Member OG 4 Page 14

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Episode 112 by GreatLuigi[edit]


GL: I really don't think a speed powered but strength-beaten-down Gale is going to actually do damage to Fusion.

Fred: I'd help, but I'm lazy without my Coke.

GL: ..Wel-

Gale: ahhhh111111111

Gale was torn to pieces by one punch from Fusion, who was now shifting his attention to Fred & GL.

GL: Well, Gale wasn't very strong in his current fo-

Fred: He really sucked.

GL: Fred, you go attack the other OG'ers. I'm going to take down Fusion. LUPUS AND KOOPA WILL PREVAIL.....AND THE HUNCHBACK SCIENTIST THAT BUILT ME THIS CHEAPANIUM ARMOR!

Fusion: It's time. This battle has been a long time coming, that it has.

GL: I've trained myself well in the ways of the cliche villian.....IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D--DDDDDUAL!!!!

Fusion: I'm ready!

Episode 113: "Dark Jim vs. Intro.: The Final Round!" by Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Wow! You guys post like machines!

Theme song courtesy of Dynamo of SSS. Here it is: Mega Man Zero: Introduction Stage - "Theme of ZERO"

Dark Jim: Well, shall we?

Introbulus: No time like the present!

Dark Jim: Wrong! Everything important lies in the future! All our destiny is in that intangable feild ahead of us! It is that place where we exist! The present is just the last thing future does before it becomes old and outdated, and turns into the past! You, Introbulus, are the present. Old and outdated. It's time to put you in the history books!

Introbulus strikes a dramatic battle pose.

Introbulus: I don't think so, Jim.

Dark Jim: Cold!

(A blast of ice rushes towards Introbulus. Introbulus does a backflip, narrowly avoiding the magical attack.)

Introbulus: Random beam!

(A randomly-colored beam ruses from Introbulus's Iron Fist at Dark Jim, who narrowly avoids the blast)

Dark Jim: What a pathetic shot! You can do better than this! Come on! Quit stalling! EVIL FORCE!

(Dark Jim takes a bit of dark energy and flings it towards Introbulus. Introbulus meets the energy with a feirce punch, shattering the energy into bits of darkness)

Introbulus: You're the one to talk? Stop holding back, I know your power! RANDOM OBJECT!

(Suddenly, a refrigerator appears out of nowhere and is pushed towards Dark Jim with tremendous force. Dark Jim does nothing to avoid the object, which flies right through his ethereal body, doing no damage.)

Dark Jim: That's good! But you're not using your mind! Even for you, that should've been simple!

Introbulus: And you're telling me you couldn't have used my fault to your advantage?

Dark Jim: Perhaps I've judged you wrongly. Maybe this isn't the kind of fight you want?

(Dark Jim summons a sword with an eye symbol engraved upon the hilt)

Dark Jim: Blade to blade?

(Introbulus grins, as he takes out his trademark hailbird/sickle, the sky bird)

Introbulus: Very well, let's do this!

(Introbulus and Dark Jim get locked into a feirce battle of blades, but neither can gain any ground. Metal clangs, but no blood is shed or cape shred. Inbetween blows, a bilogue takes place)

Introbulus&DarkJim: "bilogue"?

(...a monologue between two characters?)

Jim: ...Whatever.

Dark Jim: Come on, Introbulus! You'll never make any ground this way!

Introbulus: I know you, Dark Jim! It's not like you to miss on purpouse!

Dark Jim: How dare you?!? I'm trying my hardest to give you a decent battle!

Introbulus: Really?

(Suddenly, Introbulus takes a huge swipe of Dark Jim's cloak off with one great swing of his blade)

Introbulus: I'm just getting warmed up!

(Dark Jim reforms his cloak within seconds, unaffected by the blow, as usual)

Dark Jim: Grrr...LIT 3!

(A huge bolt of lightning surges out of Dark Jim's entity, sending Introbulus flying into a nearby hillside)

Dark Jim: A nickle's worth of advice, Intro., NEVER underestimate your opponent!

(Dark Jim cackles with electric power)

Dark Jim: No matter what ANYONE says about them!

(Introbulus struggles out of the hillside, with a stern look on his face. A look only found on his face durnig a battle. A face, of determination)

Introbulus: LIGHT BLAST!

