Member OG 5A Page 1

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Pages in the Member OG 5A Archive
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Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

Black Skull Shadow Dragoshi (BSSD) was walking through Japan as if he fought Lupus.

BSSD:I don't what the letters PVPM mean about my past. I've checked everywhere except dimension PVPM,but it's dangerous because it's filled with nasty beasts,demons,terrifying monsters,and villains,but the only way to get there is through the main computer system of MPVP HQ,but I need my friends help. So,i'll E-mail them!

BSSD gets out his laptop and sends an E-mail to his friends and that says they have to meet him at a factory northwest of the Starving Sumo,but little does he know Neuclear Fred is spying on.

NF:Dimension PVPM? I have to tell master MON-KILL about this.

NF dissapears.

BSSD:Might as well explore Japan while i'm waiting.

Sonic The Hedgehog:What is BSSD going to do while exploring Japan? Has Fred's intelligence increased after becoming neuclear? Why is there a Chain Chomp behind me? Will the scarcity of Fred posting in this OG add more seriousness? And why do I see four Arwings about to crash into an area northwest of Japan? Find out all of this and more on VGF Members OG 5:BSSD's dark past revealed!

TO BE CONTINUED........................

Author: Fred[edit]

(in the uber evil base of uber evil-ness) Mon-Kill: Nuclear Fred!

Fred: No, they fixed that. I'm Fred again. Just... sterile.

Mon-Kill: Tell me about BSD's stereotype mysterious past.

Fred: All he knows is PVPM, which is just MPVP baackwards.

Mon-Kill: Shutup, you're spoiling it.

Fred: What about that sea-faring monkey from the last OG?

Mon-Kill: Forget him. Now, assemble the UN for a massive strike.

Fred: But I want my fruity pebbles first...

Mon-Kill: Stop affiliating with the enemy, Hana Barbara. You may have a coke if you get the UN.

Fred: Fine, it's a monday anyways, and myhouse just burned down, so why not?

Mon-Kill: Shutup.

(And so...)

Lupus: So, we were defeated by those OGers once again.

Fred: Yeah.

Lupus: So, we were defeated by those OGers once again.

Fred: Are you all using cardboard cutouts to replace yourself in this meeting?

Black Mage: That is all.(TM)

Fred: Grr.

Real Lupus: It doesn't matter. We shall attempt to block BSD from finding his past.

(Meanwhile, at MPVP HQ)

Lord Chaos: So, master, will you show us your true form?

???: Yes. It's me! Caillou!

King Bob: Um, no it isn't.

???: Righty-o. Go away.

(main screen turn off)

Quirztok: Man, I thought it'd be someone more oriented to this story,like that Dragyoshi guy.

Lord Chaos: You're going to the looney bin. Nothing like that could EVER happen. (Wink, wink)

Author: Greatluigi[edit]

Meanwhile, in a decreipt old house...

GL: Ugh...Fred? You there? ..Woah! Be and Fred must have had a wild party last night! We burned his house down! Fred?

Voice: Report to place.

GL: K.

(Second later)

GL: Hey, my cliche friend.

Fred: Hey, my cliche buddy.

GL: 'Sup?

Fred: Just chillin'.

GL: Chillin' with the trillin?

Fred: Word.


Hunchbacked Scientist: Fred, here is a cheapanium metal helmet.

Fred: Okay.


GL: What are we doing?

Fred: dunno.





GL: This time, lets actually kill an OG'er.

Episode 4: "It's Pizza Time! ...Not Really." by Golem[edit]

Sonic: Something rises, using jets in its feet, out of the waters of the western hemisphere, which has long been cooled...

???: I'm not "Something"! At least use my name!

Sonic: Ah-herm, "Rhyk."

Rhyk: Get it right next time.
~looks around~
Where is everything?

Sonic: The western hemisphere has been destroyed for about 15 years.

Rhyk: ~blink~
...Who did it?

Sonic: The OGers.
Rhyk then rockets over to and sits down on a nearby island. There his eyes go blank for a few seconds, then comes out of it.

