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=Author: Yami Yoshi=
=Author: Yami Yoshi=
~The OGers walk into the courtyard. Yami Yoshi plops himself onto a bench and lies down.~
Yami Yoshi: ~yawns~ Whew, what a morning...~stomach growls~ And man, am I hungry…those damn chefs only let me eat FIVE breakfast steaks!
Yami Yoshi: Gimmie twenty breakfast steaks, chef!
Chef: Sorry, sir. The limit is five steaks per customer.
Yami Yoshi: But it said “all you can eat” on the flyer!
Chef: There was no flyer.
Yami Yoshi: …so?
Yami Yoshi: ~clenches fists~ I have a score to settle with those chef bastards… ~hops up~ C'mon guys! ~points forward~ To the kitchen!
Chizu: Wait, Yami…shouldn’t we wait for GORE?
Aaron Guy: And Culex?
Ihsay: And Ihsoy?
Yami Yoshi: ~jumps~ Whoa! What the hell do you want, dino-lady?
Ihsay: I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help but overhear you guys talking about your losing friends. You see, my brother Ihsoy was the champion of last year’s tournament…
Yami Yoshi: Whoa, really?
Ihsay: Well, I guess he ''almost'' was…I remember how happy my family and I were when we received his letter in the mail saying he had advanced to the final round of the tournament. We never heard from him again…
Aaron Guy: I see…so you’re participating in this tournament to find out what happened to your brother?
Ihsay: That is correct. You OGers seem like a pretty powerful group, and I was wondering if you guys could help me out…
Yami Yoshi: ~running towards the kitchen~ After lunch!
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{{Member OG 7 Pages}}

Latest revision as of 21:23, 21 December 2007

Pages in the Member OG 7 Archive
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

~Yami Yoshi stares up at the enormous pink blob of fat with an expression of utter repulsion.~

Yami Yoshi: Pssh…gross…I’m supposed to fight this pink piece of ****?

Flog: Grrrrr…you make fun of Flog! Flog crush you!

~Flog curls his body into a ball and rolls towards Yami Yoshi.~

Yami Yoshi: Dark Omelet!

~Yami Yoshi hurls a barrage of Dark Eggs at Flog which bounce uselessly off of Flog’s rubbery skin.~


~Flog continues rolling towards Yami Yoshi...~

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*...Yami Yoshi realizes that he can't roll to the side since Flog's width leaves no room on the mat to either side. And jumping over the tower of fat would be impossible, and Yami cursed himself for leaving the house without a blue shell. Attacking it didn't seem to wrok either. So Yami did the only thing he could do.*


Yami Yoshi: Shut your gargantuan mouth already, you... that's it!

*Yami Yoshi realized taht if this plan failed, there would be no chance to retry. His aim had to be perfect. So he bent his knees and sprung from the ground, straight at Flog.*


*Yami Yoshi flies right into Flog's open mouth just in time. Flog then stops as he reaches the edge of the mat and clamps his mouth shut before preparing to swallow.*

Yami Yoshi: DARK OMELET!!!

*Flog explodes from the inside, showering the room with pig organs, digested food and a lot of ham.*

Yami Yoshi: You may be an inpenitrable blob of cholesterol on the outside, but on the inside you're just a fragile piniata waiting to be snapped open! ...Man I'm drunk.

Ref: Da dino wins!

*The ref tackles Yami Yoshi and forces him into the glass room. Through the transperentness he sees the remaining OGers and even Yamina mouthing congratulations or giving thumbs-up.*

Saru: Beh. You losers won't last long.

Yami Yoshi: Hey! At least I have friends, you crazed fire-monkey-man!

Saru: I don't need "friends" in this dimension. All I have is myself. I don't need fools hanging around me and making sappy speeches. That "friendship" didn't help GORE at all.

Yami: Shut up now! We're not splitting apart anytime soon! The OG Six will be around forever!

Saru: That's the same thing the Party Goers said. Every group, all good things must come to an end. You'll find that out the hard way. You OGers will slowly drift away from each other or more simply be blown away. Friends get in the way. Friends are misplaced trust. Can I be any more Kaibaish?

Yami Yoshi: You jerk...

*Yami Yoshi winds up his fist to punch Saru only to find that Kantii has already slapped him.*

Kantii: You live without honor. You will not be missed when you lose in the tournament and disappear. The same cannot be said about poor GORE.

Saru: Enough of this, you idealistic turkey! I just can't wait to set your feathers on fire. I'm going to mediate in that corner now.

*Saru starts to walk away.*

Saru: The stubborn ones are always the ones blown apart...

Author: AaronGuy[edit]


Ref: The next match is Culex versus ..~squints down at the card~ Verne?

Man in Green: Verde! Mister Verde!

Ref: Oh. Of course. Well, you two are next.

Culex: ~nods~ All right then.

