Sonic the Hedgehog Fanventure Page 3

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Pages in the Sonic the Hedgehog Fanventure Archive
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Author: Wonder Wario[edit]

~meanwhile, in Special Zone~

WW: Okay, I have to get the Chaos Emeralds! And to do that, I need to find Rach! I shall do this!.....

~WW starts to look around~

WW: Since I have Sonic's powers, I should be able to cover ground pretty fast, I bet I can catch up to her!

~WW starts to run, but trips~

WW: What the--!?!? Hey! Another emerald!

Author: Golem[edit]

OOC: Note, each special zone has special mechanics as opposed to the normal game play. :)

WW: ~tries to pick up emerald, but it turns out it's a lever, so he pulls it back, then a bunch of stuff starts flying at him~ WAHHH! ~puts lever forward, which pulls all the stuff that just flew by flying past him the other way~ Okay... What was that?!

Author: Timnis[edit]


Timnis: Hey, Golem, I don't think WW has much experience as far as these Sonic things go...

Author: Wonder Wario[edit]

~Meanwhile, again~

WW: I don't think I have too much experience with these Sonic things....

~Meanwhile, once more~

Golem: Nah, don't worry about Wonder. He can handle it!

Author: Golem[edit]

~In the Special Zone...~

WW: Okay... Where's the emerald? I need an emerald!

~Just then, Rach appears from seemingly nowhere and is lunging at something. WW notices the emerald and how close Rach is to it, so he pulls the lever back, moving everything past him. Rach falls flat on her face~

WW: Hey... this could be fun!

Author: Wonder Wario[edit]

~WW starts pulling the lever back in forth, watching as Rach is also pulled back and forth~

Rach:~looks over and sees WW~ NOO!! Not him again!!

Author: Golem[edit]

Rach: Fine! You want to be like that... Cheese Magnet! ~holds hands up, emerald comes to her hands~

WW: ~now jerking lever back and forth~ Oh no! Gotta get that emerald! ~lever breaks off~ WAH!

Rach: ~falls down along with everything else, but with emerald in her one hand~ You fool! Now the Special Zone will start to collapse!

WW: ...Why? ~ground shakes~

Rach: You broke the base of the physics of the zone!

WW: No I didn't! Look! ~jams lever back in~ See?! ~Special Zone floor starts to crack~

Rach: ~starts to run away~

WW: ~looks up~ Hey! ~runs towards Rach while lever is in hand, and because WW is focusing on Rach, she jerks back and forth with the motion of his hand~

Rach: AAGH! Stop!

WW: No thanks! ~jumps up, grabs an emerald that's been loosened from her grip~ Now I get to get out!

Rach: Not so fast! You broke the zone, it won't work!

WW: How do we fix it?!

Rach: Hand the emeralds over to me... I can channel their power to fix the zone.

Author: Timnis[edit]

WW: Ok. Wait, how do I know you're not lying?

Rach: How do you know I am?

WW: Good point. ~starts to hand emerald over~


Timnis: I hope WW doesn't somehow lose our emeralds.

Author: Golem[edit]

Rach: ~does a cool pose~

Reader: Be a little more vague next time.

~The ground stops shaking and the cracks go away. The lever from WW's hand disappears, and so does the floor under his feet.~

Rach: Tata! ~disappears~

WW: WAAAAAHHHHH!!! ~falls into a seemingly eternal abyss, until he does the equivalent of falling off the screen, at which point he returns to where he was before he went into the special zone.~ Great... Well, at least she was telling the truth.

~Inside the floating castle...~

Sonic: Eggman!

Tails: Look Sonic, there's ESRB!

Eggman: Very good, hedgehog! ~lifts up gray remote control, presses red button, body is covered in metal (of course with joints and everything so that he can move~ But this time you're in for more than you bargained!

Sonic: ~whispering to Tails~ You get ESRB outta here! I'll work on making fried Eggman! ~looks around, Robotnik is gone~ Huh?

Eggman's voice: You'll have to catch me first!

