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Wonder Wario
WW: Mmm.... cheesey...
Golem: Uh-oh, I think the spell is weakening a bit...
Timnis: ~with his left hand in the hole~ Let's get out of here, I know where to go! ~points with his right hand in the direction opposite of the way the train leaves the station~
Golem: Right, let's get going!
~However, Timnis is still getting his hand out when WW skips forward. He trips over Timnis and, since one of Golem's tails is caught in WW's shoe, Golem is dragged along. Golem smacks directly into Timnis, and all three are sent in a ball to the back of the car. When they open their eyes, all very uncomfortable, Super 1 Cheeos 1 stands in the doorway.~
WW, Golem, Timnis: Super 1 Cheeos 1?!
Wonder Wario
Cheeos: You have two emeralds!
WW: And they were yummy!
Cheeos: ~lunges at the three~ GIVE THEM TO ME!
~The three scramble to untangle from each other, but only get more tangled up. Just in the nick of time, Cheeos gets flung the other way, towards the next car ahead of everyone else.~
Everyone: ???
~On the car ahead of everyone else, Rach is putting her hands to the door.~
Golem: Okay, let's try to get untangled again!
Timnis: Golem, why the heck do you need that scarf, anyway?!
~WW, surprisingly enough, is the first to get free, and gets flung the same way that Cheeos did.~
Wonder Wario
WW: Wheeeeeeee!!!
Golem: Watch out!!
~WW continues getting flung, and crashes into Cheeos~
Cheeos: A-ha! Now I've got you!!
~Rach, however, doesn't realize the weight of what she's pulled in and soon the door that Cheeos and WW are against comes off, followed by the next door. As she realizes what's happened, Rach reverses her pull to a push, but the doors still come flying at her. She lets go and WW falls suspended above the tracks by the two cars, and Cheeos lands on top of WW.~
Timnis: You help, I'll find the emerald! ~hops out of the train, runs back along the tracks opposite the way the train would move~
Train Announcer: We will be departing for Mystic Ruin now. Enjoy your ride!
Wonder Wario
WW: Thank you! I will! .... Cheeos!?!
Cheeos: I'll get that emerald out of you, one way or the other!!
Cheeos: You see, your fat is keeping you from falling onto the tracks.
WW: Ooh!
Cheeos: My point is... I can easily shove you through and you'll be taken care of. I can get the emerald then... Or you could hand it over.
WW: ~blink blink~
~Suddenly, Cheeos and WW are sent flying at Rach again~
Rach: How dense. It's inside of him, he can't get it out himself.
~Rach steps out of the way, then once WW is facing her as he flies away, she stops him and does a cheese disection from afar with similar cheese magic to get the emerald out of him. However, she is only able to pull it out half-way, and the emerald is stuck showing outside of WW's chest, before she loses power.~
Wonder Wario
WW: Gah!! I'm hungry!!... What's with this emerald?
Rach: I was only able to remove it halfway, it's stuck that way until I get more power.
WW: Okay.... I...uh.......nope. Can't think of a thing to say...
Golem: Rach, you just--
Cheeos: Fool, now I can get it easier! ~Cheeos stretches his arm towards WW to shove him, as Cheeos can't grab for the emerald, since WW has his back to Cheeos. WW falls foward with his arm across his chest and flattens Rach.~
Rach: ~thinking~ With the emerald's power, I could rip it out... that is... If I could move his arm out from under his weight...
~Meanwhile, Timnis is slowly walking through a dark tunnel. Soon, he reaches a spot where some light is coming up through the floor.~
Timnis: Hmmm... Whatever is making that glowing is definetely it!
~floor starts to creak loudly~
Timnis: Uh-ohhh...
~Timnis falls through the floor, lands on his stomach, looks up to see a new surprise.~