Ref: Begin!

Culex: Flames of Atremis! ~throws three balls of fire at Verde~

Verde: Projectiles? Please. ~Holds up one of his gloved hands~

Fire Balls: ~are attracted to the hand, but dissipate into blue smoke when they come in contact with it~

Culex: What in the..?

Verde: Barrier Glove. Made it myself. Like it?

Culex: Hmph. Nice toy, but I have some tricks up my sleeve too. Sword of Orion! ~forms the sword in his hand~ Prepare to.. URGH! ~slumps down~

Verde: ~watches, slightly amused~

Culex: No... How could I still be so weak? It's been a long time since I've been cut off from Varunia...

Verde: If you're done... Exploding Stars! ~Throws several shurikens at Culex, which explode on contact~

AaronGuy: Oh no...

Culex: ~out~

Ref: Wow. Er, Verde wins. Take this one away.

Guards: ~Drag Culex away~

AaronGuy: No... NO! CULEX!

~Down in the basement~

Guard 1: All right, let's extract this guys soul. ~place Culex on a table~

Guard 2: Right. Geez, this always gives me the creeps... ~pushes a button~

~Culex's body spasms, then lays still. A white OG soul rises from his body. However, it looks very different. The soul seems shrivled, and dim, but there are three red veinlike lines running across the soul, pulsating red and glowing brightly- the three connections to Akujin's realm~

Guard 2: What the hell? This one doesn't look right.

Guard 1: Hey, a souls a soul. Besides, it's the body we want, right? ~pushes another button~

Culex's Body: ~gets whisked away into a room~

Guard 2: Guess so. Let's extract this one's energy.

~Suddenly, the soul shakes violently. Two of the red lines strike out, piercing the two guards. They are dead before they reach the ground. The soul then flies in an erratic circle towards the nearest intact body...~

Blonde Guy: Ugh... What happened? The last thing I remember is getting hit by those stars, and... and... and why is my voice different? ~looks down~ AGH! And why do I LOOK different?! ~thinks~ I don't know why, but they changed my body for some reason. Now I must be weaker than ever. But why? I should at least have been able to use a spell. Unless... Those three Akujin shadows I absorbed. They must be feeding off my soul, like tapeworms. If I can expel them, I should be just fine. ~checks himself over~ But I can't do it in a human body. Opening up a human chest is messy. I wonder what this human was called, anyhow?

~The Blonde Guy, obviously Culex, looks down on his jacket. In silver letters, he sees the insignia 'Space H'.

Culex: Space... Harold? What an odd name. Well, before I do anything else, I should see about finding GORE. Or, what's left of him... I fear the worst...

Author: Golem[edit]

~A gorilla's fist hits Harold in the back. Harold turns around and sees GORE, with four guards running after him. The gorilla is gone as soon as he came, and the guards whiz past Harold. He chases the guards and calls to GORE.~

Harold: GORE!

GORE: Yeah?!

Harold: Just making sure!

~Harold's fist lights up a bit before it slams into the backmost guard's head. The guard continues running, unphazed. Soon guards are on Harold's tail as well. In the winners' room, Verde observes those still fighting.~

Verde: You are the ones they call the OGers, right?

Yami: That would be me. Saru is a dork and Kantii is a newb.

Verde: I see. Tell me, had you thought before placing the western hemisphere back on the map?

Yami: Huh?

Verde: I thought so.

~GORE runs up to the glass from the outside and punches it with his metallic fist and falls back, not a single crack left in the wall. The four guards rush up to him.~

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*SwordMaster, on his way to his mat, stops when he sees one of the fighters.*

SwordMaster: Can it be... Bat-Ear Mirawk?

*The man standing at the mat has the head of the bat and is facing off with a black night.*

Referee: Undefeated Master Swordsman Bat-Ear Mirawk against the Black Knight. Now... start!

SwordMaster: I can't believe it! Is this for real?

Bat-Ear: You are not worthy of my time, mechanical beast. So I use my weakest blade on you.

*Bat-Ear reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny rubber sword from a McDonald's kid's meal which is only several centimeters long. The Black Knight swings a spiked ball-and-chain and sword around threateningly as it approaches Bat-Ear. Bat-Ear dashes past Black Knight with indeterminable speed. The armor then stands still for a few seconds before it falls apart into a heap of junk.*

SwordMaster: Impossible...

Bat-Ear: This is simple. Why pay for a new toaster when I can get it for free from cutting these sticks of butter?

*A guard gathers the Black Knight's remains and slowly walks away. SwordMaster breaks out of his trance and rushes back to his mat in time for his battle.*

Shade: Remember ME??!!!

SwordMaster: (mumbling) Thinks he's all fancy with his freakish face and rubber sword... I'll show him who's a real swordmaster...

Shade: Um, hello! It's me, your opponent, Shade, waiting to kill you and avenge the MPVP! You could barely beat me four OGs ago.

