Member OG 5A Page 2

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Pages in the Member OG 5A Archive
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Episode 23: "Destiny Revealed" by GORE-ILLA[edit]

The Flying Monkey approached Coruscant.

GORE: Aw, man. Now I'm all alone.

PL: What about me?

GORE: Oh yeah, forgot you were here.

PL: We're now entering Coruscant's atmosphere.

GORE: Good.

A small, floating spherical droid with a gray "eye" flew up to the window of the Flying Monkey.

Droid: Welcome to Coruscant. May I ask of your destination?

GORE: The Jedi Temple.

Droid: Do you have an appointment.

GORE: You could say that. My The Monkey.

Droid: (eye glows red and focuses on GORE. It stops and flies to the surface.) Follow me!

PL took control of The Flying Monkey an followed the droid to the landing pad. The ramp lowered, and GORE and PL walked out. They stood in front of the magestic Jedi Temple. A group of Jedi of Jedi stepped out to greet him. GORE recognized the head one...

GORE: Master Yoda!

Yoda: Ah, so true it is. Returned to Coruscant, the Monkey has.

Mace Windu: Follow us.

GORE: Yes, Master Windu, sir.

GORE follows the elder Jedi through the twisting halls of the Jedi Temple until they reached the circular Jedi Council room.

GORE: I am sorry, masters. I hve failed my mission. The gorillas and I were captured. Every one of them is now dead.

Mace: We should be the ones apologizing, Monkey.

GORE: What?

Yoda: Knew you would fail, we did. But we sent you there, so fullfill your destiny you can.

GORE: What destiny? My only goal is to be a Jedi Knight!

Ki-Adi-Mundi: No, Monkey. Your to join the VGF Six and save the OG Universe before it is destroyed once more.

GORE: What do you mean, masters? The VGF Six is fine without me.

Yoda: The VGF Six, without you, will crumble from the inside without you, and the OG Universe will be destroyed once again - just as it had been all those years ago, when the Old OG Universe was at the peak of perfection, with the help of the Party Goers and the OG Vets. But that universe collapsed. Lupus The Turk was one of the few that survived. He capture the souls of the OG Vets, who were reincarnated as the New Party Goers i an alternate dimension, known as the Gamehiker's Realm. The OG Universe respawned since then, but it is at danger of collapsing again soon - and this time for good. Only a legendary band of warriors, the VGF Six, can defeat them. You must help them, The Monkey.

GORE: No! I spent all this time away from home and now this is the only place I want to be! (runs off.)

*Later in the meditation room...*

GORE sits in a chair, meditating. Suddenly, gastly images float into his mind...

SwordMaster and Introbulus stand facing Fusion and BSD. The four appear to be yelling at eachother. Yami Yoshi stands between them, hoping to restore peace, but fails. SwordMaster, unable to take it any longer, rushes forward and rives his sword through BSD's skull. BSD drops to the floor in a pool of blood. In anger, Fusion unleashes a powerful blast, and all that remains of SwordMaster are ashes. Introblus and Fusion both fire large blasts at eachother, Yam,i Yoshi gets caught in the middle. An explosion engulfs them, and when the smoke clears, there is nothing left of the five warriors. The ground slowly begins to dissolve. Jim, Ed, StuMan, Velocity, the Pharoah, PL, and Phil watch in awe before they dissolve as well. The U.N., the TWIFATIT, the Illumanatti, the Ant-OGers and P.I.E. disappear as well. Soon the rest of VGF follows. Newbie Land, NC Land, Misc. Land, and the Battlefield are slowly wiped out. Soon, their is nothing left. The nothing remains for all of eternity.

GORE: (wakes up covered in sweat)I must go back!

GORE runs out and reurns to the Jedi Council room.

GORE: I apologize for my behavior, masters. I shall leave now.

Yoda: Wait, Monkey. Your ship will take days to get back to Earth. We have something that can get you back much faster. (snaps his fingers. A Jedi Starfighter with a gorilla-shaped c0ckpit flies past. He tosses GORE a set of keys.) May the Force be with you - and do not worry, we will send you back your other ship.

GORE: Thank you for everything, masters. (leaves)

And so, GORE departs from Coruscant in the Jedi Starfighter with PL in the droid socket. Will he make it back to Earth to help his friends with the war with the MPVP? Or will some unexpected turn of events throw him off course? Find out next time!

