Member OG 7 Page 4

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Pages in the Member OG 7 Archive
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Author: Golem

~The three men in cowboy hats walk up from behind the group, and the middle one taps on Chizu's shoulder. She turns around, and soon the others do too.~

Chizu: ...Yeah?

Middle Man: A quest with a purpose much larger than your current one awaits.

SwordMaster: Explain.

Left Man: If you do not accompany us, this very universe will be lost.

Yami: ~far off now~ GUYS!!!

AaronGuy: Oop, Yami's a-calling!

SwordMaster: Sorry, but we can't help! The tournament is of great importance, too!

~They run off to catch up with Yami.

A little time later, Yami hops through a pristine white door into a pristine white room with pristine white tables and cupboards. Some chefs in pristine white clothing chop raw meat with shiny and sharp butcher knives, while other chefs prepare special sauces, and yet others do various other tasks of chefness. When Yami's feet hit the floor and create a loud sound, every chef turns his head to Yami. Aware of the problem, the cheffiest chef leaves his table and stomps forth to meet Yami.~

Yami: You owe me at least thirty servings of whatever is for lunch!

Chef: That's preposterous, sir! The limit is five steaks per customer. Or whatever we serve for lunch. Now get out, you're contaminating my kitchen.

Yami: I refuse!

Chef: Get out now.

~Yami unfurls his tongue and wraps it tightly around the Chef's torso, constricting his arms. At this point, AaronGuy, SwordMaster, Chizu, Kantii, and Ihsay open the door and enter, and soon become shocked by what they see Yami doing..~

Yami: How about NOW?

~Every other chef raises up a huge knife and shows it to Yami. Yami instantly drops Chef and runs out the door.~

Chef: And none of you can come back or I'll tell Goren!!


Yami: Uhh... we can't have lunch there today.

Ihsay: We'll just walk over to Talon.

Chizu: But--

Kantii: This plan is a good one.

SwordMaster: I can't go with you to Talon.

Yami: Wha?

SwordMaster: I'm wanted in Talon. By the law.

Kantii: A disguise should not be hard to fashion.

SwordMaster: That wouldn't work. They know me too well. Listen, I've gone without meals before, this will give me more time to focus on my upcoming match.

Chizu: Should we bring back any food for you?

SwordMaster: No, thank you.

Yami: Fine... but what are you wanted for, anyway?

SwordMaster: I'd rather not say.

~Later, Yami Yoshi, SwordMaster, AaronGuy, Chizu, Kantii, and Ihsay have arrived in Talon, where they visit Generic Fast Food Restaurant. After ordering, they sit down at a windowside booth, and are now "enjoying" their Generic Burgers (patent pending).~

AaronGuy: You guys better pay me back...

~And before anyone can answer Aaron, a giant flame sweeps through the aisle next to the booth for a few seconds. Then the flame recedes until it is nothing and the source of the flame is visible: a cigarette. The one holding that cigarette is a man clothed and disguised fully in black. The other two black clothed men stand behind him, also holding cigarettes.~

Author: Yami Yoshi

~The middle man reaches into his trenchcoat pocket and pulls out his wallet.~

Middle Man: ~flips open wallet~ Chief Sigmund, leader of Talon’s police force. I apologize for interrupting your lunches, but I believe we have a wanted criminal in here… ~to Sword Master~ So, swordsman…you had the guts to show your face here again…I won’t let escape this time...DIE!!

Aaron Guy: ~jumps up~ Wait a second! What exactly did Sword Master do?!

Sigmund: Your friend has committed a very serious crime. You see, h—


~A Dark Egg flies into Sigmund’s face and explodes. Sigmund’s hat, shades, and cigarette are sent flying.~

Yami Yoshi: ~hiding behind a bench~ Bullseye!

Aaron Guy: ~angrily~ Yami Yoshi! You didn’t have to—

Sigmund’s Voice: I’m placing you under arrest, lizard…

~Unharmed, Sigmund steps out from the cloud of smoke, adjusts his hat and shades, and lights another cigarette.~

Sigmund: Attacking an officer is a serious offense and is punishable by death. I’m also arresting your friends as well.

Kantii: Kraaaaaw?!?

Sigmund: You guys seem like you’re in the same league with the swordsman and the lizard…keep in mind, I am only doing this for the safety of my town…

Chizu: B-but…officer!

Sigmund: There will be no need for a trial…I’ll incinerate you all right now!