Mecha WW the Hedgehog: ~thinking~ Target unknown. Shows physical features similar to that of Wonder Wario the Echidna.
Timnis: Hey, that's a really big emerald ya got there...
Wonder Wario
Mecha WW the Hedgehog: State your identity.
Timnis: Uh,... I'm Timnis.
Mecha: Tim-nis...Identification unrecognized! Exterminate!
Timnis: Hey!! Do you realize what a politically incorrect statement you said there?!
Mecha: Firing rockets one and two.
Timnis: ~looking around~ Uhh... uhhh... ~thinking~ Well, he wouldn't have fired rockets if he expected them to reach me as close to him as I am now...
Wonder Wario
~meanwhile, Rach, who has gotten free of WW, and Golem, are staying clear of WW and Cheeos, who are going at it one on one~
WW: ~keeps trying to attack Cheeos while in puddle form~ Grrrrr!! Why don't you damage!?
Rach:... Is this guy for real?
Golem: I'm afraid so...
Timnis: ~thinking~ Which means there must be a way out!
~But in such a cramped place, Timnis' mind didn't have enough time to think, and even though he was able to dodge the small rockets, he still got blown back by their blast radii.~
Timnis: Urgh... ~got blown by the relatively small explosion of the rockets past Mecha WW~ ~thinking~ Hey, what's that in the darkness there? It's... an emerald!
Wonder Wario
Timnis: Great! Now we have the last one!
~meanwhile, elsewhere~
N:............. ~snore~
Meanwhile, Eggman has returned to his base. There awaits his newest project...
Eggman: So what type of Upgrade can I give you today? We can give you the Botox, or the Ibuprofen. Also, I might recommend the sampler.
Big Al: I want you to turn me into an animal. My wife says I eat like one.
Eggman: Okay, then. Hold still.
Big Al get's whacked at, and beat up badly.
Eggman: Tada!
Big Al: I'm... I'm... Big the Al!
Eggman: Yes, yes, now about that money you promised to pay...
Big the Al: Rule number 1, Eggy: Never accept personal checks!
Big the Al trips into an elevator on his way out.
Eggman: Drat drat and double drat..
~In the cavern, Timnis scrapes himself off of the floor and makes a mad dash for the emerald. As he gets closer, he recognizes that, oddly enough, it's bigger than a normal emerald... Timnis starts to trip, but it ends up in a dive at the emerald. He goes straight through and lands with a few bumps and bruises on the other side, though.~
Timnis: Ow...
~At which point, Mecha WW dashes at Timnis.~
Wonder Wario
Timnis: ~looks back and sees Mecha coming towwards him~ GAH!! ~digs underground to get away~
Mecha: Where--
~Timnis shoots up through the ground, tearing off Mecha's left leg. It flies off and lands on the emerald.~
Timnis: Hold on... if the leg is attached to the emerald... ~clever grin~ I can just pull up the leg and take the emerald with it!
~But before he had a chance to do so, Timnis received a slash in the back from Mecha's spikes. Timnis fell to the ground face-first.~
Wonder Wario
Mecha: ~starts hopping towards Timnis~ Exterminate...
Timnis: Aw, cripes!
~Mecha hops closer, but stops when a blur speeds by in the distance~
Mecha: Processing identification of object... It's "him".
~Mecha, who has completely forgotten about Timnis walks up and grabs his leg from the emerald and leaves~
Timnis: Guess he was'nt after the emerald after all...
I better go find the others!
Timnis: Gee, I hope the others haven't had too much trouble getting to the Ruins. ~tries to run, but feels the pain from the slash through his back~ Aaugh!
Timnis: ~uses shirt to blot the blood from the wound, then takes it off due to the blood on it~ I'm still on train tracks. I've gotta get to the Ruins as fast as possible. ~takes off on a slowish run, occasionaly using the shirt to blot the blood on his back~
~Mecha races down the train tracks, his feet going around so fast that they almost looked like wheels. Up ahead is its target... a purplish mass speeding after the train! Mecha shot three homing rockets.