(A beam of light strikes Dark Jim in the center of his being, causing him to double over in pain)

Dark Jim: AHH!!!!

Introbulus: You should learn to take your own advice, Jim! I've learned holy spells since our last battle! ANGEL'S VOICE!

(A wave of holy sound rushes towards Dark Jim, paralyzing him temporarily)

Introbulus: You know, all you have to do is leave, and the pain will be over. I'll win, and you'll always know of your loss, but you'll still exist. All you have to do is give up. Otherwise, you may not be able to regret it later! HOLY...

Dark Jim: Dark Portal!

(In a flash, Dark Jim vanishes from the battlfield.)

Jim: He got away!

Introbulus: No, I let him live.

Jim: But why!?!

Introbulus: Because, he wanted to die. Now, he must live with the shame of knowing that he can never obtain full power. Because he will never be able to defeat me! Therfore, he will never be able to absorb you! He will only be at half power, and will never remember the feeling of completeness!

Jim: ...I still hate you.

Introbulus: I don't care! :D

Narrirator: Finally, Introbulus has defeated Dark Jim! Will this evil villian return? Well, probably. But, what about the others? Are they going to survive the battle? Will they defeat their foes? Are their foes already defeated? Come on! Somebody help me out! Jim stole my script again, and now I don't have a clue what's going on!

Jim: Hehehe...

To be continued...

Episode 114: "The Mighty, Idiotic Fred Vs. The um... BSD," by Fred[edit]

Fred: Welp, I'm tired of not really doing anything. Someone better win, damnit, so it might as well be me. Wait, Why am I walking into this large crater volcano-ridge thingee place with lots of prefixes and suffixes?

BSD: Beucasr it maks teyh best fighting cours 4 my l33t hax--r fiya skillz!

Fred: Sure, as long as I'm getting that coke.

BSD: No, You are T3h lozig!~~

Fred: Fred squish you.

BSD: Fine! WeaRe t3h Fighting my sTryle, watech! (Punches a brick wall into rubble)

Fred: Fred has hammer. BSD loses.

BSD: Grr... FFFP!

Fred: What?

BSD: that's Rite! I used my FFFP!

Fred: No, you didn't. You said FFFP. That doesn't even make sense.

BSD: Yes it do3S!

Fred: No. Look, you just came up with some name and said it out loud, and even if you jumped at me, where the hell does the Flash come from?

BSD: Grrr! You ar T3h mkaing to4 mucha seNgse!

Fred: You sure did lose.

(Fred jumps ten feet in the air using his boots and lands on BSD. BSD rolls backwards and yells out "SSLANFSA"(Super Stupid Long Acronym For Some Attack) Whixh is just another beam, but Fred simply walks around it. BSD tries his FFFP, and instead of hitting Fred, he is kneed in the stomach. BSD's Metal body does hiim no good, as Fred's unnatural strength allows him to dent it reasonably easy. BSD attacks again, but sadly his attack is predictable once more, and Fred simply walks around it)

Fred: Why you call out names of attacks?

(We're sure BSD had a clever comeback, but he is beat in the face with 75-pounds worth of obsidian hammer. Fred then pulls out a waffle. He throws it at BSD, and during the flight, Salmons fly everywhere. The attack pushes BSD back two feet, effectivly knocking him into some lava).

BSD: Wait! I'm getting stronger! It's yellow lava!

Fred: You must have went pee before I beat you. But you continue to talk, so further you go.

(Fred hits BSD further into the lava, where he is heard no more).

Fred: Ok, that was easy. Now to help GL.


Dark Jm: I hate this! I will recover my strength and read Dr. Suess books (He's evil) for a while, and then you will pay! YOU WILL ALL PAY!

Episode 115: "Introduction Black Skull Shadow Dragoshi and Fred's newest attack." by Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

*Suddenly a screw-up in Space-Time Continuum happens and BSMD is revived*

Fred:But I thought you were killed!

BSMD:You lose.

Fred:That's my phrase!

BSMD throws Fred into the groud but gets hit by 70 pounds of obsidian.


Fred:That hurt!

BSMD*Noticing that their's a portal of pure shadow energy*:I dare ya to throw me in that portal!


Fred grabs a smirking BSMD by the tail,spins him around,and throws him into the portal,then he emerges,but comes out as Black Skull Shadow Dragoshi.