Author: Yami Yoshi

Aaron Guy: Ugh…is it possible for us to eat somewhere PEACEFUL?

Sword Master: Hey, it’s Yami Yoshi’s fault we were kicked out of Goren’s restaurant…

Yami Yoshi: And it’s your fault we were kicked out of Generic Burger!

Sword Master: What?! If you hadn’t attacked the chief of the police force and blown up restaurant, we would’ve been able to resolve things peacefully!

Yami Yoshi: ~rolls eyes~ Okay, “Mr. Wanted Criminal Guy”…whatever you say…

Chizu: Umm…sorry to interrupt you guys, but…where’s Ihsay?

Sword Master & Yami Yoshi: What?!

Kantii: ~gasps~ That’s right! Ihsay wasn’t with us when we were hurtling through the air!


  • Kantii grabs SwordMaster while Yami has Chizu and AaronGuy hold onto his back. He then stretches out his tongue to grab the top of a radio tower. He then retracts his tongue, towing himself and his passengers to the tower. They then climb down and meet with Kantii and SwordMaster on the ground before they dash back towards the mansion.*

Yami Yoshi: So that means…she’s still somewhere in Talon!

Aaron Guy: Should we go back and find her?

Yami Yoshi: It’s too dangerous! We can’t go back!

Sword Master: …I’m going.

Yami Yoshi: What?! Why do you want to go back all of a sudden?!

Sword Master: We promised that we’d help her find her brother. Breaking someone’s promise is a severe violation of the Swordsman’s Code…and I believe it was you who made that promise for us…

Yami Yoshi: ~sweatdrop~ B-but…I was hungry…and I wasn’t paying attention…and... ~notices glares from the other OGers~ All right, fine! But if we die, it’s all Sword Master’s fault!

~The OGers turn around and head back to Talon.~

Author: Golem

~Under the ruins of the Generic Burger lies a silvery tube that slides one underground. At the other end is Ihsay, who comes sliding out of the tube from the ceiling feet first into Sooty Gato Diablo's back. Sooty Diablo stumbles forward while dropping a key, and Ihsay finds herself to be in a sooty room with huge sewing machines and a worn-out Renn looking a tad sooty himself. Renn waits for Sooty Skelegon, Hades, and Aeroskull to move, but they stand still.

Sooty Diablo's right arm turns into a sword, and he slashes it backwards as he turns to face Ihsay, keeping the blade horizontal. As she takes her golden chain off, Ihsay jumps over the slash and lands on the blade; Sooty Diablo flips the blade to an upward vertical position, flipping Ihsay as well, but she whips her chain onto the blade while holding onto the chain's nametag part. Using the blade as the center for centripetal force, she swings her body into a kick into Sooty Dialo's chest.

Renn pumps his legs into a horizontal leap towards the key. Sooty Aeroskull moves in place to just behind the key and blows a gust of wind at Renn, throwing him off balance and backwards into Sooty Hades, who glows red with heat. Renn's upper back touches Sooty Hades' lower legs and Renn rolls to the side, gritting his teeth in pain. The part of his shirt that touched Hades is scorched. Renn jumps upward and grabs onto the top of a nearby sewing machine. Sooty Hades tries to catch Renn's legs, but he swings them forward, flinging himself at Sooty Aeroskull. Sooty Aeroskull again blows a gust of wind Renn's way, throwing Renn off balance and off trajectory. He lands standing on his hands right next to the key, snatches it up, and flings himself up again. He is hit with another gust of wind, this time towards Sooty Skelegon, who grabs him and holds him tightly. Sooty Skelegon throws Renn straight into Sooty Hades. Renn pulls his legs tight to him and kicks them out straight at Sooty Hades, who grabs Renn's feet. At that moment, Ihsay's chain hits Sooty Hades in the head, causing him to stumble backward and drop Renn.

Renn makes a run for the door in the back of the room and towards Sooty Diablo. Just before Renn and Diablo can meet in combat, Ihsay throws some string from a sewing machine around Diablo's torso from behind, restraining him temporarily. Renn leaps horizontally again, this time holding the key in front of him. The key is absorbed by the wall, which opens up. Inside are five shelves on each wall, both left and right, each holding countless amounts of soda cans. The room looks endless.~

Renn: Now, to find the soul those tuneless idiots took from me!

~Elsewhere, at the ruins of Generic Burger...~

Chizu: She's not under that rubble, is she...?

SwordMaster: I'm afraid there's only one way to find out.

