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Episode 36: "The O2 Replicator" by Introbulus[edit]

(Meanwhile, back with the others...)

Jim: Does this cave ever end?

Fusion: Doesn't look like it...

Swordmaster: Damn! We're gonna be stuck in here for the rest of eternity!

(Swordmaster punches his fist into a seemingly-solid wall, which promptly crumbles into dust.)

Fusion: Good job, Swordmaster! Your blind fury found us a way out!

Introbulus: Horay for blind fury!

Swordmaster: Er, right! I meant to do that...

Blue(robot color): Suuuure you did...

Black: Whatever, let's just get out of here already!

(The group travels down the newly-discovered corridore, until they come across a strange mettalic room.)

Swordmaster: What do we have here?

Jim: Apparantly, this was the former-home of a mad scientist at one time.

Blue: Hey guys! Check out what I found!

(Everyone rushes over to where Blue is standing. It's right in front of a large cylinder-shaped pod-like thing.)

Jim: What is it?

Introbulus: It looks like a time-machine of some sort!

Blue: You idiot! How did you even get certified as a mechanic? It's a teleporter! Whatever scientist was here probably used it to escape in case of emergencies...

Jim: Excellent! We can use this to get back outside! With air in his lungs, Yami Yoshi will be up to full power in no time!

Introbulus: What about Gore?

Jim: He should be able to take care of himself.

Introbulus: No, I mean, how is he going to be able to breath?

Green: That shouldn't be a problem if his O2 replicator is functioning.

Introbulus: ...O2 replicator?

Green: Yeah, for creating oxygen in enviornments that lack such a luxury? It's located right between the lungs in all Cyborg-like machines.

Introbulus: Oh, you mean this thing?

(Introbulus holds up a small rectangle-shaped device with holes in it and several cables extending out from it.)


Introbulus: Well, I didn't know what it was, and it didn't seem to be serving any purpouse, so I just removed it...

Green: You idiot! Without that he'll die!

Introbulus: WHAT!?! I've got to get this back in him, and fast!

Fusion: We'll go with you...

Introbulus: No! You have to go on and make sure Yami Yoshi recovers, Gore only needs me to repair him...

Yellow: What about our boss? He's still broken!

Introbulus: The nanites should fix him.

Black: "Nanites"?

Introbulus: Oh yeah, I took the liberty of installing a system of nanites into each of your systems. They'll automatically repair you if you're broken, unless your head is destroyed.

Blue: Then you must've put some nanites in Gore too, correct?

Introbulus: Yeah, but the nanites were programmed to fix Gore at his current state. Back when I first repaired him, in VGF Member OG 2, I removed the O2 Replicator, because I didn't know what it was supposed to do.

Green: Why would you remove a machine that didn't do anything if there wasn't any harm in leaving it there?

Introbulus: To make room for the air-bag, of course!

Fred: Gore has an air-bag?

Introbulus: Well, not anymore. I found out that it was defective, so I removed it.

Jim: Enough of this plot-development! Let's set this plan into action already!

Narrirator: Will Introbulus be able to get back to Gore in time to reinstall his O2 replicator? Will Gore still be in one peice when Introbulus gets back? Why the heck did the author write this into the story anyway? Is he lazy?

(lighting strikes the narrirator)

Narrirator: Ahhh! Unexplained lighting! I'm outta here!

(The narrirator runs off)


New Narrirator: Join us next time, for another mind-numbing episode of VGF Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest (Finally!)

OOC: Sorry if this doesn't fit in with your plan for the plot, Gore. I just wanted to move the story along a bit.

Episode 37: "Going Ape (Moral Included)" by GORE-ILLA[edit]

MON: I've waited so long for this day. Finally I will kill you for what you have done! I had bounced off the rotting bodies of my gorilla friends and family to only friend now is Fluffy the Rubber I will avenge them!!

GORE: No...508, you don't understand...this is just a big misunderstanding....

MON: Silence! I've wanted to kill you since the days in the slave camp. And finally I will have my way!

???: Ultimate Prod! (MON-KILL is sent flying back.)

GORE: Introbulus?

Introbulus: That's right. Hang on a sec. (grabs the O2 Generator and attaches it to GORE quickly.)

GORE: Thanks..but get out of here..leave this guy to me..

