Member OG 4 Page 12

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Episode 102: "To Idej Volcano! (Finally!)" by Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Okay, it's about time we get along to the Idej volcano. Dark Jim and the battle can wait until a future OG. Right now, we need to finish this one up.

Introbulus: Yes! We've got all three artifacts!

Fusion: We do?

Introubulus: Er, I think so...

Jim: Whatever, let's just get over to the Idej Volcano already! We've already wasted enough time with pitiful fight scenes and unusual plot development!

YY: (Whisper) What's with him? (/Whisper)

Introbulus: (Whisper) Probably just general anger from being evi...(/whisper) GASP!

(Everyone looks towards Yami Yoshi.)

YY: ...What?

Pharoah: You're alive?

YY: Of course I am! I was fortunate enough to have a 1-Up mushroom when I was thrown into the blades!

Jim: Well, that makes just about as much sense as anything else around here...

Introbulus: Right, well then, to Idej Volcano!

Narrirator: Now that our heroes probably have the three artifacts(OOC: The already had one from Dark Jim, if you recall, and they just got two more), will they arrive at Idej Volcano without any more dangerous encounters?

Jim: We're here!

Narrirator: What? But how?...

Phil: I used a plot device, you simple mamalian!

Everyone: O.O

Phil: ...Er, I mean, I like socks?

Jim: ...Whatever. Hey mystic guardian! Are these the three artifacts we needed to enter Idej Volcano?

Mystic Guardian: Well, let's just have a look-see! (observes the artifacts)...Oh! I'm sorry! That's incorrect!

Gore: What!?! But we've been trying to get these things for PAGES! How can you say "no" now?

Mystic Guardian: I'm sorry, but...wait, aren't you Gore-Illa?

Gore: Uhh, yeah?

Mystic Guardian: Oh! Then you get in for free! I assume these fellows following you are your allies?

Gore: Well, you could say that...

Mystic Guardian: They get in free too!

Jim: Wait, you mean to tell us that all we had to do was show you Gore, and we wouldn't have had to do ANY of that crazy stuff we just did?

Mystic Guardian: Yup! That's the scheme!

YY: ...(faints)

Jim: ...Whatever. Let's go in!

(All the OGers pile through the gateway to IdejVolcano, taking no note of the five robots that follow close behind, unnnoticed by the mystic Guardian)

To be continued...

OOC: Sorry about not being here for awile. I've been recently busy.

Episode 103: "Battlefield Set" by GORE-ILLA[edit]

OoC: Alright, let's get ready...the end is near.

And so, the heroes approach when suddenly...

Greatluigi: Not so fst!

GORE: *sigh* Not again....

Fred: Fight now!

Yami Yoshi: Sure, sure...

GreatLuigi: I will fight GORE!

Chaos: Save Fusion for me!

Dark Jim: Remember our battle, Introbulus?

Fred: I'll fight BSD!

Sephnity: The Yami Yoshis are mine!

Koopa: And that leaves me with Sword Master.

Jim: I feel so lonely....

Yami Yoshi: Alright! Big battle time!

GORE: (thinking) Wait! Where are Lupus and Dark GORE? I should focus on my battle, first. They'll turn up eventually. (/thinking)

OoC: Leave Mecha-Dark GORE and Lupus to me.


Episode 104: "Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh Versus Sephnity!" by Yoshiyami[edit]

Sephnity: You two are goin' down old skool!

OoC: Remember Sephnity is the spirit of the Ruby of Popularity? (I doubt any of you do but oh well *big cheezy grin* )

Yami Yoshi: You're no match for us! We'll easily destroy you!

Pharaoh: Take this!

*The Pharaoh throws a punch at Sephnity. Sephnity evades the punch and slams a skateboard into the Pharaoh's face knocking him face-first into the sand*

Sephnity: That ain't cool tryin' to hurt me! I'm gonna beat the shizznet outta ya! Time for me to use ma...CHAIN-CHUCKS!

*Sephnity pulls out a chain and swings it in a poser-ish type of fasion. He hops on his hovering skateboard and starts beating the Pharaoh with it*

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at Sephnity. The egg knocks Sephnity into a palm tree*

Sephnity: Whatcha hittin' me fo'? I'm gonna spike ya good with ma...HAIR SPIKE CANNON!

*Sephnity pulls of his cloak revealing his red-dyed spiked hair. Sephnity fires the spikes from his head like missiles and they fly toward Yami Yoshi. The spikes slam into Yami Yoshi cutting his body up*

Sephnity: Yo brothas are wastin' ma time! I'm gonna clean yo' clock right now!

*Sephnity hops on his skateboard and flies toward Yami Yoshi*

Pharaoh: Dark Egg!

*The Pharaoh throws a Dark Egg at Sephnity's skateboard. The skateboard explodes and Sephnity goes flying into the ocean. A few seconds later, Sephnity emerges from the lava sea, his crimson robes burned to a crisp*

Sephnity: Ya burned ma pimpin' cape! ime to use ma ultimate attack...PEER PREESURE BEAM!

*Sephnity fires a beam at the Pharaoh*

Pharaoh: Yo yo yo Yoshi! What's chillin'?