Episode 24: "NEVER say those words!" by Introbulus[edit]

(Inside a secret room of Planet Krad, Lord Chaos stares at a T.V. screen and laughs mechanically. No, he did not just beat "Space Invaders" for the thirty-fifth time! He was looking at Introbulus and Jim, heading towards the "Jenga" block.)

Lord Chaos: This is perfect! Those fools are heading right for the ol' "Jenga" trap! What a bunch of morons! (sips on a bottle of "Citra")

(Back with Jim and Introbulus...)

Jim: Here we go! One pull on this block, and the entire empire of MPVP will crumble to dust!

Introbulus: Wait! Are you sure about this? It might be a trap!

Jim: Pah! What's the worst that could happen?

(Jim blasts the Jenga block out of it's slot with a fireball, and a giant pile of Jenga blocks tumble towards Introbulus and Jim!)

Introbulus: ...You had to say that, didn't you?



Introbulus: head...huh? Where are we?!?

(Introbulus realizes that he's tied to an indestructable wooden post with indestructable rope, and that a few feet away from him, Jim has been woven into a tapestry)

Jim: It's about time you woke up!

Introbulus: What happened?

Jim: Well, judging by our current status, I'd say your stunt back there got us captured!

Introbulus: MY stunt? But didn't you...?

Jim: No time for the blame game now, we've got to get out of here!

???: I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Neutral Jim.

Introbulus: Hey, who's that ??? guy?

Jim: "Neutral" Jim? Wait, no, it couldn't be...ohhh HELL! It's Dark Jim!

Dark Jim: Welcome to my secret lair! I'd say I saved you from the MPVP, if you weren't currently my prisoners!

Introbulus: Well, I suppose that deserves at least half a "thank-you"!

Jim: Well, are you going to kill us now?

Dark Jim: On the contrary, I'm going to help you!

Introbulus and Jim: O.O ???

To Be Continued...

Episode 25 by Yoshiyami[edit]

Introbulus: Help? From us?

Dark Jim: That's right. Those MPVP scumbags betrayed me in VGFMOG 3. They hate those who have high power levels and they seek them out and destroy them. That is why they want to destroy you, the OGers. They are afraid that you will jeopardize their plans for galaxy domination.

Jim: Hmm...Can't we just defeat them right now?

Dark Jim: I don't think that's possible. Qwirtzok, Chaos, and Bob have unimaginable power. They were hired by Emperor Akujin for a reason.

Introbulus: Emperor Akujin?

Dark Jim: He's the main leader of the MPVP. His power is...infinite. He's defeated millions of heroes just like you guys without any effort at all...Listen to this story...


*The scene on a large planet in a large futuristic city. A human-like robot is seen facing a strange man in the streets. The man wears a black suit and dark black shades that cover his eyes. The man's black hair is neatly combed back and the man looks as if hes in his early thirties*

Man: Such a pathetic planet...the foul smell of robot fuel...the intolerable sound of whirring...and streets and streets overcrowded with useless robots. I think I'll be doing this galaxy a favor by blowing this planet up Roboman.

Roboman: You're wrong Akujin! I'm going to kill the leader of the MPVP once and for all! BULLET ARM!

*Roboman's human arm transforms into a machinegun and it starts firing bullets at Akujin. Akujin holds up his hand and the bullets stop midair and then fall uselessly to the ground*

Roboman: LASER ARM!

*Roboman's arm transforms into a futuristic ray gun and it fires a blue laser at Akujin. The laser is absorbed into Akujin's body and causes no apparent damage*

Akujin: Hmm...

*Akujin points his index finger at Roboman and fires a red laser at Roboman, which blasts him backwards*

Roboman: SWORD ARM!

*Roboman's arm transforms into a shiny white blade and he jumps toward Akujin who holds up his hand. Roboman's body is frozen midair*

Roboman: I...can't...move!

*Akujin walks over to Roboman's frozen body and touches the blade of the sword*

Akujin: This pathetic blade is dull!

*Akujin grabs the blade and bends it backwards*

Akujin: You are starting to bore me...It's time to end this pathetic fight...Self-Destruct.

