Halloween Haunter 3 Page 7

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Pages in the Holiday Goers: Halloween Haunter Archive
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Saph: As I was saying, remember when we went to Las Vegas? Those three stooges followed us around the whole time!

Golem: Yeah...


MagiKoopa: [grins evilly] don't think you're off the hook yet! hey! listen to me!

Meowth: We're still dead, stupid.

MagiKoopa: I knew that. [puts Meowth's and own bodies in a cryogenic freezer set for the end of the story] Now, then...

MagiKoopa quickly posesses Sapphire, then utilizes her vocal chords to speak in her voice.

Sapphire: (ahem) I have some unfinished business to attend to. I left something on MagiK--- uh, my flying sub. I'll be back in a few minutes. It's parked by the Football/Baseball/Outdoor Pokémon stadium.

Golem: Can we follow you, too?

Sapphire: NO!! um... of course not. why bother? I'll be back in a minute, I can take a bus over.

Ditto: Can't we at least keep an eye out for more ghosts?

Sapphire's voice begins cracking as it finally wears down and MagiKoopa's is revealed.

Sapphire: [Koopa's voice] WHAT PART OF 'NO' DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!! [uses Thunderbolt]

all: aaaack!!!

Golem: Wait a minute! Saph doesn't know how to use Thunderbolt! She must be

Sapphire runs away before Golem finishes his sentence. Naturally, they pursue her.

Meowth: MagiKoopa, you dolt! Sapphire isn't a Pokémon!

Haunter: Since when do you know how to use Thunderbolt? You're no Pokémon yourself!

MagiKoopa: Who cares?

Oddball Mario: After her and/or him!


Narrator: Meanwhile Masamune has been eaten by a Crocodile...

Masamune: I never thought it would end this way Dacty... Trapped in the belly of a gator...

Aerodactyl (Dacty): Daaaaaaact!

Saphire/ Magikoopa suddenly runs into the sewers hoping to shake off the PG's, but is eaten by the crocodile...

Masamune: Pinoo o o o ... Your not the wooden brat!

Dacty: Aaaaeerrrroooo!

Magi: Hurry Meowth! Posess the moron!

Meowth: Sorry Magi, ghosts cant possess ghosts.

Magi: .... Masamune you fool!

Meowth: Oh oh! *posseses Masamune*

Haunter: *possesses the giant crocodile and makes it swallow Golem and co.*

Ditto McCloaker



Golem: [shouting up to everyone] I seem to have fallen into the intestines.

Yoshiman: It smells down there!

Golem: Wanna join me?

Vorpal: Well, at least we know it's a real alligator. from there, there's only one way out... [shudders]

Sapphire: [MagiKoopa's voice] yeah! blast a hole clear through the gator!

Sapphire blasts an energy beam through an internal wall in the gator.

Gator: oooogh!

Censor Man: Hey, now, just because this is a Halloween story, doesn't mea--GAACK!

Sapphire promptly shoots a narrow beam through Censor Man's neck, killing him (again) on contact. everybody escapes from the huge gator, returns to the surface of Rocketsville, and visits the public bath in the Mini-Japan district.

(Note: don't worry; in case ya didn't know, everyone goes to the public shower to get clean before hopping in the public bath.)

Golem: Ahh. this is relaxing.

Sapphire: Yeah... kinda redundant though, don't you think? I mean, we washed in the public showers, so what's the point of the bath?

MagiKoopa: [appears faintly] don't question the Japanese.

all: *gasps*

Sgt. Flutter: That's almost as shocking as the fact that Sapphire's here, despite the fact that there are separate guys' and girls' baths!

Sapphire's already gone before anyone can look at her with their eyeballs popping out.

Oddball Mario: Stop that thing with your eyes! [one of Mr. Predict's eyes is stolen for a minute, then returned.]

Mr. P: It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

MagiKoopa: [laughing]

Meowth and MagiKoopa's Haunter appear, too; they're faint like Koopa.

Meowth: Ah, what a day.

Haunter: What are you sighing about? We can't feel the water or anything.

Meowth uses the Fury Swipes on Haunter.... they have no effect, with Haunter being a Ghost and all.

MagiKoopa: Y'know, we never get a chance to relax like this during the other stories.

Yoshiman: I'll say.

MagiKoopa: My body would be nice about now...

Everyone seems to stop breathing as they look at MagiKoopa to finish his sentence.

