Member OG 5A Page 4

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Episode 45: "Rhyk Vs. Akujin" by Yoshiyami[edit]

Inside the Apocalypse Labs...

*Dr. Beelzebub is standing in front of a spherical shaped bomb with an X on it*

Dr. Beelzebub: Heh heh heh...The X Bomb is almost ready! When it detonates, the explosion will spread across the planet in approximately .7 seconds, the core will heat up and explode obliterating the entire planet! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Meanwhile in Tokyo...

BSSD: Hmmm...It's seems I was forgotten in Yami Yoshi's post...Oh well.

SwordMaster: What are you talking about?

BSSD: Er...nothing...

Velocity: I can't believe Yami Yoshi's dead...

Pharaoh: Well if he was fighting one on one with Akujin, it's not surprisng...Anyways, we need to find PL. Hey GORE! Do you know where we can find him?

Akujin GORE: ...

Pharaoh: *turns around* GORE! Are you deaf or something?

Akujin GORE: Hmm...I don't we'll be able to reach him...

Pharaoh: *nervously* What do you mean?

Akujin GORE: I mean...THIS!

*Akujin GORE pulls out "his" lightsaber and swings it at the Pharaoh who narrowly dodges the blow*

Pharaoh: It must be Akujin!

Akujin GORE: Took you long enough. I hate to say this but your little monkey friend has been infected with evil and you won't be seeing him ever again...That's too bad. He fought a valant battle against me...That's TWO OGers down. Four more to go...

Meanwhile on the Planet Krad in the Zombie Corrider...

Jim: Jim Beam!

Dark Jim: Dark Jim Beam!

*The two Jims fire two beams, one black and one white at the metal walls. The beams blast a huge hole in the walls and reveal a corridor on the other side. The walls start to close in fast again*

Introbulus: Hurry!

*Introbulus, Jim, and Dark Jim dive into the hole in the wall just as the metal walls smash into each other. Loud squishing noises are heard*

Introbulus: We appear to be in another corridor. This planet must be full of them. Let's go find Yami Yoshi.

Jim: Oh no! Did Golem escape?

*Golem hovers through the metal walls*

Golem: You guys apparently forgot I was a ghost. I'll lead you to Yami Yoshi.

*Golem hovers to a door at the end of the corridor where a sign Shipping Room hangs above*

Golem: This way...

*Golem flies through the door as Introbulus, Jim, and Dark Jim walk through*

Introbulus: Yami Yoshi! Long time no see!

Yami Yoshi: Hey Introbulus! Jim! Nice to see you! How did you get here on Krad? *sees Dark Jim* And what the hell is Dark Jim doing here!?

Introbulus: Long story...Anyways, Dark Jim supposedly knows how to defeat Akujin but only the 2nd most powerful creature in the world knows how.

Rhyk: Didn't you forget? I destroyed the 2nd most powerful creature in the world!

Introbulus: ...Then that means...You're the one destined to destroy Emperor Akujin!

Rhyk: Wha? Me?

Yami Yoshi: Listen Rhyk! The safety of the entire galaxy is at stake here! Can we put aside our differences, forget our pasts, and join forces?

Rhyk: Hmmm.......

Golem: If you don't stop him, he'll destroy more than just the western hemisphere!

Rhyk: ......All right! Let's go to Earth and stop this Akujin thing!

Yami Yoshi: Yeah!

*Yami Yoshi and hops into the cockpit of one of the skull-pods. Introbulus sits in the passenger seat and Jim and Dark Jim fold themselves into the storage compartment. Rhyk and Golem hop into another skull-pod*

Yami Yoshi: *starts the skull-pod up* Time to go into hyper-space!

*Yami Yoshi presses the button labeled Hyper Space and the skull-pod teleports to Earth*

On Earth...

Akujin GORE: It's time to destroy the remaining four of you! Monkey Missile!

*Suddenly, a skull-missile smashes into Akujin GORE's body and he's knocked backwards. Yami Yoshi's skull-pod hovers about 30 feet above the street*

Yami Yoshi: Getting the feeling of deja vu Akujin?