~The OGers start lifting up pieces of rubble. SwordMaster lifts up one piece and finds a strange shiny green tube jutting out a little bit from the ground, big enough to fit an entire person.~

SwordMaster: Hey guys,--

Sigmund: Freeze right where you are, all of you!

~SwordMaster throws the piece of rubble he had just picked up at Sigmund and his men. Six other men come from all around the OGers, all with cigarettes.~

SwordMaster: C'mon, down the tube!

~SwordMaster hops in the tube, and the others follow. They arrive moments later on the steps leading into the basement of Goren's mansion. The OGers arrive just in time to see Harold running towards them with four guards chasing him.~

Harold: It's me!! Culex!!

~The OGers then hear someone sliding down the tube and hop down the stairs some. Out of the tube pops Sigmund.~

Author: Fred

Sigmund: Mr. Yoshi, Welcome back. We... Missed you.

AaronGuy: Great impression. I mean even grate. But, uh, we sorta need some alone time. It's kind of important.

Sigmund: No, no, no, I don't do this for a paycheck. If I don't get you, someone worse will. After getting me.

(He spits out the cigarette and lights up three corn-cob pipes)

Sigmund: I'm a man with nothing to lose, and-

Harold: That's super. Anyone want to give Culex a helping hand? Even a leg?

(Chizu attacks one of the guards on Harold and smashes him with the heel, in the side of the neck, breacking it and sending him sprawling. On he descent she sweeps the other two in mid-air, and then loudly plays a flute, sending them flying into a neat pile in the corner)

Harold: Wow, I feel so mediocre.

(Sigmund smashes YY in the cheek with his arm, sending him sprawling. SwordMaster lunges, but Sigmund sidesteps, and steps on him. The other two officers dive both-fists-leading into SwordMaster on diagonals simutaeneously. SM falls to the ground.)

Yami Yoshi: Where do all these skilled people keep coming from? We beat bloody Ajukin, and there are still matches for our talents?

SM: (wheezing) I guess we've gotten complacent.

(AaronGuy throws a pot at a suspening wire for a ceiling lamp, landing it on Sigmund's head, trapping him in a perfect fit. Kantii chops a guy in the stomach, and then throws him out the hallway window. The last policeman leaps at them, angrily, but he is intercepted by Chizu's jump kick, which landed on the man's stomach area, and made a gaping hole.)

Sigmund: No matter, time to use the tools I was given. Mastery of law!
(Sigmund throws a pellet on the ground that explodes and creates a 10-foot sphere around Sigmund and the OGers. Harold is exempt.)

YY: Yeah, you've um, outdone youself?

Sigmund: You fools! This is the ultimate weapon. Anything within this area is mine to command. Now, destroy yourselves!
(The OGers' bodies are unable to be controlled (as well as their mouths, like it should be) and they begin to smash themselves. Even SwordMaster's wrecked body is able to pull out it's sword and cut itself even more.) Now do you see? I cannot be stopped! Though, I do have to wait to be let out.

Author: AaronGuy

Harold: ~standing outside the sphere seeing the OGers beat themselves up~ ~clenches fists~ That cur... No upholder of the law should use such distgusting methods. I need to get them out of there! ~charges toward the sphere, and bounces back~ ~gets up, and pounds on it with his fists~ Stupid non-Varunian body!

Sigmund: Scram, blondie! It'll take more force than that to burst my 'Sphere of Influence'. You should mark yourself lucky you didn't get caught in the blast, so why not just limp off before I get out of here and destroy you too?

Harold: ~narrows eyes~ More force, eh? I don't know what's going to happen to this body if I use my powers. It might just disintegrate right here. But I need to do something... ~holds up his hands~ This is for you, guys! FLAMES OF ARTEMIS!

~A constant stream of fire shoots out of Harold's palms, engulfing the sphere. The sphere seems to be flattening out on one side, imploding on itself. Finally, with a loud POP, the sphere explodes into small sparkles of dust, that quickly dissipate.~

Harold: So... I survived after all... ~slumps to his knees~ ~both of his hands are badly burned~

Sigmund: No! No no no no no NO! That must have been hotter than the SUN to destroy the sphere!

Harold: Nah, the Sun isn't as hot as Artemis. Now then... Fist of Orion! ~swings his arm weakly~

~A small blue clump of energy spirals across the room, striking Sigmund in the chest. He lurches backwards, bangs his head against the ground, and passes out~

Harold: Urgh.. I hope I don't have to do this again for a while...

