Halloween Haunter 3 Page 3

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Pages in the Holiday Goers: Halloween Haunter Archive
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CM: "Golem forms his hand into a loudspeaker shape and holds it up to his mouth as he shouts up to the window."


Narrator: ~flies back~ Ummmmm... I have no idea why I just did that.
Anyhow, Ditto reappears next to Golem with a red tail and two red pointy ears with a red pitch-fork.

Ditto: Ever seen what it looks down there?


CM: "The ground of the church splits in half as fire shoots up from below!"


Narrator: Golem starts to fall, but Vorpal flies by and catches him! He puts him on safe ground and looks for Ditto.

Vorpal: Where is he... and where's Saph?

Saph: ~from behind him~ Right here! :D

Vorpal: ~turns around~ Oh-ho-ho, there you are.

Saph: Yep! :D Let's go! :D

Vorpal: ~blink blink~ Huh?

Saph: Let's go! :D You know, stop Ditto and his army of skeletons! :D

Golem: Are you okay...?


YM: I'm coming!

Golem: What about YM?


Golem: Then why are you Mr. P?



Saph: That's okay! :D We'll get Ditto! :D

=Magikoopa= Yoshiman: Oh, great. all this sidetracking from the plot, and now we've lost Sapphire!

Golem: Oh, geez.

Meowth: I was watching which way we went! over there! [points]

Being a ghost and all, Meowth's help is in vain, as nobody alive can hear him.

MagiKoopa: We're ghosts. Remember?

Haunter: Speaking of which---

The trio huddles up to discuss a plan. They split up: MagiKoopa turns a nearby rock into a boombox, Meowth turns it on a familiar CD, and Haunter posesses Vorpal.

Vorpal: I'm Slim Shady, yes I'm the real Shady, and all those other Slim Shadys are just imitating! so won't the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up, please stand up?

all: O_o

MagiKoopa: Yeah, this is spiffy and all, but, shouldn't we be chasing after our bodies, in case that DittoJuice fellow is on his way to the ice cream shop?

Haunter: pshaw. why would be at an ice cream shop? and beside, he's got Sapphire in tow, remember?

MagiKoopa: Great! Now we can wreck the sub she stole once and for all!

Meowth: Too bad we don't know where it is.

MagiKoopa: crap!

Haunter: Looks like we'll have to lead the others to her, so they can rescue her.

MagiKoopa: Then, we can posess her and make her smash the sub herself!

Meowth and Haunter: ... that's brilliant! wish we thought of that.

MagiKoopa: [turns boombox off and hoists it into the air] c'mon, we'll have to get them to follow us.

Mr. P: Look! That boombox is moving!

Golem: After it!

Oddball Mario

  • Oddball mario falls through the roof*

Golem: Hey! how'd youget here?

Oddball Mario: That's not the point right now.

Golem: then what is?

Oddball Mario: Just shut up OK? I'm tried of just standing off to your stories. Now I wanna be in it. GOT THAT!

Golem: Fine by me.

All: Yeah yeah, it's cool.... NOW AFTER THAT BOOMBOX!!!

Vorpal: Yeah I'm the real Slim Shady.....

Oddball: Man, for once, you guys actually came up with a origanal storyline!

all: :)

~everyone chases the boombox...... and Vorpal to a barbar shop~


~PWD and Kirby watch as the others run after a "magical" boom box~

Kirby- Uh, Parasol?

PWD- What?

Kirby- Isn't this the part where we do something REALLY wacky to make the story funny?

PWD- No, not yet. Let's just watch them.

Kirby- What do you wanna do, then?

PWD- Hmm,...how about [dramatic chord] PEPPERMINT ICE CREAM TOSS!!!!!!![dramatic chord dies away]

Kirby- Nah, we did that LAST year.

PWD- Cherry bombing?

Kirby- Nah.

PWD- Um,...machine gun shooting?

Kirby- Oh, COME ON! That was LAME!!!!!!!

PWD- How about...FIRE!!!!!!

Kirby- We did that, already.

PWD- Aw, man! You sucked the fun outta that one... How about...[dramatic chord] EXPLOSIVES!!!!!![dramatic chord dies away]


PWD & Kirby- We're cute little angels!...!!!! Heh, heh, heh!

~They run off to buy a lot of explosives.~


Boombox: That... was WEIRD.

Rhyk: Hey wait! That sounded like Magi!

Boombox: Uhhhh...

Narrator: Meanwhile, in Ditto's laboratory...

Guiesseppe: Okay, are you a good guy or a bad guy? ...I'm confused, you were just a good guy...

Ditto: Don't ask me for answers I don't know!

Saph: Mmmph! Mmph mphhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Ditto: By the way, howcome they didn't figure out my devious plot?

Narrator, CM, and Guiesseppe: What devious plot?

Ditto: You know, replacing the real Sapphire with a :D Sapphire?

CM: Oh, that's easy to explain. Golem was writing at the moment, and they all thought he was just over exagerating Saph.

Narrator: Yeah... no one can really understand what that kid means sometimes.

Ditto: Well... at least I've got the real one tied up here.


Dude: Fools! they think they can just forget me in this story?! I will be forced to go EVIL!*flys in the air and starts powering up some sort of move*



Everyone: AAAAAAHHH!!!

Dude: Noo... what have I done?
I'm killing my friends!

Mr.P: Everyone duck and cover!


It takes the strength of all three ghosts to posess Dude, but they manage to pull it off.

Dude: [Meowth's voice] what in the world am I doin'? Why, we've got enough casualties as is! [cancels the Spirit Bomb]

Golem: Hey, when did your voice get so high and annoying??

Dude uses the Fury Swipes (don't ask how...) on Golem.

Dude: I happen to like this voice! It's a, uh... [looks around at nothing for advice (well, nothing visible to the naked eye...)] a tribute to Meowth, my... favorite Pokémon that I know. ow! knew.

Yoshiman: What hit you?

Dude: Nothing. Muscle spasm.

all: [sweatdrop]

Haunter: At this rate, it'll take forever to get your bodies back!

MagiKoopa: unless we take the verbal shortcut. [grins]

MagiKoopa dons the outfit of Ash Ketchum. The theme song to the Pokémon games can be heard in the background.

MagiKoopa: Look! There's a Ditto named DittoJuice! I'm gonna catch it!

[music stops, crickets chirping]

MagiKoopa: (sounds like Ash) DittoJuice! I'm gonna catch ya!

[music resumes for a bit, then stops]

Dude: (to MagiKoopa)Give it up, already.

Mr. P: Never! We've gotta find Sapphire!

Haunter: Oh, crap. Looks like we'll have to find them the old fashioned way.

down in the semi-underworld...

DittoJuice: Was someone talking to me? [hangs up the phone]

Pages in the Holiday Goers: Halloween Haunter Archive
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