SwordMaster: Yeah, then Introbulus pwned you twice in MOG4 and then again in MOG5. Then we all opened a can of whoop-ass on you in MOG6, even though you had that fancy transparency trick.

Shade: Too bad I traded that in to buy these nifty sneakers...

Referee: SwordMaster Vs. Shade! Fig- SwordMaster wins!

*Shade is carried away on a stretcher. SwordMaster walks past a group of guards dog-piling GORE-ILLA while Harold tries to hold them off. SwordMaster walks up to Bat-Ear Mirawk.*

SwordMaster: So! What do you think?

Bat-Ear: Huh? Oh, you're that man with the misdenoming name who beat that Shade man like a fly beating a gnat.

SwordMaster: It's cooler than you with your rubber swords!

Bat-Ear: I don't like wasting the effort of my Eight-Sword Style!

SwordMaster: Eight-Sword Style??!!!!

Bat-Ear: I guess I can show you...

*In the background, GORE-ILLA and Harold's faces are pressed against the glass by the increasing amounts of guards while Bat-Ear pulls out eight extremely cool-looking swords- holding two in his hands, two with his feet, one in his mouth, two with his ears and one with his nose. Don't ask how.*

Yami Yoshi: Hey SwordMaster, GORE's in trouble!

SwordMaster: This is my companion- Yami Yoshi the world savior, perfect partner to the world's greatest swordfighter.

Bat-Ear: Yes? And what is your dream?

Yami Yoshi: To be king of the pirates!

Bat-Ear: Shut up. I don't like you. Now I have to go count my teeth.

SwordMaster: We sure showed him!

Yami Yoshi: Huh?

*In the background, the guards drag away GORE and Harold. Harold, however, is able to break fee and makes a mad dash across the room.*

Author: Golem[edit]

~Harold weaves in and out of fights, dodging crossfire and slowing the guards down. As soon as Harold steps off of the mat closest to a wall, a slightly muscular and slender man slides (feet first) directly into Harold's right heel. The man is caucasian and tanned, and has blonde hair. Harold falls down, catching himself with his hands before his face reaches the ground. The man stops sliding when his torso is next to Harold's right heel, and he grabs the heel. Harold tries to get up, but the man sits on his back. Harold can't get up, and the guards catch up.~

Harold: You aren't--nearly big enough to hold me down--

Guard 1: Well done, contestant.

Man/Contestant: Thank you.

~The guards put Harold in cuffs at his heels and wrists, and the man gets up.~

Ref: Renn and Chizu, mat #3 is open for your battle!

~The man jogs to mat #3 to meet Chizu.~

Ref: And AaronGuy and Mistress Canary, mat #5 is ready!

~AaronGuy waits at mat #5. A girl dressed similarly to Kantii but in white feathers skips to the mat.~

Canary: Hi!

Author: AaronGuy[edit]

AaronGuy: ~blinks~ You have GOT to be kidding me.

Canary: Sorry, you gotta fight me! !HAEYH HAEYH HAEYK

AaronGuy: ~facepalms~ He just HAD to have an opposite, didn't he...

Canary: Who?

AaronGuy: That guy over there. ~points in a random direction~

Canary: ~looks~ Huh? But I don't see any-



Canary: ~under the stone~ Owie... That kind of hurt m-



Canary: Urgh... That wasn't nice. ~crawls out from under the stones~

AaronGuy: ~in shock~ ..How could you survive that?

Canary: It'll take more than that to stop Mistress Canary! ~lunges at Aaron~

AaronGuy: ~ducks the blade, but gets hit with a kick~

Canary: Now it's my turn! White Feather Tornado!

~Starting in a simple Pirouette, Canary starts spinning at a high speed. Aaron struggles to keep from getting pulled into the vortex. The four flame stones are quickly pulled in, then flung in other directions~

Yami: ~Flinches slightly as one of the stones smashes against the barrier surrounding the winner's circle without leaving a mark~ A friend of yours, Kantii.

Kantii: LORD Kantii. And no, I see no resemblance.

AaronGuy: I can't hold on forever... ACK! ~is pulled into the tornado~

Canary: ~still spinning~

AaronGuy: Okay, plan B. Dark star! ~fires downward through the tornado~

Canary: ~Is hit in the head~ Owww! ~stops spinning~

AaronGuy: ~High in the air~ ~flips upside down, and stiffens his body~ I hope this works... ~falls downward~ ~Crashes into Canary head-first~

Canary: GUFF! ~Blacks out on impact~

AaronGuy: ~lands on the mat face first~ Ugh... Did I win?

Ref: Yeah man. Totally.

AaronGuy: Good.

Author: Fred[edit]

Sorry about the delay. Of infinte peril.