*Akujin points his index finger at Roboman and his body explodes*

Akujin: It's time to blow up this planet...

*Akujin pulls out a black bomb out of his pocket*

Akujin: The X-Bomb will completely obliterate this planet. Say goodbye Machinia!

*Akujin places the X-Bomb on the ground and he teleports to the control room of the Apocalypse*

Akujin: Dr. Beelzebub. Prepare to take off.

Dr. Beelzebub: Yes Master!

*The Apocalyspe flies into space just as the entire planet of Machinia explodes*

Akujin: Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!


*Introbulus and Jim are stare at Dark Jim with looks of awe*

Dark Jim: Machinia had some of the most powerful robot warriors in the galaxy...Akujin destroyed them as if they were nothing...

Introbulus: We must stop him before he destroys Earth!

Dark Jim: I wasn't planning on telling you this Introbulus but he has already landed on Earth.

Introbulus and Jim: WHAT!?

Dark Jim: Don't worry. He's currently testing the OGers' powers. He won't blow up the planet just yet...

Introbulus: How can we stop this Akujin thing?

Dark Jim: I know a way, but we'll have to sneak inside the MPVP HQ...

Jim: All right! Let's go!

Sonic: Can Introbulus and Jim trust Dark Jim? And are the OGers on Earth aware of the danger that awaits them? Find out in the next episode!

Episode 26: "Ambushed!" by Fusion[edit]

*The few OGers on Earth follow the retreating Dark Force*

Dark Force: (Fools! Little do they know that I am leading them straight into a trap!)

*Later, the OGers are surrounded by a group of SBDs. YY, Pharaoh, Golem, Velocity, and SM fire beams of energy at the SBDs. More SBDs appear until finally, the OGers are cornered*

SM: This looks like the end!

Velocity: Oh yeah? Watch this!

*Velocity levitates into the air and hovers above his friends. He then generates a barrier of energy that reaches all the way to the ground, protecting himself along with his friends from the lasers*

YY: Well, looks like we're safe. For now.

*Suddenly, a shadowy blast pierces through the barrier and hits Velocity, knocking him out*

Emperor Akujin: Ha! No one can defeat my MPVP!

Pharaoh: So your the one who's leading them!

Emperor Akujin: Yes. But I'm not going to fight you. Instead, I'm going to send a friend to destroy you.

*Suddenly, Shade leaps out of the crowd of droids and lands next to Akujin*

Akujin: Finish them.

Shade: As you wish.


Episode 27: "Un-Ambushed...Or Something" by GORE-ILLA[edit]

Shade: Yes, OGers! Prepare to fall before my amazing powers!

Yami Yoshi: Okay, who wants to kill Shade this time?

Others: Meh...

Shade: What are you doing? You're supposed to be afraid of my deadly new power!

*crickets chirp.*

Shade: C'mon! Aren't you going to ask about my new deadly power?

Velocity: Not really, no.

Shade: But...but...why don't you wanna fight me?

BSD: You were one of our strongest opponents...three OGs ago! We're much stronger now!

Shade: Hey! I was here last time!

Yami Yoshi: yeah, and you got your ass kicked by Introbulus...twice.

Shade: Stop being mean to me! I should've killed you when I had the chance.

Velocity: You never had a chance.

Shade: Right, right.

Suddenly, a Jedi Starfighter swoops down from the sky, picking off Super Battle Droids with its laser turrents and running over others as it flew along the ground. The hatch opened, and GORE came out.

OGers: GORE!

Shade: Sigh...wanna fight me?

GORE: Sure.

GORE ignites his lightsaber. Shad punches at GORE, but GORE rolls between Shade's legs, comes up behind the shady creature, and uppercuts him. Shade is sent flying into a mountain and explodes. GORE turne off his lightsaber.

SwordMaster: I wonder what his new power was, though.

GORE: Oh. When I rolled between his legs, I tried to slice at him with my lightsaber, and realzed he had gotten a very thick piece of armor surrounding...that area.

BSDL You mean his balls?

All: -_-

Episode 28: "The Dark Force Cometh" by Fusion[edit]

Akujin: Dark Force, I choose you!

*Insert Pokeball here*

Dark Force: I'm not a Pokemon.

Akujin: Quiet! You're my servant, and you are whatever I say you are! Now do the Darkly Dark Move of Darkly Darkness!

