Halloween Haunter 3 Page 4

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Pages in the Holiday Goers: Halloween Haunter Archive
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All 3 ghosts fly out of dude BUT changing his mind a little (heh heh heh).

Dude: What...was I thinking?...

Golem: Thats what Iasked..

Ditto McCloaker

SSG: Once again, in Ditto's lab, we rejoin the shape-changing wild-card, still in the form of a skeleton in a striped tux.

Ditto: Hahaha! Now that I subliminally forced Golem to write that fake post, it should throw those fools off the trail until I finish setting up my plan!

Sapphire: Ditto... You're not the Ditto I knew! Why are you doing all this?

Ditto: Quiet, you! You have no IDEA what's going on here! Now, be a good bait and shut up. All I need now, is to get my hands on that Halloween Haunter, and through him, his temporally-challenged chums.

SSG: Huh?

Ditto: His dead friends, you verbally deficient purveyor of perfidy!

SSG: Uh, sorr-E.


Golem: *hiding behind a telephone pole* Hey! Dude! It's okay! We love you!

Dude: *puts away his guns* You... you do?

Golem: Sure! Now, c'mon! We have to save Halloween!

Dude: Awww... I love you guys. *comes down and hugs them*

Vorpal: Will the real Slim Shady, please stand up? Please stand up? Please stand up?

YM: Look! He's heading into that creepy old factory!

Golem: Dude, will you do the honors?

Dude: Sure. *turns to the group* AFTER HIM!

Oddball Mario: I call it next!

Bomberman: Sure, fine.

=PWD= PWD- Hey, Kirby!

Kirby- What?

PWD- Did you buy the mini-explosives that make a big, "KA-BOOOOOOM"?

Kirby- They HAVE those out NOW?! Coool! I bought the HUGE kind that make a BIG "KA-BLAMY"!

PWD- Okay, just hide them in your pockets.

Kirby- I have pockets?

PWD- Your shoes, your shoes!

Kirby- Ah. Gotcha.

Kirby hides most of the explosives in his shoes. He turns to PWD.

Kirby- And where will you hide yours?

PWD- My parasol, silly!

PWD opens the top of the parasol and stuffs the explosives in a cannon-like thing. Kirby frowns.

Kirby- Awwwwww,...CRUD!!!

PWD- You could just stuff them all in your mouth and spit the explosives out at people.

Kirby- They'd explode in my mouth.

PWD- They ARE bombs, right?

Kirby- Of course!

PWD- Good. Leeeeeeeeeet's...BOMB THE BAD GUYS!!!!


They run off, throwing bombs at human children that try to egg them.

=Vorpal= ~In the Magical Land of Writers, yet again~

Vorpal: How come I always sing stupid songs? I thought I was a serious character?

Ditto: Not since episode eleven in Party Goers in which you had a lollipop and sung "On the Road Again" by Willie Nelson.

Vorpal: But, you're the one who made me do those things!

Saph: Come on guys! You're making Vorpal just post these stupid Writers Land things because he doesn't know where the stories goin'!

Ditto McCloaker

Ditto: Yeah, but this time it was Magikoopa's fault! ~punches Magi in the arm~

Magi: Was not! ~punches him back~

Ditto: Too!

Saph: Boys, boys, knock it off. Ditto, you apologize to Magi.

Ditto: I'm sorry

Magi: It's alright.

Saph: And Magi, you apologize to Vorpal for making him sing "Slim Shady!"

Magikoopa: I'm sorry, Vorpal. You don't have to sing it anymore.

Vorpal: Alright.

Ditto: Let's never quibble again...

~They all three hug each other~

Golem: Okaaaayyy..

Ditto, Vorpal, and Magi: ~blink, blink~

~they quickly let each other go~

Vorpal: ~Suddenly, macho~ So, what did ya'll think of that game on Sunday?

Magi: ~scratches his chest~ Oh, yeah, great game.

Ditto: ~scratches and spits~

...And now... back to the OG.

