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Episode 58 by Golem[edit]

OoC: Yeah. Lupus' sudden awareness of their presence returned control of them to him. Also, they can only use his robot parts, which is why I threw in the theory that it was EVIL Scientist Dude (even though the readers know it's not). By the way, if Yami's post were to be used in the future (probably not-too-far future), wouldn't it make more sense if the Idej Artifacts were Wind, Earth, and Water, not the firt two and Fire? Seeing as how Idej Volcano Mountain is a volcano, I think it's got the fire covered. Just my two cents, though.

Episode 58

Koopa: ~holds up sign saying "Where's Sephnity?"~

Lupus: Ah, Gamechamp! So nice to see you again.

Robot Team: Eep!

Green: Hey, wait, he didn't mention us.

Yellow, Black, Blue, Green: :(

Gamechamp: ~looks at Lupus' all-star lineup~ O.O;;;;;; Yes, master?

Dark GORE, Lord Chaos: ~looking at narration~ Lupus' all-star lineup?

Lupus: We all know I'm not your master any more. And, for all I care, I could chop you up into bite-size snacks for... ~looks around, thinking~ ...skunks. But I will spare you... if you fuse Dark Jim and Jim.

~Just outside the sub...~

Fusion: ~with Jim in his arms~ You first! Hopefully we can isolate Introbulus and GORE until Introbulus can control him...

Jim: ~unconscious~

~Fusion flies away from a hole in the top of the surfaced sub. Sephnity, on his way back to Lupus, notices Jim.~

Author: Fusion[edit]

Quoting Introbulus:
OOC:^ But if you think about it, there was a giant lake of lava, so why didn't we just fly across? Did we really need that sock-shaped ship? (I'm just joking, it's all in good humor, just repeat to yourself "It's just an OG, I should really just relax"...)

OOC: As for Fusion, what I meant by that, was that you could perform the move, but it would have no effect. For it to work, you would need the iron fist, since the power of the move goes through it directly. Therefore, while you could "do" the move, you couldn't "use" the move. If you did perform the move, it would just look like you were waving your hand in the air for no reason. Attacks like this are made so that all-move characters can perform the move, but can't use it. Same thing with the ultimate prod. This is extremely cheap godmoding, so har! *big, cheesy grin*

OOC: Isn't anyone else going to post in the story?

OOC: I have two iron fists and a set of iron teeth. So, that's the end of the argument. Har har har!

PS: No offense to you. I still think you're cool.

PSS: I'm going to have to evolve sometime in this story to get stronger.

*Meanwhile, at the MPVP HQ...*

Qwirtzok: So, Chaos is down there risking his life.

King Bob: He's a god. He has no life. Just immortality.

*Suddenly, Lord Chaos appears*

Lord Chaos: Hiya, folks. Did I miss anything?

*Suddenly, the mysterious figure appears on the big screen TV again*

Mysterious: I see no dead OGers! Kill them now!

Qwirtzok: But sir, we're planning a trap for them right now!

Mysterious: Ok, but if you fail me again, then it's this.

*Jupiter is obliverated by the Death Star*

King Bob: Ok, let's hurry up with the plan!

Mysterious: You had better. *disappears*

*Meanwhile, outside the sub...*

Sephnity: Return Jim at once! We need him to fuse with Dark Jim!

Fusion: Over my dead body.

Sephnity: With pleasure! Ruby Beam!

*Fusion tries to dodge it, but it is too fast, and he is blasted towards the edge of the sub*

Sephnity: Every power in the universe my arse! You're practically the weakest member of the VGF Six! Now I shall kill you! *walks toward Fusion*

Fusion: Fool! *gets back up* I've been holding back my true power this whole time! Now it's time for...EVOLUTION!!!

Sephnity: What, you can evolve!?

Fusion: Yep.

