lighthouse Monocle Blasphemy IIV
Clunt Westamber as Himself
Drew Carey as Don Giovanni
Tom Jones as Magikoopa
Adam West as Introbulus
Jennifer Aniston as Cerulea
Christopher Lee as RHYK
And Featuring Andy Serkis as Gollum

Narrirator: Next time, on Member OG 8: Savanna Nights...

Old Hermit: They say there's strange stuff going down in that house. Nobody who lives there lives long.

Yami: But my friends just moved in there!

Old Hermit: GET THEM OUT OF THERE!!! NOW!!!!

Narrirator: There is plenty of action...

*Random explosions.*

*Introbulus and Lupus duel atop two speeding ostriches until Lupus's ostrich veers offroad, crashes into a canyon wall and explodes.*

Narrirator: ...And plenty of drama...

*GORE has all the OGers assembled.*

GORE: I'm sorry everyone, but I have to leave the OGers.

Everyone: GASP

GORE: Because I've moving... (dramatic zoom-in) to PARIS!!!!

Narrirator: ...as the truth comes out...

BSD: I have AIDS.

Lupus: I... killed... Mufasa.

*Yami Yoshi hangs from a windswept platform in Cloud City as Pharaoh approaches him.*

Pharoah: Master Yoshi never told you about your extremely distant ancestor, did he?

Yami: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!

Pharoah: No, Yami Yoshi. I AM your extremely distant ancestor!

Yami: noooooo

*Yami Yoshi, Introbulus, SwordMaster, GORE, Fusion and BSD dance in a fountain as the Friends theme plays in the background.*

*The OGers do some wild breakdancing moves.*

Yami: Try to beat that, Lupus!

*The Anti-OGers begin breakdancing in reply.*

Narrirator: ...and the OGers not only suffer their greatest defeat...

Lupus: You just got served.

...but they face BETRAYAL within the group.

*GORE-ILLA and Yami fight in a surging volcano as GORE twists Yami's hand with his own mechanical one.*


Be there for the one, the only, the nonexistant Member OG 8: Savanna Nights!

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