Rhyk: ~thinking~ The OGers... Yami Yoshi, GORE-ILLA, Black Skull Dragoshi, Introbulus, Jim, Fred, and their leader, Lupus.
Copyright 2003
~speaking~ Hey, I thought you said it's been 15 years!

Sonic: And...?

Rhyk: Lupus' servers tell me otherwise...

Sonic: Uh...

Rhyk: Whatever. Since you are the narrator, I must trust you were right about the whole OGers-ending-half-o'-the-world thing and exact my own justice because no one else would ever have thought to before...!

Sonic: Eh?

Rhyk: I was pointing out the plot flaws in a sardonic fashion.

Sonic: ...Wazzup...?

Rhyk: This is a horrible excuse for humor.
Anyhow,... ~downloads karate, boxing, etc. a la Matrix~ ...I'm off to Black Skull Dragoshi's location! ~uses jets in feet to fly off~

Soon, at the factory...

BSSD: Oh, look, ...wait, who's that?!

Rhyk: ~lands before BSSD~ Have you seen Black Skull Dragoshi?! He was right here last I...

BSSD: He perished in the last OG. You see, I--

Rhyk: Ah! I've got to see about fixing that energy signature locator... Now... Erm... Could you tell me where Lupus' gang is?

BSSD: That dork?! I hate him! But, you see--

Rhyk: ~spots Pharoah off in the distance~ Yami Yoshi!

BSSD: Actually, no, that's--

Rhyk: He will be the first to fall! ~races off towards Pharoah~

Sonic: Meanwhile, in a place unknown to our freaky felines... I mean, characters...

Writer #3: Ah! Great post, I think.

Writer #2: I guess.

Writer #1: I love this... I get to master this one!

Writer #2, 3: ~sigh~

Writer: #2: It's all the same, just so long as they're our puppets...

Writer #1: Look! Here's the next post!:

Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

On the planet Krad at the MPVP HQ...

*The MPVP leaders: Pharaoh Qwirtzok, Lord Chaos, and King Bob are seen sitting in a dark room at a long black table. A shadowy figure walks into the room, his face shrouded by darkness*

Shadowy Figure: So...Tell me. Did the Anti-OGers fail to destroy the VGF Six?

Chaos: Y-y-yes Master.

*The Shadowy Figure angrily bangs his fist on the table*

Shadowy Figure: I am becoming quite impatient with you three!

Qwirtzok: The OGers are no ordinary Earthlings! They have unimaginable strength!

Chaos: Don't you know that they defeated Evil and Dark Jim, our two most powerful creations?

Shadowy Figure: You three are apparently blinded by the fact that we are one of the most powerful villain councils in the universe. We have terrorized several galaxies with our awesome power. Remember...they may be strong but we are stronger still!


Shadowy Figure: Hmph...Anyways, I have an idea. We're going to fly to Earth and I'm going to observe these OGers for myself. Dr. Beelzebub!

*A devil wearing a white lab-coat appears*

Shadowy Figure: Deploy the Apocalypse! We're going to have a little space voyage...

Dr. Beelzebub: Yes Master!

Shadowy Figure: Excellent...It's time to end this war between the MPVP and the OGers!

Meanwhile on Earth...

*Yami Yoshi and Pharaoh are dueling each other on the beach of Yoshi's Island*

Yami Yoshi: I summon Red Eyes Black Dragon!

Pharaoh: Ha! I summon Blue Eyes White Dragon!

*Suddenly, something speeds past the two Yoshi's at an amazing speed blowing the cards into the air*

Yami Yoshi: The hell?

Pharaoh: Who are you?

*The figure stops and a human wearing a white scarf with an apparent bump on his nose appears*

Rhyk: I am Rhyk the Cyborg! I am here to destroy Yami Yoshi and...wha?

*Rhyk stares at Yami Yoshi and then the Pharaoh*

Rhyk: I'm seeing double...FOUR Yami Yoshis! Oh well, I'll just kill you both!

Yami Yoshi: What do you want?

Rhyk: I want you to pay for destroying the Western Hemisphere!

*Rhyk lunges at Yami Yoshi with his arms out stretched. Yami Yoshi jumps into the air and throws a barrage of Dark Eggs at Rhyk. Rhyk dodges each egg*

Yami Yoshi: What the hell? How can he do that!?