*Suddenly, Fusion grows bigger and his body gets bulkier until he is over 40 feet tall. Suddenly, there is an explosion. When the smoke clears, Sephnity can see a figure that looks like Kaiser Sigma except with gold and silver armor instead of red and blue armor. Also, he still has his golden helmet on*

New Fusion: Ha! I now have full immortality and I have over 999 trillion HP in case my immortality is weakened! But that ain't happening anytime soon, now is it? By the way, call me Super Fusion.

Sephnity: Oh crap...

Super Fusion: Beam of Too Much Power!

*Sephnity is obliverated by a beam of too much power (duh). Super Fusion grabs Jim and flies off with him using his greatly increased speed*


Author: Gamechamp[edit]

GC: Lupus? I thught you were dead! This teleporter can't reach out to heck!

Lupus: We're not there. You've come to one of the islands of the lava sea. Where we are.

He shows them te rest of the villains.

Lupus: Gamechamp, I want you to join us! Together, we will destroy the OGers.

Black: *laughs* Yeah, right, like we'd join up with you!

GC: We'd never join up with you! The only reason we worked for you before is that you'd tell me about my past, which you never did! I'd never help you!

Lupus: Yes, but I know something that will make you! I actually do have proof that I know something of your past!

He pulls out a video tape, and puts it in a conveniently places VCR with TV. The screen turns on, and man in a cloak so that you can't see him comes on.

???: I am Dr. Nyteen, expert of science. This is a video diary that I plan on keeping for my resea-

Lupus pops the video out.

GC: Green, do a search for any info on Dr. Nyteen.

Green pulls out a laptop, and inputs some keys.

Green: Aw, here it is. It says here that many years ago, he created large leage of robots, each with thier own color. The strange force one day came and wiped out all of the robots, but Dr. Nyteen's body was never found.

Lupus: So, will you join?

GC: Ummmmm... no! Green, use the transporter!

Green uses the machine, and they dissappear.

Lupus: Blast! Oh well, we'va least got that one OG-er under our control...

Somehow, The Robot Team manages to on that try appear in the sub, and see what is going on with GORE.

Episode 58: "Return of Dark Jim" by Introbulus[edit]

^^OOC: First of all, it's a specific type of iron fist. Not a mechanical part, a legendary artifact. Therefore, the scientist who invented you couldn't possibly know about it's existance! (Especially since Introbulus was in another universe at the time you were built.) As for Lord Chaos, the idea behind that was to have a member of the MPVP be part of The Anti-OGers.

OOC: In case you forgot, Dark Jim is in some alternate universe right now. For all you know, he could be dead. I'll make a slight plot deviant so you can still use him, though.

(somewhere in space...In the deep emptiness that surrounds us all...a dark force is brewing...)

(Suddenly, a giant portal of evil opens! Out comes someone who you'd never expect to see again...)

Dark Jim: Blast those OGers! It's their fault I lost control of myself!


Suddenly, Dark Sephinto begins to transform. At the same time, TH Yami Yoshi escapes through the Mage's "mouth".

TH Yami Yoshi: Yes! Without Sephinto, Dark Sephinto will transform back into Dark Jim, and we can kill him!

Jim: Ah! So you were absorbed on purpose, just like in DBZ! Good thinking, TH Yami Yoshi!

Mega Mage: No, you fools! If he were transforming back into Dark Jim, he would be normal already!

Jim: Then what...Oh no! He's advancing! Up to the next level of darkness!

Gore: The "next level"? What's that?

Introbulus: In term even a mountian squirrel could understand, WE'RE ALL DOOMED!!!!

(Just then, Dark Sephinto finishes transforming, and is left as...)

TH Yami Yoshi: Wait, I thought you said he was "advancing"?

Jim: He did! That's Dark, the most evil force in the universe!

Introbulus: You've got to be kidding me! That's just a small version of Dark Jim!

Narrirator: Indeed, this new creature looked identical to the Dark Jim, having all of his features, which would be absolutely nothing, save two glowing eyes and a dark cloak, and about 1/2 his size.

Dark: Now that I have advanced, there is no need for my presence anymore. You will all be killed by a force similar to me, but slightly weaker.