Akujin GORE: You! How did you know?

Yami Yoshi: Oh, the red glowing eyes are a dead giveaway.

Pharaoh: Yami Yoshi! You're alive! You have to hurry! GORE has been possessed by Akujin!

Yami Yoshi: I'll take care of that! Mind Crush!

*Yami Yoshi Mind Crushes Akujin GORE. A cloud of darkness flies out of GORE's head*

GORE: Yami Yoshi! It's you! You're alive!

*The dark cloud forms the body of Emperor Akujin*

Akujin: So all six of you are here huh? Just the way I like it! I shall kill all of you all at once!

Yami Yoshi: I don't think so...

Akujin: Ha ha ha! All six of you won't stand a chance against me! GORE, tell this fool about the Akujin Beam!

Yami Yoshi: We won't be the ones doing the fighting...

*Golem and Rhyk's skull-pod suddenly appears next to Yami Yoshi's and Rhyk hops out*

Rhyk: So this is Akujin huh? He doesn't look like that much of a fighter...

*Rhyk's arm transforms into a missile launcher and fires several missiles at Akujin who dodges each missile Agent-style. The missiles smash into a building behind Akujin and it collapses. Akujin charges toward Rhyk they both release a flurry of punches against each other*

Yami Yoshi: Who's winning? All I can see is a blur of punches!

Velocity: It looks pretty even to me.

*Rhyk's arm finally quickly transforms into a baseball bat and it smashes into Akujin's face smashing him into a window*

BSSD: Yeah!

*Akujin stands up and glares at Rhyk*

Akujin: have some skills...Well try to deflect this! AKUJIN BEAM!

*Within a split second, Akujin fires the Akujin Beam and Rhyk smashes it with his baseball bat arm deflecting the beam into the sky*

Akujin: Hmm...

Yami Yoshi: Ha! This could be the end of Akujin!

Sonic: Can Rhyk defeat Emperor Akujin once and for all? Or does Emperor Akujin have some tricks up his sleeve? Find out in the next episode!

Episode 46: "Akujin Sphere" by Golem (he's such a great writer)[edit]

Akujin, Rhyk: AKUJIN BEAM! ~Akujin and Rhyk fire beams directly at each other. The beams connect and explode to make a large (two feet or so in diameter), white glowing sphere.~

Akujin: What?! How is it possible...?!

Rhyk: Hah! I have god-modding software!

GORE: Rhyk, you idiot! That's what we were trying to STOP!

Rhyk: Whatever you say! ~leaps at Akujin over the sphere~

GORE: That thing doesn't seem to be getting any smaller!

Yami Yoshi: Just the opposite! How do we stop it with those two so engrossed in battle? We can't exactly ask Rhyk to deflect it again!

Introbulus: ~prepares right hand~ Lemme--

Jim: ~hollow arm of Jim's robe reaches up to Introbulus' shoulder~ Wait! If you destroy Rhyk, you'll get rid of the beam, but we also won't have the one who's destined to get rid of Akujin! We're not so sure that'd stop the sphere, anyway!

Pharoah: ...GORE, you'd better have something really smart to say!...

Episode 47 by GORE-ILLA[edit]

Yami Yoshi: Of course! He's an honored Jedi Knight and one of our oldest and strongest teammates!

*A cheese truck drives past.*

GORE: I like cheese! (chases the truck.)

Introbulus: That shoots down that theory.

BSD: What are we going to do?

Velocity: I haven't said anything in a while.

With GORE a prisoner of his love of cheese, hat will our heroes try next to stop Akujin? Will the MPVP ever be defeated? Will GORE ever catch the cheese truck? Will this OG ever make it to at least ten pages? Find out sometime soon!

Episode 48: "This is how we can prolong the rest of this OG" by Fred[edit]

Ajukin: Ahh... Rhyk... You are incredibly strong.

Rhyk: I sort of... y'know, get that.

Ajukin: But you have a downfall.

Rhyk: Eh?