Introbulus: Alright...I sense you and this gorilla have some personal problem, so I'll leave now. (dashes off)

GORE: (hops to his feet) Whoa! I feel better then ever!

MON: (gets up) Time to die!

MON-KILL dashes at GORE-ILLA and lets off a barrage of punches. GORE dodges the hits with little trouble and uppercuts the scarred monkey when he lets his guar down. MON is sent flying into the cave roof.

MON: (hanging from the high ceiling) I'll get you for that!

MON drops from the ceiling with his leg facing downward like a Falcon Kick. As he fell, the leg was surrounded by flames.

GORE: You have power, but you lack skill.

MON: I am NOT going to let a robot monkey lecture me on how to fight!

Just as MON is about to land on GORE, he steps back and punches MON in the gut as he's an inch above the ground. MON is sent fling through several walls. GORE follows him and winds up outside.

MON: Ah...air. Now I'll really kill you!

GORE: Yeah right. You're all talk.


GORE: Hey, it's a free country...or it was when it was here.

MON: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GORE: BSD could probably beat you if he use all his power.

(a gold aura surrounds him. He screams really, really loud.)

GORE: What - this can't be!

*Elsewhere, in The Flying Monkey II...*

Mecha Dark GORE and Team Monkey sit plotting their next plot and eating cheesecake.

Mecha Dark GORE: (shoots up from his seat) THAT POWER?! IT CANNOT BE!!!!! (flies off)

Mousse: What was that, mon?

Bullwinkle: I don't know, but when he returns, he will find an empty plate! (grabs Dark GORE's food)

*At the island*

MON-KILL stops screaming. He is now gold-furred and has an angry look on his face.

GORE: It can't be...the legendary Super Ape?!

MON: YOU WILL DIE! (a second later, GORE lies on the floor in a bloody puddle.) THE FINISHING BLOW! (charges a high-powered energy ball in his hand.)

GORE: Give me...just one chance to explain...


???: Monkey Missile! (MON is sent flying back again.)


Dark GORE: Yes. i flt the Super Ape and realized I must destroy it before it gets too powerful. (MON recovers and glares at the GOREs.)


Dark GORE: that's the nut from before!

GORE: yes- its Gorilla 508. The only survivor of the Gorilla Army's destruction.

Dark GORE: That hotheads?! Well it looks like we'll have to team up to beat this guy. GORE, you distract him, then I'll attack.

GORE: Alright, but how do I know I can trust you?

Dark GORE: I wanna take out this Super Ape. He poses too much of a threat.

GORE: Okay! (dashes at MON)

GORE gives MON-KILL everything he has in all-out assault. Vines extend froM Dark GORE's arm. Soon, MON-KILL has a bloody GORE-ILLA held above the air by his neck.


Dark GORE: Not so fast! (The four vines wraps around MON's arms and legs. MON is frozen, and jolts of energy travel along the vines to Dark GORE. MON drops GORE.) Ha! Energy drain!

GORE: Good job! So you're gonna join us?

Dark GORE: Are you crazy? (MON-KILL returns to normal; Dark GORE is surrounded by a gold aura.) What makes you think that?

GORE: Well it always happens on TV.

Dark GORE: Well, you shouldn't believe TV! Once I'm doe with him, I'll take you down!

GORE: Hahahaha! That's what they all say!

Dark GORE: I mean it!

GORE: Yeah right!

Dark GORE: That's it! (the vines detach from MON, dropping him to the ground. The vines then wrap around GORE's body, forming a cocoon.) Now I'll show you the problem with television! At last I will absorb you!

GORE: This is the part where someone arrives to save me.

Dark GORE: Ha! Next I'll sacrifice myself to save you!

Suddenly, the vines holding GORE snap and free him.

GORE: Told ya so!

Sword Master: How did I get here?

Dark GORE: I'll ba back! (disappears in classic villain style)

GORE: There will be another time.

Sword Master: It looks like MON-KILL escaped, too!

GORE: Well, we've all learned an important lesson:
Don't put the mustard on the cat!

Disco lights and a rock and roll band appear.

Band: (singing while GORE and SM breakdance) Don't put mustard on the cat!

SM: See ya next time, kids! Have fun and don't do drugs!

(the singers and SM disappear)

GORE: (with no memory of what just happened) I should get back to the others! (races back to the cave)

MON-KILL and Dark GORE have been defeated - for now. but what is the mystery of GORE's past? And what other dangers will our heroes encounter along the path to Idej Volcano Mountain? Find out next time!