*Rhyk jumps into the air, grabs the surprised Yami Yoshi by the tail and slams him head-first into the sand*

Pharaoh: Pharaoh Punch!

*The Pharaoh throws a punch at Rhyk. Rhyk grabs the Pharaoh's fist and throws him on top of Yami Yoshi*

Rhyk: Take that!

*Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh stand up*

Yami Yoshi: C'mon Pharaoh! We can take this guy!

Pharaoh: Right!

*Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh stand side by side and charge at Rhyk*

Rhyk: Ha!

*Rhyk performs a backflip and kicks both of the Yoshis back*

Yami Yoshi: No way...he can he move so damn fast?

Pharaoh: Let's see him dodge this! Mummification Egg!

*A bunch of bandages appear and fly toward Rhyk. Rhyk dodges each bandage strand Agent-style*

Pharaoh: Dammit!

*Rhyk walks over to a palm tree and pulls it out of the sand. He points it at the Yoshis*

Rhyk: It's time to end this Yami Yoshis!

Author: Neo[edit]

Neo walks over to the old house, bored and chewing on an unlit cigarette, wondering if it'll still rot her teeth. She opens the door and walks over to GL and Fred.

Neo] You guys are incredibly wierd. o_O; So, I'm here. And stuff. Hi.

GL & Fred] YO

Neo shakes her head slowly, swallowing the cigarette and sitting down on a NEABY, rusty, DISGUSTING OLD CHAIR. YAY...uh...she flips open a laptop and types loudly.

Neo] ...Japan. Hey look, an Arwing. Can I kill it?

GL] Be my guest.


Neo] Computer game...OR NOT?!

Fred] Okay Neo, that's enough

Neo] Right. --

Author: BSD[edit]

Falco rises out of the remains of his destroyed Arwing.

Falco:Crap,I must have dozed off again. Where the heck am I?

At Yoshi's island..................

Rhyk:Now it's time to end this!

BSSD appears (VIA mini-teleporter on his wrist)



BSSD:Because I know the real one who caused the destruction of half the world.

Rhyk:Who did it?



BSSD:In VGFMOG1 he accidentally shoved his sword into the control panel that fired the laser which destroyed half the freaking world!

Rhyk:How did BSD perish?

BSSD:He did'nt completely perish.

Rhyk:What do you mean by that?

BSSD:In VGFMOG4 he morphed into Black Skull Metal Dragoshi by falling into metallic tarpit and he perished again,but not completely.

Rhyk:He morphed again?

BSSD:Right-o. He was thrown into portal of pure shadow energy and re-emerged as Black Skull Shadow Dragoshi. One more thing, I am Black Skull Shadow Dragoshi.

Rhyk:So that's what truly happened to you and half of the world,but at different times?



BSSDon't ask.


TO BE CONTINUED.................

Author: Golem[edit]

Rhyk: ~thinking~ I'll go along with it... for now.


~The Apocalypse lands in a desert. Inside are Quirtzok, Bob, Chaos, Shadowy Figure, and Beelzebub.~

Bob: What now?

Shadowy Figure: We wait.

Everyone Else: ???

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

The Flying Monkey II lands by the U.N. HQ and Team Monkey exits the aircraft. Lupus greets them.
Ol' Bessie's Mad Cow Disease has gotten more ravenous so she was strapped to one of those things with wheels that cannibols are strappped to that I can't remember the name of.

Mousse: So where's Master Dark GORE, mon?

Lupus: Tragic news, Team Monkey. Apparantly, that radical GORE-ILLA mercilessly beat Dark GORE to an inch of his life at Idej Volcano Mountain. Dark GORE was so brutally injured that he even offered to join GORE! But GORE refused, and killed and absorbed him. I nearly killed him, but his pesky friends came in the nick of time.

Mousse: No...say it isn't so, mon...

EVIL Scientist Dude: It's true...GORE-ILLA shall pay for his crimes.

Bullwinkle: NO! Master is best friend next to Inanimate Wedge of Cheese!

Ol' Bessie: Moo....

Lupus: We have found your new leader. He's not Dark GORE, but he's the closest we could find.