Narrarator:The figure that stood before Fred was BSSD who has a height of 9 feet,longer brown hair,his wings were 36 inches wide,and has a sword that's twice as big as the MasaMune.

BSSD:Shadow Fireball Punch!

BSSD spits out a shadowy fireball,engulfs his fist in it,and punches Fred.

Fred:Waffle Laser!

Fred shoots out a llama-shaped waffle beam which gives BSSD a bad head ache.


Episode 116: "Enough with the god-damned upgrades already!" by Fred[edit]

Fred: Haha, you lose.

BSD: No, you lose.

Fred: You lose.

BSD: You lose.

(This could go for a while, folks)

(Ten minutes later)

BSD: (pant, pant) you... lose...

Fred: Ha! Now you are tired!

BSD: Eh?

Fred: Fred has mechanical voice box!

BSD: (Pant, pant) Crap.

Fred: Muaahahahha.

BSD: Hit me into that nuclear reactor.

Fred: If you say so.

(Fred hits BSSD into the reactor, which explodes, and blows BSSD into a large wall made of igneous rock)

Fred: Jeez, some people.

BSSD: Wait, now I'm Black Skull Shadow Nuclear Dragyoshi!

Fred: No, you're not. That makes no sense to Fred.

BSSND: And since my transformations give me my "oh-so cool" suffixes and prefixes to my name, and the transformations have no downside, I-

(Fred hits him the jewels with hammer)

BSSND: Wait, that didn't hurt. The Nuclear-ness must have made me sterile...

Fred: Ha.

(BSSND attacks Fred with some strange distanced fire attack, and burns Fred. Fred stops, drops and rolls, and it goes out. Suddenly, BSSND appears over Fred, but Fred hits him in the shin with his hammer overhand, forcing BSSND's left shin out of his leg in a ludicrously painful manner).

Fred: Goodbye.

(Fred picks up BSSND, and throws him into the lava again. The BSD memorial can be seen today on the left of highway two).

(WIAT! TAHT DID'T T3h HHDappen!)

Fred: You're right. It'll be better for the story if Fred doesn't see him die perse. Let's put him inside this pressure cooker after I knock him out.

Episode 116: "Space-Time Continuum screw-up two," by Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

*ANOTHER screw-up in Space-Time Cpntinuum happens Fred flies into the neuclear reactor*

Neuclear Fred:I am NEUCLEAR FRED!!


To be continued.............

Episode 117: "You hear that?" by Golem[edit]

GORE and company have found a safe place to view the final battles from.

Introbulus: So why is it we don't gang up on Koopa and Fred again?

Pharoah: Shh! Do you hear that?

Jim: What? I don't sense anything...

Yami Yoshi: ~puts head up against mountain sideways~ I hear it now. Everyone, over here. ~everyone gets in a position similar to Yami Yoshi~

Introbulus: Yeah, I hear it now, too.

GORE: I think it's the volcano starting to become active again!

Pharoah: No, definetly not.

Fusion: How would you know?

Phil: Before the **** crows twice...!

Jim: He's right, Fusion. It's not the volcano.

GORE: Well, then just what is it?!


Green: ~checking his lap-top~ Hey, boss, there's something new this time!

Red: What is it?

Green: I think it's a robot. Not very sure what it is, but I know where it is. ~points on screen~

Black: ~also looking on the screen~ Could it be...?!

Sonic the Hedgehog: What the heck is everyone detecting?! Are they connected? Will Clark Kent accidentally eat that Kryptonite doughnut?! Get the answer to all this next time on Cardcaptor Sakura! I mean...

Episode 118: "GORE's Past Revealed; Final Showdown!" by GORE-ILLA[edit]

While the others are busy with the Anti-OGers, GORE snuck away and entered the Volcano through its cavelike opening. He navigated his way throught the maze-like tunnels using some sort of sixth sense. He soon He arrived at a small antechamber near the volcano's crater. He saw an ancient rock facing him. He approached it and noticed something sticking out of it. He grabbed the familiar object and tugged on it until he finally pulled the object out of the rock. He examined the dark, metal cylinder and a red button on the side caught his eye. He curiously pressed the button, and the lightsaber hummed to life. Staring at the red beam, he went into a deep trance....