Ajukin: You're too confident.

Rhyk: ...And?

Ajukin: Always fight at your constant full power, so everyone knows how strong you are.

Rhyk: What the hell are you talking about?

Ajukin: Look, to make a long story short, you have to beat me. If you lose, then all is lost. I know you're as powerful as me now, but my scientist is sending me an awesme weapon... the X bomb. It can literally destroy anything. After you're destroyed, I can use my God-like powers to crush the other OGers quite easily.

Rhyk: Ah oh...

Yami Yoshi: We're pretty screwed.

GORE: I L13k T3h Ch33see!

Pharoh: Crap, GORE's gone down to "Newb" intellegence because of that cheese. How can we finish this?

Dark Jim: Didn't I already tell you I knew how?

Jim: Oh, yeah, right.

Dark Jim: Ajukin comes not of this dimention. He is the strongest from a different dimention. When he came to this one, his powers were... different. People from his dimention control this dimention. But most people are on par with everyone else in his dimention. Perhaps we could defeat Ajukin by sealing him in his own dimention.

Ajukin: It doesn't matter. I've just obtained said Xbomb. You rabble will be destroyed by it.

Rhyk: No! I will stop you! DIMENTION WARP! (Shoots a blast at Ajukin)

Ajukin: No!! I must stop you with my... XBOMB!
(throws the bomb at Rhyk)

Rhyk: Noooo! (slow motion style)

Ajukin: Yeees! I thinkkkkk!
(Ajukin disapears as he is hit from the blast)

Rhyk: Ahhh! (Rhyk grabs the XBOMB and sucks it into his sytem. The resulting explosion only manages to destroy a small radius outside of Rhyk, but Rhyk is blown to pieces)

Ryhk's head: Urg...

YY: Hey, what the hell?

Ryhk's head: It's not over yet. I sent him to his own dimention and sealed the rift... but it will only hold for three days your time!

Velocity: Yah!

Ryhk's head: Yes... it's not good. Ajukin will return with others of his kind. There's only one way to stop him.

Pharoh: Oh? And what would that be?

Ryhk's head: To go to the MPVP's base... and use the dimention teleporter...

Introbulus: Can't we use the stationwagon?

Rhyk's head: No... It would open the dimention portal again. The MPVP's machine won't... Though it's only been used once before.

Velocity: Bah.

YY: No kidding.

BSSD: I'm still here!

Rhyk's head: No, you're not. I'm going out of the ballpark... going... gone... Good luck...

(Ryhk's head explodes in a delicious blend of marshmellow, chocolate, and ghram crackers)

Episode 49: "BSSD's final form revealed and the new and improved Anti-OGers." by Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

BSSD:*Insert Giga Bowser roars here*

Sonic:Suddenly,horns come out of BSSD's head,then he reverts back to his original height of 6' 4",after that four spikes come out of his tail,then 6 spikes sprout out of his shell,hair twice as long as BSSD's,and his wings extend to 70 inches!

New BSD:I am Black Skull Giga Dragoshi!

PL:This is the true final form of BSD!

At the Apocolypse..................

Qwirtzok:Akujin was sealed back into his own dimension! And BSSD has evolved to his true final form,Black Skull Giga Dragoshi!

KB:How long will Akujin be sealed in his own dimension?

LC:Three days.

At Fred and GL's current location.............

GL:Fred,you are an idiot my cliche friend.

Fred:That's right my cliche buddy.

GL:Cliched Warp!

GL holds up the Devil's Scepter then a warp appears and both step in itwhich warps them to wherever Lupus is.

Lupus:How the heck did you get here so quickly?

GL:We used the Cliched Warp.

Lupus:Talk about a cliched trick.

Fred:What should we do now?

Lupus:Defeat the OGers you bonehead!


GL:And I wonder how I can put up with his stupidity.

Lupus:We need the Anti-OGers now!

Fred:Sir Lupus,Dark Jim has defected to the good guys.

Lupus:Who are we going to find to replace DJ?

???:I can help.

??? reveals himself to be.........