MON-KILL: Hello, team....

*Elsewhere, in The Flying Monkey II traveling through space...*

Introbulus: Hey, where's Yami Yoshi?

GORE: I think he went back to Earth in one of the escape pods.I think I'll check my e-mail.

*GORE goes to ship computer, logs in, and checks e-mails.*

Subject: You want low morgage?

GORE: Delete...

Subject: 7 college girls. LIVE CAMERAS!!

GORE: Tempting, but delete...

Subject: Want a reall big...

GORE: Delete...

Subject: ROTFL J0in BSD'$ Ult1m@te adventer! 1 rok1

GORE: Delete....Hey Introb, how long til' we get to Coruscant?

Introbulus: I estimate a couple of days.

Jim: I = no lines in this episode.

Author: Fusion[edit]

Narrator: Due to a broken leg recieved during rehersal, Fusion will not be in this OG. Luckily, we have found a good replacement for him. And now, back to the story.

*At the YYs, BSSD's, and Rhyk's location...*

Pharaoh: (thinking)I sense something wrong.(/thinking) HEY, LOOK OUT!!!!

*Suddenly, a blast appears out of nowhere. Luckily, Pharaoh gets everyone away before it hits them*

YY: Woah, what was that blast?

???: Mine, of course.

*Suddenly, Person appears*


Person: Yes, but the MPVP revived me in exchange for your deaths.

Rhyk: Over my dead body!

*Rhyk runs over to punch Person, only to recieve a punch himself. Rhyk gets p***ed off and tries to kick him. But, Person dodges and kicks Rhyk where it hurts. Rhyk falls to the ground*

Rhyk: He's...too...strong...

*Suddenly, Person is blasted back by a mysterious warrior*

Warrior: Take that!

Person: *getting back up* Who the he** are you?

Warrior: I am Velocity, master of energy! I have come to make sure that the MPVP doesn't succeed!

Person: Well, Velocity. Let's see you try!

*Person runs over to punch Velocity, only to recieve a punch himself. Velocity grabs him by the throat and punches him again. Person staggers toward Velocity, only to be blasted away into oblivion*

BSSD: Woah! You beat Person without breaking a sweat!

Velocity: Yes, I know. But that's not why I came. I came to warn you that the MPVP has come to Earth to kill you.

YY: Literally?

Velocity: Yes.

Pharaoh: I guess our next mission is clear. Destroy the MPVP at all costs.

Rhyk: Yeeouch! My **** hurts.

All: Okay...

???: Hey, wait up!

*Suddenly, SwordMaster appears*


Author: Gamechamp[edit]

Rhyk: Who's this guy?

SM: I'm...

Yami Yoshi: He's Master of the Sword!

SM: No, my name is...

Yami Yoshi whispers something to him about Rhyk.

SM: Oh, that's right! I'm Master of the Sword!

Rhyk: Wait a minute... I know who you really are! You're that guy from the dog food commercial!

SM: Ummmmmmmmm... yeah! That's me!

Author: Neo[edit]

Neo sits around boredly.

Neo] So...death, huh?

Fred] Yep.

Neo] Should be fun. +_+ And easy.

GL] Yep.

Fred] Maybe.

Neo] ...What's taking so long? ><

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Rhyk: So...I'm looking for SwordMaster. He's the one who destroyed the Western Hemisphere!

SwordMaster: won't find him here!

Rhyk: All right! My search continues...

*Rhyk speeds off the island like a bullet creating large ripples in the ocean*

Yami Yoshi: Who was that guy?

Pharaoh: I don't know but whatever he was, he certainly wasn't human...

Voice: He's actually a cyborg...

Yami Yoshi: Wha!?

*A teenage boy who bears a striking resemblence to Rhyk stands behind Yami Yoshi, the Pharaoh, and SwordMaster*

Yami Yoshi: Who are you?

Teenage Boy: I am Golem, one of the OG Vets.

Yami Yoshi: Wha!?

Meanwhile in the desert...

*The Shadowy Figure is sitting inside the Apocalypse in front of six large TVs. Each one has one of the OGers on it*

Shadowy Figure: Hmmm...They are much more powerful than I expected. They managed to defeat Person...I think its time to test their skills a bit further...Dr. Beelzebub!

