Sonic the Hedgehog Fanventure Page 2

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Pages in the Sonic the Hedgehog Fanventure Archive
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Author: Wonder Wario

WW: Guys? DO we have anything to say about it? Cuz... I'm confused.

Golem, Timnis, Queen Rach: ~falls over anime style~

Author: Timnis

Timnis: I sort of wondered how that got into my pocket.

Golem: These two are brain damaged. They don't know what they're talking about. So give back our Chaos Emerald. ~whispering to WW and Timnis~ come on, play along guys!

Timnis: Guhhh...

WW: Gloem's right, we're dain bramaged.

Queen Rach: I don't think it will be that easy to get the emerald from me.

Author: Golem

Rach: Just go away please.

Golem: No way! Give it back!

Timnis: ~shakes head, acts normal again~ Yeah, how are we supposed to tell if you're a good guy or a bad guy?!

Rach: Fine. Here's a spoiler for you: I'm a cheese vampire. Since you won't go away...

~She produces three rings from nowhere, flicks one at a time at each person. Everyone flies into a checkered wall. Timnis, however, breaks and flies through a weakened part of the wall. Inside is a capsule of light and a blue ball inside the light. Outside, Golem and Wonder Wario are worried and limp inside Timnis' cavern.~

Timnis: Oww... Hey guys.

Golem: ~huff, puff~ You okay? You went right through the wall.

WW: Ooh, shiny! ~dashes at the light and takes the ball inside~

Princessi's Voice: This is the Blue Blur. Allows the user to use the powers of Sonic. Can be equipped by Fire Mario and Flutter.

WW: ~camera turns to WW, showing him with skin-colored spikes~ She forgot me!

Golem: WAH!

Timnis: Look, you might as well call him WW the Hedgehog!

Golem: An idea! Super Peel Out after Rach!

WW: ...Okay! :D ~runs in one place, then feet seemingly go in circles, then feet seemingly go in a figure eight, then spins through cave and towards Rach; Golem and Timnis pursue, but much slower, as they can't spin dash~

Timnis: I feel a battle scene coming on!

Golem: With the powers o' Sonic, he won't be a pushover!


WW: ~slams right into Rach~ Hi!

Author: Wonder Wario

Rach: You imbecile! You made me drop the Chaos Emerald!!

WW: The what!?

Rach: The emerald! You will pay dearly for it!

WW: What makes you think I'll be so easy to beat? I got "The Power o' Sonic!!!"

Author: Timnis

Golem: Come on, Timnis. We can get it if we can sneak over there.

Timnis: Good idea, Golem! ~runs over to the emerald~

Rach: Not so fast. ~steps in front of Timnis~

Golem: Nice going, Timnis. You ruined our chances.

Author: Wonder Wario

Rach:Thank you for finding the emerald you pests!

Golem: Don't act so cocky! We out number you!

WW: Yeah! There's Timnis! Then Golem! And me makes 11!

Author: Timnis

Timnis: Yeah, so give back our emerald.

Rach: YOUR emerald? I don't see any of your names written on it.

Golem: Can I look at that emerald for a second?

Rach: I suppose so.

Golem: ~pulls out stamp with his name on it and stamps the emerald with it~

Author: Wonder Wario

~WW grabs the Emerald from Golem~

WW:Hey Golem? Did you know this emerald has your name on it? Cool!

Golem: That's right! So it must belong to us!

Rach: GIVE ME THAT!! ~swipes the emerald from WW, takes out a pen, and writes on the emerald~

WW: Hey! It has her name too!

Author: Timnis

Timnis: It doesn't matter who's name is on it now.

Everyone: Why not?

Timnis: It's not worth anything, now that it has become contaminated by the ink.

Author: Wonder Wario

Rach: You're lying! You little punk!

Timnis: Nuh uh.

WW: Let me see!~ Takes the emerald and starts licking the ink off of the emerald~

Everyone else: Oooooooo-kay....

~WW grabs Golem and Timnis and carries them on his shoulder~

WW: I think I just thunk!!!

~WW uses his new supersonic spped to try to escape~

Author: Timnis

Golem: But what about the emerald?

WW: It's contaminated, remember?

Golem: But what if she somehow removes the ink and cleans the emerald?

Timnis: Why did we need it anyway?

Golem: It adds to the plot.

Author: Wonder Wario

WW: So we NEED the emerald?

Golem: Yeah! It'd be a good idea to keep it!

WW: Reverse!

~WW starts running back to Queen Rach~

Author: Timnis

Timnis: Right! If we get the emerald back, we can try to clean it ourselves!

WW: Right! And then we can be in fear of being it total danger!

Timnis: And that's a good thing?

Golem: Sure! It makes a better story. You want this to be good, right?

Author: Wonder Wario

WW: So the plan is: We take the emerald, and beware Queen Rach's evil wrath!?

Golem: Exactly!