Fusion: You're not going anywhere, punk!

In a flash of darkness, Dark disappears.

TH Yami Yoshi: Well, I'd say he just... (/Flashback)

Dark Jim: I lost control of my own entity! I was taken over by my own power! I can never let that happen again! I must destroy the OGers! It's because of them I was sent to that damned universe! And I'm going to start...with my counterpart!

(Meanwhile, at the MPVP council...)

Lord Chaos: Therefore, it is my honest opinion that we should employ the aid of the "Anti-OGers" to carry out our evil deeds!

King Bob: Okay, Chaos, you have our attention. What do you want us to do?

Lord Chaos: Well, we still need one more member, so we're going to have to find out what happened to Dark Jim after OG 3...

Dark Jim: Ask, and you shall receive!

Chaos: Dark Jim!

Dark Jim: I will gladly join your "team", Lord Chaos, under one condition.

Chaos: Name it.

Dark Jim: I get to kill my counterpart!

Chaos: Done! Welcome Anti-OGers!

King Bob: Now see here! I won't allow this...this...THING to join any sort of "team", much less put our trust in some rogue band of unknown villians, without having some sort of proof that they are, indeed, evil enough for our standards!

(Dark Jim suddenly hurls a gigantic exploding fireball at King Bob, who goes flying out of his seat)

Dark Jim: Any other objections?

Narrirator: Now that Dark Jim has returned, does the OG squad stand a chance?

Author: Fusion[edit]

Lupus: Hey, something is wrong.

*Lupus looks out the window and sees that Jim is gone*

Lupus: GONE!?!?!? *starts tearing out his hair* Great, now I'm bald. Ah well. I still have my Hair-a-Tonic. *pours Hair-a-Tonic on his head and gets his hair back* Now to check it out!

*Lupus goes outside the sub to investigate*

Lupus: Jim couldn't have just regained consciousness and flown away. Someone must have stolen him!

???: That's right!

*Suddenly, Super Fusion appears, but Lupus doesn't recognize him*

Lupus: (Uh-oh. Whoever that 40 foot tall guy is, he looks like trouble. I had better make him feel good.) Hey, mister! Nice weather, eh?

SF: ...

Lupus: Hello?

SF: ...

Lupus: ANSWER ME, YOU-*SF grabs him* ACK!

SF: I have waited for this day my entire life.

Lupus: Fusion? Is that you?

SF: Heck, yeah! You don't recognize me?

Lupus: No way! You're too strong to be him!

SF: I evolved into my second form. I now have full immortality and 999 trillion HP. I still haven't forgotten when you ate me in my own VGF OG! You insulted my honor!

Flashback from VGF Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist:

SwordMaster: Wow! Fusion's fusion is much stronger than I thought!

Lupus: Fusion?

<Lupus suddenly sees Fusion>

Lupus: <thinking> Maybe if I kill Fusion, Twin-Headed Yami Yoshi will defuse and become weaker! Hey! Fusion! C'mere!

Fusion: Huh?


<Lupus fires a giant ray at Fusion that hits him. Fusion's body transforms into a piece of cheese>

TH Yami Yoshi: Wha?

Lupus: <eats Fusion> Mmmm...tasty! But what will be more tastier is your defeat Yami Yoshi!

SF: Ever since then, I have wanted revenge on you. And now, all my patience has paid off.

Lupus: Look, Fusion! I'm sorry! I'm sor...ACK! *SF squeezes harder*

SF: Sorry? SORRY!? Do you not realize my true power? I am not only in a stronger form, I have now become the God of Jawbreakers!

Lupus: Jawbreakers?

SF: Yes.

Lupus: Hey, I forgot to ask. What happened to Jim!?

SF: I took him to a safe place. As for you, Lupus...JAWBREAKER RAY!

Lupus: ARRRRRGH! *is transformed into a jawbreaker*

*SF eats Lupus*

SF: Mmmm, tasty.