Author: Yami Yoshi

Yami Yoshi: Hey! You’re that blonde freak who attacked GORE and I in the first tournament game! What are you doing saving us all of a sudden?

Aaron Guy: Wait a second…Flames of Artemis…Fist of Orion…those are Culex’s moves! Are you……

Harold: ~nods~

Aaron Guy: But…how?! Did you switch bodies…or something?

Harold: I’m not sure exactly sure how it happened either…the last thing I remembered was getting knocked out by Verde’s exploding stars….when I regained consciousness, I was suddenly inside of this body!

Aaron Guy: I see…do you know what happened to your normal body?

Harold: I do not know…it is probable that this “Space Harold” fellow’s soul is inside of my normal body at the moment…

Aaron Guy: Crap…we gotta find your body as soon as possible before Harold decides to wreck havoc and cause innumerable damage with it!

Sword Master: Wait! What are we going to do about Ihsay?

Yami Yoshi: ~sighs~ We still haven’t eaten lunch…

Author: Golem

Goren: ~standing at the top of the stairs~ Who said you could go snooping around in my basement with people who should be seeing the Arcanist?

AaronGuy: Hey, we're innocent. We came here through a tube to escape this guy. ~points to unconscious Sigmund~

Goren: Sigmund, mm? I'll give him a talking-to about disturbing my tournament... We've had this kind of trouble before. Don't worry about it, and go on down through the hall. Take the door straight at the end of the hall, and don't even think about entering any other doors. You may not be able to see them, but my guards are ready to kill. You ~gestures to Harold~, come with me.

Harold: ~steps further up the stairs~ And what if I don't want to?!

~A metal wall slams down on the stairs and separates Goren, Sigmund, and Harold from the rest of the OGers.~

Yami: Stand back!

~The other OGers jump down off the stairs, and Yami hurls a Dark Omelette at the door. Nothing happens.~

SwordMaster: Let's go down into that door at the end of the hall.

AaronGuy: Probably a trap!

SwordMaster: We don't have time to deal with more guards, it's the best we can do considering how little time we have!

~The OGers rush down the hall, left undisturbed by the supposedly existent guards. From a few yards away, when close enough, Yami busts open the door in front of him with a Dark Omelette.~

Chizu: Was that necessary?

Yami Yoshi: Mm, not really.

~...And before the OGers lies the room with sewing machines. Ihsay tangles with the Sooty MPVP members while Renn scrambles in the back room.~

Author: Yami Yoshi

Yami Yoshi: What the hell?! MPVP members?!

Kantii: “MPVP” members?

Sword Master: The Most Powerful Villains Period, an evil organization comprised of the most powerful villains in the universe. The MPVP was bent upon universe conquest until the other OGers and I defeated their leader, Emperor Akujin…I have no idea how these villains managed to survive after we killed them…

Yami Yoshi: I guess we’ll have is to kill them again!

~The Sooty Aeroskull hovers above the OGers releases a swarm of winged-skulls from its mouth. The swarm flies towards the OGers while firing red lasers from their eyes.~

Yami Yoshi: Egg Shield!

~A translucent Yoshi Egg surrounds Yami Yoshi and deflects the incoming lasers. The skulls are shattered to smithereens as their own lasers pierce through their fragile bodies.~

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

~Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg into Aeroskull’s open mouth, which blasts the black and white bone monster to bits.~

Yami Yoshi: There’s one down!

~Meanwhile, Sooty Diablo breaks free from his sewing machine string binding and extends his claws at Sword Master. Sword Master rolls beneath the metal swords and drives his own sword into Sooty Diablo’s chest.~

Sooty Diablo: …

~Sooty Diablo twitches for a few seconds before his stone body crumbles into dust.~

Sword Master: What the…?!

Author: Golem

AaronGuy: They're cheap fakes! ...I think!

~As Diablo crumbles, Ihsay becomes visible through the dust.~

SwordMaster: Ihsay!

Ihsay: Watch out behind you!

~SwordMaster jumps backwards to face Sooty Hades, who was behind him. Sooty Hades' hands glow red with heat as he charges towards SwordMaster, who merely holds his sword up and waits. AaronGuy slides in from behind Sooty Hades and trips him up, making the sooty warrior land on his back as AaronGuy jumps up. SwordMaster plunges his sword directly into Hades' chest, and he twitches before crumbling just as Sooty Diablo did. Ihsay picks through the remains for her tag.