Fusion, Yami Yoshi, the Pharoah, BSD, Sword Master, Ed (Remember him?), Jim, Introbulus, and PL-0TT, having somehow defeated all the villains, ran towards the entrance to the Idej Volcano Mountain. Suddenly, Fred, Sephnity, GreatLuigi, Chaos reappear before them.

GreatLuigi: Fight! Now!

Fusion: WHY WON'T YOU DIE??!!!!

The OGers and Anti-OGers continue fighting. PL manages to sneak past them and enters the volcano.

*Back by GORE....*

He was in that black void again, and saw the gorilla-shaped cloud once again.

GORE: What must you tell me this time?

???: Everything.

GORE: Really? Then where am I and who are you?

???: Why you are in your own mind, and you.

I am your memories, and I've been inside here since Lupus washed your brain, waiting for you to discover your blade. I've been watching your progress, and at last the time has come for us to unite and you to discover our past. First, I must ask you. What is Idej spelled backward?

GORE: Hmmm...J-E-D-I....WAIT! Don't tell me I'm a...Jedi?

The gorilla-cloud shifted shape into a shapeless mist and flew into GORE's head. It all came back to him.

GORE's Past - Legend Of Zelda: A Link To the Past: Intro

Yes....I can remember it all now....I was born in a jungle somewhere in India...scientists took me from my family shortly after I was born to be sent to a gorilla space colony. Everyone celebrated, for I was to be the one thousanth gorilla sent there. As I was launched into space, an unexpected electric storm knocked me off course. I flew through a wormhole, and made it safely to the other side. But I was not the same. The wormhole had improved my strength, speed, and intelligence intensely, including my power in the Force. I had also gained the human abilities to walk upright and speak Basic.

With my new powers in the Force, I mentally guided the spacecraft to the planet where I sensed the most friendly Force powers, Coruscant. I crashed near the Jedi Temple, and was discovered by the Jedi Council as they were taking a morning walk. They took me into the tample and reluctantly agreed to accept me as a student. This was very difficult since gorillas were not native to this sector of the galaxy so they had limited intelligence about my species. So I was accepted, and the Jedi dubbed me, "The Monkey".

As the years passed, I showed great potential, with my only fault being my natural gorilla temper. I read minds and was sent up to higher classes, with advanced teachers skilled in blocking their thoughts. I was often scolded for sneaking video games into the Temple. I had always had an odd addiction to them. Many times I got the feeling that Master Yoda and the other Jedi knew more about me then I did about myself. I tried probing their minds at times but the most I got from them were the words, "Destiny," and "OGs". The day came when I was old enough to become a Jedi Padawan. Master Yoda excepted me as his apprentice and I promised not to let him down.

I trained under Master Yoda for many years until the time came for my test to become a Jedi Knight. It involved me returning to the gorilla colny near Earth, which had recently been attacked by mysterious spacecraft. I thought of it as a routine mission. I didn't know how wrong I was. The Alpha Male of the colony and I always argued over the best way to defend the colony. He obviously didn't trust me. One day the invaders attacked, bearing a flag with the image of a flat Earth on it. Many gorillas were captured. The gorilla chief, a majority of the gorillas, and I escaped to from the forces, although along the way I dropped my lightsaber off the edge of the colony. The saber fell into a volcano on Earth, and the smoke spelled the word, "JEDI." But some weirdo read it backwards and tought it said, "IDEJ", which is where the volcano got its name.

While the gorillas and I were on the run, I crafted a new sword that I used to fend off the TWIFATIT forces. But when I fought Lupus The Turk face-to-face, I lost and had my sword confiscated. All of the gorillas and were taken to Lupus's base on Earth, where we were experimented on, brainwashed, and enslaved.

GORE: Wow... So that's it...

All of a sudden, GORE spun around to face Mecha-Dark GORE.

Mecha-Dark GORE: So, ready to fight?

GORE: No. I will not fight you.

Mecha-Dark GORE: Come now. Join us. You will be powerful. You might be pure good, but I can change all of that and make us the mightiest warrior in the universe.

GORE: Never. You join us. We could use some good fighters. And I sense that there is good in you.