*Inside SF's stomach...*

Lupus: So I'm a jawbrweaker inside of Fusion. What could be worse? YEEOUCH, THESE STOMACH ACIDS BURN! That's it, body slam!

*Lupus slams into the walls of SF's stomach, but without effect*

SF's Voice: Ha! My body is too tough for you! You cannot harm me while inside of me!

Lupus: Dang, so I guess I'm trapped in here for a while.

SF's Voice: 3 hours to be precise. You have 3 hours to say your prayers before you're digested.

Lupus: Oh crap. I guess I'd better start praying. *starts praying*

*3 hours later...*

Lupus: Zzzzzzzz...

*Suddenly, a hole opens up and Lupus is sucked inside. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a long, soft, and slimy corridor*

Lupus: Where am I?

*Suddenly, he is approached by...*

Lupus: Fusion? How did you get inside your own body?

Fusion?: I'm not Fusion, you fool! I am one of his enzymes! And you are in his intestines, and are about to be digested! Digestion Ray!

*Lupus is hit by digestive acids*

Lupus: YEEOUCH! That's it, Cheese Ray!

*Nothing happens*

Lupus: Wha...?

Fusion Enzyme: Ha! That's right! As long as you're a jawbreaker, you can't use any of your special powers!

Lupus: Crap!


Author: Fusion[edit]

Quoting Introbulus: OOC: First of all, it's a specific type of iron fist. Not a mechanical part, a legendary artifact. Therefore, the scientist who invented you couldn't possibly know about it's existance! (Especially since Introbulus was in another universe at the time you were built.) As for Lord Chaos, the idea behind that was to have a member of the MPVP be part of The Anti-OGers.

OOC: Dude, I was in another universe as well. I didn't say I was created on Earth! And the scientists who created me were also ex-archaeologists who discovered the other iron fist (for the left hand). They knew that I wouldn't be able to use the metal attacks without an iron fist. So they gave me the left iron fist so I could be able to use the metal attacks.

PS: I am still not trying to offend you.

Episode 63: "Sorting Things Out" by GORE-ILLA[edit]

Quote: Dear Journal, we are almost done with Project Fusion. It involves creating the universe's strongest being for good.

*By the Anti-OGers*

Lupus: Curses! Jim and Gamechamp have escaped!

Koopa: Sir? Weren't you just eaten by that cheap giant really powerful thing?

Lupus: Haven't you realized by now that I have holograms scattered across the Earth? Who knows? I'm probably another hologram too, but only I know. And besides, don't you think I have evolutions too?

Koopa: [Eek!] S-s-sir, please do not speak of those powers out here in the open...

Lupus: Sorry, Koopa. Chaos - use our cheap revival machines to bring back Sephnity.

Chaos: Heh heh. Don't worry.

Sephnity: Hey, I'm back!

Dark Jim: Good. Now we just need to get Jim and Gamechamp back.

Lupus: While we're at it, why don't we fuse GORE and Dark GORE?

Mecha-Dark GORE: No. I must kill him and then absorb him. If I am united with him live, I will bacome powerful enough to destroy this world several times over, yet his good concience will still live in my mind. But if I kill him and then absorb him, I will be the ultimate warrior minus the goodness. But if only I absaorbed GORE when we both were completely-flesh covered, I would be able to do away with this universe in a flash.

Lupus: yes. Let's decide who we fight., I claim Yami Yoshi.

Dark GORE: Of course I will fight GORE.

Dark Jim: Obviously Introbulus.

Chaos: I claim Fusion!

Koopa: Leve Sword Master to me!

Sephnity: I guess that leaves me with BSD.


Author: Fred[edit]

OoC: Fusion, you and your "ultimate power" thing and your metal arm excuses are getting annoying. No more God-Modding, as it makes having the other characters pointless.

(Soon, all the anti-OGers assemble and don their new costumes- which look the exact same as their old ones!)

Lupus: Ha! The anti-OGers will crush everyone!

Koopa: Um, sir, what about the other, newer OG members?

Lupus: Err, crap. How should we do this?

Mecha-Dark GORE: Who are they?