Inside the train, which is just ahead of the purplish mass, Cheeos has taken bodily form again to fight Wonder Wario...~
Golem: ~thinking: While Cheoos is distracted, I can get in a hit!~ ~whips his tails around to hit Cheeos in the brain, but manages only to get them stuck in Cheeos' neck and torso~ Waugh! Oh, man... that feels gross!
Cheeos: You wouldn't believe how bad it feels for me... Ullllgh!
Rach: Haha, great! ~Rach, with new vigor, dashes in and manages to push WW's chest backward and get his spikes stuck in the floor of the car.~ There you are, Cheeos! One perfectly good half-extracted emerald!
WW: Hey, no, don't! ~tries to get up, but can't lift himself due to the spikes~ Awwwahhhh, maaaaaannnn!!
~Cheeos aims his hand in the direction of WW's chest and the emerald glows.~
Golem: Hang on, WW! ~tries to run away from Cheeos, but even with his greatest force can't move Cheeos away from WW; so Golem decides to turn around and meet Cheeos' face~ HII!
Cheeos: Waugh!
~Golem, in a fashion not very akin to Tails, uses his fist to take a hit at Cheeos' brain. The punch, to Golem's delight, does NOT get stuck in Cheeos' muck of a body, and Cheeos flashes from taking the hit. Taking immediate action, Cheeos shoves Golem, throwing Golem back to the other side. Without giving Golem time to react, Cheeos lifts the emerald out of WW's chest (without touching it) and readies to break it. Golem comes back around again just in time to meet the very force that Cheeos meant to break the emerald...!! And just as the invisible force meets Golem, a large explosion catapults a purple hedgehog through the back of the train car into the mix, stopping chin-first behind Cheeos' feet.~
Wonder Wario
WW the Hedgehog: Geez, THAT's... gonna hurt! Huh?
~The train stops, whether or not because of the explosion, just at the Mystic Ruins station.~
Rach: Cheeos! That means your Super Cheese Emerald hideout is close!! You know, with your four Super Cheese Emeralds!!
WW the Hedgehog (or just Hedeghog): ~getting up~ What?!
Cheeos: O_O!!! ~melts and reforms to escape Golem, then runs off somewhere~
Mecha: ~steps into the train~ WW the--~interrupted by sounds of Wonder Wario and Golem bumping and crashing out of the train in pursuit of Cheeos~ WW the Hedgehog, dead or--~interrupted by sounds of Golem and WW rolling up into a ball and falling down the stairs at the entrance to the station~
Wonder Wario
Hedgehog: Try again.
Mecha: One more try.
WW: That was fun!
Golem: ~getting up~ We better hurry after them!... Wonder?
WW: ~staring at a long line of rings~ Maybe this is a shortcut!
Golem: Forget it WW, you don't have the Light Speed Shoes!
WW: I can try though!!
Golem: The line of rings extends above the cave that the mine cart goes through...
WW: ~swinging by rings like they're monkey bars~ Come on, slowpoke!
Wonder Wario
~Golem climbs up following WW. Hedgehog notices this and rolls under Mecha's legs and runs the the line of rings~
Hedgehog: Wait up!!
Golem: Don't collect them!!
Hedgehog: WhUh?
~As Hedgehog races by, Golem latches onto his right shoe and WW latches onto his left shoe. This messes up Hedgehog's light speed dash and sends him flying just above the cave (imbetween two big boulders), now looking more like a cliff, chin-first. His torso is on top while his legs dangle of the side.~
Hedgehog: O_O ~starts slipping from the collective weight of WW and Golem, grabs onto two boulders that are less than an arm-length away from his torso~
Wonder Wario
WW: This is fun!
Golem: Don't let go mysterious purple hedgehog that looks alot like Sonic, only not!
Hedgehog: Boy, that was a mouthful.
~Hedgehog, finally overtaken by the weight valiantly starts trying to shake the two off~
~This is interuppted by a homing missle fired from Mecha~