Episode 39: "BSD vs Sephnite(2 morals and sneak peek of Episode 40 included)" by Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

At the MPVP HQ.............

Lord Chaos:We should send one of those Sephnit- guys to stop them from helping GORE find out about his past.

King Bob:Yes but who should we choose?


Sephnite appears.

Sephnite*In demonic tone*:Yes my masters?

Qwirtzok:Destroy the OGers! You can choose whoever you want to kill first.

Sephnite:I'll kill BSD first since he killed Sephnitu.

King Bob:Good,now leave.


At the cave.........

Sephnite appears.

Sephnite:The MPVP have sent me to stop you from helping GORE find out about his past And I challenge BSD to a fight.

Pharoah Yami Yoshi:Not if I can help it!

Sephnite:Dark blast!

Pharoah Yami Yoshi is fried by a blast of dark energy.

Pharoah Yami Yoshi:Ouch! That hurt!

Sephnite:Now will you challenge me before I kill him?

BSD:Fine,but the result will end in you being killed

Sephnite:Shut up and fight!

BSD takes out his sword.

BSD:Ready to fight?

Sephnite*In a very dark demonic tone*:Yes.

Sneak peek of Episode 40:

BSD:Prepare for the great beyond Sephnite!

Sephnite:I think not!

BSD:Magma eruption!

Sephnite:Dark Blast!

End Sneak peek of Episode 40.

Today's Morals:

BSD:First Moral:Watching too much Yu Yu Hakusho can give you an overactive imagination.

Sephnite:Second Moral:Never get in an evil ruby spirit's way.

BSD,Sephnite and Pharoah Yami Yoshi:See ya later! And remember kids don't eat pink chicken!

End of Today's Morals.

Episode 40: "A fight, a split up, and a crybaby." by Gamechamp[edit]

OOC: Just to let you know, it looks like you're making Blue the smartest of the Robot Team. Just to let you know, he's just the vehicle person, or at least anything you ride in, and Green is the smart one, not that they're dumb, though.

BSD:Prepare for the great beyond Sephnite!

Sephnite:I think not!

BSD:Magma eruption!

Sephnite:Dark Blast!

Green: Hey, boss, listen...

GC: What is it, Green?

Green: I think I've found a way to get over to the volcano. I've been working on a transportation device for a while, but it's still in the testing periods. We could try it... but something bad may happen...

GC: Well, we'll use it! We're going to do all we can for that treasure! I've long time to rule the Earth! I've done it before, can't you remember the way all the power felt? Being able to just order anything you want... even order people to kill themselves, or else they'd have an even more painful death...

Green: Well... here it goes!

Green and Gamechamp dissappear, nobody notices.


They both appear in a different place.

GC: Ummmmmmmmmm... something's not right...

Then, Ash and Pikachu appear.

GC: Nooooooooooo!!! We've gone to the place of my nightmares!

*flashback to dream*

GC:Roll Call!!!

GREEN:I am green!The mechanic expert,and I do good with using the weapons I make,too!!!

YELLOW:I am Yellow!I like to use my fists to do the talking!

BLACK:I am black!I can sneek on anyone from the dark,and attack with my double swords!

BLUE:I am Blue!If you want me to operate a truck,tank,spaceship,anything!I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower,as long as it has firepower!

GC:And I am Red!The leader of the Robot team!I have every power in the universe!Just call me Gamechamp!

ALL:And we are the robot team!!!

ROBOUTH: Robouth, that's right!

Ash: Pikachu, thundershock!

Pikachu does a thundershock, and the Robot Team + Robouth go blasting off.

ALL: The Robot Team's blasting off agaaaaaaaaain!!!

They dissappear in a star thing which is really just going off into the distance but it appears anyway.


Gamechamp curls up into a ball.

GC: Oh, no! We're all going to blast off again! My life will never be the same again!

Ash: Hey! It's Team Rocket, although Meouth's gone! Those disguises can't fool me!

Green: Relax, we're just regular people who have lost our way, now let's use our transporter devices that should have no questions about because it's perfectly okay for normal things.

Ash: And you say you're normal people?...

GC: Pleash! I don't like turning into a star thing and making a ping noise!

Green: *sigh* And I thought he was the oldest brother of us. Let's just get out of here.

