Gamehiker Member OG (OG)

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Start: Uncertain; Sometime prior to November 2004
End: March 16, 2005
Timeline: Bad Timeline
Writers: Yoshiyami, Vorpal, Golem, Masamune, GORE-ILLA, Lupus, Kuria, Yoshiman, Sapphire.
Main Cast: Yami Yoshi, Vorpal, Golem, Rhyk, Canadian Dude, Masamune, GORE-ILLA, Lupus, Slort, Caykzor, Dodo, Kuria Eiren, Yoshiman, Fred, Lady in Red.


Gamehiker Member OG started off as a reboot of the Member OG series on the Gamehiker's message board, started by Yami Yoshi. However, Yami Yoshi would later disown the series. Although it went inactive after some confusing posts and some of the story material being deleted in a forum problem, the OG became active again in 2005. It ended in March of that year with only about three pages, setting the light and fast tone for the following Gamehiker Member OG seroes.

Plot Summary

Yami Yoshi goes to his fridge one day for some cheesecake, only to find that it has been stolen. Vorpal drops by and tells him that Golem is the culprit. So Yami Yoshi and Vorpal travel in search of the inexplicably-villainous Golem, who is accompanied by Rhyk, Canadian Dude and GORE-ILLA. Masamune soon drops out of nowhere to aid Yami and Vorpal in their battle, which leads Golem to unveil his secret weapon: Slort. Lupus also gets involved. After going through some strange side adentures, Lupus arrives and tosses Yami's cheesecake into the way of Yami's Nuclear Egg, the radiation causing the cake to mutate into the monstrous Caykzor. Caykzor retreats to a Flying Sub after he absorbs all of the characters except for Slort, Dodo (who appears from nowhere) and Kuria Eiren (who joins the good guys during the Caykzor battle).

In the Sub, Caykzor's master is revealed to be shadowy villain. First the shadowy villain claims to be Sapphire Blue, but Masamune heckles her about never doing anything fun in OGs anymore, so she leaves and is replaced by a different shadowy figure. This shadowy figure reveals himself to be Yoshiman, but he is more absent-minded then terrifying as he forgets his evil plan. After the following crash, everyone begins to take sides. Yami Yoshi, Masamune, Vorpal and Kuria establish themselves as the Gamehikers. Golem, Rhyk and GORE regroup and temporarily enlist a new henchman, Fred. Yoshiman and Lupus are on their own side, although Lupus later joins with the Gamehikers. As for Dodo and Slort, they get lost in a Plot Hole (which has more prominence in the next OG). The Gamehikers then rush to prevent Team Golem from stealing Yami Yoshi's cheesecake horde, but it is taken anyway.

The five Gamehikers soon face off with GORE, Fred and three leprechauns. However, Lupus claims to be a pacifistic and sits out of the battle, leaving the OGers down one man. At this time Lady in Red arrives to join the party pending an apology from Masamune, even though later OGs establish that Vorpal and the other OGers do not know that Sapphire is the Lady in Red. The Gamehikers have the upper hand in the battle until one of the leprechauns' cohorts, the Irish Dude, becomes the story's narrator temporarily and writes everyone into losing. The next post retcons that the Gamehikers lost because they were distracted by Tamagotchi pets. Lupus, the only one unaffected by this curse probably because he sat out of the battle, takes the Gamehikers into the Trippy Plot Hole Zone v3.0. The Gamehikers are cured and are able to escape the zone after racing a group of waiters. It is at this point that Fred inexplicably switches over to the Gamehikers.

After practicing pig calls with Rhyk, Golem reveals that he has the cheesecake horde stashed beneath a Microwave Plant, and that he also plans to put a gold nugget in the microwave to see how long it takes to melt. The Gamehikers all rush to the factory and do battle with Golem and his minions, while at the same time learning that microwaves are actually made from the remains of dead people. After the Microwave Plant, Lupus betrays the others and escapes with the cheesecake horde to his Flying Death Fortress, riding a wooden bicycle with sails attached. Yoshiman then briefly returns in his Flying Submarine and gives the Gamehikers (as well as Golem, GORE-ILLA and Rhyk, who stall aboard) a ride to the fortress. The OGers soon find Lupus. But at that time a Nuclear Egg that had been tossed into the sky near the beginning of the OG comes back down from the sky, landing on Lupus as he swims through a pile of cheesecake. This fuses Lupus with the entire cheesecake horde to become Lupus the Caykzor, or Caykzor the Turk. The Gamehikers and Team Golem unite to battle this monster, and after absorbing all of them, Caykzor overloads and explodes. All the OGers, including Lupus, are alive in the shards of the giant cheesecake. However, at that moment the Sun comes out and causes the cheese to harden, leaving the OGers stuck there for a while.

References/Homages to Other OGs

The OG has many references to other OGs, particulary the VGF Member OG series that it is loosely based upon.

  • The opening of Gamehiker Member OG is identical to the opening of the original VGF Member OG.
  • At one point, Qwirtzok, from VGF Member OG briefly appears to complain about people mispelling his name with a "u" as "Quirztok" (a mistake commonly made during his frequent appearances in the Member OG series), but he sets a time bomb and leaves after realizing he is in the wrong series.
  • In a post written by Lupus, his character mentions having never "witnessed such a blatant disregard for someone's post! Except in VGF Members OG number 1!" In the original VGF Member OG, there were various instances where other authors' storylines were ignored or immaturely erased from the story, sometimes resulting in miniature flame wars.
  • At one point, in a post written by Vorpal the author, Vorpal the character is surprised to see that George W. Bush is president of America when he remembers Bush as the president of Mexico being imprisoned in North Korea. Vorpal goes on and mourns the fact that he is no longer American president, even though Masamune reminds him that in this OG he never was. That is a reference to the events of the Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik series.
  • In one of Golem the author's posts, Yami says that Golem's evil plan is, "Old Golem has made a device which would allow Golem to travel between his different selves as he pleased! That is, Lesser Golem, Greater Golem, and Cat." This mentions Golem's three forms from the Party Goers series, as well as Old Golem, who is corrupted elderly version of Golem who came from the Bad Timeline to the Good Timeline. However, this plot point is ignored in the post, and all other OGs in the series show Golem to be the same Golem in other OGs with little to no explanation for his villainous activities in the this OG.
  • During the same post, Golem has a random flashback which excerpts a strange story written at A second flashback in that post quotes a Star Wars parody on the original Gamehiker's message board.
  • At one point, GORE puts on a Golem costume to try to convince the other OGers to post in Member OG 5. THE BLOOD OF THAT OG IS ON THEIR HANDS!
  • The scene in which the Gamehikers are trapped in a safe takes quotes directly from an installment of Vorpal's Party Goers webcomic.
  • Correct-o from VGF Member OG makes a cameo appearance.
  • Waiter 2 says, "No peoples at the size of Fred. Peoples of this size will cause tunnel collapse for no reason." This is a direct quote from VGF Member OG 3.
  • At the end of one of his posts, Golem the author gives a "Next time on The Life and Adventures of Miyamoto" blurb, referencing Lupus's off-the-wall OG in which every post ended with a preview of the next post with the same blurb.
  • In a post by Golem the author, Lupus the character mentions a broken ski lift, a running gag from the VGF Member OG series.
  • Part of the final battle with Caykzor the Turk parodies the final battle with Akujin at the end of VGF Member OG 6. Both posts were written by Golem.
  • When GORE and Rhyk agree to work alongside the good guys to fight Lupus at the end, Yami says, "Y'know GORE, in another OG I could have called you friend." This is a reference to the fact that in the VGF Member OG series, Yami and GORE were both heroes and friends.