Member OG 4 Page 2

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Episode 16: "Do not mix OGs with coffee beans. EVER." by Fred[edit]

Ed: So, about the other dementions...

Introbulus: Um, isn't it DIMENTIONS?

Fred: Aw, shutup Introbulus, no one likes a smart alek.

(Introbulus punches Fred, which quiets him down)

YY: Um, anyways, we should probably get to that Idej place while ignoring the person whom is currently following us, and doing a very poor job at it.

Lupus: Ack! I have been found!

Jim: ...Um, ack?

Lupus: Fine, great purple beasts of guelexapeg!

Jim: That's better.

Gamechamp: Ok, who's great idea was it to use this airlin-

Lupus: Are you ignoring me?

GORE: Nah, we just have an attention span of - where am I again?

Lupus: That's it. Attack, Lemonjello!

(Lemonjello sneaks behind GORE and hits him with a waffle flipper)

GORE: Hey, ow! Wait, that didn't really hurt.

Lupus: Well, we haven't had alot of money and... Well, WE'LL BE BACK!

YY: Um, okay... What were you saying, Gamechamp?

Gamechamp: Look at this stupid airline.

(Show the picture of a bathtub with a motor and crude wings)

Pharoh: Who's idea was it to get "Super Economy CHEAP CHEAP INEXPENSIVE" brand tickets.

Fred: Wait, I think I remember...


Fred: Hey, look, a bunch of tickets.

(end flashback)

Introbulus: Um, don't we have the station wagon?

Jim: Yeah.

Fusion: What's going on?

Lupus's VOICE: It's all too easy!

Fusion: Darn it.

YY: Ok, what's going on now?

(suddenly TWITAFIT appears in the stationwagon, flying to Idej)

Lupus: So long, suckas!

Pharoh: Why me? Why do I go on this quest?

Jim: Don't worry, only a master of my caliber could drive that thing.

Pharoh: Oh, so you have to be stupid? That makes sense.

Fusion: Ah, shutup, I'll get it. (Does so, dropping Lupus and Lemonjello into the sea)

YY: That was extremely pointless.

Ed: Oh, let's just go.

(Our heroes depart, but what lies at Idej? Really?)


Shade: Welcome, OGers, welcome... TO HELL! Gotta keep awake to kill them... gotta keep awake to kill them...

Episode 17: "A Mystery" by Golem[edit]

OoC: PL-0TT is still with y'all, right? Also, I assume the OGers don't suspect MDG to be completely organic. As always, yell at me if I'm wrong and/or smelly.

The OGers land.

PL: Welcome to Lava Shore, gentlemen.

Pharoah: What? Why did we land? I thought we were going to Idej Volcano Mountain!

Yami Yoshi: We are. Just why did we stop?

Jim: The atmosphere would ruin the stationwagon. Getting here was tough enough.

PL-0TT: He's right.

Pharoah: Then how do you expect us to get across?

Fusion: Maybe I could create a shield!

Introbulus: Yeah, I could see for the atmosphere, but a shield for treading on lava?

GORE: Not to mention whatever else is on that ocean of heat!

(OoC: This part might really annoy y'all or it might make you want to cry with delight. I guess if the next poster doesn't like it they can throw it out. Don't mean to cause any ruckus after the tooling this story has already been through, but you never know if it'll work until you try, right?)

Then, a note falls from the sky. It lands in GORE's hands, and GORE reads it.

GORE: "You'll need a ship if you want to cross,
But what could move on such hot sauce?
Will you and your friends know
If their attention is bestowed
To the end of this sentence?"

Episode 18: "Hoist the anchors!" by Fred[edit]

GORE: Crap.

Fusion: Um, now what do we do? Why was there a riddle?

Fred: Beeecaause, if there wasn't it'd be too easy!

Pharoh: We can at least push him in to test how hot it is.

(Pharoh lunges for Fred, but YY stops him)

YY: Um, that's not a good idea.

Pharoh: Phooey.

Jim: Maybe the gnome?

Pharoh: Oh, here we go again...

Phil: Ya ya ya ya ya! You're holding the left-handed toothpaste, but it doesn't work, does it? Hahahaha!

Ed: Am I still here?

Introbulus: Okay, all we seem to be doing is making alot of nonsense happen. We're good at it, but um, well, I think we should probably make a boat or something.

Pharoh: With what, genious? This rock? It's probably as weak as limestone and I'm surprised that we can stand on it.

YY: How about a bridge?

GORE: Nope, poem said a boat. The poem has mystical properties.

(about a mile away, an early poet kicks himself for losing his first work to the wind)

Fred: I've never made any sense, so I have no ideas.

Fusion: Let's just reconfigure the stupid stationwagon into a boat. That should work.

Jim: It won't. Man, are we ever worthless.

Pharoh: You finally stopped yapping and admit it. Now, I shall tell you why you're stupid. That cave over there has a sign over it. Can you READ?

Fred: Nope.

(Introbulus hits Fred)

Pharoh: It is the cave of "The Boat". You guys make me sick.

YY: Onward!

GORE: This is MY OG! Onward!

(Inside the cave)

YY: Fusion, the lights.

Fusion: (snaps fingers, setting all the torches in the cave aflame) Done.

Jim: Yes, but can he do laundry?

Pharoh: This hasn't QUITE degraded into a infommecial... yet...

Fred: It's the boat!

GORE: I told you, my OG. It's the boat!

(and it was. The boat was a huge sock made of wood).

Jim: Fascinating! The best design for a boat is a sock! Of course!