Dark Force: Okay, okay! Sheesh! Darkly Dark Move of Darkly Darkness!

*A shroud of darkness surrounds the OGers*

Velocity: Light Energy!

*A barrier of light then gets rid of the darkness*

Dark Force: NOOOOO!! Hey, I still have one unbeatable move left, and that's...


Episode 27: "The Darkest Force" by GORE-ILLA[edit]

Dark Force: The most deadly force of nature!

Dark Force grunts loudly until a flatulent (sp?) noise is heard. A dark fog travels toward the OGers and settles around them.

GORE: Ew! What's that smell?

Pharoah: (coughs loudly)

Yami Yoshi: nose burns!

SwordMaster: (passes out.)

BSD:(cough) Wasn't me!

Velocity: Jesus, that smell goes right through my armor!

Dark Force: Ha! They are no match for the Dark Gas, the most powerful dark force of nature! Mwahahhahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!

To Be Continued....

Episode 28: "Doesn't ANYBODY know what they're supposed to be doing anymore?" by Introbulus[edit]

(Back on planet Krad...)

Introbulus: So Dark Jim, what is this thing you say can destroy Emperor Akujin?

Dark Jim: As I recall, Emperor Akujim keeps his only weakness hidden away in some secret vault at the heart of planet Krad, guarded by the second most powerful creature in the universe, period!

Jim: "Second-most"?

Dark Jim: "Mose powerful" was already taken.

Jim: Ah, I see.

Introbulus: What is this creature?

Dark Jim: No one has ever seen it before, it's a wonder that they even know how powerful it is!

Jim: Wait, so no one actually knows what this guardian looks like? Then how does anyone know what the weakness is?

Dark Jim: Ermmm....

Jim: You don't KNOW!?!

Dark Jim: It's a closely-guarded secret! Not even Akujin...

Narrirator: That's EMPEROR Akujin!

Dark Jim: ...Right, not even Emperor Akujin knows what his weakness is! However, whatever his weakness is, it can't be exploited unless we find the weakness in the secret vault.

Introbulus: Do you have any clue where this "secret vault" exists?

Dark Jim: Well, actually, I was hoping you could tell me...


Dark Jim: Hey, calm down! I'm part you, you know! Any insluts you give to me are literally directed to you as well!

Jim: (Grumble)stupid laws of anti-logic!(/grumble)

Introbulus: Why do you even need us, anyway?

Dark Jim: Only warriors of good can use the weapon, because it has a restraining spell that keeps evil from using it.

Jim: That's nice, now if you don't mind, there's a little matter we have to go through in order to find this "secret weakness".

Dark Jim: And what would that be?

Jim: How about... releasing us and actually starting the search, hmmm!?!?!

To be Continued...

Episode 29 by Yami Yoshi[edit]

*The OGers are seen covering their mouths with their hands as the poisonous gas contaminates the air*

Yami Yoshi: *holding his nose* Wait! Isn't gas flammable? BSSD! You should use your Super Molten Egg!


*BSSD throws a Super Molten Egg at Dark Force. As soon as the egg enters the gas, it creates a huge explosion blasting the OGers back. Dark Force screams in pain as his body is incinerated by the flames*

Yami Yoshi: You guys okay?

SwordMaster: Yeah...The explosion just blasted us back...

BSSD: Let's find out where the MPVP are so when can destroy them right away!

Meanwhile inside the Apocalypse control room...

Dr. Beelzebub: Emperor Akujin! Dark Force has been defeated!

Akujin: It's time to for a final test of their skills...release the Morphing Gel!

Dr. Beelzebub: Yes Master!

*Dr. Beelzebub walks into the laboratory of the Apocalypse and picks up a container containing a transparent slime. Then, he walks into the landing bay of the Apocalypse and hops inside a skull-shaped pod and flies out into the sky toward Yoshi's Island...*

Meanwhile on Yoshi's Island...

BSSD: Hey what's that?

*BSSD points to the skull-pod flying above them*

Yami Yoshi: I don't know...I don't like the looks of it though...DARK EGG!

*Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at Dr. Beelzebub's skull-pod. The egg smashes into the side causing the container to fall out. The pod crashes into the ocean and explodes*

Yami Yoshi: And that's that...