Lupus:Sephnitu? But,I thought you were killed by BSD!

Sephnitu:I'm here to help you and get revenge on BSD because he defeated me without a problem in onw hit,but i've learned to survive without my ruby which has multiplied my power by serveral times of what it used to be.

Lupus*Through intercom*:Will MON-KILL and Koopa please come to the docking area of the Flying Monkey II?

MON-KILL appears.

MON and Koopa:What is it?

Lupus:We'll be fighting the OGers.

MON:Do you want me to assemble Team Monkey?

Lupus:No,because we will attack as the Anti-OGers!

Koopa:But,we're one person short,Sir Lupus.

Lord Chaos appears.

LC:I came as soon as I heard that we are attacking the OGers!

Fred:What's our strategy?

Lupus:Fred and I will fight YY and the Pharoah. GL will fight Introbulus. Sephnitu will battle BSD. LC will take on Velocity. MON will battle GORE. and Koopa will fight SM.

Sonic:Now that the Anti-OGers have regrouped will they stand a chance against our heroes? Find out next time on VGF Members OG 5:The MPVP Strikes Back!

Episode 49: "Unheeded Warning...?" by Golem[edit]

Yami Yoshi: Planet Krad?

GORE: I 9u3zz--erm, guess...

Golem: Hoo-ah, forget that! Lookie at--hey, wait... Where is it?!

~GORE feels a sudden pang of dissappointment, which goes away as soon as it comes.~

Velocity: What?

Golem: N-nothing.

BSGD: C'mon, let's get started on this!

Jim: That's right, this could be the way to finalize defeat! No more Lupus revivals!

Dark Jim: My sentiments exactly. (Minus the reviving thing, I need that...!) But before we leave, I want to warn you all, Akujin's dimension is a cruel one. And, once the seal is opened, the sights of the insides will leave you forever disturbed. Perhaps... I should go alone.

Sonic: Hah! Could Dark Jim be turning into Pharoah?

Pharoah: Shut up, you're not even in the cast. And, in any case, I'm going. I've seen my fair share of dark.

BSSD: As have I. For justice!

GORE: A Jedi is trained for these things. You can't leave me out, no matter how hard you try!

Introbulus: Erm...

Jim: I speak for both Introbulus and myself when I say...
This is a spectacular chance for a promotion! We aren't going to skip it! *big, cheezy grin*

Velocity: Me too. That leaves the only member that's not a superhero!

YY: Huh?

Dark Jim: That's right. With your Millenium Egg gone, you're just a normal being.

BSSD: Of all of us, Yami is the only one we should leave behind.

GORE: Don't say that!

YY: That's right! I'm good to go!

Dark Jim: ~under breath~ Don't say I didn't warn you!

Introbulus: Hey, where is the stationwagon, anyway?

~Soon, the stationwagon nears Krad.~

Introbulus: We really need a minivan or something...

YY: Any more maps, Golem?

Golem: No... I'll go find one. ~leaves through stationwagon floor~

BSGD: Was I sitting on him?!

Episode 51: "Delay in dimensional warp plans." by Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

BSGD:Let's go in now.


Golem:Looks like they called in reinforcements!

BSGD:No shnit herlock!

GORE:This is not the time to argue!

Suddenly the whole OG freezes and Sonic appears.

Sonic:Will the OGers be able to defeat the Anti-OGers. Is somebody going to bombard me with chilli dogs? Is Kirby mimicing a cow? Will this OG be a success? Has this OG become crazier than usual? Find out most of this and more on VGF Member OG 5:The MPVP Strikes Back!!

Episode 52 by GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Back in Team Monkey's Room at Lupus's Base...*

EVIL Scientist Dude: I'm bored. We haven't been mentioned for several pages.

Mousse: Ya, mon!

*A Randomly Chosen Spy Enters.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: Ah, you're back. Have you assassinated the MPVP council?

Randomly Chosen Spy: No, I was beaten nearly to death...I'm lucky I escaped.