I had a two hour or so post that got deleted accidentaly. I will rewrite it by the end of today.

edit: here it is, sorry 'boot that

(As AaronGuy limps off the mat, two new constestants begin to step up as their names are called.)

Ref: And in this corner, at one hundred pounds, Walrus-man! (The ref points to a lanky man, armed to the teeth with a special multi-weapon holster-backpack. The man also has large tusks with beige skin, and large, red eyes.) And in some other corner I don't know what do you want from me, Sir Fredrick of Waffles! (A short, but sturdy, muscular midgit of a man walks into his corner, his giant hammer dragging behind him. He has brown hair and brown eyes, along with razor-sharp teeth, making for a strange, manianical smile.) May the worst man lose!

(Meanwhile, in the upper box)

Goren: I don’t remember seeing him.

Familiar: I believe someone called in a favour. He’s strong, what more do you want?

(and on the field)

Walrus-man: That was quick. I do remember you vaguely, Fred, I'll try not to obliterate you entirely too badly.

Fred: Oh, SNAP! Crackle. Pop.

Walrus-Man: Other than giving the "man" section of my name a capital M, I have no idea how to respond to th-

(Fred runs at Walrus-man with a chair wildly. He then sets it down, gets another chair and a table and proceeds to beat Walrus-man one hundred times at Uno Extreme. Walrus-man cries as Fred explains to him the magic of kidney failure. Walrus-man is very depressed and contemplates slitting his wrists. Fred goes to cheer him up, but he is yelled at because he's been "sleeping around". Walrus-man suddenly remembers the time and place, and pulls out his automatic plasma shotgun, and a hankerchief)

Fred: Eeee! That is a letter. Therefore witchcraft!

Walrus-man: Time to burn. Well, you'll probably be totally incinerated before you can combust, but you know.

(He fires a shot, and Fred takes cover behind the table. The shrapnel explodes on contact, annhilating the table and knocking Fred back twenty feet on his head, spinning. He quickly gets up and tosses Waffles at Walrus-man. Walrus-man blasts those into nothing, but while he does that, Fred sneaks up and smashes the device with his hammer. Walrus-man jumps back, and tosses the useless piece of metal on the ground. He proceeds to pull out two sniper rifles attached to his arms on the inside. He fires and hits Fred in the shoulder, as he jumped at the sound of gunfire while he was playing Doom 3. Great, Doom 3. Anyways, after missing a couple shots, and Fred rushes at him, Walrus man sets his rifles to automatic and opens fire. Fred quickly spins his hammer incredibly quickly, and uses it as a power-drill. He digs deep beneath the earth, while Walrus-man shoots explosive rounds into the ground. Two minutes later, Walrus-man’s ammo is completely tapped, and he takes to the air using his anti-gravity boots. He pulls out a highly-modified pressurized one handed minigun that fires red-hot flaming fire pokers, and attaches an fission energy cannon to his other arm. He fires thousands upon thousands of destructive, explosive shots at the stage. His vision is then clogged by black smoke comign from below. He is completely covered. Fred is below, barbecuing a piece of cardboard. He takes a few bites and proclaims it groundhog’s day. He takes a fire poker and knocks off one of the anti-gravity boots, bringing Walrus-man down to earth. He hits the ground, rolls, and pulls out another weapon - a scythe with a blade made of contained gamma radiation. He slices at diagonally at Fred, who backsteps repeatedly. Fred hits the handle with his hammer, knocking Walrus-man back, and gives him a swift punch to the face, knocking him backwards onto his back. Walrus-man flings himself back up, slicing down on Fred, who sidesteps and trips him. Walrus-man, fustrated, uses the handle of his weapon’s secondary feature – force distortion. Fred swings again, but this time, the force he emits is concentrated back at him, knocking him to the ground and his hammer out of reach. Walrus-man charges and slashes at Fred’s head, but Fred springs up and headbutts him in the chin. Phased and confused, Walrus-man tries to get his wits about him as Fred grabs his hammer and throws it at him. This knocks the wind out him yet again, allowing Fred to grab the previously discarded and wrecked energy shotgun. He throws it violently, while trying to remember the A-team theme song. Walrus-man looks in horror as the thrown-away but energetically instable weapon flies at him, breaks, and explodes, knocking him into the wall, very battered and nigh-non-existant.)

Fred: I’ma do a dance. Alphaghetti in your pants.

Ref: I don’t know what happened there, but it seems that Fred is the victor!

(Guards rush in to take Fred to the room)

Guards: Come on, sir.

Fred: I don’t like the way you think you can mannerise. And summerize fall.

(suddenly, the janitor walks out of the shadows, shooing the Guards.)

Janitor: Look, I can get him to go. I just need to be with him… alone.

Guards: What, are you going to make out with him or something?

Jantior: Maybe. I’ll take care of it.

Goren: Let him go, he is inconsequential.