(Recap, Courtesy of Ditto McCloaker-- Ditto, acting very unusual, has waltzed off with Sapphire and the bodies of Magi and Meowth. Ghost Magi and Meowth have possessed Vorpal to lead everyone to Ditto, and Magi is talking through a Boombox. Everyone is now trying to save their friends and salvage their Halloween Trick or Treating. Ditto has a plan up his sleeve. He wants the Haunter for a purpose, and, to accomplish this end, has kidnapped things to get everyone to come.)


Meowth: Drat. we've been exorcised!

MagiKoopa: Well, then, we just posess someone else.

Haunter: Lemme in, too. I can take everyone to the portal to the semi-underworld.

So, the three ghosts decide to simultaneously posess... Golem.

Golem: [sounds come out of his mouth as though his brain were channel-surfing between 4 voices]

all: whoa!

Golem: [Haunter's voice] Oh, oh! I know the way to the semi-underworld! [begins running]

Golem: [MagiKoopa's voice] Can we stop for some peppermint ice cream on the way over?

Golem: [Meowth, Haunter, and own voices] NO!

Yoshiman: He's talking to himself again!

Mr. P: No, wait... this time, it sounds like there are different voices.

Golem: [Haunter's voice] Coincidentally, however, that's where we're headed. The portal always moves to the location someone pursuing him would least want to go. Obviously, since the two of you will come back to life should your ashes and/or undead, souless bodies come in contact with peppermint ice cream--

Golem: [own voice] okay, okay! we get the point!

After fighting their way past several salesmen, Golem, Vorpal, and co. make it to a Baskin' Robbins shop.

Golem: [Haunter's voice] My guess is, it's somewhere in the back, where the reserve ice cream is stored.

Dude: But, how do we get there?

Golem: [MagiKoopa's voice] You leave that to us.-- ow! me.

Golem feels a burden being lifted off him, and he returns to normal.

Golem: That was weird!

Vorpal: I wonder if something's up inside the ice cream shop...

The front door opens.

Ice Cream Shop dude: [Meowth's voice] come on in and take a tour of the back of the store!

Oddball Mario

Oddball Mario: Well..... I guess there's no harm in trusting this odd voiced person. His voice does remind me of someone tough......

Ice Cream Person: :laugh2 It.....uh......must be your imagination. Now come, enjoy the store. And make sure you keep an eye ou for Peppermint Ice Cream!

  • everybody goes in*

Oddball Mario: WAIT!

Vorpal: what is it? Something important?

OM: I'll say....... were running out of Chewy Chips Ahoy!

All: *fall over anime style* WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WIT...... CHEWY CHIPS AHOY!!!! GIMME THOSE!!!


Golem: Hm, All vanilla here. Why are we looking for peppermint? And there's chocolate, and sherbet... where are the really wacky flavors?!

Mr P: Over here.

Golem: Thanks YM.

Mr P: I'm Mr. Predict you fool!

Magikoopa: [back in ghostly form] The reserves should be back here somewhere. [looks around] Oh drat, I should possess someone to be heard.

Ice Cream Person: [Meowth's voice still] Ut oh, looks like we're in trouble guys.

Dude: Eh?

YM: [Magikoopa's voice] What do ya mean, trouble?!

ICP: Well, there are all sorts of flavors here, but... no pepperment ice cream! Not even a drop!


OM: Mmmm... chewy chips ahoy... GAH! [Get's possessed by Haunter] This is very bad news, my friends. We must find the ice cream, as it is the only way to return you to your bodies.

Golem: Whoa. Mega-freaky.

Dude: What does all of this mean?

Vorpal: I have a feeling Ditto...er, Dittojuice is behind it.

YM: (Still Magi) You aint just whistlin' dixie.

Vorpal: Our souls are in danger! (Gets possessed by Haunter) Obviously he got here first... which must indicate there is a different location. Follow me everyone!

Nobody moves.

Vorpal: I SAID, follow me!

Begrudingly they do so.

=PWD= PWD and Kirby watch as the others follow Vorpal.

Kirby- Uh, Parasol?

PWD- No.

Kirby- Why not?

PWD- I don't wanna go to the semi-underworld.


PWD- I guess we COULD follow them...

Kirby- AND we could toss explosives down the semi-underworld!!!!!

PWD- NOW you're catching on! Too bad Rocky didn't come...