EVIL Scientist: Curses! At least Lupus, Koopa, and MON-KILL can take care of Chaos and those Sephniphs, but who will become BSD's and Fusion/Velocity's new rivals?

GreatLuigi & Fred: (shrug)

Randomly Chisen Spy: So, do I still get payed.

EVIL Scientist Dude: Ah yes, your payment. Thanks for reminding me.

ESD takes out a remote control, aims it at Ol' Bessie's chair thingie, and presses a button. The straps come off, freeing Bessie, and the mad cow leaps at the Spy. It tears his stomach open, sticks her head inside, and begins slurping something.

Bullwinkle: Is Bessie sucking his blood?

ESD: No, she's sucking the milk from his blood, because of the Vitamin C Virus.

Ol' Bessie turns to the others, with milk dripping from her chin and a milk mustache. She charges at ESD. He fumbles for the remote control, points it at a collar around Bessie's neck, and presses a button at the same time that Ol' Bessie slashes his arm. The collar electrocutes Ol' Bessie and she collapses, unconcious. Mousse, Bullwinkle, and Diskun immediately pick up Ol' Bessi and strap her to the chain thingie again. They then granb her utter, milk her and put the milk in the bottle. Mousse presses a button which opens a hidden panel in the wall, revealing a safe. She enters the combination and the safe opens,revealing several bottles of milk. She sticks the new bottle in the safe, takes out a needle, and pumps some milk into it.

ESD: Hurry up with the antivirus!

Mousse rushes over with the needle and injects it into ESD's shoulder where he was slashed by Ol' Bessie. The spy's body is ground up into dust.

ESD: Good job. I wonder how the others are doing?


Episode 53: "Wait, what happened?" by Fred[edit]

(On the flying monkey)

Lord Chaos: Hey, I thought we hated each other.

Lupus: That's right, we do.

GL: Ok, let's kill Lord Chaos then!

Lupus: No, wait. Something tells me that Mon-Kill's mission wasn't entirely wasted... so I din't give him all of my socks for nothing.

MON-KILL: That is correct. Lord Chaos is ours. If that vunerable and probably poorly-built pair of earmuffs that you didn't notice fall of or stop working, he will be free from our control. But that could never happen.

Fred: Am I still here?

Lupus: (slaps face) Curses! I must launch you into the MPVP HQ so that you can cause moree damage immediatly. Take Lemonjello with you.

LemonJello: This was in our agreement....!

(Both are rapidly fired out of the torpedo launchers and fly into planet Krad)

GL: Wait, isn't that terribly unsafe?

Lupus: Get over it.

Sephinty: Haahahah! Kill t3H BsD!!!11+11!=one

MON-KILL: We have to become more professional.

Koopa: Sir! We are approaching Earth!

Lupus: What are you now? Koopa the Seventeenth?

Koopa:... eh.

( The Flying Monkey mark II lands on Lincon Memorial. Lupus realises they landed incorrectly and go and land in Tokyo, Japan)

Lupus: Good. Now this is where we set up our "unnededly flashy death stand of doom", where we will lure the OGers back to fighting us on. We shall set up our weapons here, and Sephinty can get back to chewing his Teddy Bear after I give him some advice.

Sephinty: Hur hur hur...

MON-KILL: Hey, that's mine!

(Everyone looks at MON-KILL)

MON-KILL: Enough of your stares!

Lupus: SILENCE! (cliche awesome special effects thunder (due to budget cuts, we can't put it in) cackles in the backround)

Koopa: I... I.. I wish I could do that, sir.

Lupus: Enough of your lies. The fight shall start soon. They just don't know what I've brought with me this time... heh heh heh...

Sephinty: What about your advice?

Lupus: Ok, fine, meaniepants. All you have to do is punch BSD.

Sephinty: P-p-unch?

Lupus: Look, don't use flashy fire attacks, as they will have no effect for some reason. Just punch him in the face a couple hundred times. It's really not that hard. And if he uses any **** "Magma explosion" on you, move out of the friggen way.

Sephinty: Sorry, I have no idea of what you're talking about.