Yami Yoshi: The hell?

Sephnity: Ha ha ha! He is now under MY control!

Pharaoh: Dat's right! I'm parta Sephnity's posse yo!

To Be Continued...

Episode 105: "This is not the way to treat explosive kool-aid." by Fred[edit]

YY: Ah, Crap.

Pharoh: What up brotha? You! (Kicks YY into the air)

YY: Ouch!

Sephinty: Posa beam of Exco-osity! (Fires a gigantic beam of pure idiocy at YY)

YY: Ahh! (Blasts himself away with a dark egg)

Sephinty: You could you dodge my beam, yo? It's time to "rap this guy oldschool"

Pharoh: Yo YO!!! (Throws mummification egg at YY, wrapping him up)

YY: This really, really sucks.

(Pharoh runs in a poser-ish fashion at YY, but is smacked away by YY's toung. Sephinty throws a cool-looking fist, but his attack is ludicrously obvious, and he is also smacked away. YY uses his time smacking them away to wriggle out of the mummification)

YY: Haha!

(YY sucks in the egg's bandages, and spits them out a pharoh, who falls in a disgraceful, pathetic way)

Pharoh: Oh no! That wasn't Mad Skillz! I guess I'll never be cool!

Sephinty: Oh no!

Pharoh: Wait, why the hell do I have chains around my neck? And my shirt is way to big... how can I even wear it?

Sephinty: Damn, now I have lost him... Dat's whack, y'all!

YY: Let's clobber him.

Pharoh: Right with you.

(YY and Pharoh come at Sephinty from opposite directions. Pharoh kicks Sephinty in the stomach while YY's punches of flurries are being blocked by Sephinty's right hand. YY's punches turned out to be a trick, and YY kicks Sephinty in the side whilst he's not looking. Pharoh uppercuts Sephinty in the face. Sephinty falls backwards, and, well, it's alot of jumping and slams, and kicking Sephinty in the face from that point. Sephinty just cannot win. So he loses.)

Sephinty: Damn... Ouch...

Next up is GL vs GORE!

GL: Ha, GORE. Do you think you can win?

GORE: I'm three times your size.

GL: Oh, right.

Episode 106: "An Old Rivalry - GORE-ILLA Vs. GreatLuigi" by GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE-ILLA gets into a fighting stance and stares down GreatLuigi.

GreatLuigi: Ready for the Demon's Scepter?

GORE: As ready as I'll ever be.

The Demon's Scepter emerges from GreatLuigi's arm. He immediately begins swinging it at GORE. He swiftly dodges the swordsman named after a plumber's attacks whie planning his next move. GreatLuigi then slashed horizontally at GORE. He quickly leaped over it and flipped behing GreatLuigi. GORE spun around to face GreatLuigi's back - and in the process gave him a roundhouse kick to the chest. GreatLuigi went flying into a nearby rock, shattering it into pebbles. GreatLuigi got up do his feet and leapt on top of GORE. He quickly pummeled the poor gorilla with punches and sword slashes.

GORE: Ugh...

GreaLuigi: Now, prepare to die! (raises his sword above his head, ready to stab down with all his might.)

GORE: Never.

He quickly uses his legs to kick GreatLuigi off of him and sends him flying nto the air. GORE flies up to him and punches him in the face, sendng him flying over the lava ocean. GORE then appeared above GreatLuigi and bashed him over the head, sending him flying into the lava ocean.

GORE: That's the end of that chapter. I wonder how the others are doing?


Episode 107: "The Better Immortal" by Fusion[edit]

Chaos: So we meet again.

Fusion: Indeed we do.


*Fusion throws a punch at Chaos, who responds with a kick to Fusion's face. Fusion sends a Master Beam at Chaos, who dodges it and sends a blast of his own. Fusion dodges the blast and pulls out a large sword*

Chaos: What the **** is that?

Fusion: The Holy Hyper Blade. It is the most powerful sword of all, and can cut through anything. And I possess the only one in the universe!

Chaos: CHAOS BLADE!!!!

*Chaos whips out a sword of his own. There is a series of clashes, along with a few punches and kicks. Soon, Chaos begins to grow weary*

Chaos: (NO! How could I be worn out by this amateur?)

Fusion: Holy Slash! *slices Chaos's left arm off*

Chaos: ARRRRRRRGH! *holds wounded socket*

*Chaos is severely weakened*

Fusion: Now then, I will spare your life, if you surrender. You could become a powerful ally to the OGers.

Chaos: Never!!

*Chaos picks up his sword with his remaining arm and continues the battle. Soon, they both trip off the edge of a cliff looming over the lava ocean. Fusion and Chaos hold on to the edge for dear life*

Fusion: Chaos, you have only one arm, and you need that to hold on to the edge. Come with me, it is the only way.

*Chaos suddenly grins at Fusion. Then, he surprisingly lets go of the edge. He falls into the lava ocean. Fusion turns away, not wanting to see this. He then climbs back to the top*

Fusion: He chose death over the ways of righteousness. It is too bad that his life had to end in such a miserable way. *walks away to catch up with his friends*