Halloween Haunter 3 Page 8

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Pages in the Holiday Goers: Halloween Haunter Archive
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Vorpal *standing in the shadows*: Hmm, It's Friday the 13th. I remeber this day well.

Ditto: Hey, Vorp! What about you?

Vorpal: Haven't you noticed I'm in a costume already?

YM: But, it's the same one you've been wearing for . . . ever!

Vorpal: Fine, *Vorpal punches Guss, Ges, Gusapi, whatever*

Magikoopa: Very interesting.

Vorpal: So how do you like it?

Ditto: Looks about the same. We need to get you a fashion consultant.

Vorpal: Okay, how about this?

Mr. Predict: It's still the same!!!!

Vorpal: Why won't it work on me?

Ditto: Hey, you're not Vorpal!!!

Narrator: Vorpal removes his mask and reveals himself as . . . Pluto, Lord of the Semi-Underworld!

Meowth: D'oh! I thought we got rid of him!!

Pluto: When Vorpal went unconcious while fighting Dittojuice, I acted as if I were him.

Golem: So where is he?

Pluto: He's in the semi-underworld.

Ditto: You killed him?

Pluto: No you fool! He was there when he went unconcious!!!!!

Ditto: Oh, makes since.


Narrator: Saph is in the Semi-Underworld

Saph: I think I dropped something down here. *sees Vorpal* Vorpal!!! I thought you were up in Rocketsville with Magikoopa and the others.

Vorpal: Ughh, Where's the Vorpal sword?!?!?!


Saph: I... dunno...

Narrator: The two watch in awe as a minion of the Underworld grabs the sword, and gains unlimited power.

Minion: I, #$&@, SHALL RULE THE WORLD!!!

Narrator: And, he flies up into the real world...

Ditto McCloaker[edit]

Ditto: AAAccckk! Is this Halloween Party a go or not?

Everyone: ...

Ditto: MAN. Doesn't anyone around here wanna party?

~goes and sulks in a corner~

Ditto: Women. One day they wanna dance wit'cha, the next day they'll go to the Semi-Underworld just to get away from 'ya. I guess it was the Tuxedo Mask outfit.

~Suddenly, a huge crack appears in the floor. It opens up and out emerges... uh...

*&%!: Call me "Muerto!" It means the opposite of "Geno!"

Ditto: Sure, fine. Wreck the whole thing.

Muerto: ??? ...But, I'm evil!

Ditto: Who cares? I try to do some'in nice, and noone notices. Blow the whole thing sky high.

Muerto: You're... *blinks* not even gonna try to thwart me?

Ditto: That's right.

Muerto: Not even a little thwart? *measures with his thumb and forefinger*

Ditto: Nope.

Muerto: Just like that. I can just blast everyone here into subatomic particles.

Ditto: Knock yourself out.


Muerto: I could reduce everyone to subatomic particles... but instead, I'm gonna have a party that's way cooler!

Dry Bones: Look! Muerto's having a party!

Dude: Quick! Everybody, get down!

Everybody gets down.... and funky, that is. an entire dance-club party begins, complete with DJ and disco ball.

Ditto: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!


Ditto: AAAAHH!!!

Dry Bones: Ditto! Wake up and enjoy the party you started, man!

Thwomp: Yeah! This is the best party ever!

Golem: We should have more of these in the Party Goers! series.

[needle scratches record, everyone stares at Golem]

Golem: Nah, not really.

all: [laughing]

Dry Bones: That wasn't funny.


Golem: What plotpoints will there be if EVERYONE (including the bad guy that's supposed to be chasing us around town) is partying? "I got a stain on my shirt"?

Everyone: ...
Just shut up.

DB: Don't you dare make us run out one by one like we did in the IHOP!

Meowth: We were the ones that started the chain.

DB: Well... UMMMM... :lookout:


Vorpal: Let's get out of here!

Sapphire: Good idea. I feel bad for leaving now, it was just getting a little weird up there. *shrug* And then I ended up down here.

Vorpal: Uh, how do we get back up?

Sapphire: Don't we take the route that that weird guy just took?

Vorpal: I guess... but how?


Saph: Use this!

Narrator: Saph takes out an Escape Rope.