(The guards and Goren’s cadre file out)

Fred: Ah, Lithium, your shoes are undone to my liking once more!

(The janitor looks around until satisfied and then takes off his mask and wig to reveal a man named Lithium Debater. Lithium has reddish hair, a reddish complexion, brown eyes, a tall, sturdy but thin build, long legs, and short hair. He has turqoise eyebrows, a sign of being in the Toe Breaker clan, a secret society. He puts his mask back and turns to Fred)

Lithium: Good morrow, it’s good to sing Halloween Carols and work with such an infamous fisherman as yourself, shazaam! Your defeating of the one named Introbulus was truly superb, and dealing with the others was a meager task performed perfectly sans antelope fetchings.

Fred: Excellent, a glass eye worth every bite this plan is. I will bring glory and jewish hair removal methods to the clan, so that our American rulership may not be compromised, or roamed all over!

Lithium: Hurry yourself, HOGWARTS AWAITsz. I will be on the inside always.

(In the glass room)

Yami Yoshi: I mean, Shade’s died so many times before. I hope he’s humiliated enough to just give up or something.

SwordMaster: That was yet another crushing blow to that ego. I don’t get how regardless of who we’re fighting, our challenges get progressively more difficult, and there are people on this planet more powerful than us that we haven’t met, and yet they couldn’t have helped us in the many, many times of peril before.

YY: Yeah. There’s something wrong with this whole endevour. I mean, aside from hundreds of attempts on our lives, I saw none of those preliminary people leave, and the fake Kantii has to make you wonder… I also don’t know what’s happening to Gore.

SM: That Yoshi winked at you, you kn-

YY: You’re not listening.

(Fred enters the room, not riding on a pony)

Fred: Put the pieces into the slot!

YY: What, Fred? I don’t remember seeing you around…

Fred: Aye, that be because ye have no belief in leprechauns.

SM: Go bother Saru. He could use it.

(Suddenly, the doors lock)

Verde: What the-

Kantii: Show yourself!

Saru: I will burn you for the rest of your existance!

(a holographic Goren appears)

AaronGuy: This can’t be good news.

Goren: I’m dropping in to tell you this is where you,… drop out.

(The floor gives way, or whey, or weigh, and the ceiling stars lowering. With spikes portruding from it.)

Goren (on loudspeakers in the huge shaft they are dropping in): You, contestants, will find a maze at the bottom. There, you will face obstacles and horrid things, in order to obtain small, black cubes, about three centimeters in every dimension. Two of these opens up the main gate, letting exactly two people through per opening. The gate itself is impenetrable, and in order to obtain any prizes, you must proceed. There are no rules concerning your conduct towards each other, but at least two of you will be eliminated. You will land safely on some hay in about approximately two minutes. I will meet again with those who move on.

Saru: You’re all toast. I’ll take all the cubes, and I shall have but one opponent to face in the game ahead.

YY: Thanks.

Fred: I’m a pinball wiz-hard, that’s how I became the fresh prince of Bel-air.

SM: I hope this finishes before it gets any more awkward.

YY: I can vouch for that.

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

~The guard restraining GORE’s mechanical right arm receives a kick in the face from GORE’s jet boot. Teeth and blood fly through the air as the guard falls lifelessly to the floor. GORE winds up his right fist and releases a Primate Punch into the left guard’s stomach. The left guard coughs up a mouthful of blood and collapses.~

GORE: ~spits out the towel~ Blech…where is this place?

~GORE observes the mysterious room. The ceiling and walls of the cubical-shaped room are painted black save the green portion of the wall GORE was dragged through.~

GORE: Whoa…what the…?

~A massive spherical machine lies in the center of the room, mounted on a short, cylindrical platform. A control panel forms a semicircle around the front part of the machine. Several cords branch out in all directions from the control panel and disappear into the black wall.~

GORE: What the hell is this?

Goren: Aww…being a sore loser, GORE?

~Smoking a pipe, Goren casually walks into the room through the green portion of the wall behind GORE.~

Goren: ~staring at the guards’ corpses~ You know…you didn’t have to take out your rage on my guards...

GORE: You!! What are you trying to do to us?!

Goren: The same thing I do to all of the losers...I extract their souls and convert their souls into quintessence.

GORE: Quintessence?

Goren: Soul energy, you Neanderthal. This machine uses the quintessential energy and generates electrical power. Quintessence is a near-limitless source of energy and I can sell it for billions. Of course, I have to restock once a year, which is why I host tournaments every December. I invite the most powerful people in the world and have them fight to the death. Then I extract the losers’ souls and deposit them into this machine. By the tournament’s end, everyone’s soul becomes mine!

GORE: But…what about the winners?

Goren: Heh heh…there are no winners. You see, the victor of the final round must defeat me in a one on one battle to win the tournament. Of the twenty years I’ve hosted these tournaments, I have never lost.