SwordMaster: Wait! Something dropped from that thing!

BSSD: It's over here! Look!

*BSSD stands by the container*

Yami Yoshi: Don't open it! It might be something dangerous...

BSSD: Relax...if it's something evil, I'll destroy it!

*BSSD opens the top of the container and the Morphing Gel springs out and latches onto Yami Yoshi's head*


SwordMaster: OG BLADE!

*SwordMaster slams his swordblade into the Morphing Gel knocking it off Yami Yoshi's head*

Yami Yoshi: Whew...That was close...

Pharaoh: Look! What's happening?

*The Morphing Gel's body transforms into a perfect copy of Yami Yoshi except this Yami Yoshi has evil red glowing eyes*

Yami Yoshi: The hell?

Yami Yoshi Clone: The hell?

*Both Yami Yoshi stare at each other in confusion*

Pharaoh: That slime transformed into Yami Yoshi!

Yami Yoshi: I don't know who you are but you're going down! DARK EGG!

Yami Yoshi Clone: DARK EGG!

*Both eggs collide and cause an explosion knocking both of the Yami Yoshis back*

Yami Yoshi: This thing must have been sent by the MPVP! Help me out! If we work together, we can take it out!

Pharaoh: Mummification Egg!

*A bunch of bandages wrap around the Yami Yoshi Clone's body*

BSSD: Super Molten Egg!

*The Super Molten Egg incinerates the bandages and burns Yami Yoshi Clone to a crisp*

SwordMaster: OG Blade!

*SwordMaster runs over to the Yami Yoshi clone and slashes his body in half*

Yami Yoshi: I didn't know I was that weak...

Pharaoh: Look!

*The two halves of the Yami Yoshi Clone's body transform into two new Yami Yoshi Clones.

Yami Yoshi Clone 1: Dark Egg!

Yami Yoshi Clone 2: Dark Egg!

*The two Yami Yoshi Clone throw Dark Eggs at Yami Yoshi. Yami Yoshi jumps into the air to avoid the first one only to be smashed by the 2nd one. Velocity punches one of the clones in the face only to be kicked back by the other one*

Yami Yoshi Clones: What's wrong? You can't defeat us? Time to finish you off!

*The two clones split their bodies in half making a total of four Yami Yoshi Clones*

Yami Yoshi: Oh sh*t...

Yami Yoshi Clone 1: Dark Egg!

Yami Yoshi Clone 2: Dark Egg!

Yami Yoshi Clone 3: Dark Egg!

Yami Yoshi Clone 4: Dark Egg!

Yami Yoshi: RUN!

*The four OGers run away from the four Yami Yoshi clones as the Dark Eggs explode behind them*

Yami Yoshi: My house! Hurry!

*The four OGers run into Yami Yoshi's house. Yami Yoshi runs into the kitchen and opens a cupboard full of Blue Shells. He and the Pharaoh both eat one and sprout wings*

Yami Yoshi: Let's go!

*Yami Yoshi grabs BSSD and the Pharaoh grabs SwordMaster. They fly out the window just as the 4 Yami Yoshi Clones bust into the house*

Velocity: Where are we going?

*Velocity follows closely behind the other OGers while GORE flies his Jedi Starfighter next to them*

Yami Yoshi: The closest landing place is Tokyo...Let's fly there!

Inside Yami Yoshi's house...

*The four Yami Yoshi clones eye the Blue Shells inside the cupboard and smile wickedly at each other......*

To Be Continued...

Episode 30 Fred[edit]

Inside MPVPHQ...

Introbulus: Ok, we've got to find some way to really get into the secret ****.

Dark Jim: Er, I have no idea...

(Suddenly, a booth appears labeled "INFORMATION" and a stereotypical info lady holds out pamphlets)

Lady: Maps to the really secret ****!

Jim: Cool.

(Introb, Jim, and Dark Jim approach the counter, only to be captured in a tight metal net)

Fred: Ha! We've got you!

GL: This was easily our best plan yet.

(Introbulus forces the net to rip open)

Fred: ... But not well thought out...

GL: Oh, whatever. Let's just kill 'em. DEVIL'S SCEPTER!

