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Pages in Cat Investigations
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Tinkering around with including OoCs and such

Author: Golem

Leonard Nemoy: Futures are ever-expansive. Well, duh, that's a given. ~rolls his eyes~

Anyhow, if one peers into the future, there is a very large chance that it is highly inacurate. Every atom that moves the tiniest bit could make worlds of difference.

Still, isn't it fun to look? :)

Greg, who used to be better known as "Golem," now works not as a plumber, but as an investigator. Not in the regular sense, however.

Not just the normal are among him and his world... Very similar to the Men in Black film, but closer to the television program by the name of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," both of your 1990's. At least from what I've read.

Even Greg is out of the normal himself. Exposure to the effects of time travelling with the Time And Space Travelling System created by Shigeru Miyamoto (fanboy god also from your 1990's) and the imminent coming of puberty (OoC: is that word okay to say? I haven't a sense of gravity for such terms) mixed with his psyche and reshaped him into a muscular male as opposed to his scrawny body. He was dubbed "Cat." He eventually controlled himself and returned to his normal self, but not losing his muscle. After a suicide attempt, "Cat" became much a mix of himself and "Golem" the bony. He's worked to subdue the evil that is abnormal while helping all those that are hurt by the evil abnormal, including the good of those atypical.

Now that you've met who it's named after, you'll see who started it all. This is where things come into place.

(OoC: Someone, please volunteer to have started Cat investigators. You've got the base; in this reality, Golem has stayed as Cat and harnessed it. He's 25 or so now, making him 12 or so years older from the last time we've seen him in an OG--PG14. Cat Investigations takes calls for help from those who suspect they're a victim of the out of the ordinary. This is their living, what they get paid for.)

Author: Vorpal

HTML Comments are not allowed

Author: Raakone

A supposedly unrelated event (which will soon be determined to not be as unrelated as thought) soon transpired, or will transpire soon, or may not even happen, depending on which dimension, sub-dimension, point-in-space-tim, and vectoral-fluctuation you are current inhabiting. Despite this roundabout and convoluted explanation, it should be noted that future events such as these will effect you in the future...assuming it is your future. But the important thing is that it is the future of Cat Investigations. In the city of Sayamura, in a subway station on the Yellow Line, a strange blue rock appeared on a bench on the platform between tracks 3 and 4 of said station. This blue rock, vaguely resembling a cross between granite and sandstone, but bright blue and shiny, seemed insignificant. The next day a few more of these rocks appeared, and oddly they all appeared during the period that the station is closed. Passengers who walked between any two or more rocks reported hearing "strange voices", and in several cases, having headaches. The rocks were all removed and placed into a nearby Dumpster, the handler of said rocks was left with a weird tingling feeling in his hands. The next day more rocks had appeared, some in the same place as removed rocks. Service was disrupted several times due to people experiencing headaches, convulsions, grand mal seizures, petit mal seizures, moyen mal seizures, pas mal seizures, presque mal seizures, hallucinations, and overwelming desires to join all Cults who Trademark Their Names to Better Rip Off Your Money. It had become so bad that all trains were instructed not to stop at that station any more, the doors were sealed, and men in cleansuits removed the rocks. Security guards were placed everywhere. Surprisingly, MORE rocks appeared the next day, and this time they had a stronger glow. The Subway drivers swore they heard strange voices, mentioning something of "We are the Afava'a, we are returning, we shall comeback, we will not be denied, we will not be stopped." All of them were given two day sick-leave. The transportation agency scrambled to get all the replacement drivers in time for the next day. The next day, however, the entire station was blue, despite all of the lights except track signalling having been turned off. And everyone on the trains here that message and others, mostly warnings of "death to the interferers" being broadcast over the train PA systems, in a raspy, twisted voice, the type of voice associated with an escaped mental patient. Drastic measures are taken, the Yellow Line is cut in half, with a bus serving the three stations in between. However, pretty soon an entire section of the line, and seven stations, had to be closed, as the odd rocks were interfering with the third rail and sometimes causing the trains to act by themselves. The tunnels to the affected station were sealed shut.
A rather odd problem for a subway system to have. But there is more to the rocks than meets the eye.
Of course, Sayamura had no agencies or departments for dealing with the abnormal. So there happened to only be one solution. Call the Cat.

OoC Posts


OoC: Cat Investigations was a very tentative name... It sounded cool, and could be adapted to such phrases that one could let slide off their tongue such as "Call the Cat." I didn't want to put specific focus on Cat, so if anyone has a better name, pipe up. ^_^

BTW, we can't start the story without a crew! :) Whoever wants to join is fine... Poking in a bit o' history before you come in would be vunderbar.


How about Tac? ;) I'll join, but it is so hard to read Raaoke's post.