GORE: What?!

Goren: You see, not only does this machine produce electricity, but it also provides me with strength-increasing power. Once I have extracted the souls of you OGers, I will become the most powerful being in the universe!

GORE: ~clenches fists~ I won’t let that happen...DIE!

~GORE winds up his fist and throws a Primate Punch at Goren’s face. Goren swishes his cape and vanishes just as GORE’s fist smashes into his pipe reducing it to splinters. Goren reappears behind the control panel.~

Goren: Heh heh…let’s see how you fare against the quintessential strength of last year’s winner...Ihsoy the Deadly Djiboutian Dinosaur!

GORE: Hey, that’s Yoshi spelt backwards!

Goren: Shut up, now it’s not funny anymore.

Author: Golem[edit]

~In the maze, a female dinosaur about the size of Yami Yoshi stands around the corner within earshot of Yami and Fred...~

Fred: Yamiest of Yoshis, there is trouble up ahead! You must--

~Then the dinosaur leaps into Yami Yoshi's back with a headbutt, knocking Yami into Fred and catching them both off guard. Around the dinosaur's neck is a golden chain, and on it hangs a small tag with "Ihsay" written on it. Yami spots the cubes as they fly from his hand past Fred, and both go after the cubes. However, Ihsay slides into Yami's heels and trips him, allowing Ihsay to land beside the cubes before Fred can get there. Fred arrives shortly and swings his hammer, and Ihsay jumps back, leaving the cubes where she was. Fred, already too far into his swing to stop, slams his hammer on the ground and hits all of the cubes with the full force of the hammer. He gingerly picks it up to find half of the cubes flattened and half of the cubes broken in three pieces.~

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Energy flies from the machine into Goren. His muscles grow. His body slimmens and becomes more yoshi like. GORE is taken by surprise with a bunch of agile kicks, which GORE struggles to block with his arms until he finally knocks Goren back with a mechanical fist.*

Goren: That's just a sample of my strength. I'll show you my true power...

*Energy from the machine flows into Goren, and the screen pans to an astonished GORE.*

Goren: Now it's time to... disappear...

*Elsewhere, Saru bursts out of the flaming prison or whatever and searches around until he sees the gate. Seeing his two remaining cubes, he contemplates leaving, but ultimately turns back to the maze.*

Saru: No dinosaur is gonna stand me up...

*Back in the Soul-Energy Conversion Machine room, Goren is back to normal, and GORE is nowhere to be found.*

Goren: That takes care of that.... Now that my men have recorded my holographic messages, I need to get back to the contestants.... (puts on a mask labeled, "Masked Organism" and puts on a mysterious disguise) With this, I won't even need the two-on-two finale battle! Hya hya hya!!!

Author: AaronGuy[edit]

~Back with Aaron and Kantii~

AaronGuy: ~struggling~ Let go of me! C'mon Kantii, snap out of it!

SpearShift: Sorry my friend, but your goose of a friend appears cooked. We'll keep up a false fight until Fred comes with more cubes, then slay all three of you, and have that many less nusiances on the way to the title.

Snoopy: F'real, S-pizzle. Let's be hopin' no one else does any steppin' while we wait.

AaronGuy: For pete's sake, do they really ALLOW these kind of stereotypes.

Snoopy: Well, they do on television, in any case... I mean, 'dawg'.

SpearShift: Shh, stop chiseling away at the fourth wall. I sense someone else here...

~A shadow zips behind the four~

SpearShift: Come out and show yourself!

~A pair of blue glowing eyes appear out of the darkness, before the figure closes in on SpearShift and Snoopy. There's a flash of movement, and Snoopy is on the ground cold, his many gold chains strewn about the ground.~

SpearShift: So, you want to fight, eh?

~SpearShift thrusts his namesake at the figure, who nimbly leaps over the attack. With a well placed kick, the polearm is snapped in half. The second foot swings around, catching the warrior in the face. He goes down like his partner.~

AaronGuy: ~dusts himself off~ Hey, thanks... uh...

~The figure steps out of the shadows, revealing a woman. Though she is dressed in traditional black Team Rocket grunt uniform, she certainly doesn't LOOK like someone who'd be in a lower rank.~

Woman: Are you safe? It was... wrong... of those two to kidnap you.

AaronGuy: Er, I'm fine. It is kind of an 'anything goes' match down here, so I guess they weren't doing anything wrong.

Woman: So though they were doing something wrong, it was not wrong? ...I cannot comprehend that.

AaronGuy: ~blinks~ Well, it's good to have morals I suppose. And thanks for saving me, miss...

Woman: Ingrid.

AaronGuy: Miss Ingird. ~holds out his hand, which Ingrid accepts~ Aaron Michael Octavian McGuyver. And that guy over there is Kantii.