Rocky- I DID come!

Kirby- Come on, we're gonna toss explosives down the semi-underworld!

Rocky- I missed part of the fun? Oh, well! Let's go bomb the semi-underworld!!!

All three- YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!

They run after the others. Kirby wonders if they'll actually get away with bombing the semi-underworld. PWD wonders if the bombs will work. Rocky wonders if they'll actually bomb the semi-underworld.

PWD- Pluto better not kill us all.

Kirby&Rocky- Who?


Kirby&Rocky- Oh, from the Oddessy!!!!

PWD- Be quiet and have FUN!


Narrator: Masamune (somehow) realizes he is in Ditto's hideout

Masamune: Gwah! I must do something and make my big shot to fame! ... by becoming the bad guy that kills his master and wants to destroy the world!

Ditto: This is a halloween story...

Masamune: DOH! *puts on a Excalibur Costume* Trick or Treat?

Ditto: Bah! *presses a button and Masamune slides into the sewers*

Masamune: Oh crap... and poop... and pee... and sewage... and CROCODILE! *starts running*

=Vorpal= Inside Vorpal's head-

Vorpal: Huh? I can't control my movements.

Haunter: This is for the best.

Vorpal: Hmm, I feel like icecream, maybe peppermint!

Haunter: Keep, your mind on the work at hand!

Vorpal: You can, but I want icecream!

Back outside~

Vorpal: Icecream (turns one way) No! (turns the other way) Icecream! No! . . .

Golem: Uhh, Vorp? Not to be hasty, but could you make up your mind? There's a bunch of ghosts and stuff and we want to get this over with!

Vorpal: Icecream! Fine have icecream! Don't listen to me! (Haunter leaves Vorpal)

Everyone heads to semi-underworld.

Vorpal: Heh, heh fools.

OM: What was that?

Vorpal: uhh. . . nothin'!

OM: oh, okay. (leaves)

Vorpal: heh, heh

OM: uh . . .

Vorpal: Just leave already! (Vorpal vanishes in flames)

~hours later~

Golem: Okay we're here.

Far behind--

Kirby: ready guys?

Parasol & Rocky: Yeah!

Kirby, Parasol and Rocky throw thier explosives.

Fire zooms up from the ground.

Familiar Voice: Stop! Intruders!

Everyone: Erp!

FV: You have passed into the domain of the semi-underworld! Prepare for semi-damnation!


Vorpal walks out before them but with a pitchspork (heh heh get it?)

Vorpal: You have walked onto the lands of Pluto! Lord of the semi-underworld!

=Golem= CM: "In the Magical Land of Writers..."

Saph: Hey, what'd you bring us here for?

Golem: I was just wondering...
You guys are all better writers than me, but for some reason I'm considered the main character. Did you ever get that?

Vorpal: ~blink blink~ Ummmmm... yeah.

Narrator: Magi and Meowth leaves the bodies to find more sensible people to possess.

Vorpal: Some of you may remember the Mysterious Sillouette! HERE HE IS!!!

YM: So THAT'S who you are!

Magi and Meowth:

=PWD= Kirby- What? No big, "KA-BLAMY"?

PWD- No big, "KA-BOOM"?

Rocky- No accident?

All- WHAT A RIP-OFF!!!!!!!!

PWD- Hey, let's throw some more down! And this time, let's throw Bonkers down the semi-underworld!!!!

Kirby&Rocky- COOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PWD runs off, leaving Kirby and Rocky staring down the semi-underworld. Finally, PWD comes back, struggling to carry Bonkers without getting crushed under the idiot's weight.

PWD- Uhhhhhhh...*pant*...*pant*...Oooooof!

PWD chucks Bonkers down the firey pits of the semi-under world. Bonkers is so stupid, he doesn't scream.

All three-


Dude: It's...it's...


Kirby, Rocky&PWD- *Sweatdrop*...

They even hear a god screaming.

PWD, Kirby&Rocky-

Bonkers- Duh,...where am you? Duh,...where is I? Where are me? Duh,...duh,...duh?


Pages in the Holiday Goers: Halloween Haunter Archive
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