Mecha-Dark GORE: Ha! You sure are a comedian, GORE. Let me tell you your options. You become EVIL, and we fuse together. No one will be able to stop us, even if every OGer in the galaxy joined forces. Or we could do it the harder way. I kill you, and absorb your body. With your body no longer in existance, your soul will be lost in an endless darkness somewhere between Heaven and Hell for all of eternity.

GORE: I will NEVER join you! NEVER!!! I'm giving you a chance to fight for good!

Mecha-Dark GORE: And I'm giving you a chance to destroy your annoying friends, especially BSD!

GORE: No. Kill me. Absorb me if you wish. But I will not fight you.

Suddenly, PL rushes in.

PL: Master GORE! Master GORE! Are you okay?

Mecha-Dark GORE: Perfect. GORE Beam! (Dark GORE fires a blood-red beam that tears through PL's head.)

GORE: NO!!! PL!!!! (holds up PL's body) His memory chip is shattered. Not even Introbulus can fix this. (turns to Dark GORE) YOU MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

Mecha-Dark GORE: (Mr. Burns) Excellant. (/Mr. Burns.)

GORE-ILLA Versus Mecha-Dark GORE - Super Mario 64: Final Battle with Bowser: Part 1

GORE rushes at Dark GORE, who flips behind GORE and punches him into the wall. GORE recovers and attacks Dark GORE with a ferocious barrage of punches. Dark GORE dodges the all and knees GORE with a chest, then smashes his elbow on GORE's head. He lifts GORE's body and tosses it across the alcove.


Gamechamp and The Robot Team slid down the volcano through the top on ropes and landed in an alcove surrounding the crater facing the alcove where GORE and Dark GORE are battling.

Blue: Wow, Those two are really going at eachother.

Gamechamp: Yeah. Let's get back to business. Yellow, hand me the book. The rest of you, loot the treasure room.

Yellow: Right boss. (takes out an old, really big book and hands it to Gamechamp.)

Gamechamp: Ah, yes. The same ancient book that I learned about the rubies from will now help me revive the ancient, dreaded Idej Volcano Monster. Mwahhahahhahaaaaaaa!!!! Wait! I almost forgot! Roll call!

GREEN:I am Green!The mechanic expert,and I do good with using the weapons I make,too!!!

YELLOW:I am Yellow!I like to use my fists to do the talking!

BLACK:I am Black!I can sneek on anyone from the dark,and attack with my double swords!

BLUE:I am Blue!If you want me to operate a truck,tank,spaceship,anything!I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower,as long as it has firepower!

GC:And I am Red!The leader of the Robot team!I have every power in the universe! Just call me Gamechamp!

ALL:And we are the robot team!!!

*The rest of the robots enter the treasure room with large sacks.*


Yami Yoshi: Hip Drop! (slams down on Fred and sends him flying into the wall. He explodes.) You lose. That's the last of them.

Introbulus: Let's get inside before they come back again!

They rush into the cave. Fusion stays behind and once all the OGers are inside, he goes to full power Final Fusion and puts all of his power into one blast, then fires it at the extremely dense cave wall. Large boulders collapse and block off the entrance.

Fusion: Perfect! Now they can't follow us in!

Pharoah: Then how are we gonna get out?

Fusion: ....never thought of that....

Pharoah: (slaps forehead)

*Back at the battle...*

GORE climbs to his feet after another beating.

Mecha-Dark GORE: Give up now. Or you should pack your bags and be ready for eternal darkness!

GORE: Nah, I'm not into those kind of games.

Mecha-Dark GORE: Not the video game, you moron!

GORE: Oh. Well, let's fight classic-style. (ignites lightsaber)

Mecha-Dark GORE: I don't see why not. (turns right arm into sword-arm [Note: Before his right arm was in Iron Fist mode])

And so, GORE and Dark GORE go into a classic sword duel sequence. At first they are evenly matched, but GORE is slowly being tired out by the machine.

Mecha-Dark GORE: Its not such a hard choice! Would you rather be the ultimate lifeform or spend forever in neverending darkness?

GORE: If being the ultimate lifeform means being EVIL, I'll take the darkness.

Mecha-Dark GORE: Fine.

Mecha-Dark GORE swings his sword downward at GORE's head, who quickly brings up his lightsaber to block it. Mecha-Dark GORE grins EVILly and fires a lase from his red eye that sends GORE flying.