Not far away, Yami Yoshi tangles with Sooty Skelegon. Yami throws a Dark Egg squarely at Skelegon's head, but he merely hops up, allowing the dark egg to pass through his rib cage. He then comes back down, swiping his claws at Yami. Yami backs up to dodge, but the Dark Egg explodes behind Skelegon, sending him faster into Yami than expected. Ihsay dashes in and blocks the claws with her tag, sending Skelegon's arm wayward as he tumbles into Ihsay, and they both fall on the ground, Ihsay in Skelegon's rib cage. She holds him down.~

Ihsay: Aim at his head! I'll be fine!

~Skelegon struggles, but Ihsay holds him tight, and a Dark Egg lands squarely on his head, exploding upon impact--Sooty Skelegon's head explodes, and his spinal cord fails to hold itself together. Ihsay stands up through the remains.~

Author: Fred

(Ishay rises as she pants heavily. She rests her arm on the wall)

Yami: Okay, now I'm really hungry. From Hungary.

Kantii: Super. Well, whomever they are, they are certainly intimidating.

SwordMaster: What is this? A resistance? Clones? Made of soot? Why here, of all places?

Chizu: And also perplexing are Sigmund's motives.

AaronGuy: Yeah, it's pretty obvious even to me that something far, far stranger than what we've formerly even jokingly fathomed is going on.

Yami: That's great and all, but this stomach is running on empty, and-

Ishay: We originally thought it was about the disappearances, and while Goren and his investors are shady, dangerous, and certainly something to look out for, the mysterious men, reoccuring enemies-

Yami: They're always around. Let's eat, come on!

SwordMaster: and what Verde said about America and thewestern hemisphere. Truly an enigma in all parts.

Yami: We're eating something, or I'm eating all of you!

Everyone else: Yeah, food sounds great...

(Meanwhile, back at the ranch (dressing), with Sigmund bound to a uncomforTable rack(tm))

Goren: Trying to replace some fighters and do some undercover work, hm, agent #03124?

Sigmund: We're taking you down, Goren. The Chinese secret police represent the public who need a say in these matters, too commonly resolved by strange individuals.

Goren: You know what this is about, and why it's happening. Earth is our world. All the forces out there, are going to try to crush us eventually, so why are we fighting ourselves? We must unite and crush them so that we are so large that no one can fathom an attack on us.

Sigmund: This is a fighting tournament, where you absorb people from your planet and turn them to energy. Not a good argument.

Goren: Unification. Plus, the ends justify the means. You must be pretty dense if you've neglected to notice the men showing up in threes. I mean, they show up on like every page! Action must occur soon.

Sigmund: (He knows about them? I mustn't let him comprehend our ties) We are realitively unclear about them. The sad part of the plans is that everything hinges on Yami Yoshi and GORE. They're our competition, but our plans are hopeless without them.

Goren: Funny you should bring them up. However, one more question is to be raised regarding the plot devices.

Sigmund: What!

Goren: I am interested in the status of the elusive United States, Verde, Saru, and Miss Ingrid. Tell me everything.

Author: Yami Yoshi

Yami Yoshi: All right! We’ve found Ihsay…now let’s find a way outta here!

Voice: Hehehe…it seems you OGers have defeated the MPVP golems…

~The Dragon Familiar and the Figure hover above the central sewing machine.~

Dragon Familiar: My master and I are quite impressed with your skills. With your souls, not only would we have an unstoppable army…we would no longer have to fork over thousands for Goren’s collection of souls…

Yami Yoshi: What the hell are you talking about?! Who are you?!

Dragon Familiar: My name is Abaddon…and this is my master, the Arcanist.

Ihsay: “Goren’s collection of souls”? What is that?

Abaddon: Hehehe…you don’t know? Goren collects the souls of dead tournament participants and traps them inside this machine hidden deep inside his mansion...

Ihsay: ~thinking~ Then my brother’s soul must be trapped inside that machine! Oh, Ihsoy…I’ll save you and bring you home at last! ~aloud~ Where is this machine located?

Abaddon: Hehe…fool…do you think we know the answer? If we did, then we wouldn’t have to save up our Generic Burger salary and purchase only one lousy soul per year…

Kantii: What do you guys need souls for?

Abaddon: My master practices a powerful but forbidden form of alchemy called “Homunculus Creation”. By taking materials, like elements, compounds, and even pre-made items, my master can create a creature. However, such creations, mindless and soulless, are poorly held together, and take little effort to kill. However, with addition of a soul, an interesting thing happens. The creature takes on a shape similar to the body the soul once inhabited. It is stronger, faster, and more intelligent. A soul placed in a body made by the my master though, is forced to do his/her bidding, just like any other soulless monster…

Kantii: I see.

