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Pages in the Member OG 7 Archive
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Author: Golem

~Back in America...~

RHYK: Yami Yoshi, I--

Yami: Oh, just shut up pal, the OG is over!

RHYK: No, you don't understand. Another of the two--

Yami: Hey, maybe I'd be willing to listen if you actually came to help, okay?

RHYK: I tried to help, I don't know what happened.

Yami: Well, the way I see it... if we came up with the same results when we tried, we'd all be dead right now, right?

~The cowboys step out of an alley and into the open area where everyone is.~

Middle cowboy: You managed to kill some of our best men. Author 9 is really going to have it in for you now.

Left cowboy: Author 9 was trying to help, so he sent us to get your attention. But you ignored us, so he sent the men in black garb to capture you, so we could force your attention. That didn't work, he tried a few different things, and here we are now.

RHYK: See, Yami Yoshi? You ignored the problem, and it only got worse.

Yami Yoshi: This "Author 9" guy is the only one causing problems. Let's get outta here, guys.

~Everyone but the ponchos, cowboys, and Rhyk walks off.~

RHYK: That "Dark Dimension" they entered was S-Space, the realm where imagination (or thoughts) is reality. It's now known as the "Dark Dimension" because Akujin opened the floodgates from S-Space into R-Space (what should be a place where only reality exists). He let a lot of evil into R-Space (using the power he took from Dark Cloak and claimed was dedicated to forming a new universe, which was in fact the R-Space universe Akujin had merely stumbled upon), but over time the light has revealed itself to be the stronger force of R-Space. However, that's strength missing from the light in S-Space. If darkness completely rules over S-Space, all thoughts of those in R-Space will be of evil.
If balance is to be restored, we need to reverse what Akujin has done, and any one of four defeats give us a proper opening to readjust the balance; Akujin himself, Lupus, the Dark Cloak's true form, and the OGers. However, the defeat needs to be handled with the pen known as TASTS, else it's meaningless.

~Long pause.~

Middle poncho: I like long speeches to no one in particular.

RHYK: C'mon, we've got a job to do, men. ~just then, a note appears in RHYK's hand~ Hold on...! It says "Author 9 has been taken care of. You won't be hearing from him for a long while."

THE END... go read MOG8!

Author: AaronGuy


AaronGuy: *left behind in Rocketsville* ...

*small hairline cracks form across the rocky surface of the statue. These cracks meet, sprawling out until all lines are connected. Finally, the statue sort of 'pops', leaving an alive, albeit dusty, Aaron.

AaronGuy: *yawns* Wow, that was a great nap... I haven't felt so rested since before OG6... Wait, where am I? And where is everyone else? Hello? Helloooooo?

Magikoopa: *standing behind Aaron* So, they left you behind, did they?

AaronGuy: Ack! Who are you?

Magikoopa: I represent Team Rocket Omega... We SAID that there was a truce between us and the OGers right now, but lets face it, it'll be gone within the next 2 OGs. So why not be on the winning side?

AaronGuy: I thought I WAS on the winning side.

Magikoopa: NO, you fool! The OGers will fail, eventually! TRO shall eventually conquer all!

AaronGuy: Yeah yeah. I'll just get the next flight to Japan and get to Yoshi Island from-

Magikoopa: We have cool hats.

AaronGuy: Deal!



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