Mecha-Dark GORE: How pathetic. First, I will kill and absorb you. Then I will wipe out the OGers with one blow. I will cover the world in darkness, and then Lupus will have to tell me of my past. Think of it, GORE. Yami Yoshi, Fusion, Introbulus, BSD, the Pharoah, Sword Master, all dead. I'll pile their corpses here near your idiotic plot device.

GORE: NO! YOU SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GORE quickly grabbed his lightsaber and attacked Dark GORE fiercely. Mecha-Dark GORE struggled to keep up with GORE's swift, fierce, and overall aggresive strikes. GORE brought the lightsaber downward, and a second later Dark GORE's disembodied sword arm lied on the floor. The arm liquified. As the chords extended from Dark GORE's empty socket, GORE shoved his lightsaber into it. Its heat ate through Dark GORE's innards leaving nothing left to regenerate with. The part of Dark GORE's body surrounding his arm glowed bright red as the pieces began to fall off. He pulled the lightsaber out, and Mecha-Dark GORE fell to the floor in pain. GORE raised the lightsaber above his head, ready to stab at Dark GORE's head with all his might and end the nightmare.

???: Good, good. You've done well, young GORE-ILLA. Now take his place at my side.

GORE: Lupus?

Lupus: Yes. and I have one thing to say: -

(Suddenly, a large table appears. Seated around the table were Lupus, Fred, Napolean Bonaparte, Real GTX, GreatLuigi, Lemonjello, Kamek, Black Mage, The Flying Fish, PenguinMan, Phenom, and Carter. There is one empty seat.

Lupus: Join us, GORE.

Napolean: Viva La Hyrule!

GreatLuigi: (loads shotgun)

Lemonjello: The world is square.

Fred: Ken Grifey Jr. encourages you!

GORE stares down at Dark GORE. After a moment of silence, he turns off his lightsaber and tosses it to the side.

GORE: I'll never join you. You're all worthless losers.

Lupus: How dare you defy the U.N.! (To the council) I'll take care of this.

GTX: Alright.

Napolean: Viva La Hyrule!

The council disappears as suddenly as it appears.

GORE-ILLA Versus Lupus - Banjo-Kazooie: Gruntilda's Lair (Classic Final Fantasy Remix)

Lupus: One more chance. Take your Dark half's place.

GORE: Never.

Lupus: So be it....Jedi.

Lupus flies at GORE at unnatural speed. He pummels him with a ferocious barrage of punches and kicks, then concludes with an uppercut that leaves him against the wall in a mangled, bloody heap.

Lupus: Now I shall demonstate the technique I never used at the end of the first VGF Member OG - The Ban Beam. Its power wiped out the entire town of BanLand, erasing all the ghosts of banned members from this plane of existance. All I needed to master this technique was the DNA of a certain moderator, like maybe for example...Yami Yoshi.

GORE: Wait a second. Is this why you kidnapped Yami Yoshi's cheesecake?

Lupus: Kind of. I didn't exactly realize this until after you fools defatted me. To make you suffer before you die, I will show you a low-powered version of that technique. BAN BEAM!!!

A dark black beam raced from Lupus's fingertips, heading straight for GORE-ILLA. It hit GORE head-on and GORE felt screamed as pain unlike anything GORE had experianced in his entire life raced through his body. He fell to the ground, screaming. Mecha-Dark GORE watched from the sidelines. As he watched the suffering GORE, he began to feel sympathy for the young ape. He quickly shook those thoughts out of his head, remembering Lupus was his unquestioned master and he must not betray him. He looked at Lupus, who was laughing maniacally at GORE-ILLA's pain. Dark GORE began to feel anger at him, but quickly remembered that Lupus was helping him. He would be the ultimate warrior in no time.

Lupus: And now, young GORE-ILLA, you shall die.

Lupus began charging up a black ball of energy between his hands. It slowly got bigger and powerful.

Lupus: BAN BEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Death of A Hero - Super Mario RPG: Mallow Discovers He is Not a Tadpole

GORE closed his eyes and waited for the end. he heard the beam racing across the room, followed by silence. he opened his eye and saw a hulking figure standing before him and holding the beam with one hand. It was Mecha-Dark GORE. The Ban Beam quickly ate through Dark GORE's arm and his body was quickly wiped away. A small rock landed in front of GORE. On closer observation, GORE realized it was the charred mechanical half of Dark GORE's head, which had been hidden within Mecha-Dark GORE's chest.