Lord Chaos: All we have to deal with is the original six, and Jim, Fred, Phil, that pharoh guy, and finally Ed. There should be no problem. Most of you could take you opponent pretty easy.

Sephinty: Um, how will you beat Fusion with his God-Modding?

Lord Chaos: That my friend, is easily answered like this: I forgot to think about it first. There should literally be no possible way to beat Fusion's new form without any help.

Sephinty: But that means...?

Lord Chaos: Nope. Oops, I cut you off there. What were you saying?

Sephinty: Forget it. The readers aren't supposed to find out yet. I think it's called "foreshadowing".

Lupus: He never had anything to say.

Sephinty: That's not true... (sniff)...

Lupus: Look, we need a plan, a flashy entrance, a way to win, and a Rookie Mantle Junior Card.

Dark Jim: We'll need to team up on Fusion, too. If we were smart, we'd capture them one at a time, starting with Fusion, and smash them up, about 30 miles away.

Lupus: Um, nobody can possibly go 30 miles that fast.

Dark Jim: I can.

Lupus: Shutup...

Mecha-Dark GORE: Enough! That is a good plan, because without Fusion, their team will not beat us! GO!

(The anti-OGers go through their super-pimpin' pods and end up in their teleporter ray-thingee).

(Meanwhile, with the OGers)

GORE: Alright, now that I have my own quest, I can-

(GORE fades to the white universe again)

GORE: Um, what the hell?

Golem: Shutup. You're going to be attacked.

GORE: Crap, a premonition.

Golem: Correct. Your foes have banded together.

GORE: I must warn the OGers!

Golem: No, it's too late. They've gotten away with Fusion.

GORE: Wha- Fusion? Is the plot turning to him now-

Golem: No. They're simply taking him to a location around Idej. Go 30 miles North, and you should have no problem finding them.

GORE: Right!

(End sequence)

YY: GORE! What did they do to you?!


Introbulus: Fusion's been captured! Er, it doesn't really make sense though...

GORE: Then we must make chase! Thisaway!

(Meanwhile, at the Idej tar pits)

Chaos: Don't worry, if I lose, just take over for me.

Koopa: Isn't that a bit spontaneous?

Lupus: I gave you no command to speak.

Koopa: Sorry, sir.

Fusion: So, you captured me so you could fight without interference!

Chaos: Right!

Fusion: Welp, you lose. My character is really, really 'friggen cheap.

Chaos: Um, uh-oh.

Fusion: Right! You lose.

(Fusion runs at Chaos, but Chaos dissapears and reappears behind Fusion. Fusion ducks and kicks backwards, making Chaos fly into the ground. Chaos returns to his feet, only to be punched to the ground by fists of different fruity elemental flavour! Chaos soon rolls backwards, and gets um and gets Fusion in the stomach. Fusion is knocked back a few feet, but Fusion simply shoots a beam of fire at Chaos, knocking him back again, but into a tar pit. Chaos starts to drown, but instead he energizes the tar and it starts to move. Using his energy, Chaos forces the tar upon Fusion. Fusion cannot block it in time, and is swallowed by the tar).

Chaos: Well, that's the end of that, but I should compress the whole thing a few times for good measure.

(As he says this, the tar block explodes and out emerges Super Fusion. Super Fusion kicks Chaos, who flies 90 yards before stopping, at SF's other foot. Just as SF thinks he's won, he is blasted by a beam of cheese).

Lupus: Muahahah! You cannot win! Cheese soup attack!

(Lupus throws a new flavour of Campbell's in a can at SF, which knocks him off his feet).

Chaos: Ha! You should have just obliterated me! Chaos Crush!

(A huge, transparent one thousand ton weight falls on SF, which seems to hurt just a little).

Chaos: You are doomed Fusion. Even you cannot beat us.

Super Fusion: Wrong! You guys are morons. (SF dissapears and reappears above the weight, flying).


Super Fusion: Muaahahahha!