Saph: You never know when cheap Pokémon items may come in handy!


They fly up. . . up. . . to the nearest pokémon center 600 miles away.

Vorpal: D'oh!


Nurse Joy: Do you need anything?

Saph: Yeah... do you--

Vorpal: ~whispering to Saph~ NO! Don't get directions!

Vorpal: It's so HUMILIATING!


Narrator: Once more, Masamune and his recently introduced Dactyl find that once more they have been abandoned...

Masamune: Ok! I'm mad! Time for some gatecrashing!

Dactyl: *nods* Aeeerrooo!

Masamune: Yes... we'll gatecrash on their party and ruin it! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!


A familiar skeleton steps into the Center with his Haunter. Nurse Joy turns pale.

Dry Bones: Hey! I taught my Haunter how to Thunderbolt a few days ago, but now it won't do it!

Joy: ....

Dry Bones: Oh, right. the skeleton thing.

MagiKoopa leaves the Dry Bones; it falls to a heap on the ground. Koopa makes himself visible and audible.

Vorpal: How come you're just now doing this?

MagiKoopa: Anyway, what's wrong with my Haunter?

Joy: It's Thunderbolt move must've been disabled during a battle. Don't worry, we'll have it back to normal in no time.

Brock just happens to walk by. Koopa posesses him.

Brock: [Koopa's voice] Wow! You're the prettiest nurse yet!

Koopa hastily exorcises himself from Brock and posesses Nurse Joy.

Joy: Why, thank you! [kisses Brock]

Brock: ... [turns red and faints]

MagiKoopa exorcises himself from Joy.

MagiKoopa: yecch! bleah! ptu!

Joy: I don't know what came over me! Anyway, your Haunter will be good as new in no time.

Nurse Joy heals Koopa's Haunter. Koopa, along with his Haunter, each grab Sapphire and Vorpal and float to Indianapolis, where everyone's waiting.

Golem: Odd... I don't remember how we got here.


Vorpal: Hey! You don't have to carry me, I've got a Scyther. Stryke! Go!

Stryke: Scyther!

Saph: You named your Scyther after yourself.

Vorpal: Actually, I named myself after my Scyther.

Saph: Huh?

Vorpal: Never mind.

Narrator: The four . . .

Stryke: SCYTH!

Narrator: Err. . . five arrive in Indianapolis.

Vorpal: What are we doing in Indianapolis?

Golem: What's worse, I don't even know where we were when this story started.


Masamune and Dactyl have now landed on the roof of some random Indianapolis building...

Masamune: Ooh! Now I can get revenge on Vorpal for no apparent reason! With this Metal Coat... I will evolve his Scyther into a Scicor! Thus making it a Steel/ Bug Pokemon and not a Flying type! *cackles menacingly*


Masamune: Squawk?

Dactyl: Aaeerrroooo!!

Masamune: Better!

Vorpal: Hmm... Stryke, let's climb up this building...

Saph: ... why?

Vorpal: ... something is calling me...

Golem: *sighs* I told you not to eat those burritos before we started this topic!

Vorpal: *frowns* Sorry... Well let's go!

Scyther rams its scythes into the building and climbs, with Vorpal on its back. The others stay below...

Masamune: Boo!

Vorpal: Boo? Was that meant to be scary?

Masamune: Nope, it was a distraction while my Goonie Birds tie up your Scyther and put a metal coat on it!

Vorpal: Metal coat?

Masmaune: Yes! *grabs a Pokeball, which now contains Scyther and begins to roll it through the Poke-Trader*

Vorpal: Noooooooo!!!

Narrator: ??? What!? You want me to make something up and save his Scyther? Good grief!


Vorpal: Vorpal, Go!

Saph: (from street below) You called that one after yourself?

Vorpal: Uh, yeah.

Masamune: Heh, heh . . .

Vorpal PKMN: Mewtwo!

Masamune: D'oh! Dactyl, Get out there!

Dactyl: Aero!

Vorpal: Vorpal, use Blizzard!

Vorpal P: Mew!

Narrator: What's this? Oh! major damage!

Masamune: Eep!

Pages in the Holiday Goers: Halloween Haunter Archive
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