Green uses the device and they dissappear.

What is going on in the fight with BSD and Sephnite? How many worlds will Gamechamp and Green go by until the teleportation device actually works? And most of all: What is with having 3 groups?!?!?!?! Tune in to episode 41 of VGF Members OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest!

Episode 41: "BSD vs. Sephnite fight ends (2 Morals, Episode 42 sneak preview, and interview with Sephnite included)" by Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

The smoke clears and neither took any damage.


Sephnite:How is that possible??!!

BSD:Level up to full power!

BSD turns into BSD4.



An eruption of magma that's four times larger than the last one and it completely burns Sephnite.

Sephnite:Dark bomb!

Sephnite throws a bomb made of dark energy that hits BSD4 and has no effect!


BSD4:Rainbow fireball!!

BSD begins charging a multi-color fireball from his mouth.

Sephnite:Dark laser!

Sephnite shoots a laser made of pure dark energy it hits BSD4 but does no damage.


BSD4 releases a the Rainbow Fireball and it hits Sephnite directly and kills him.

BSD4:Level down!

BSD4 reverts to his normal self.

Pharoah Yami Yoshi gets up.

Pharoah Yami Yoshi:What happened?

BSD:One Sephnite decimated? Check!

At the MPVP HQ............

Qwirtzok:Looks like BSD is a bigger threat than we thought.

King Bob:Yes,and he's a real pest!

Lord Chaos:Now,now fellow comrades we should think of a plan to destroy the OGers!

Today's Morals:

BSD:Moral 1:Never get in my way.

Pharoah Yami Yoshi:Moral 2:Explosions are dangerous.

BSD and Pharoah Yami Yoshi:See ya later and remember kids:Don't eat pink chicken!

End of Today's morals.

Interview with Sephnite:

Interviewer:Sephnite,how was your appearence in VGFMOG4?

Sephnite:Short,but sweet.

Interviewer:Did you know your name sounds like the words:Sith Knight?


Interviewer:One more question before we show the sneak preview:were you surprised when BSD jolted his power up to level 4?


Interviewer:That's all for now!See you next time!

End Sephnite interview.

Sneak peek of Episode 42:

Qwirtzok:We should use one of the Saphnit- rubies which each have an elemental mastery!

Lord Chaos:How about Saphnity the ruby of fire?

King Bob:Good idea.

Qwirtzok:We'll use Saphnity when the time is right and it will be when the OGers are all together.

King Bob:I can't wait that long!

Lord Chaos:Then You'll have to learn the meaning of the word patience!

End sneak preview of Episode 42.

Episode 42: Why Fusion is weaker than others, I have no idea," by Fred[edit]

BSD: Yes, I am the master!

YY: Oh, come on. You can't possibly be unaffected by everything. You didn't even 'friggen block that stuff.

BSD: Sooo?

YY: Sooo, we're trying to keep this story within a decently reasonable fight scenes, so that it's not totally one sided.

BSD: Sooo?

(YY slaps forehead)

(In that place with MPVP)

Qwirtzok:We should use one of the Saphnit- rubies which each have an elemental mastery!

Lord Chaos:How about Saphnity the ruby of fire?

King Bob:Good idea.

Qwirtzok:We'll use Saphnity when the time is right and it will be when the OGers are all together.

King Bob:I can't wait that long!

Lord Chaos:Then You'll have to learn the meaning of the word patience!

King Bob: I hate you all.

Qwirtzok: Don't worry, Bob. I was kidding. That would make no sense at all, whatsoever.

Lord Chaos: But - but - what about villain's honor?

King Bob: Wait, say that again, but do your charlie brown imitation.

Lord Chaos: I hate you all.

Quirtzok: Don't worry, Chaos. I was kidding. That would make no sense at all, whatsoever.

King Bob: Wait, what's going on?

(Quirtzok falls over to reveal a recording tape)

Lord Chaos: He could at least tell us that he's going bowling...

King Bob: Alright, send Saphinty. Let's roll.

(Saphinty appears)

Saphinty: Whaddya want?

Lord Chaos: We wan-

Saphinty: Sum it up! Look, the phone's off the hook, I've got fifty people on fifty lines, the kids are famished, I haven't even started dinner, or lunch, and my favourite episode of Martha Stewart is on! What do you have to say about that?

King Bob: Um, what just happened?