(SF Flies down and punches Chaos. Chaos rolls on the ground at 100 mp/h. Chaos rolls back on his feet, and blasts a beam of energy into SF's eye. SF recoils, and Chaos leaps many feet into the air and uses his energy to knock SF over).

Super Fusion: Ouch!

(Chaos summons the evil power of Gold Bond to trap SF on the Ground. Chaos jumps up and walks across SF, and punches him in the face. SF fails to teleport out, and tries to rip the bonds. SF breaks two of them, the ones on his arms, and tries to bat Chaos away. Chaos dodges them and walks onto SF's face. He kicks SF in his huge nose, forcing him to open his mouth. Chaos laughs an evil crazy clown laugh).

Chaos: Heheheh! Watch, Fusion, as I fill your body with Negative Energies! You are helpless to stop it, and are weakening rapidly as we speak. Goodbye, Fusion.

Fusion (he reverted, sucka!): Nooo... noo.. nope.

Chaos: Wait, nope? Pfft. Goodbye. Just another few seconds an-

(Chaos is knocked of Fusion by the regular Dark Egg)

YY: Hey, Chaos! What do you think you're doing?!

Chaos: Damn it! I had almost killed him, too! Oh, well, we won't worry, since he can no longer fight for now. YY, look here. I have assembled a team of Six. One that is superior to yours. We shall fight!!!

Lupus: Humph. I thought I was the leader...

Author: Greatluigi[edit]

Fusion loses all of his powers and has a piece of cheese for his metal arm. Fusion cries now that he has no more powers or cheap godmoding abilities and maye have to....THINK UP HIS OWN ATTACKS! *GASP!* HOW VILE!

Episode 65: "Chaos and Lupus Versus Yami Yoshi" by Yami Yoshi[edit]

OoC: I'm guessing this is Chaos from FF.

Lord Chaos: It's finally time to defeat the VGF Six! Koopa shall fight SwordMaster, Dark Jim shall fight Introbulus, Sephnity shall fight Black Skull Dragoshi, and Dark GORE shall fight GORE! Since Fusion is too weak for battle, Lupus and I shall fight Yami Yoshi! Let the battles begin!

*The other OGers and Anti-OGers start fighting each other and Chaos and Lupus face Yami Yoshi*

Lupus: Yami Yoshi...I have waited so long to defeat you. You have interfered with my plans far too much in the past. I will turn you into cheddar cheese!

Chaos: Yami Yoshi...your group of OGers have become a threat to the MPVP. Your defeat of Evil greatly shocked and surprised us. No one in the universe has ever beaten our strongest creation. That is why we, the Anti-OGers, must destroy you!

Yami Yoshi: ...I can still take both of you on! Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi swiftly throws a Dark Egg at Lupus which catches him off guard and knocks him on to the ground. Yami Yoshi jumps into the air and releases a flurry of Flutter Kick attacks. Lupus is badly beaten up.*

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi throws another Dark Egg at Lupus this time, knocking him into a tar pit. After a few seconds, Lupus climbs out bruised and weak*

Yami Yoshi: *pulls out a Dark Egg* Time to finish you off Lupus! Dark Egg!

Chaos: CUR4!

Yami Yoshi: CUR4?

*Lupus' body glows and the his wounds and bruises disappear*

Chaos: CUR4...the ultimate healing spell. It completely restores all of your HP!

Yami Yoshi: Crap...

Lupus: Cheese Ray!

*Lupus fires a Cheese Ray at an unprepared Yami Yoshi. Yami Yoshi's body is transformed into a block of cheese*

Lupus: Mwa ha ha ha! Yami Yoshi has been defeated at last! Now I can finally taste victory!

*Lupus picks up Yami Yoshi's body and swallows him whole*

Chaos: Now let's go tell the OGers the sad, sad news about their pathetic leader!

Narrator: Yami Yoshi has been transformed into a block of cheese and has been swallowed by Lupus! Can this cheesified Yoshi survive the innards of Lupus? And how are the other OGers faring in their battles? Find out in the next episode!