Kantii: ~cough~ LORD Kantii ~gag~ ~wheeze~

AaronGuy: Right, Lord Kantii.... OW! ~withdraws his hand from the handshake~ Quite a grip you've got there.

Ingrid: ~nods slightly, lowering her right hand, which is covered in a large metal glove~

AaronGuy: ~takes two of the cubes~ Well, uh... see you later! ~picks up Kantii~

Ingrid: Wait! Have you heard anything about... a man in green?

AaronGuy: Man in green? Well, there IS that Verde guy. I think he already passed through.

Ingrid: Understood. I shall have to double my efforts to acquire cubes... ~heads off in a different direction~

AaronGuy: Sure you will... ~runs off~

Author: Golem[edit]

~Elsewhere, with Yami and the others, Saru drops in from seemingly nowhere on top of the remnants of the cubes. He begins scooping them up but jumps up to dodge a kick from Ihsay, holding three thirds of one cube and a mashed cube. Fred swings his hammer upward, hitting Saru squarely in the stomach. Saru's grip on the cubes does not lessen, though. Yami Yoshi runs imbetween Fred and Ihsay and scoops up what's left--three thirds of a cube and a mashed cube--and bolts off. Ihsay takes off after Yami, with Fred following and Saru close after. Yami enters the final stretch before the gate and sees Aaron is leaving with Kantii in his arms. When Saru enters the stretch, out of the corner of his eye, he spots a woman in a Rocket grunt uniform.~

Saru: Miss Ingrid!

~She turns around and sees Saru running towards the gate.~

Saru: Miss Ingrid, with me! I've got what's needed!

Ingrid: Understood!

Yami: Aaronholdup!!

~Aaron stops in the gateway, the gate now open, and turns around to see everyone chasing Yami Yoshi.~

Yami: Aaronlemmethrough!

Masked Organism: We cannot allow defiance of the rules! Two for every two cubes!

Yami: I have two cubes! They're just kinda broken!

~Snoop and Spearshift duck inside while Aaron is distracted. Verde holds up his gloved hand and they are shot back outside, past Aaron.~

Verde: Rules are rules.

~Verde violently grabs Aaron and pulls him inside. Saru hurls a fireball at Ihsay, propelling her into Yami Yoshi and both into the gate as it closes. As a result of the force, Yami Yoshi drops his broken cubes, which fall outside the gate. Saru throws his unharmed cubes into a slot beside the gate, and the gate again opens. Saru runs inside, knocking aside Fred, Snoop, and Spearshift, and letting Ingrid in behind him. Snoop and Spearshift approach Fred, who hits Saru with his hammer, and Saru drops his mashed and fractured cubes outside. Snoop and Spearshift throw themselves into a tackle at Fred. He is able to dodge Snoop, but Spearshift grabs ahold of him and takes out his knife with his right hand. Fred grabs Spearshift's right wrist, and they are stuck in a standstill--until Fred lunges his head forward, mashing Spearshift's right hand with his teeth, dropping the blade to the floor. Fred slams the knifeless Snoop in the stomach, digs his teeth harder into Spearshift's hand before letting go, and slams his six thirds of a cube into a slot. They jam into the slot and the gate opens, letting Fred hop through. Spearshift tries to get in, but Snoop pulls him back, wanting to get in. Neither gets in before the gate closes.~

~The dragon familiar enters.~

Familiar: Well, that's all the cubes.

AaronGuy: There's still five people in there... shouldn't there be more cubes?

Familiar: Nope.

Yami Yoshi: Yeah, there are more cubes. I dropped some when I came in.

Familiar: They're broken. On the off chance that someone could use them, that would be in defiance of the rules...

AaronGuy: You never mentioned that.

~In the maze, on the final stretch before the gate...~

Snoop: Check it out! Cubes!

Spearshift: Ain't they kinda flat?

Snoop: Who cares?

~Snoop picks up the cubes and walks over to the slot. He tries to put them in, but they don't fit, no matter which way he turns them. Then, a green gas starts filling the room from the bottom.~

Spearshift: Uh, Snoop? Looks like we's gots trouble...

~Outside the maze...~

Figure: Yami Yoshi and Ihsay, you'll have to come with me.

~Saru smiles.~

Yami Yoshi: Who says I have to go anywhere?!

Author: Fred[edit]

Figure: I, ???, say that you must follow.

Ishoy: "???"? Is that your name?

???: Well, yeah. All the people made fun of me for it. I just think my parents were a bit unbalanced. Regardless, you two, I emplore you not to resist.

Saru: No, I think Miss Ingrid here is the one you'd like to see. I know all about Verde's little operation, and since Ingrid has some inforation I need, I'm making you give her what she wants.

???: Whoo, boy...

(In the other corner)

Bat-Ear: (To Mysterious Organism) That was quick. How'd you possibly make it through so quickly?

Mysterious Organism: My secrets are for none to know.