ESRB: ~untied by Tails~ This place is set to blow in a half-hour!

Author: Wonder Wario[edit]

Sonic: What!?

Tails: Let's beat it!

~Sonic, Tails, and Mr. ESRB start to run but crash into Golem and Timnis who have finally caught up~

Timnis: Whoa... that hurt!

Sonic: You again!?

Author: Golem[edit]


Eggman: Hmph! Doesn't he even want to stick his tongue out at me?! Well... I know just what to do. ~zooms out of view using rockets in his shoes~


~Eggman zooms by, grabbing Timnis and Golem.~

Eggman's Voice: If you want them back, you'll have to beat me!

Tails: Yeah right! Why would we want them back?!

Sonic: Wait... he thinks we're friends with them! Which means they're his enemies! Which means they're innocent!

Tails: I'll try to hack into a nearby computer and find where Eggman is! Take this headset! ~hands Sonic a headset, puts on one for himself~ I'll tell you where to go!

Sonic: Okay!


Timnis: Where'd Robotnik go?

Golem: I dunno, but look! Another upgrade! ~part with the upgrade slowly separates itself from the castle~

Golem, Timnis: HuH?

Computer Voice: 25 minutes

Author: Wonder Wario[edit]

~meanwhile, elsewhere in the castle~

~WW runs through a hallway as rubble falls from the cieling~

WW: Golem and Timnis ain't gonna be happy about me losing the emerald! And why is everything falling apart!?

~WW runs into the room where Tails and Mr. ESRB are~

Author: Golem[edit]

Tails: How'd you get here?! And... what happened to you?! Wait, wait... I have to concentrate on Sonic!

WW: I have super powers! Dah-dah dahhh!

Tails: Oh! I know! Look on the screen!

WW: Uh-huh.

Tails: Here are your friends! ~points to a place at the end of some corridor, it doesn't really matter where~

WW: Right! ~runs in opposite direction~

Tails: >_<

~All the while, Timnis and Golem are looking at a now far-off upgrade~

Timnis: Fly over and get it!

Golem: I can't! I don't have enough room to get properly started up... this room is way too cramped!

Timnis: I suppose we could dive over to there, and hope we make it.

Golem: Wait... not yet! ~tries to lasso out to it, but instead presses a button on the part of the building instead, which makes it blow up~ Oops!

~Timnis is thrown off balance by the explosion and gets tossed out. By the time Golem can lasso again, Timnis is too far gone.~

Timnis: ~spots the upgrade still intact as he falls hands and head-first~ This one's for all the marbles!

Author: Wonder Wario[edit]

~Timnis grabs the upgrade~

Princessi's voice: This is the "Rad Red". It gives the user the Powers o' Knuckles. It can be equipped by Nick, and Fire Mario.

~Meanwhile back to Golem~

Golem:~panicing~ Oh jeez! This is bad! I'll have to get another sidekick now!... Huh?

~Timnis is seen with skin colored dreadlocks, a large chest (comparable to Knuckles'), and spikes on his fist climbing up the wall~

Timnis: If this isn't luck, I don't know what is...

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: WAH! You're alive! And you got the upgrade!

Timnis: ~climbs in~ Yep! Pretty cool, huh? :)

Computer Voice: 20 minutes

Golem: Okay, I don't know what that is, but it doesn't sound too good.

~The ground starts to shake, and they notice their room drifting away from the castle.~

Timnis: Hey, now you can have enough room! Hang on to my shoulders! ~Golem gets on, Timnis climbs on top of the room and Golem gets off~ You can fly right now, right?

Golem: Yep!

Timnis: Good! ~jumps off~ I'm gonna test my new upgrade! ~puts arms out and legs back and starts to glide as Golem takes off~


Sonic: Okay... what now, Tails?

Tails (via headset): I don't see them anymore, Sonic!

Queen Rach: ~from the shadows uses the aroma of a cheese block to lower Sonic's mental defenses, then walks up to him~ They're safe now, trust me.

Sonic: ~gentle voice from the cheese block~ I feel like I can trust you...

