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Magi: SHUT UP!  
Magi: SHUT UP!  
=PWD= *Back on earth...*  
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Back on earth...*  
Kirby- Oh, great...<br>
Kirby- Oh, great...<br>
Line 172: Line 174:
OBM: Hey!! I'm here, too!  
OBM: Hey!! I'm here, too!  
=Golem= ''BONK''  
Cat: Owwwwww...  
Cat: Owwwwww...  

Latest revision as of 00:33, 18 February 2009

Pages in the Holiday Goers: Halloween Haunter Archive
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Ditto McCloaker[edit]

Narrator: There is a wash of white light, and everyone gets a sensation of floating. Soon they are able to see again, but it isn't because the light has gone away. Their vision is now 'transcended.' Before them they see a pair of large, white gates, and a man in a white robe sitting out front typing on a laptop. There is a HUGE line leading up to his desk.

Angel Golem: Whoa! Where are we?

Angel Ditto: I unno, but it's purdy.

Angel Rhyk: Looks like... Heaven!

Angel Golem: Wait, you're a robot. How come your here?

Angel Rhyk: I guess I got soul.

Angel Vorpal: A line?! I hate lines! I wanna be up there right NOW!

Narrator: Suddenly, a trapdoor opens beneath the guy currently at the head of the line, and he falls in, screaming. Fire and sulfur erupt upwards for a moment before the trapdoor closes.

Guy at Gate: NEXT.

Angel Vorpal: *shoves Golem in line in front of him*

Magikoopa: *to Meowth* Hey, we're up HERE! How'd that happen?

Meowth: I don't know, but keep your big beak shut and maybe no one will find out!

Guy At Desk: Hmmm... you're a young one... Name?

Angel Golem: Golem.

Guy: Hmmm... *punches into his computer* I don't see any Golem here... Wait... Lemme try 'Greg.' *punches it in* Ah yes! Here's your file. 13?! Man, you sure didn't take very long... *looks at Golem suspiciously* What you die of?

Angel Golem: ...D-die?

Guy: Killed. Iced. Deep Sixed. Shuffled you off this mortal coil. Wacked.

Magi: *shuffling up to the guy at the desk, whispering* Drinkin' and driving. Tried to stop him, but... y'know... teenagers.

Meowth: *whispering* What are you doing?!

Magi: I'm a "Devil's Advocate!"


Masamune: I've got the blues... I've got the blues, I got the I'mdeadandnoonehasnoticedquiteyet blues...


Golem: N-no! I died... ummm... trying to save the world.

Magi: Me too!!!!

Meowth: You're the one who created the problem!!!

Magi: SHUT UP!


*Back on earth...*

Kirby- Oh, great...
PWD- What?
Kirby- Everyone is dead but us.
PWD- That's a real pain, isn't it?
Kirby- Who asked you?...This is scary.
Rocky- Hey! I'm alive, too!!!!
Kirby- Good.
Rocky- Oh, yeah. Did I mention that ALL the Nintendo characters are dead, except us, Yoshi, Ness, Mario, and Fox McCloud?
Kirby- WHAT?! You mean...No Samus?
Rocky- No.
Kirby- Captain Falcon?
Rocky- No.
Kirby- Jigglypuff?
Rocky- Not a chance.
Kirby- Pikachu?
Rocky- As if!
Kirby- Luigi?
Rocky- Who?
Kirby- Oh, yeah...he never existed. Um,...Link?
Rocky- Long gone.
Kirby- Donkey Kong?
Rocky- Nope.
Kirby- I guess we're the only ones left...
Rocky- Oh, Ash survived, too.
Kirby- What?! No way! Now he's gonna think I'm some rare POKeMON!!!!!
Ash- Wow! Rare POKeMON!!!

Dexter- Kirby: cute puffball POKeMON
This POKeMON is the strongest out of the known and common 251 POKeMON. It has a modified digestive system, as well. It doesn't have an element type, so nothing effects it. Few POKeMON masters have seen this POKeMON in the night sky.

Ash- Cool! Misty would've liked this POKeMON because it's so cute. Let's see...where did I put that POKeCHOW? Oh! Two more rare POKeMON!

Dexter- Parasol Waddle Dee: cute waddle POKeMON
Data unknown.

Rocky: cute rock POKeMON
This POKeMON was never seen by any masters, but has been believed to be a myth. However, this POKeMON only comes out to help an unconscious human being.

Ash- Another unknown POKeMON? I gotta catch 'em! Ultraballs, go!
Kirby- .....!!!
PWD- (O_o)
Rocky- (-_-)

The ultraballs capture PWD, Kirby, and Rocky. Soon, Ash sees Bomberman, another surviver.

Ash- Wow! I wonder what POKeMON that one is?

Dexter- Bomberman: bombing POKeMON
Data Unavailable

Ash- I gotta catch THIS one! Masterball, GO!!!
Bomberman- ???

The Masterball catches Bomberman. Yoshi, Ness, Fox, and Mario appear. Ash thinks that they're POKeMON, too.

Ash- I gotta catch that dinosaur one!

Dexster- Yoshi: cute dino POKeMON
Data Unknown

Mario: lardo plumber POKeMON
Data Unknown

Ness: psychic child POKeMON
Data Unknown

Fox: fox POKeMON
Data Unknown

Ash- I don't want the plumber. Masterballs, GO!!!
Fox- ???
Mario- Momma mia!
Ness- PK Fire!!!
Ash- Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! It burned my Masterball!
Yoshi- Yoshi! Super Happy Song!!! [sings]

The Masterball explodes. Fox is the only captured "POKeMON".

Ash- Drat...
Dude spirit: What the heck?! They're not POKeMON!!!
Ash- I gotta weaken the other POKeMON...
Dude spirit: THEY'RE NOT POKeMON!!!