Saphinty: Alright, I'll do it.

Lord Chaos: I haven't said anything.

Saphinty: Thanks, bye! (disappears)

King Bob: What the block.

(Our heroes are standing around, doing nothing, when suddenly, Introbulus is hit from behind)

Introbulus: Ow! Why am I on fire?

Jim: Didn't do it... this time.

Fred: I like fire.

Fusion: Crap. What's going on?

Phil: The gophers are pasting the brocolli to the window! Remember that yellow water is good for you!

(Fusion is hit from behind)

Fusion: Ouch! Oh no, my pimpin cape has been set aflame!

Introbulus: Show yourself!

(Sephinty appears, and illuminates the place they are at... I think it's a cave)

Introbulus: Alright, now you're asking for it. Ultimate prod!

(Intobulus tries to pull off the famous move, but Sephinty uses his flame axe to bash him back)

Introbulus: Ouch! Urrgh... (Introbulus becomes a crumpled heap on the ground)

Phil: Yes! Now I can...

Jim: No, he's alive.

Phil: Great googly-moogly!

Fusion: What the hell are you?

Sephinty: I am the one they call... SEPHINTY!

(Disco lights appear and he starts dancing around)

Sephinty: Sephinty! He is the master of the dance! Sephinty! If you just give him a chance...

He's the king of flame and will burn you good!
He'd crush your puny bones, you know he would!


(the lights and music die down, and it appears that Fusion had pulled a plug)

Sephinty: Ohhh, I was just getting to the good verse. That pisses me off. Time to die, losers!

(Sephinty flies at Fusion, knocking Fusion down. Fusion kicks him off, and Sephinty reels back for a second, so Fusion gets back up. Sephinty uppercuts Fusion with his enormous fist, but Fusion teleports backward to avoid it. Sephinty is a bit pissed, so he follows through with another one, which also misses. Sephinty, realising that Fusion has to be tricked, sets his hits aflame, and when he misses Fusion with his third punch, he launches a fireball. Fusion is knocked backwards, into a wall, and Sephinty knees him twice with flaming knees. Fusion tries to catch a third one, scalding his hands. Fusion shoots a beam of power to try to beat Sephinty, but Sephinty holds out his hand near where Fusion is shooting, so that Fusion blows Sephinty's hand and himself up. Sephinty swipes at Fusion with his axe, but Fusion rolls. Fusion shoots a beam this time, and it knocks the great beast back. Sephinty sets his whole malicious being aflame and charges Fusion, who is knocked into another wall. Sephinty appears to ready his axe, but is hit in the back by a hammer).

Sephinty: What do you think you're doing, pipsqueak?

Fusion: Thanks Fred, you got him to turn his enormous bulk!

(Fusion lowers his fist's tempature to negative 300 degrees farinheit (I think I spelt it wrong, I'm Canadian) and whacks Sephinty is the back of the head, and kicks him in the ass. Sephinty flies into a wall).

Sephinty: Ouch... I don't think I can deal with Fusion AND anyone else... I need backup.

(Suddenly, a shrill laughter rings throughout the cave, and a huge creature made from rock busts through the wall)

Rock creature: greetings, Sephinty, I am the evil host, Granite, and I have been the agent of the MPVP in this cave for quite some time. I'm going to help you clear these two.

(Will Sephinty and Granite clobber Fusion and Fred? Will BSD stop being so "'friggen amazing" and have a decently fair fight for a change to add some flavour to the story? Will anyone bring me some popcorn? Well, you'll find out the first and possibly the third question's answers in our next episode!)

Episode 43: "Ending The Cheapness" by GORE-ILLA[edit]

BSD: Th1$ EPi$0de c0nt@in$ f1ve m0ral$, @n 1nteview, @nd d1rect0r c0mment@ry! ROTFL! *gets blown away by Sephnity)

Sephnity: This is an OG, not a DVD! And stop killing jokes!

Fusion: Ummmm...weren't you and Granite fighting us?

Sephnity: Oh yeah! Prepare to feel my firely wrath!

Fusion and Sephnity engage in high-speed combat. Fusion launches a Master Beam at Sephnity, who dodges and comes up behind Fusion. Sephnity fires flame breath at Fusion knocking him to the ground.

Fusion: Damn!

Sephnity: Had enough!

Fusion: You forget that I have every power!