Rach: Maybe it's because you can. :mmm

Sonic: Okay.

~Knuckles walks out of the same shadows as Rach.~

Knuckles: :) ~gentle voice~ Hi, Sonic.

Sonic: :)

Rach: ~gentle voice~ Now I'll tell you why I needed you here, Knuckles. You see, your emeralds are not the ones I need. In this castle is something called the "Rad Red." It will most surely help us find the emeralds we need.

Author: Wonder Wario[edit]

Sonic: ( gentle voice) Then what are we waiting for?

Tails: ( via headphone) Sonic!? What's going on!?

~Rach pulls the headphone off of Sonic and puts it on~

Rach: I'm sorry, but we're busy little boy.

Tails: ( via headset) What!? Who is this!?

Author: Golem[edit]


Rach (via headset): Sorry, but another time, okay? ~static~

Tails: Kuu! They've got 17 minutes to get off this thing! ~studies map, races out o' view~

~Tails catches up with Rach and the gang.~

Tails: ~screeches in~ You won't be getting me! ~takes out ring a la SA2 (OOC: you know, that one cutscene where Tails takes out his yellow emerald), the ring shines~

Sonic: ~rubs eyes, then turns to Rach~ What were you doing to us?!

Knuckles: Huh? I mean... ~shakes head, turns to Rach~ What's your problem?!

Rach: Hmph! ~does same cool pose, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles are in the room with the hacked-into computer~ Huff... puff... ~kneels down~ I need energy... ~shoves cheese block in mouth, gulps it down~ That's better. Now that I have all this energy, I can... Cheese Magnet! ~holds hands up~

Computer Voice: 15 minutes

~Outside the castle...~

Timnis: ~gliding to the ground, starts heading back to the castle~ Huh? ~breaks out of glide~ What's going on?! ~tries to drill drive, but to no avail~

Golem: AHHH!

~Back with Sonic & Co...~

Sonic: ~rubbing forehead~ Ohhh... Tails, got another ring?

Knuckles: The effect is starting to wear off! ~gets down on one knee and punches floor~

Author: Wonder Wario[edit]

~back to WW, who seems to be lost~

WW: Hmmmm... the fox said that Golem and Timnis were this way.... He LIED!!!~Stats running at top speed in the direction he came from~

WW: Why do people always lie to me?

Author: Golem[edit]

~WW catches up.~

WW: ~turns to Tails~ You said--

Sonic, Knuckles: Yes, master?

Tails: ~shock and anger~

WW: Huh? ~gets pulled in direction of the far-off Rach~

Author: Wonder Wario[edit]

WW: What the--?

~Rach pulls WW in closer and tries to hypnotize him the same way she did with Sonic, but nothing happens~

Rach: Huh!? Why aren't you under my spell?!

WW:......... Your'e funny! Cheese!~eats the block of cheese from Rach's hands~

Author: Golem[edit]


Tails: ESRB? Any rings?

ESRB: ...No...!

~And back...~

~Timnis floats in, then gets dropped on his feet.~

Timnis: WW!

WW: Who?

Timnis: That's you, Wonder Wario, WW.

WW: Ohhhh! Hi, Dubya Dubya!

Rach: Cheese upgrades, I see... ~turns to Timnis~ You! You've got the Rad Red!

Timnis: Huh?

~Rach gets knocked off her feet by a peach and purple blur.~

Rach: OOF! Who--

WW: I feel all super since I ate that cheese!

Rach: Of course, cheese amplifies your power with that upgrade--wait, what am I saying?! Cheese Magnet! ~gets back on feet, holds hands to Timnis' torso~

Timnis: What's... what's that?!

Rach: I'm extracting the Rad Red!

Timnis: ~struggling against the Cheeese Magnet~ No... way! ~punches Rach's arm, her grip is gone~

Rach: Huff, puff... Great! Before I can Cheese Magnet again... huff... ~takes out cheese~

WW: Ooh! ~zooms by Rach, knocking her flat, and the cheese gets knocked into Timnis' hands~

Timnis: Let's try some! ~eats the cheese block~

Computer: 15 minutes

~The room breaks off from the castle...~

Author: Wonder Wario[edit]

Timnis:~ starts eating the cheese~

Rach: Darn it! ~checks her pockets for more cheese blocks~ Gah! I'm out of cheese blocks!?