I have an idea for introducing the first other "goodguy", however, as I already posted that Blue Rocks posting, and the message by Luigigamer Golem afterwards doesn't really count as a "post", could someone, ANYONE please come up with something? Ok....I sound like an utter moron here. I'm not....I'm just a little crazy.......but what do you expect with a name like mine? Perfect sanity?

Le Ra'akone

REMEMBER, Future events such as this will effect you in the future


Thanx, NintF! ~whew~ I was about to pitch in Moondo. ^_^;

Author: Nintenfreak

Thanks for the name, or joining?

This isn't the story is it? I'm lost... and not sober... and the theives stole my wallet, so I don't remember who I am... Oh... wait here it is. appearantly I'm a 3rd time convicted Argentinan Nationalist, and I live with 3 other guys for some reason. This one likes to get burnt by cigarettes. Here is a picture of my car... I guess it's name is Unlicensed Taxi. Stupid name for a car.

Man am I bored. I never elaborated on the Lost/drunk/amnesia thing so much.

OoC: Golem


Will the d00d you're writing about lead up to start "Cat Investigations" (tentative title)? Just wondering.

Also, Raakone, or anyone else for that matter, pitch any ideas you have. I don't want to be a boss just 'cuz it's my idea...^_^;

Author: Pieruru

(Note of the author of this section.....confusion has reigned.....partially because of the way the intro seemed a little confusing, probably one or two "inside jokes" there but anyways.....I tried beginning with some event that would seem up the alley that this Cat hangs out in. Oh, and guess where I got that "Future events like these will affect you in the future" from?)

His past is mysterious, but maybe that helped draw him to Cat. His original name is Pieruru, but he has the code name of Star-Hunter. He is not human but of a race that is pretty similar, except for pointed ears. What little is known about his past is that he was a member of the "star tribe" and a great warrior, and he knew all matters of stealth and sneaking. However, both his two sisters, and then his girlfriend, were abducted by some "mysterious force" that it's too painful to talk about, and then he was somehow zapped from his homeworld to here, due to numerous conditions including an overloading Rotary Converter and the moons of both worlds being aligned in a way that provides the only accurate answer to a complex mathematic equation that is theoretically unsolvable.
He has slightly darkish skin, pointed ears, and long hair. At home he prefers dressing as he did where he came from, wearing several ceremonial necklaces and a cloth sarong (wrap-around skirt) and sandals, but sometimes when duty calls, he wears camouflage. He has all kinds of weird abilities, mostly accute hearing and possibly telepathy, that he does not fully comprehend.
He enjoys attacking the evil, especially that which is abnormal, because he believes that whoever it is he's against at the moment is somehow connected to his sisters and his girlfriend. As a result, he can sometimes be too zealous. He really likes rock and some metal and some jazz and rap, but he hates the Rolling Stones and Eminem, as he believes that somehow Mick Jagger and Marshal Mathers are connected to the "dissapearences". He also dislikes road-rage idiots, as well as those who not only use cellphones, but have an overwhelming desire to let everyone know they have, and are using, one. He also hates door-to-door proselytizers with a passion (The "Join my religion or you go to the Earth's Core" type people). He has an affinity towards cats, which may explain why he joined this particular outfit, then again, maybe it won't.
He picked up the phrase "Time to Rock and Roll", and uses it a little too often. He likes pinapple, spinach, and octopus on his pizza. He also likes Slice, which is a soft drink not that common ("Either you have it or you don't!") He can sometimes be sentimental, sometimes short-tempered, but is quite reliable.

(A/N again, I hope you like this!)

OoC: Nintenfreak

I really didn't plan on making it lead up to it, but I guess it is a start. I was just really bored and didn't want go to sleep.

Author: Golem

Nemoy: Cat was fresh out of college, of course mostly paid by his parents. Who, by the way, were still in the dark about his friends and what they had done together. He had to put his crazy life on hold while he went away to college. It took up way to much of his time, and his rubber band pen had become a distant memory... Not a fond one. Sure, those "were way past cool" times, but thinking about such had to be prevented... He always had a soft spot for yearning for the past. After a long time, it sunk in that it was probably better to remember the friends but not ever to attempt that life again.

Anyway, Cat's job, working at the local World Video Game, wasn't exactly what he was aiming for in life. He wanted to become a Sunday-morning-paper comic strip artist, and that--probably just like every other job--was not waiting for you as soon as you stepped outside of your school after four years of hard study. At least he had a steady apartment...

He decided to take a walk. The local park wasn't too far. Then this strange man came into view. He looked confused.

Author: Nintenfreak

Man: I beg your pardon, son. I'm a little lost... Could you give me the Date and Location.

Cat: Well.. that is an odd request... Okay, though. The year is 20xx and the location is...

Man: Thank you. I seem to be suffering from Amnesia.

Cat: ...?

Man: Exactly. I don't remember who I am... or where I came from. But I know that I am supposed to be doing something important...