*Dr. Beelzebub appears*

Dr. Beelzebub: Yes Master!

Shadowy Figure: Is the Morphing Gel ready?

Dr. Beelzebub: Almost...Just a few more weeks and it should be ready for battle!

Shadowy Figure: Excellent...tell me about it.

Dr. Beelzebub: The Morphing Gel is a slime that latches onto its victim's head and absorbs its knowledge. Then it creates a perfect copy of the victim. What's better is that the Morphing Gel can reproduce asexually so we're talking about a HUGE army here!

Shadowy Figure: *points to Yami Yoshi on the screen* I'm soon going to have a powerful army of Yami Yoshis! Then none of your pathetic OGers can stop me!

Sonic: Can the OGers defeat the MPVP before the Morphing Gel is ready? And what exactly does this Golem guy want with the OGers? Find out in the next episode!

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: Ah! I guess that proves you can see me. ^_^

Yami: Yeah... why wouldn't we?

Golem: This is just my essence. I can't do anything to you, you can't do anything to me. The other vets and I hung out with GORE in the last OG... long story short, I'm the only one here, the rest of them are still "attached" to GORE.

SwordMaster: Don't you work for Lupus?!

Golem: I wasn't myself... The important thing is that we stop Rhyk.

Pharoah: I can't wait to get back at him!

Golem: No, no! He has the only technology that can set this timeline right!

Yami: What are you talking about?!

Golem: He has the one thing that can fix this world and give it back its western hemisphere.

Pharoah: We can't exactly take our time with this, you know, what about Person?!

Golem: Who?

Velocity: We fought him just before you came. He must have been sent by some bigger force.

Swordmaster: If that weren't the case it wouldn't be a VGF Member OG.

Swordmaster: So what do we do from here?

Velocity: Leave that to me...


Sonic: To be continued!

Writer #3: I thought that was rather l337.

Writer #5: Good job, Sonic...

OOC: There are three storylines going on now... put the MVPV or whatever one first, it'll get too confusing otherwise.

Author: Fusion[edit]

*A huge black cloud forms in the sky*

YY: We must find shelter before-*is struck by lightning*


YY: I'm okay. *passes out*

Velocity: I'm sensing dark energy coming from that storm! It's Dark Force!

Golem: Who is this Dark Force?

Velocity: Dark Force is all of the dark forces of nature combined into one deadly force.

Golem: Wow, that's a lot of forces.

*Suddenly, a face forms in the cloud*

Dark Force: I am going to kill you all, starting with YY!!

Golem: Over my dead body!

Dark Force: With pleasure.

*The Dark Force then sends a lightning bolt towards Golem, who dodges it and jumps up into the sky to punch the Dark Force. The Dark Force then blows Golem away towards the ground with a blast of wind. Luckily, Golem flips over and lands on his feet just in time. His mechanical arm then turns into a laser cannon. He sends a powerful laser at the Dark Force, causing it to scream in pain*


*The Dark Force then summons a giant hand. It grabs Golem and starts squeezing him*

Golem: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! *tries to get away, only to be electrocuted by the hand*


*Suddenly, the giant hand is blasted back by...*

All: The Flying Monkey???


Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Velocity: Wait, no. Its just a weather baloon.

Golem: Oh. That makes sense, since the Flying Monkey II is halfway across the universe.

Dark Force: BLARG! Now I will kill you because I am EVIL! BLARG!

Author: Golem[edit]

Yami Yoshi: Golem just said he was but an essence... What's going on?!

Velocity: And who the heck is piloting that weather balloon to have it so highly equipped?

Pharoah: No time for that! The weather balloon is chasing the Dark Force away, let's see where it takes us!

Episode 17: That's Where They Are! by Gamechamp[edit]


The Robot Team is in the Sock-shaped Ship in the lava ocean.

GC: Oh, we've been lost at sea forever!

Yellow: Hey, it's not too bad!

GC: Yes it is! We've been here for months! And, plus, you're the one that dropped the map overboard!