WW: ~laughing~ She's a cheese vampire, and she has no cheese! FUNNY!

Rach: SHUT UP!! ~throws a rock at WW, hitting him in the head~

Timnis: Wow! This is some good cheese!

Golem: ~runs in~ We gotta get out of here!!


Author: Golem[edit]

Timnis: ~stifling laughter~ Why'd you come here, Golem?

Golem: I saw you descending faster than I was!

~Timnis and Rach look about and notice that the room has broken off.~

Rach: I'd imprison you in this wreck, but I don't exactly have the power. Another day! ~takes out emeralds, disappears~

Timnis: If you got on the castle, you can get off, right WW?

WW: I have super-dee-dooper powers!

Golem, Timnis: -_-

Timnis: Well, he's a bit dim, but I think he'll be fine. Let's go! ~Timnis slings Golem up on top so that he can start flying again, while WW and Timnis glide down~


Sonic: ~becomes suddenly aware~ Master!

Knuckles: We're coming! ~Sonic grabs tails and Knuckles grabs ESRB, then they run off. Knuckles has a hard time keeping up with the super-fast Sonic. Eggman comes into the room.~

Eggman: What are they up to? ~rockets from feet fire up again, and he blasts down the same path as Sonic and Knuckles~

Author: Wonder Wario[edit]

~Eggman continues to follow Sonic and Knuckles down the collapsing hallway~

Eggman: What is going on here!? First, the three jokers show up. And now Sonic and Knuckles are acting strange... Maybe that cheese woman has something to do with this!

~back to Sonic and the gang~

~Tails and Mr. ESRB are still being carried by Sonic and Knuckles~

Tails: Sonic! Snap out of it!

Mr ESRB: Why me!?

Author: Golem[edit]

~Sonic and Knuckles run off the castle.~

ESRB: What's this?!

Sonic: I know how to reach the master now.

Tails: Woah, hold up! ~flies so that Sonic doesn't fall~

Sonic: No! ~breaks free, goes into a super spin as Knuckles goes into a drill drive (with ESRB still in tow)~

Author: Timnis[edit]

ESRB: What are you guys doing? Let me Go!

Sonic: You'll be fine.

ESRB: Oh no, I don't want to die!

Knuckles: Don't worry about it.

Author: Golem[edit]

~ESRB covers his eyes as they near the ground. Sonic tunnels through the ground with his Super Spin as Knuckles digs with his Drill Drive. Tails dives to the ground to give chase, but just as he nears the ground, it seals itself up. Tails rapidly starts his tails up again and stops just in time. Then he hovers to the ground.~

Tails: ???

~Meanwhile, underground...~

Rach: Good. But... where's the fox?

Sonic: I lost him.

Rach: What?! Go back up there and get him! Now!

Author: Wonder Wario[edit]


Golem: What do you mean you lost the emerald!?

WW: Well, Quenn Rach said she could fix the Special Zone...

Timnis: And that's another thing! How could you BREAK Special Zone!?

WW: I have powers?

~Tails flys overhead, Timnis looks up and notices~

Timnis: Hey! It's Tails!

Golem: Yeah. So?

WW: Sonic here comes!

~Sonic runs by the three not even noticing them~

Author: Timnis[edit]

WW: Ok, see you later, Sonic.

Golem: Huh, maybe we're just more recognized in the Nintendo world.

Timnis: Hey, it's not all bad, at least we won't be noticable to the enemies.

WW: That is, unless we did something we shouldn't have.

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: So... any idea where ESRB is now?

~A large crash is heard. Off in the distance the castle crash-lands near the parts that broke off.~

Timnis: Let's check it out!

~Meanwhile, Eggman is in the sky. He finally finds Sonic and chases him.~