Fred: I require an autograph!

Kantii: You, here, I'll get you.

Fred: Will you, now? A pinecone's flight away from your trial, and you accuse myself of cheating at yahtzee and on your survival? 'Twas a trick of the knickers, lad, where I went to gather the Yami Yoshi in forest yonder. Suddenly, we were on this BIG SHARK and around the corner was this... ROLLER COASTER!

Kantii: Eh... Okay, I think I got that. You hit me on the head, and those two attested to you betraying us.

AaronGuy: What gives?

Fred: And again, from the top. I had mind trix for breakfast and for them to ponder upon, and the psychology had to work on you, as well as the Arby's Menu.

Kantii: Trust is not what you will obtain. I will crush you for your lies!

(suddenly, the doors creak open, due to Familiar turning a wheel valve. Everyone stops and looks up, while Fred slinks away from Kantii and ??? slinks away from Saru, and a old, decrepid man in a fine, italian suit walks on a cane into the room)

Man: The ratings have been fantastic, Boys and girls!

(everyone gives him a sideways look. SwordMaster coughs loudly, and Chizu tells him to be quiet)

Man: I am Tenorvista Dagnernie, and I am the one putting you guys on the map, today! Oh, call me TD.

(Everyone loses interest, until he pulls out a magnum and fires it at the ceiling. Everyone jumps or turns)

TD: That's better. I am an executive at GreenCash Media Corp., and I am here as a representative, to tell you how the public enjoys your images. You are really something folks. While this isn't Live, the money we make off this more than pays off the expenses that we pay to host this event for Goren. I suggest you all be very careful how you act, as you are all being watched. Some really great stuff, keep it up. Remember, as the financial backers of this "tournament", which is moreso a show, we can fire actors we don't like. In other words, if we want you out, we will get you out. Good day.

(TD stumbles out, riding an elevator out. Mysterious organism smiles and chuckles. Everyone else is a bit baffled.)

Chizu: A show? It seems like real pain.

SwordMaster: That's because there is certainly something more than that going on.

Yami Yoshi: Yeah, that's what I said. I guess that would sort of explain what happened to Gore, though. And I suppose there we some planted contestants, like the Golem. In fact, that basically explains everything.

Chizu: There's still more of the tournament to go. We'll figure this out. From what I've seen, I wouldn't put it past anyone to bring that man in only to instill doubt in the three of us.

Yami Yoshi: All I know is that we can't trust anyone.

SwordMaster: What about AaronGuy?

Yami Yoshi: No, sorry, not everyone.

(Suddenly, another holographic Goren appears, talking)

Goren: I'm suprised that we managed to eliminate so many. (Everyone watches the floor) Oh, no, no, this time we're doing this much more humanely. You're all in that room there, through the tunnel TD came through. What's through there, you ask?

Ingrid: That was the question I was going to ask!

Goren: That is a zero gravity ring. I was thinking of having a battle royale, but the person that made it through probably wouldn't be a challenge from all that fatigue. We'll split battles up each half hour until tommorow. Remember, You are forfeit if not in your ring at the exact starting time of your match. Or, floating above, more like. (pause, but nobody laughs) well, I suggest you get a move on, before that old poison gas gets through the now tiny but ever-growing hole in the door you just came in. oh yes, the temperature is also going to rise a bit. Get a move on.

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

~The OGers walk into the courtyard. Yami Yoshi plops himself onto a bench and lies down.~

Yami Yoshi: ~yawns~ Whew, what a morning...~stomach growls~ And man, am I hungry…those damn chefs only let me eat FIVE breakfast steaks!


Yami Yoshi: Gimmie twenty breakfast steaks, chef!

Chef: Sorry, sir. The limit is five steaks per customer.

Yami Yoshi: But it said “all you can eat” on the flyer!

Chef: There was no flyer.

Yami Yoshi: …so?


Yami Yoshi: ~clenches fists~ I have a score to settle with those chef bastards… ~hops up~ C'mon guys! ~points forward~ To the kitchen!

Chizu: Wait, Yami…shouldn’t we wait for GORE?

Aaron Guy: And Culex?

Ihsay: And Ihsoy?

Yami Yoshi: ~jumps~ Whoa! What the hell do you want, dino-lady?

Ihsay: I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help but overhear you guys talking about your losing friends. You see, my brother Ihsoy was the champion of last year’s tournament…

Yami Yoshi: Whoa, really?

Ihsay: Well, I guess he almost was…I remember how happy my family and I were when we received his letter in the mail saying he had advanced to the final round of the tournament. We never heard from him again…

Aaron Guy: I see…so you’re participating in this tournament to find out what happened to your brother?

Ihsay: That is correct. You OGers seem like a pretty powerful group, and I was wondering if you guys could help me out…

Yami Yoshi: ~running towards the kitchen~ After lunch!

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