MagiKoopa: ...ah, well. ya can't have it all.

Golem, Ditto, Sgt. Flutter, etc: D'oh! [sink into the water]

MagiKoopa: Wonder what Saph's thinking about.

Haunter: Why do you care? [egging Koopa on]

MagiKoopa: That's not what I meant! y'know, another female in the gang would be kinda neat.

Haunter: Why don't we invite Chibi Team Rocket to join us?

All: Chibi who??

MagiKoopa: She doesn't exist yet, stupid.

Haunter: Oh, yeah. [sweatdrop]

Ditto: This is getting boring!

MagiKoopa: Right. [snaps fingers]

Koopa, Meowth, and Haunter return to their invisible/inaudible state. Koopa snaps his fingers again, and everybody appears--

Censor Man: Fully clothed, mind you.

Everybody appears back in downtown Rocketsville, next to Sapphire's sub.


Dude:I wonder where everybody is...


Meanwhile, Masamune and Dacty finally crawl out of the huge hole in the Croc all bloody and nasty...

Masamune: Just when I was considering being a good guy they leave me behind and go shower...

Dacty: Daaaaaacct! *eyes flash red*

Masamune: Worry ye not! For we shall get out revenge! ... right after we shower...

Dacty: Aeeerro?

Ditto McCloaker

Ditto: Hey! Everyone! Ya know what tomorrow is?

Yoshiman: ...Hmmm... My yearly shower?

Ditto: Nooo... Friday the 13th! (Note: During time story was being wrote)

Saph: Ooh! How creepy! What shall we do?

Ditto: Let's throw a Halloween Party, in celebration!

Golem: A party? What an intriguing idea...

Ditto: We'll have a Halloween Costume Party, and we'll dance and have oh so much fun!

Vorpal: But, how? Some of us don't have any costumes.

Ditto: Hmmm... Alright, just this once I'm gonna let anyone punch Guisseppie, and take any form they want.

Golem: Whoa! The ultimate Halloween costume opportunity!

Ditto: Hmmm... Who should I be? Lesee... Tuxedo Mario's been taken, so... Oooh! I know!

~punches Guisseppie. A large-brimmed floppy red hat with a white feather pops out. Ditto picks it up, suddenly has a long, narrow aquiline face, with long silver hair. A red cloak is draped over his shoulders, and wears a wide-brimmed, floppy red hat, with a white feather~

Ditto: ...The Red Wizard, from Final Fantasy! I always liked his style... Who's next?


Masamune: *walks in* ALRIGHT REVE--- Ooh a Patented Change-O-Matic!

Ditto: Guisseppie...

Masamune: Whatever! I always wanted one of these! *punches it and changes into Sephiroth* Nono, Nintendo! *punches again and turns into Magus* That's better!

Dactyl: *scrounges in a trunk, and comes up dressed in a suit* Aeerrooo!!

Masamune: Oooh! Agent Dactyl 007


Suddenly, a Dry Bones (from SMB3 and SMW) walks up... dressed in a blue cloak and wizard's hat!

Golem: EGAD! Koopa! Your body! It's... it's...

Dry Bones(?): Worn to the bone? Yeah, something like that.

Fortunately, MagiKoopa's real body was still cryogenicaly frozen. Behind Koopa, a Thwomp hops in; Bowser follows.

Thwomp: Meowth! This posession thing is fun!

Yoshiman: Wow! Check out that Bowser costume!

Dude: So realistic.

Bowser: [Haunter's voice] Whatever you do, don't exorcise me from this guy.

Thwomp: Yeah, it took the three of us to hold 'im down!


Golem: ~checks his watch~
It's 12:01!
Boy, today was a big day! Look at the clear sky...

Saph: ...ON FRIDAY..

Ditto: ...THE 13th...

Mr.P.: ...OF OCTOBER!!!!!

YM: Hmmmm, there must be some plot value in this.


Sapphire: Anyway, you guys are really freaking me out.. I think I'll just go along now..

Ditto: Aren't you going to get a costume?

Sapphire: *walks off*

Golem: Looks like somebody's in a bad mood.

Mr P: So what's the next brillant idea?


Ditto: Chugging contest!

YM: Only Mr. Predict is legal.

Everyone: Hmmmmm...

Pages in the Holiday Goers: Halloween Haunter Archive
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