Latest revision as of 03:00, 14 July 2007

Pages in the Sonic the Hedgehog Fanventure Archive
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Wonder Wario

WW: Mmm.... cheesey...

Golem: Uh-oh, I think the spell is weakening a bit...


Timnis: ~with his left hand in the hole~ Let's get out of here, I know where to go! ~points with his right hand in the direction opposite of the way the train leaves the station~

Golem: Right, let's get going!

~However, Timnis is still getting his hand out when WW skips forward. He trips over Timnis and, since one of Golem's tails is caught in WW's shoe, Golem is dragged along. Golem smacks directly into Timnis, and all three are sent in a ball to the back of the car. When they open their eyes, all very uncomfortable, Super 1 Cheeos 1 stands in the doorway.~

WW, Golem, Timnis: Super 1 Cheeos 1?!

Wonder Wario

Cheeos: You have two emeralds!

WW: And they were yummy!

Cheeos: ~lunges at the three~ GIVE THEM TO ME!


~The three scramble to untangle from each other, but only get more tangled up. Just in the nick of time, Cheeos gets flung the other way, towards the next car ahead of everyone else.~

Everyone: ???

~On the car ahead of everyone else, Rach is putting her hands to the door.~

Golem: Okay, let's try to get untangled again!

Timnis: Golem, why the heck do you need that scarf, anyway?!

~WW, surprisingly enough, is the first to get free, and gets flung the same way that Cheeos did.~

Wonder Wario

WW: Wheeeeeeee!!!

Golem: Watch out!!

~WW continues getting flung, and crashes into Cheeos~

Cheeos: A-ha! Now I've got you!!


~Rach, however, doesn't realize the weight of what she's pulled in and soon the door that Cheeos and WW are against comes off, followed by the next door. As she realizes what's happened, Rach reverses her pull to a push, but the doors still come flying at her. She lets go and WW falls suspended above the tracks by the two cars, and Cheeos lands on top of WW.~

Timnis: You help, I'll find the emerald! ~hops out of the train, runs back along the tracks opposite the way the train would move~

Train Announcer: We will be departing for Mystic Ruin now. Enjoy your ride!

Wonder Wario

WW: Thank you! I will! .... Cheeos!?!

Cheeos: I'll get that emerald out of you, one way or the other!!


Cheeos: You see, your fat is keeping you from falling onto the tracks.

WW: Ooh!

Cheeos: My point is... I can easily shove you through and you'll be taken care of. I can get the emerald then... Or you could hand it over.

WW: ~blink blink~

~Suddenly, Cheeos and WW are sent flying at Rach again~

Rach: How dense. It's inside of him, he can't get it out himself.

~Rach steps out of the way, then once WW is facing her as he flies away, she stops him and does a cheese disection from afar with similar cheese magic to get the emerald out of him. However, she is only able to pull it out half-way, and the emerald is stuck showing outside of WW's chest, before she loses power.~

Wonder Wario

WW: Gah!! I'm hungry!!... What's with this emerald?

Rach: I was only able to remove it halfway, it's stuck that way until I get more power.

WW: Okay.... I...uh.......nope. Can't think of a thing to say...


Golem: Rach, you just--

Cheeos: Fool, now I can get it easier! ~Cheeos stretches his arm towards WW to shove him, as Cheeos can't grab for the emerald, since WW has his back to Cheeos. WW falls foward with his arm across his chest and flattens Rach.~

Rach: ~thinking~ With the emerald's power, I could rip it out... that is... If I could move his arm out from under his weight...

~Meanwhile, Timnis is slowly walking through a dark tunnel. Soon, he reaches a spot where some light is coming up through the floor.~

Timnis: Hmmm... Whatever is making that glowing is definetely it!

~floor starts to creak loudly~

Timnis: Uh-ohhh...

~Timnis falls through the floor, lands on his stomach, looks up to see a new surprise.~

Mecha WW the Hedgehog: ~thinking~ Target unknown. Shows physical features similar to that of Wonder Wario the Echidna.