Timnis: But I dont....

Golem: Don't worry Timnis! It'll turn out fine!

Author: Timnis

Timnis: Yeah, I guess so. After all, we'll have a Chaos Emerald.

WW: Yeah, it's not like Rach can do anything to us in the first place.

Author: Golem

Rach: Excuse me?! Did you miss that part where you flew back into the wall?! ~takes out three more rings~

WW: Man, that was fast! ~puts down Golem and Timnis, does homing attack on an unsuspecting Rach~

Rach: ~tumbles backwards, falls on the ground, letting go of emerald~ UGH!

Timnis: Now!

~WW does another homing attack, picking up the emerald and leaping over Rach.~

Rach: You won't get away with that! But, for now... I'll just need your rings.

Golem: ~everyone holds rings tighter~ Good luck!

~Rach lifts her hands up like Peach does when she uses a healing spell in Super Mario RPG. Up from the ground comes a giant bed of yellow spikes.~

WW: Mmm, cheese! Ow! Yummy! Ow! ~everyone loses their rings, Rach rushes by to pick them up, then disappears~

Timnis: ~rubbing his back~ Youch~! Where'd she go?

Golem: Special zone! Fifty rings to get there!

Timnis: But... you need a lamppost, don't you?

WW: Hey... the cheese is gone...!

Timnis: Hey, maybe that new upgrade can warp you into the special zone like her! Let's start searching for rings!

Author: Timnis

WW: I've got another idea! Why don't we just follow her, and then steal the emeralds she collects?

Timnis: Why don't we just get our own. It will save us from hard times in the future.

WW: What could go wrong?

Golem: I dunno...

Author: Wonder Wario

WW: Well, we could all die in a horribly agonizing death involving uncheesy spikes, AND not save Mr. ESRB, AND be out of the way of Queen Rach's evil plan.

Golem, Timnis: ..............?

WW: What?

Author: Golem

Golem: We can't follow her! She disappeared in a poof!

Author: Timnis

Timnis: I was thinking of a more dire reason, anywho. You know, something like WW's idea.

Author: Wonder Wario

WW: I had an idea?

Timnis: Nevermind.... Anyway, what's impotant is we have an emerald!

Golem: Right! Let's get to Eggman's place!

WW: Right-o!

Author: Golem

Timnis: Where do we start?

WW: That looks pretty Eggman-y. ~points up to a floating castle~

Golem: (A la Sonic Blast AKA Sonic G!)

WW: ~starts gnawing on ring~ It's gold-elicious!

Author: Wonder Wario

Timnis: Where'd you find that?

WW: Over there!~points to a big pile of rings~

Author: Timnis

Timnis: Do my eyes deceive me?

WW: No, they just see.

Golem: You act like it's no big deal, WW.

Author: Wonder Wario

WW: Well, I know they're shiny and all, but I don't think they're THAT important.

Golem: Do you know what we can do with the rings!?

Author: Golem

Timnis: Question is... do we head into the special zone and join in the emerald race or try to find a way to get up into the castle?

WW: I'll get the emeralds! They smell cheezy!

Golem: We ought to go after IvoRobo, too, though!

Timnis: Right, then it's me and Golem going after Robotnik while WW goes for emeralds. Now... ~finds a big stick and drives it into the ground~ Everyone have a watch?

WW: No...

Golem: Here. ~gives his watch to WW~

Timnis: Synchronize your watch with mine. ~they hold watch-face to watch-face and set watches~

WW: Done! :D

Timnis: Now, let's meet back here at 5:00 PM. That gives us two hours to get something done.

Author: Timnis

WW: Ok, I'll try to get back then.

Timnis: Good.

Golem: Ok, let's go, Timnis.

Timnis: Got a way to get up there?

Author: Wonder Wario

WW: Guys?

Golem, Timnis: What?

WW: How do I go to Special Zone?

Author: Golem

Golem: Do you have 50 rings?

WW: ~counts rings~ I have 12... I mean, 60 and a half.

Timnis: ~sigh~ Lemme count. ~counts~ You have 49. Hmm... ~picks up a ring a few feet away~ Take this. ~WW takes the ring and disappears just like Rach did~ Now, Golem... any ideas? ~Golem isn't there~ Golem? ~still not there~ Golem? ~looks up, sees Golem flying with him swinging his scarf around as a propeller~ Wow!

Golem: Yeah, this took me a while to learn, but it's a cool trick to pull off! I can even carry you! I think we can make it there! ~Golem and Timnis' hands lock, then Golem flies upward towards the castle. Timnis grabs the casual rings on the way up.~

Author: Timnis

Timnis: Being able to fly is quite a skill.

Golem: I'm glad I could put it to use.

Timnis: Wow, what a view up here. It's... ~starts choking~ Need... Oxygen...

Golem: Don't think about breathing and you'll be fine!

Timnis: Yeah, that's better.