Inside the Ultraball...

Kirby- This is a living...
Censor Man: Shhhhhhh!
Kirby- I was going to say, "This is a living nightmare!!!"
Censor Man: Oh, sorry.

Kirby- Man, how will I ever get outta this one?
PWD- Well, it could be worse...
Rocky- Struggle out of the Ultraballs!
Kirby- And how the heck do we do that?
Rocky- Err,...give me a minute.
PWD- [pop] I'm out!
Ash- Shoot! I almost had it, too!!!
PWD- I'm not a POKeMON.
Ash- Wow, a talking, rare, cute POKeMON!
PWD- Shut up, will you?

Parasol Waddle Dee opens the Ultraballs and the Masterball.

Ash- Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! They're all loose!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Kirby- Shut up, loser.
Bomberman- Can somebody help me out of here?
Yoshi- Yoshi?
Mario- We are-a not POKeMON.
Fox- Do I look like a POKeMON to you?
Ness- I can't be a POKeMON because I'm a human child, like you...wait, I have psychic powers and you don't.
OBM: Hey!! I'm here, too!



Cat: Owwwwww...

Rhyk: It's November 3rd. You fell out the car and hit your head. I had to install a medi-program for you... Are you okay?

Cat: Yeah... I think.

Ditto McCloaker[edit]

Oddball Mario walks by, and sees the bodies.

OM: Ohmygod! I hafta save them!

~shuffles his feet over the carpet and goes over to Golem~

Oddball Mario: Clear! ~shocks Golem~

~Golem's body jerks~

Back At the Pearly Gates...

St. Peter: Well, Golem, looks like you're goin' straight to--

~Suddenly, Golem is sucked back to Earth.~

St. Peter: Huh. Okay, who's next?

~One by one, each person gets revived and sucked back to Earth.~

--Back on Earth--

Oddball Mario: Well, I've managed to revive everyone except for Magikoopa... Looks like we're too late for him...

~everyone bows their head mournfully over the peaceful body of Magikoopa~

Sapphire: ~steps forward, hat in hand~ Magi... I'll miss you...

~Suddenly, Parasol Waddle Dee walks up, carrying a rapidly melting cone of... Peppermint Ice Cream!~

PWD: Yo, dudes, what's up? ~comes over to Koop's body~

--Back at the Pearly Gates...--

St. Peter: Man, bad day. Well, that just leaves you, Magi. According to these records, you go to...

Magi: :crosses fingers:

St. Peter: ...Heaven!

Meowth: How'd that happen?

Magi: Must be a computer error in our favor! That's a one-in-a-million thing! But the important thing is... we're home free!

St. Peter: All right, Kamek Jr. Through those gates is eternal peace and bliss. Enjoy.

~The gates open, and Magikoopa sees a bunch of angels that look like Ryoko~

Magikoopa: SHYES!!! ~sprouts wings and begins to fly to them~ Here I come, my dear...!

~He gets closer...~

Angel: Magi... come towards the light...

~He gets ever closer, the light gets brighter~

~He's almost there...~

--Down on Earth--

PWD: Ooops. Stupid drippy cone...

--In Heaven--

~Magi purses his lips and reaches out when suddenly...~

Magi's Wings: Poof!

Magi: Poof?!?

Narrator: Poof.

Magi: Aw, crap.

~Suddenly, Magi feels himself sucked back through the Gates, and back to Earth~

Magi: ~sitting up with a jerk~ Ryoko! ~looks around~


~pounds the ground and bawls~

Meowth: ~waking up beside him~ WHoa! Hey! How'd we get back here?

Magikoopa: Oh, well... We're alive again, curse it. Well, c'mon Meowth. Let's go Trick Or Treating!

Golem: Sorry guys. Halloween was over long ago.


~Halloween music picks up. The scene focuses on Magikoopa and Meowth bawling before going totally dark.~

~The ghostly sound of a laughing Ditto is heard in the background just before the credits begin to roll~


~The credits finish rolling. The screen is dark for a few seconds, then we see one more scene.~


Golem: Hey, where DID Ditto go anyhoo?

Ditto McCloaker[edit]

SSG: We see a huge, dark, underground cavern. There is a huge river spanning it. A tiny ferryboat is making it's way across. The boat is being piloted by what appears to be the Grim Reaper, using his scythe to steer. Ditto sits on a lawn chair on the foredeck, eating pomegranites. He pops down his sunglasses and takes a look at his scenery. He begins to get a little worried.

Ditto: Hey, mac, what did you call this river again?

Charon: ~in an unearthly voice~ ...Styx.

Ditto: What did you say? We're in the Sticks? Well, it doesn't look like that bad a neighborhood. Oh, well, I'm no snob. Just drop me off at that hotel over there, and I'll phone for a ride.

~points at a dark, ominous looking palace on the far shore. A huge, three headed dog looks at him fearsomely~

Ditto: Whoa. Nice doggy.

~Ditto hops off, and the screen pans out one last time as Ditto makes his way to the palace.~

Ditto: ~in distance~ Hey, excuse me, can I use your phone?

Pluto Lord of the Semi-Underworld: Sure... USE IT ALL YOU LIKE! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Ditto: Gee, what a nice guy.

~the screen goes dark for the last time...~

~Now that the story is over, the authors still there...~

PWD- Roman Mythology is cool. And next time, DON'T MAKE ME HAVE PEPPERMINT ICE CREAM!!!! ~Thank you! :wink:~
Kirby- Peppermint...ewwwwwwwwwwww!
Rocky- Peppermint is Peppermint...


Golem: I don't think there'll be another time ppm ice cream will be crucial to the plot.

PWD: SO?!?!

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