Dark GORE: You fool. Look what you've done tme.

GORE: I didn't do anything.

Dark GORE: Exactly. you spared me twice and put your life on the line in doing so. This is the least I could do to repay you. You must absorb my essence. Since my body is long gone, that's all you can absorb. You won't become the ultimate fighter, but you will have the power to defeat Lupus.

GORE: Alright.

Dark GORE: Hurry unconstitutional boob......and tell your friends....that you were right, GORE. You were right about me.....(the red light that glows in his left eye fades away.)

GORE quickly placed his mechanical hand on Drak GORE's head. It glowed, and a golden light raced along GORE's arm. He could feel the metal and circuitry becoming flesh and blood. It spread across GORE's body. When it was done, GORE wore Jedi robes, and his fur glowed as the Super Ape.

Super GORE: I am the True GORE-ILLA.

Lupus: What?! Impossible!

GORE flew at Lupus and whacked him in the head. Lupus went flying of the edge and fell to the lava pit.

*By The Robot Team...*

Gamechamp: I found the spell! Aichu Tatka Timbuktu! Faisha Leechi Rosie O' D! Laktar Waffles Monkey Trumps! Donald Duck and Tasmanian Devil!

Suddenly, a shadow formed in the lava. Lupus continued plummeting down the crater. A giant monster resembling a giant jellyfish emerged from the lava pool and wrapped its tentacles around Lupus. It devoured the Turk, then began trembling.

Green: What's happening?

Gamechamp: Its absorbed Lupus! If we're lucky, it will evolve and become stronger If we're not lucky, Lupus is taking control of it.

A giant body wearing a black, flowing cape sprouted from the monster's head. Then, the head turned into a giant Lupus head. The Monster Lupus floated towards GORE as the unlucky Robot Team retreated.

Monster Lupus: You'll pay for that, GORE-ILLA!

Super GORE-ILLA flew at Lupus, who quickly flahed behind GORE and smashed him into the ground. GORE, got up, no longer in Super Ape form.

Monster Lupus: You'll pay for making me lose my best minion!

Final Showdown - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: Lost Woods Techno Remix

????: We don't think so!

Monster Lupus: What?!

Yami Yoshi: That's right, Lupus!

Fusion: We're back!

Sword Master: You'll pay for the lives you stole!

Introbulus: Your time alive is numbered!

BSD: Together, we're invincible! ROTFL

GORE: With us united, no one can get in our way!

VGF Six: We're the VGF Six!

Jim, Ed, and Pharoah: And we're the VGF Add-ons! We're often neglected!

VGF Six: Yes! You now what this means! OG Fist!

All of the VGF Six punch forward at the same time, creating a giant golden fist that flies towards the Monster Lupus. However, the Monster Lupus catches it. it pushes Lupus back several meters.

GORE: Its not enough!

Yami Yoshi: I know! We can use an Absorption Egg! But we'd need someone to distract him.

Suddenly, the earth rumbles. A giant figure the size of Monster Lupus enters and tries pushing him back!

All but BSD: THE MAN?!!

BSD: Yeah! I summoned him a while ago, but it must have taken time for him to cross the Lava Sea.

Fusion: Alright! Let's get ready!

Yami Yoshi: (forms the Absorption Egg) Dark Egg!

Pharoah: Dark Egg!


Introbulus: Ultimate Prod!

SwordMaster: Sword Energy Beam!

Jim: Jim Beam!

Fusion: Elemental Beam!

BSD: Magna Dragoshi Egg!

Ed: Chicken Toss!

Gamechamp: Buster Cannon!

Robot Team: Robot Team Blast!

Robo Scouts: Robo Scout Blast!

Yami Yoshi: Its still not enough!

???: Energy Beams!

Ed: What was that?

???: I am StuMan, guardian of Mystery planet, keeper of the peace, disposer of bombs, winner of the smelliest foot contest, owner of the total-perfect-fixing-device-that-shouldnt-really-exist, and dispenser of Energy Beams!

Yami Yoshi: This might just be enough! Absorption Egg!

Yami Yoshi tosses the egg. It sends Lupus sliding back to the edge of the crater.