Sephnity: No I didn't. I even have it written in my day planner, see?

Fusion: ...That's not what I mean! I have the power of water! Hydro Blast! (Sephnity is drenched in water) Hey, why aren't you melting?

Sephnity: I have the power of fire but that doesn't mean I'm made of fire!

BSD: 1 c@n k1ll this guy re@l g00d!!111 I m 1nvin$ibull!!!!1111 (gets blown away again)

Fusion: I need a new strategy. Aha! I could just perform another Fusion. But who can I fuse? (looks down to the surface and sees GORE and Yami Yoshi talking.) That's it! (flies down towards them.)

Elsewhere, Fred is having trouble fighting Granite and the long-forgotten Ed jumps in to help him.

Granite: Time to finish this! (flings Fred and Ed across the island)

Back by Fusion...

Fusion: Ready?

Yami Yoshi & GORE: Ready!

Fusion: Alright - Fusion Beam!

Fusion launches two beams - one at GORE and the other at Yami. However, at that moment Fred falls from the sky, lands on GORE, and is hit by the beam. Then just as the beam is about to hit Yami Yoshi, Ed falls from the sky, lands on Yami, and is hit by the beam. Fred and Ed are pulled toward eachother. A giant explosion occurs and the earth trembles. When the smoke clears, the heroes find...

????: Call me FrEd.

What powers does the mysterious FrEd have? Is it enough to stop Granite and Sephnity? Will BSD ever stop being an idiot? Find out probably never on VGF Members OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest!

Episode 43: Saphnity Vs FrEd" by Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

At battle against Saphnity..........

FrEd:Let me take care of him!

Saphnity:Let's see what you can do!

Both throw fast and furious punches at each other and after 200 punches both jump back.

FrEd:Boy,this guy's tough!

Saphnity:This battle is harder than I thought.

FrEd:FrEd Beam!!!!!!!!!

FrEd shoots a beam from his hands and he blasts Saphnity's left arm off.

Saphnity:This is not good.

Saphnity shoots a blast of fire at FrEd which hurts him a bit and a rumbling sound is heard.


Part of the cave roof randomly falls apart,it then drops on Saphnity's head and lost all of his IQ points.


FrEd:FrEd Punch!

FrEd punches Saphnity and kills him with another FrEd Beam.

FrEd:Now to take care of Granite.

Another part the cave roof randomly falls and hits GORE.


Granite:This going to be a long day.


Episode 44: "Random Warping!" by Gamechamp[edit]

OOC: Ummmmmmmm... hello? Anyody remember me? The creator of the Rubys of Seph and Emerads of Saph? Well, to start things off , ^, you forgot that it was SEPHnity fighting. Plus, I'd like to tell you that the Sephs are bad, right? Well, thier ENEMIES are the Saphs. Meaning that the Saphs are good, and would never work for the MPVP. That's why Saphnito rescued aqll of the dead people in the last OG. Also, it's pronounced Sefneeto, and all of the oter are the same, only the end is different or the second letter. Thanks for even caring to read this.


Gamechamp and Green appear in a different area.

GC: Wait, this looks like the world with the boy that had the electric monster from my nightmares! Hurry! Let's get out of here!

The, Team Rocket comes.

Jesse: Hey! Those are our rivals, Butch and Cassedy!

Meouth: Let's steal all the Pokemon they've stolen so we can give them to the boss!

James: Or we just beat up them for no reason!

Jesse: Let's do both!

Green uses the machine and Gamechamp and Green dissappear,then they reappear in a dark room.

GC: Wait... this is the right world... I can sense it... but just not the right place...

???: Hey! It's one of those good guys!

GC: Hey! I'm not a good guy! I'm just aftr t treasure of Idej!

Quirtzok: Well, who cares? You've helped in destroying some of our minions!

Green uses the machine and they leave, and reappear in outer space.

GC: Ummmmmmmm... well, at least it's not the wrong WORLD...

They dissappear again.

What the hack was that?!?!?!?! Was this an entire waste of an episode? Find out next time, or rather don't so I don't have to look at such stupidity longer because they won't need a narrator, on VGF Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest!

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

OOC:^Actually that was Sophnito

Author: Fred[edit]

^^ no, no, I think Gamechamp is right, he did make them up. Sorry, BSD screwed me up, and they'res just SO MANY guys with names that sound like each other...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]