Arcanist: …

Abaddon: Well, my master grows tired of waiting. It’s time for you all to die and relinquish your souls. We’ve picked an appropriate opponent who will bring about your end…attack them, Emperor Akujin!

Author: AaronGuy

~Holding his/her arms up, the Arcanist hovers over the large sewing machine, and the large clutter of various materials surrounding it. As the objects begin to glow, Abaddon breathes a large mass of black flame around the machine, setting some parts alight with a strange black glow that offsets the uniform white one created by the Arcanist. The materials quickly move into one another, before surging upward like a geyser. There's a loud explosion, and a cloud of soot. Finally, a sooty, unkept Akujin stands before the OGers, his sunglasses at an awkward angle showing two unfocused white eyes~

Yami: I have to admit, that was impressive. But we killed those sooty MPVP members in a fraction of the time it took to kill the REAL ones, so Akujin will only take two, maybe three posts to kill, tops.

Abaddon: Ah, but how do you define if someone is real or not? It all is defined by their soul...

Arcanist: ~Holds up a misshapen red orb-Akujins soul. He/She places in on Sooty Akujins head, where it quickly merges into his body~

~Akujin's eyes flicker red for a moment, before taking on the color constantly. Scowling, he pushes his sunglasses over his eyes as he shakes the soot off his body~

Akujin: So, OGers... we meet again.

Gore: Oh, for the love of...

AaronGuy: Please, this Akujin is made of a sewing machine! He can't POSSIBLY be as powerful as the old one!

Akujin: Well, why not test that theory out? Let's go!


Sigmund: It's not a pretty sight past the Prime Meridian of the world. On one hand, Team Rocket Omega had stuck quickly and fiercely enough during the confusion around 2018 that they were able to take over America with little trouble. On the OTHER hand, another power, lead by someone who calls himself Gamechamp, has been wreaking havok all across North and South America. He hasn't been taking over much land, but it's assumed he has a base in Mexico.

Goren: And this Verde...

Sigmund: He's a former General of the United States Army. Also has a background in engineering. Mostly uses experimental weaponry. He seems to be here in order to find aid to get rid of Team Rocket.

Goren: And Miss Ingrid?

Sigmund: ~sighs~ We dunno. Some think she's here to escape Team Rocket, others think she's here to try and take over Europe. What IS known is she isn't human.

Goren: Interesting. How about Saru?

Sigmund: Well, why don't you ask him? I figure talking gorillas can't be that easy to come by, so you might have a LOT to talk about.

Goren: ~growls~ I just might kill you when this is all done, Sigmund, if I don't right now...

Sigmund: ~steps back~ Y-yes, well... I better be going.

Author: Yami Yoshi

Yami Yoshi: W-wait a second! How the hell did your soul survive after we destroyed it in the X-Cloud?!

Akujin: Heh heh heh…you didn’t destroy my soul…though my body and Akujin Eye were completely obliterated, my soul remained intact. I followed you OGers all the way back to the new Earth and was thinking about how I would have my revenge when I was sucked into a vacuum cleaner by a strange monkey man. Before I knew it, I was deposited into this machine and was floating amongst a sea of several other captured souls…

Ihsay: That must’ve been the soul machine! Do you remember where it was?

Akujin: Do not interrupt me. Anyways, a few days later, I was finally released from the machine, imprisoned inside this red sphere, and was sold to these two inferior beings…

Arcanist: …

Abaddon: Heh heh…I’d watch my tongue if I were you, Akujin. My master can easily dispose of your soul at any time.

Akujin: That is Emperor Akujin, you foolish mortal. And besides, you wouldn’t want to throw ten million euros down the drain now, would you?

~Abaddon mutters something under his breath, the words “Generic Burger” distinctively heard.~

Akujin: Heh heh heh...that’s better. Still, I must thank the Arcanist for giving me the opportunity to finally have my revenge on you OGers.

Yami Yoshi: Oh yeah? You won’t stand a change against us without your third eye!

Akujin: True...however, though I do not possess my Akujin Eye, this will be a plus seeing how it led to my defeat in the last battle. Prepare yourselves OGers…for a one-way trip…to hell!

Yami Yoshi: Pssh…that threat is so clichéd…PREPARE TO DIE, AKUJIN!

Sword Master: ~rolls eyes~

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