Timnis: Hey, that's a really big emerald ya got there...

Wonder Wario

Mecha WW the Hedgehog: State your identity.

Timnis: Uh,... I'm Timnis.

Mecha: Tim-nis...Identification unrecognized! Exterminate!


Timnis: Hey!! Do you realize what a politically incorrect statement you said there?!

Mecha: Firing rockets one and two.

Timnis: ~looking around~ Uhh... uhhh... ~thinking~ Well, he wouldn't have fired rockets if he expected them to reach me as close to him as I am now...

Wonder Wario

~meanwhile, Rach, who has gotten free of WW, and Golem, are staying clear of WW and Cheeos, who are going at it one on one~

WW: ~keeps trying to attack Cheeos while in puddle form~ Grrrrr!! Why don't you damage!?

Rach:... Is this guy for real?

Golem: I'm afraid so...



Timnis: ~thinking~ Which means there must be a way out!

~But in such a cramped place, Timnis' mind didn't have enough time to think, and even though he was able to dodge the small rockets, he still got blown back by their blast radii.~

Timnis: Urgh... ~got blown by the relatively small explosion of the rockets past Mecha WW~ ~thinking~ Hey, what's that in the darkness there? It's... an emerald!

Wonder Wario

Timnis: Great! Now we have the last one!

~meanwhile, elsewhere~

N:............. ~snore~


Meanwhile, Eggman has returned to his base. There awaits his newest project...

Eggman: So what type of Upgrade can I give you today? We can give you the Botox, or the Ibuprofen. Also, I might recommend the sampler.

Big Al: I want you to turn me into an animal. My wife says I eat like one.

Eggman: Okay, then. Hold still.

Big Al get's whacked at, and beat up badly.

Eggman: Tada!

Big Al: I'm... I'm... Big the Al!

Eggman: Yes, yes, now about that money you promised to pay...

Big the Al: Rule number 1, Eggy: Never accept personal checks!

Big the Al trips into an elevator on his way out.

Eggman: Drat drat and double drat..


~In the cavern, Timnis scrapes himself off of the floor and makes a mad dash for the emerald. As he gets closer, he recognizes that, oddly enough, it's bigger than a normal emerald... Timnis starts to trip, but it ends up in a dive at the emerald. He goes straight through and lands with a few bumps and bruises on the other side, though.~

Timnis: Ow...

~At which point, Mecha WW dashes at Timnis.~

Wonder Wario

Timnis: ~looks back and sees Mecha coming towwards him~ GAH!! ~digs underground to get away~


Mecha: Where--

~Timnis shoots up through the ground, tearing off Mecha's left leg. It flies off and lands on the emerald.~

Timnis: Hold on... if the leg is attached to the emerald... ~clever grin~ I can just pull up the leg and take the emerald with it!

~But before he had a chance to do so, Timnis received a slash in the back from Mecha's spikes. Timnis fell to the ground face-first.~

Wonder Wario

Mecha: ~starts hopping towards Timnis~ Exterminate...

Timnis: Aw, cripes!

~Mecha hops closer, but stops when a blur speeds by in the distance~

Mecha: Processing identification of object... It's "him".

~Mecha, who has completely forgotten about Timnis walks up and grabs his leg from the emerald and leaves~

Timnis: Guess he was'nt after the emerald after all... I better go find the others!


Timnis: Gee, I hope the others haven't had too much trouble getting to the Ruins. ~tries to run, but feels the pain from the slash through his back~ Aaugh!

Timnis: ~uses shirt to blot the blood from the wound, then takes it off due to the blood on it~ I'm still on train tracks. I've gotta get to the Ruins as fast as possible. ~takes off on a slowish run, occasionaly using the shirt to blot the blood on his back~


~Mecha races down the train tracks, his feet going around so fast that they almost looked like wheels. Up ahead is its target... a purplish mass speeding after the train! Mecha shot three homing rockets.