Fred: Where? I can't see!

Phil: There, diagonally!

Introbulus: Next game is mine!

(Before Pharoh can make a witty and sarcastic remark, the exit is sealed)

YY: Crap.

Shade: Hello, OGers.

YY: You died. Remember?

Shade: Well, let's see what a dead man can do!


Episode 19 by Yami Yoshi[edit]

*Shade, the silver-masked monster from VGFMOG 3 stands in front of the OGers*

Introbulus: Impossible! How can you still be alive? Remember?


Dark Shade: Bwahahahaha! I feel ten times as strong as I was before! I am invincible! Nothing can stop me now! Bwahahahaha.

???: Or so I would have you think.

Dark Shade: Huh? Who's there?

VGFOGers: Shade! It is time to end this battle!

Dark Shade: OGers? How'd you get up here? I thought you were dead!

VGFOGers: Don't count on it! We were able to save ourselves by hanging onto the edge of a cliff! Now that we've regenerated, it's time to finish this battle!

???: No! This battle is mine!

Dark Shade: What? Who's talking?

VGFOGers: Uh, we are? We're the only other one here. Well, besides the fat guy.

???: You can't have this fight! It's mine! I'll fight you for it!

Dark Shade: What? Who are you?

???: You fool! It's me, Dark Jim!

Dark Shade: What?!? How are you alive?

VGFOGers: He must be mad with power!

Dark Jim: Now, it's time to take control!

Dark Shade: NO! I won't let yo...AHHGHH!!! The PAAIIINNNN!!!

VGFOGers: Shade? You okay?

Dark Shade: ...Yes, I am okay. In fact...

(Shifts form)

Dark Shade (?): I feel WONDERFUL!

VGFOGers: (Gasp!) It was Dark Jim!

*End Flashback*

Introbulus: So what happened?

Shade: When the Most Powerful Villains Period council had discovered that you guys had sealed Evil away, they were shocked. They had no idea you OGers had obtained so much power. They were afraid that you guys would jeopardize their plans for galaxy domination. They decided to resurrect me to return to Earth and destroy you! Shade Blade!

*A black sword composed entirely of darkness appears in Shade's hand*

Shade: I'm sorry I have to do this but I cannot let you interfere with the MPVP's plans!

Episode 20: "Battle averted" by Introbulus[edit]

Introbulus: I'm sorry, Shade. But I can't allow you to take this quest away from us. This is Gore's quest to find himself, it's more important than a silly feud you have with us.

Shade: Oh really? And what makes you think you can stop me just like that?

Introbulus: THIS!

(Faster than human eyes could follow, Introbulus jabs at the roof of the cavern, causing a couple of pebbles to fall down.

Shade: Ha! Is that the best you can come up with?

(Suddenly, lava begins to trickle down into the cavern, creating a small stream between Shade and the OGers.)

Introbulus: Everyone Run!

(The OGers take off for the mouth of the cave.)

Shade: Stop! You cannot run away from me! I am the almighty Shade!

(As if on cue, the ultra-hot lava pours down upon Shade just as he is speaking these words, filling his mouth with the burning paste. Meanwhile, the OGers barely make it out of the cave in time to avoid the lava flow)

Jim: Whew! Quick thinking, Introbulus!

Introbulus: Maybe a bit too quick, now how are we going to cross the lava?

Naririator: Introbulus got away from Shade and banished his body beneath the crust of the Earth, but how will our heroes cross the river now?

Gore: Wait a minute, I've got it! I know how to cross the lava!

To be continued...

OOC: Sorry if that was a bit abrupt.

Episode 21: "Setting Sail" by GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE: PL! Use your plot device powers to create a new lava-proof boat!

PL: I'll try! *Electricity emits from its body. Nearby rocks crumble up are hardened into lava-proof material. The pebbles pull together in the shape of a sock.* There.

Introbulus: ...You mean we could've done that all along?

*Everyone hops into the boat and it begins sailing the lava seas. Elsewhere in The Flying Monkey...*

Mecha-Dark GORE: They're crossing the lava ocean! Morph to Lava Monkey mode! *The Flying Monkey is surrounded by a black, lava-proof armor. It begins "Swimming" through the lava ocean.*

*Back by the heroes...*

Yami Yoshi: Its a bit cramped in here.

Jim: If I had lungs I'd be having trouble breathing.

Ed: I can't shake the feeling that we're still forgetting something yet again...

*At Sword Master's House*

Sword Master: Whaddayou wanna do?

BSD: I dunno. Whaddayou wanna do?

Sword Master: I dunno. Whaddayou wanna do?

BSD: I dunno. Whaddayou wanna do?

Sword Master: I dunno. Whaddayou wanna do?

BSD: I dunno. Whaddayou wanna do?

Sword Master: I dunno. Whaddayou wanna do?

BSD: I dunno. Whaddayou wanna do?

Sword Master: I dunno. Whaddayou wanna do?

Sword Master: I dunno. Whaddayou wanna do?

BSD: I dunno. Whaddayou wanna do?

Sword Master: I dunno. Whaddayou wanna do?

BSD: I dunno. Whaddayou wanna do?

Sword Master: I dunno. Whaddayou wanna do?

*Back by the heroes*

Fred: Nah!

Fusion: I sense something approaching!

Gamechamp: Dark GORE?

Fusion: No, its a differant power. Something evil that I have never felt before.

GORE: I'm starting to feel it to...

Yami Yoshi: Me too!

Introbulus: Wait - I think I know that power...

To Be Continued...