Cat: Well... I've got an apartment... you can use the couch.

Our heroes continue to the Dingy Apts

Man: You know... you look might fimilar... like we've met somewhere long ago.

Cat: So tell me, what is the last thing you remember.

Man: I remember someone who looks like me shoving me into some lava... Instead of hitting the lava, I find myself falling 8 ft. to the ground in a dumpster...

Cat: That is an odd story... but why would you be near lava and suddenly fall into dumpster.

Man: I don't know...

Cat: Anything else you remember.

Man: Yeah... me telling my daughter to protect my wife and hold down the fort... and YOU! YOu are there... at least he looks like you...

Cat: Ah! the Nostalgia

Unknown to either of the two heroes, the man is not National. He is a Superhero from another dimension. For the sake of the story, you won't be told who he is yet.

Author: Raakone

Cat: Sounds a little strange....but then again, I've been a magnet for the abnormal. Why can't I just attract telemarketers who call at ungodly hours, like everyone else?

The man simply nodded his head in agreement... "So who are you, may I ask?"

"They call me the Cat!" replied Cat, "although I have a rather interesting past too, yet I have yet to fall into lava, maybe I should put that on my to-do list!"

The two men laughed in unison.

Just then a figure ran by one of the apartment windows.

"Oh, don't mind him, he's the resident oddball, or would be, if not for me....oh, and that guy Lester from New Haven who always speaks railroad-ease, and the girl who thinks she's a J-pop singer when there ain't a drop of Japanese blood in her and she can't pronounce any word other than Sayanara properly...and the Elvis impersonator. But anyways, he likes to dress like he's from the south pacific and lie on the roof. "

"That's interesting!" commented the man...."Now if only I knew who I was!"

Cat put on the TV, which was a rather shabby 13 incher with its "rabbit-ears" held in place by chewing gum and duct-tape. It wasn't anything that interesting, mostly complete morons smashing each other with chairs on national television. Suddenly, the host of the show, who was mostly doing nothing, was suddenly saying something about "blue stones, blue stones"

"I think I vaguely remember someone with a saphire obsession" said the man, "YOU DID! I mean.....the you who looks like you.....ok, you know what I mean!"

"Ok, can you tell me about whoever it was who pushed you into the lava?" asked Cat

"it looked exactly like me!" said the man, "but it wasn't!" Just then there was a knock on the window. Cat walked to it, and the dark figure, who was revealed to just have dark skin, and only wearing a sarong (wrap-around skirt) and a bone necklace, came in.

"How's the roof?" asked Cat, "And why didn't you use the door? And why you dressed like that? And who put the bop in the bop-she-bop-she-bop?"

"Just I....Pieruru is my name.....ok, call me Pete......or call me anything else you want, just NOT Eminem or any one of the Rolling Stones....unless one of them is named Pete! I couldn't help notice your talk about...(cue dramatic cords)...ABNORMALITIES!"

"I guess!" said the Man, "Hey, I ran into you.....before.....I think!"

"I think I met you before!" commented Pete, "I also think I met Leonard Cohen, but I'm not sure!" Just then, strange ranting was heard from the streets below....mostly imcomprehensable rambling.....with laughs.....and a few words.... Also, wind was suddenly blowing outside, and the weather abruptly changed!

Author: Golem

"This was... This IS just like my memory! I just know... Or feel." the man stuttered.

The Cat looked about. "Who said that?!"

"Said what?" Replied the man.

Pete answered with "'Death to the interferers...' Don't you hear it too?"

Soon the man was hearing the staccato voices, too.

"I have the strangest feeling," commented Cat in a nearly wistful tone, "something about Afava'a... They must... The Afava'a..."

Author: Nintenfreak

"Well...," said the man, "Before we go on some dadblamed adventure, I'll need a name."

Cat, "How about Jim?".

"No", Retorted the man

"Eugene?" Asked Pete

The Man looks out the window, across the street at the All you can eat buffet.

"Al", said the man "Call me Al"

Author: Golem

The next minute Cat was out the door muttering something about the Afava'a. When Pete or Al would try to stop him or ask him anything, he would shove them off.

Author: Nintenfreak

Al: Is he in a bad mood or what?

Pete: Yes, I believe so.

Al: Afava'a? I wonder what that is...

Pete: Well... he seems to know what it is.

Voice: ~brrvzt~ NF, come in. He followed you... ~brrvzt~ comeon dad, answer me.

Al: What the...

Pete: The voice is coming from your butt.

Al reaches to his pants pocket and finds something that he hadn't noticed, a GameBoy Com.

Al: Who is this?

Voice: Don't you ~brrvzt~mber me? We ~brrvzt~ouht you were ~brrvzt~ dead.

Al: Why are you talking to me?

Voice: Bull follo~brrvzt~ you i~brrvzt~ the port~brrvzt~.