Yami Yoshi: He's still alive! We need someone to attack Lupus so the OG Fist will hit him! But whoever it is might not make it.

GORE walks up to Introbulus.

GORE: (hands Dark GORE's head to Introbulus) Here - PL!

Introbulus: Huh?

GORE uses the Force to pull his lightsaber to his hand. He then rushes towards Monster Lupus, leaps up, and plants the lightsaber firmly in Lupus's forehead.

Monster Lupus: Son of a Jamaican flying tapdancing monkey!

Lupus lets go of the OG Fist to grab his head, and the fist tears through Monster Lupus's chest. He falls backwards into the crater. GORE struggles to pull his lightsaber out of Lupus's head. He finally pulls it out and leaps into the air, but is swatted by Lupus's hand.

Yami Yoshi: GORE!!!!!!!!

Introbulus: No!

Fusion: We've gotta go! This entire volcano's gonna go up in smoke and we will too if we don't bust a move!

Ed: Heh heh....Bust-A-Move....

BSD: C'mon!

Everyone except Introbulus flies out of the volcano through the top. Introbulus sees PL's body, grabs it, and flies out followed by a jet of lava. The OGers assemble at the shore and take cover as the volcano explodes and spews lava all over. After the explosion, the volcano is now a pile of rubble. Yami Yoshi and the other OGErs quickly begin searching the rubble for any signs of GORE. Gamechamp and the Robot Team see the sockship and smirk.

Gamechamp: Time for the Robot Team to get a free ride home! Heh heh...

The OGers continued looking through the rubble, until...

Yami Yoshi: Hey! Over here!

Everyone flies over to see Yami Yoshi holding the unconcious GORE-ILLA, severly burnt and covered in blood.

Introbulus: Aw man...he's badly hurt and without his mechanical parts the only person that can help him is PL, but he's out to- WAIT....

In realization, he pulls out Dark GORE's charred head and PL's ruined body. With a fling of his right hand, pieces flew off Dark GORE's head attached to PL-0TT. In a few seconds PL was back to normal.

PL: W-what happened? Ack! Master GORE! (shoots lasers from his eyes that restore GORE-ILLA to normal.)

GORE: (wakes up) I'm alive!

Everyone: GORE!

BSD: We should get back to the...sockship? (sees Gamechamp and the Robots sailing away in the sockship)

Fusion: GAMECHAMP!!!!

Gamechamp: Maybe next time you won't ditch me again! And Fusion, expect my bill in the mail!

Pharoah: Don't worry, we still have the....submarine?(sees villains sailing away in the sub)

GORE: D'oh!

Villains: Seeya in VGF Member OG 5!

PL: Don't worry. (He begins glowing. The surface of the lava ocean bubbles, and the ruins of the original Swimming Monkey emerge. PL uses his powers to fix the Swimming Monkey and make it sailable once again.)

Epilogue - Super Mario 64: Ending

And so, the heroes drove The Flying Monkey to Yami Yoshi's house, where the Yu-Gi-Oh fan hosted a grand feast. During the dinner, GORE told the others all about his past and Dark GORE's sacrifice. In the end, the heroes went their seperate ways.

Yami Yoshi reopened his cheesecake factory and used (wasted) his earnings on rebuilding hs Yu-Gi-Oh deck, with help from the Pharoah.

With the cheesecake factory back in business, SwordMaster resumed his job defending it.

Fusion left to continue training.

StuMan went on to win the International Smelliest Foot Contest.

BSD took classes on Writing.

Gamechamp and The Robot Team got away with the treasure, and debated over whose side they'd be on next time.

As for the villains...

Sephnity: Great! Dark GORE's gone! Who's gonna take his place as GORE-ILLA's rival and leader of Team Monkey? (A gorilla in silver armor enters.)

???: I can help you there.

Koopa: And who are you?

???: You can call me...MON-KILL.

GORE enlisted Introbulus, Yami Yoshi, and Jim to help him pilot the Flying Monkey to Coruscant in hopes of learning more about his past.

A shrine in remembrance of Dark GORE was built on the ruins of Idej Volcano Mountain. What dangers will await our heroes in the future? Find out in VGF Member OG 5!


Not Episode 119 by Yami Yoshi[edit]

I guess BSD will start VGF Member OG 5 then...