Inside the train, which is just ahead of the purplish mass, Cheeos has taken bodily form again to fight Wonder Wario...~

Golem: ~thinking: While Cheoos is distracted, I can get in a hit!~ ~whips his tails around to hit Cheeos in the brain, but manages only to get them stuck in Cheeos' neck and torso~ Waugh! Oh, man... that feels gross!

Cheeos: You wouldn't believe how bad it feels for me... Ullllgh!

Rach: Haha, great! ~Rach, with new vigor, dashes in and manages to push WW's chest backward and get his spikes stuck in the floor of the car.~ There you are, Cheeos! One perfectly good half-extracted emerald!

WW: Hey, no, don't! ~tries to get up, but can't lift himself due to the spikes~ Awwwahhhh, maaaaaannnn!!

~Cheeos aims his hand in the direction of WW's chest and the emerald glows.~

Golem: Hang on, WW! ~tries to run away from Cheeos, but even with his greatest force can't move Cheeos away from WW; so Golem decides to turn around and meet Cheeos' face~ HII!

Cheeos: Waugh!

~Golem, in a fashion not very akin to Tails, uses his fist to take a hit at Cheeos' brain. The punch, to Golem's delight, does NOT get stuck in Cheeos' muck of a body, and Cheeos flashes from taking the hit. Taking immediate action, Cheeos shoves Golem, throwing Golem back to the other side. Without giving Golem time to react, Cheeos lifts the emerald out of WW's chest (without touching it) and readies to break it. Golem comes back around again just in time to meet the very force that Cheeos meant to break the emerald...!! And just as the invisible force meets Golem, a large explosion catapults a purple hedgehog through the back of the train car into the mix, stopping chin-first behind Cheeos' feet.~

Wonder Wario

WW the Hedgehog: Geez, THAT's... gonna hurt! Huh?


~The train stops, whether or not because of the explosion, just at the Mystic Ruins station.~

Rach: Cheeos! That means your Super Cheese Emerald hideout is close!! You know, with your four Super Cheese Emeralds!!

WW the Hedgehog (or just Hedeghog): ~getting up~ What?!

Cheeos: O_O!!! ~melts and reforms to escape Golem, then runs off somewhere~

Mecha: ~steps into the train~ WW the--~interrupted by sounds of Wonder Wario and Golem bumping and crashing out of the train in pursuit of Cheeos~ WW the Hedgehog, dead or--~interrupted by sounds of Golem and WW rolling up into a ball and falling down the stairs at the entrance to the station~

Wonder Wario

Hedgehog: Try again.

Mecha: One more try.


WW: That was fun!

Golem: ~getting up~ We better hurry after them!... Wonder?

WW: ~staring at a long line of rings~ Maybe this is a shortcut!

Golem: Forget it WW, you don't have the Light Speed Shoes!

WW: I can try though!!


Golem: The line of rings extends above the cave that the mine cart goes through...

WW: ~swinging by rings like they're monkey bars~ Come on, slowpoke!

Wonder Wario

~Golem climbs up following WW. Hedgehog notices this and rolls under Mecha's legs and runs the the line of rings~

Hedgehog: Wait up!!


Golem: Don't collect them!!

Hedgehog: WhUh?

~As Hedgehog races by, Golem latches onto his right shoe and WW latches onto his left shoe. This messes up Hedgehog's light speed dash and sends him flying just above the cave (imbetween two big boulders), now looking more like a cliff, chin-first. His torso is on top while his legs dangle of the side.~

Hedgehog: O_O ~starts slipping from the collective weight of WW and Golem, grabs onto two boulders that are less than an arm-length away from his torso~

Wonder Wario

WW: This is fun!

Golem: Don't let go mysterious purple hedgehog that looks alot like Sonic, only not!

Hedgehog: Boy, that was a mouthful.

~Hedgehog, finally overtaken by the weight valiantly starts trying to shake the two off~


~This is interuppted by a homing missle fired from Mecha~