Voice2: ~brrvzt~mit, NF, we don'~brrvzt~ have time ~brrvzt~ this yo~brrvzt~ must find Gol... [various crashing sounds and screaming] ~pewzoom~

The GameBoy Com went dead.

Al: Hello, hello?

Pete: I wonder what they meant by Gol?

Al: If we had a way of finding out...

Pete: Come with me, we'll go to the Cyber Café. You can find anything you want.

~at the café~

Al: The Government online isn't any help.

Voice: ~brrvzt~Dad, Bull ~brrvzt~ay have ~brrvzt~llowed you, but ~brrvzt~ his dron~brrvzt~ven't. You mus~brrvzt~ find Golem.

Al: Why do I need a statue?

Voice: No, ~brrvzt~lem is a Per~brrvzt~n! A person

Al: Okay, I'll search for Golem.

Pete: Why bother. You may not know this, but he is Cats.

Al: He did say he was a magnet for the weird.

Voice: I'm putti~brrvzt~ myse~brrvzt~ danger contac~brrvzt~ing you. ~brrvzt~Please hurry.

Al: Tell me you name

Voice: Enthree... --- Nemoy: Who is this Enthree? Is Golem in anyway willing to help whese people? More importantly, will this Bull character destroy our heroes before they can help Enthree? The answers when we return.

Author: Raakone

Pete, or rather Pierru, then said "I think it's time to rock and roll!"

"Hold on there, we don't even know what to do. At least I don't, my memory has more holes than swiss cheese and a B movie plot combined!" said Al, "And now I find out I have this communicator disguised as a portable videogame system!"

"Where are you from, anyways?" asked Pete. Al gave the explanation he gave Cat.

"And you?" asked Al, "Personally, I want to know the reason for your pointed ears, and your "tropical island chic" choice of clothing, no guys up here wear those wrap-around sarong skirts, at least, I don't think so..." Pete gave the explanation that may have been associated with Pierru before, including the freak accident that somehow sent him to earth.

"LIKE GOING FROM LAVA TO A DUMPSTER!" shouted Al in surprise.

"So we're both not from here? I guess we're brothers!" mused Pete. "Anyways, we have to find Cat, he's gone off most likely, and I think I know where!"

"And where would that be?" asked Al.

"MacArthur Park!" replied Pierru. "But I'm not that good at cat-hunting, never was. However, my name means Star-Hunter.......but call me Pete if it works better for you! We'll rock and roll, but first...."

"But first what?" asked Al, "You heard Enthree, Bull may be after us, and what about this Afava'a?"

"I need a Slice!" retorted Pieruru, "EIther I have it or I don't. But we can drink on the way there, we're right. There may be some evil that needs stomping out. They took two who meant much to me in my old life, on the other world, and they won't get me!"

"You don't even know who Afava'a is, and I don't know who Bull is, except Enthree said it's bad!"

The two soon headed to McArthur Park. Surely enough Cat was waiting there, sitting on a park bench. His eyes lacked expression. Suddenly the sounds of motorcycles could be heard coming from all directions, and they were all zooming in on the park. Cat wasn't paying any attention to anything or anyone.

"So what do we do?" asked Pieruru.

"No idea, except.....that.....future events will effect us in the future!"

Author: Golem

The two walked up to Cat.

"I've decided I will join the Starway cult..."

"Whay?" replied Al with an almost anime face.

Pierru was just as startled, if not more. "Why?!" Then it hit him. It was almost as if one of Cat's old storries came true!

"Why?" asked Al, as if to back Pierru up.

Cat gave a response, face as emotionless as ever. "Come with me, be happy."

Author: Nintenfreak

Our heroes travle to a place, where everything seems to be Blue.

"This.. is cre..epy," Stammered Al.

"I understand what you say." responded Pierru

"Mr. Carpainter doesn't just meet anyone." said Cat. "He though I was valueable, and he thinks you two are too!"

"Do you think this Carpainter is working for Bull?" Asked Al

"I don't know, but it seems as if Ness didn't teach him his lesson!" replied Pierru.


"He is a Videogame hero. I know it sounds weird, but I think that maybe this Carpainter isn't from this dimension either!"

They finally made it to Mr. Carpainter.

"Welcome to the Stairway Cult, formerly known as the Cult of Happy-Happism. You must only wear Blue, all non-Blue colors are evil." Said Mr. Carpainter

"You're cracked," Said Al.

"You can join my cult, or I'll have to destroy you!"

"Let's fight him! Ready guys?" Asked Pierru

"You know it!" said Al.


"Your too late! I have controll of his mind!"

"Grrr..." muttered Al and Pierru

Lenard Nemoy: Could a video game villian really appear in the real world? How did he take control of Cat? Will the poster of this post ever understand what's going on? The astounding answers when we return.

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