(GL releases the devil scepter, which wraps around Jim and swings him into Dark Jim)

Introbulus: Fine! Ultimate prod! (Introbulus attempts to destroy Fred, but Fred lowers his head and the cheapanium stops Introbulus, Bending his finger severely. Fred bashes Introbulus in the stomach with a downwards swing of his hammer, pushing Introb back. Jim gets up before Dark Jim to shoot a beam, but GL dodges the beam, and lashes the devil's scepter out again, ripping a hole in Jim. Dark Jim rises again, and Jim regenerates)

Introbulus: Dang, they've somehow become dangerous. Let's take 'em out!


Lord Chaos: Lupus, our evil sense tells me that the UN is up to something.

Lupus: No... Nope... heh heh...

King Bob: You don't get it. We have to eliminate you.

Lupus: See ya! (Tries to jump out window, which turns out to be painted on the wall)

Quirztok: Your tricks don't work here!

Lupus: Yes they do! (Lupus holds out a box of breakfast cereal labeled "Trix" and throws them to his feet. Then the shower of artificial flavour ends, Lupus is gone).

Lord Chaos: Grr...

(Back at UN HQ)

Lupus: As you know, our plan to defeat the MPVP and rule the universe has failed. We must destroy them anyways, and it seems that Introbulus the Injust has found away to do so. Agents Fred and GL must do the work.

BM: Ok.

LemonJello: Sure, why not. We should contact MON-KILL and see if he will aid our cause... immediately.

Episode 31: "A Crappy Post" by GORE-ILLA[edit]

*MON-KILL walks in.*

MON: Whaddya want?

Lupus: The TWIFATIT wants you to assisst Agents Fred and GreatLuigi in infiltrating the MPVP.

MON: Alright, I'll prepare the Flying Monkey.

Lupus: Wait! Take this, for nxt time you might GORE! (hands MON-KILL a long cylinder. MON-KILL presses both buttons on the two-bladed lightsaber and two deadly beams of light emerge.)

MON: Wicked.

Lupus: Plus a pamphlet and Phantom Menace simulator so you can master the blade.

MON: Thanx. Seeya. (leaves)

Fred: The shoe is silent.

GreatLuigi: ...Shouldn't we do that mission thing?

*In Tokyo...*

GORE: I wonder what happened to Fusion.

Velocity: Errr...he got sick.

GORE: He's partially immortal. He can't get sick.

Velocity: Well....he most definately didn't get beat up by a someone named Yasha.

Yami Yoshi: Uhhh...yeah.


Episode 32 by Fusion[edit]

*Meanwhile, in the MPVP HQ...*

GL: *lifts Introbulus above his head* It's time to finish you off!!

*GL walks toward a pit full of hot boiling glue. He prepares to toss Introbulus in, but Introbulus gets back to the ground and kicks GL in*

GL: ACK! It burns! OWOWOWOWOW!! *sinks in*

*GL is burned and smothered to death in the pit of hot glue*

Introbulus: Now to help Jim.

*Meanwhile, Fred is grabbing Jim by the neck and punching him in the face (or hood since Jim is just a robe) repeatedly. Finally, Fred pulls out a pistol and aims it at Jim. Introbulus kicks the gun out of Fred's hand and gives him a good beating. Fred gets back up*

Fred: YOU!!

*Suddenly, Fred falls to the ground. Dark Jim hovers where Fred stood*

Dark Jim: C'mon!

*They run into the next chamber. It is a long, dark corridor*

Jim: Man, it's dark in here!

Corridor Music - Metroid Fusion: Mystery Theme 3


Episode 33: "Switcheroo" by Golem[edit]

Velocity: We were going so fast, we didn't even note where we were...! Which begs the question, just where are we?

~Everyone looks around and notices that they landed in an abandoned factory.~

Yami Yoshi: ~facing away from the OGers~ You were all following my lead, we're safe. ~turns around, showing his red eyes~ Or, rather, I am.

~On the Apocalypse's landing bay...~

Akujin: ~looking at an unconcious, REAL Yami Yoshi~ Ha! Page two and the leader is already in my hands!

Dr. Beezlebub: What now, Master? Shall I summon the Grim Reaper?

Akujin: No... You're going to brainwash him.

Dr. Beezlebub: Brainwash the Grim Reaper?!

Akujin: No, no, you know what I mean!