Yellow: Well, if Blue weren't playing that stupid gameboy game and annoying me with its sounds...

Blue: Hey! That's one of the best racing games ever! Stop saying it's bad!

Green: QUIET!!!!!

GC: Hey! You're not in this argument! Plus, you should be gaurding the treasure we got from Idej Volcano!

Green: But there's nobody that could steal it! Plus, I just got a reading on the radar...

Black: Wait? Is it a plane or something? Something that could rescue us?

Green: No... it looks more like a...

They all see a cyclone coming for them.


Blue: Oh no!

A rock suddenly flies from the cyclone, and knocks Blue out.

GC: Oh no! Blue's the only one that could steer us away from there! Which means...

The cyclone sucks them up, and all of the treasure falls in the lava, melting it, and then the cyclone blows them far away.

ALL: Looks like the Robot Team's blasting off agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain!!!!!

They dissappear in a star-like thing.

(OOC: Don't make the Robot Team intersect with everyone, I'm going to do that myself on a different episode.)

Episode 19: Don't you just hate it when that happens?- by Introbulus[edit]

(Meanwhile, in the Flying Monkey II...)

Introbulus: We're approaching Coruscant as we speak, we'll be landing in about 1 hour due to...special...landing...proceedure...thingies...

Jim: Ha! Told you my shortcut would lead us right to...

(Suddenly, a rip in space opens up and sucks in Introbulus and Jim)

Gore: ...Damn! I HATE it when that happens! Oh well, I guess I'm all alone then...

Narrirator: Wow! What a crummy post! Not even a full paragraph!

Jim: No one asked you! (Strikes Narrirator with lightning)

Narrirator: ...Ow.

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

*Introbulus and Jim fall into the time rip and teleport to the surface of a large and black planet*

Jim: Where are we?

Introbulus: This certainly isn't Earth. Let me check my planet identification device...

*Introbulus pulls out a device from his pocket and plants it onto the black surface of the planet*

PID: This is the Planet Krad. Approximately 666 thousand miles in diameter. The ground is composed of Devilite.

Introbulus: The Planet Krad? Isn't that the main headquarters of the MPVP?

Jim: Yeah...We better be careful...

*Introbulus and Jim walk down the hill and onto a vast, barren, and black desert. The dark clouds in the sky cast shadows over the two heroes*

Introbulus: This planet seems suspiciously empty. Where is everyone?

Jim: Maybe they're ghosts or something...

*Introbulus takes another step and a clank is heard*

Jim: What's that?

Introbulus: *looks down and sees a metal door with a handle on it* It looks like some sort of metal hatch. Let's go inside!

*Introbulus grabs the handle and opens the hatch. Then he and Jim jump inside*

To Be Continued...

Episode 21: The Villains' Den by Fusion[edit]

*Introbulus and Jim are in an underground bunker*

Guard: Hey, you can't come in the MPVP HQ!! *roasts Jim with a flamethrower gun*

Jim: Ow...HEY!!! Jimly Jimray of Jimly Jimness! *blasts guard*


Introbulus: So, I guess we're in the MPVP HQ. Let's take a look around to find a clue that will help us destroy the MPVP once and for all.

Jim: YEAH!!

*Suddenly, a group of Super Battle Droids walks toward Introbulus and Jim*

Introbulus: METAL CONTROL!!

*No effect*

Introbulus: Dang. *notices a laser gun next to the dead guard and picks it up* I can use this to fight them!

*Introbulus grabs Jim and runs behind a metal crate, jumping out every minute to shoot a SBD. Soon, all the droids are dead*

???: Halt!

*Suddenly, they are approached by...*

Introbulus: Sephnito? But you're dead!

Sephnito: I am not for you see as a god, I have the ability to revive myself. And now we shall fight.

Introbulus: Indeed we shall.

(Note: There was originally a barrage of random pictures here in Fusion's annoying attempt to emulate Lupus)

Jim: Okay, that was weird.

Sephnito: ACK! I CAN'T STAND THAT ANYMORE! RUBY ANNIHILATION BEAM! *blasts all the pictures into oblivion* Now, then. Where was I? Oh, yes. I was just about to KILL YOU!!