Member OG 5A Page 3

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Pages in the Member OG 5A Archive
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Episode 34: "Super Yami Yoshi 64" by Yami Yoshi[edit]

BSSD: Umm...are you all right Yami Yoshi?

Yami Yoshi Clone: Ha ha ha! Did you actually think I was your pathetic leader?

*The Yami Yoshi Clone turns around revealing its glowing red eyes*

GORE: It's a clone! Kill it!

Yami Yoshi Clone: Go ahead. Kill me. Then you'll have to kill 63 more!

SwordMaster: Sixty-three? What are you talking about?

Yami Yoshi Clone: Ha ha ha ha ha! Watch this!

*The Yami Yoshi Clone's body splits multiple times until there are exactly 64 clones*

Yami Yoshi Clone 1: Get them!

*All 64 clones surround the OGers in a circle and pull out Dark Eggs*

BSSD: Aw crap...

Meanwhile on the Apocalypse...

Dr. Beelzebub: Time to use my Evil Syringe!

*Dr. Beelzebub pulls a syringe out of his pocket and prepares to inject it into Yami Yoshi's arm*

Yami Yoshi: ......FLUTTER KICK!

*Yami Yoshi suddenly jumps into the air and kicks the syringe out of Dr. Beelzebub's hand and knocks Dr. Beelzebub unconcious*

Yami Yoshi: What the hell? Where am I?

Akujin: Welcome to the Apocalypse Yami Yoshi.

*Akujin stands in the doorway in front of Yami Yoshi*

Yami Yoshi: Who are you?

Akujin: I am Emperor Akujin, leader of the Most Power Villains Period council and the most powerful being in the universe.

Yami Yoshi:'re resposible for all of the damage caused in the past 3 OGs!

Akujin: That is correct.

Yami Yoshi: ...

Akujin: You're probably wondering why you've been brought aboard my ship. You see, I have witnessed you in combat before. Your skills are quite impressive. That is why I have chosen you to join to MPVP.

Yami Yoshi: Wait! You want ME to join the MPVP?

Akujin: That's right. One injection of this Evil Syringe will give you power beyond your imagination.

Yami Yoshi: Never! I will never join! I have to return to the OGers!

Akujin: I do not think you have a choice. Look at your little friends now!

*Akujin turns on a TV which shows the OGers fighting all of the Yami Yoshi clones*

Akujin: They will be dead very soon. There's absolutely no point in returning to the OGers.

Yami Yoshi: ...

Akujin: *picks up the Evil Syringe of the ground* It's time for you to join us!

*Akujin throws the syringe at Yami Yoshi*

Yami Yoshi: DARK EGG!

*Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at the syringe which causes it to explode. Black liquid splatters all over the floor*

Akujin: You're a hostile creature are you? I guess I should just destroy you then!

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at Akujin. Akujin holds up his hand and the egg stops midair and falls to the ground*

Akujin: Just give up now and I'll kill you fast. Don't worry. I'll make it as painless as possible.

*Akujin pulls a handgun out of his pocket*

Akujin: *cocks the gun* Die.

*Akujin fires the gun. Yami Yoshi rolls out of the way and the bullet hits a gas tank causing an explosion*

Yami Yoshi: I have to get outta here!

*Yami Yoshi races through a door into a hallway of the Apocalypse. The smoke clears and Akujin sees Yami Yoshi running through the hallway*

Akujin: GET HIM!

Episode 35: "OTHER WAY!!!" by Introbulus[edit]

Introbulus: Wait, why was Fred here? I thought he was on our side!

Jim: Don't you remember? He joined the evil forces in the last OG!

Introbulus: Oh yeah, but didn't he join Lupus and the Anti-OGers, not the MPVP?

Jim: Hey, you're right! But you're never right! That means...

(Inside joke)
(Meanwhile, in an alternate reality...)

Knight 9910: Oh great, Introbulus started the apocalyps again! At this rate, I'm going to be out of a job!
(Back in the other reality...)
(/Inside joke)

Jim: ...Nah! That wouldn't happen twice in the same week! Say, do you have any clue where Dark Jim ran off to?

Introbulus: Last I saw of him, he was checking up ahead to see if this was the right passage!

(Dark Jim comes racing down the hallway)

Jim: Oh, hey Dark Jim! Is it safe to go up ther...

Dark Jim (Rushing past): NOT THAT WAY!!!

Introbulus: What do you suppose his problem is Jim? Jim?!?

(Introbulus notices that Jim has run away too. He looks behind his back, to see a horde of undead evil servants racing towards him)

Introbulus: ...Oh poopie.

Episode 36: "dramatic and chase-ful at the same time!" by Fred[edit]

Introbulus: Why does this suck so much?

Dark Jim: It doesn't matter. Keep running, and Jim and I will fly.

Introbulus: Your sayings must be extra akward.

Jim: Wow! He figured it out!

Zombies: W3 R00xoorz J00 N00bz!

Dark Jim:...

Jim:... um, what?

Introbulus: Look at the ponies.

Dark Jim: Stop that. We need to go this way and... OH ****!

(Dark Jim stops, but Jim and Introbulus crash into him. They look up to see the awesome, muscle bound MONN-KEY turned the other way. MON-KEY turns towards them).


(Jim, Introbulus, and Dark Jim shift out of sight).

MONN-KEY: I heard something. I'm turning around and... what the hell?

Zombies: R00x0rerz J00r B0xx000rzes!

MONN-KEY: It must have been you. Prepare to die.

Zombie: N3wB!

(MONN-KEY grabs the first zombie and throws it into the next one. A vampire leaps onto MONN-KEY but is batted away and then sliced with a lightsaber. Zombies attempt to swarm MONN-KEY, but he forces them back with his left arm and slices them in two with the saber. Liches fire beams from their hollow eyes at MONN-KEY, but to no avail, as MONN-KEY deflects them with his lightsaber easily. As all the choas continues, Jim, Introbulus, and Dark Jim are quite muddled about what the hell is going on, but have the sense to run like hell. A couple zombies are batted behind MONN-KEY, and Jim's invisibilty spell ends soon enough for four of the zombies and a lich to see them and follow them. Introbulus notices this, and slices two zombies in one blow with his halaberd. A third zombie clumbs introbulus, and Introbulus recoils 6 inches. Introbulus punches the zombie twice with his huge metal fist before it goes down. The lich blasts Introbulus into the narrow tunnel's wall, but Dark Jim blasts it with an enormous combustion spell. Jim simply shocks the last zombie, forcing it to explode).

Jim: Crap, we need to get out of here.

Introbulus: Urgh, unexplained beams hurt...


Lupus: Our spies have confirmed that MONN-KEY has entered the base after his ludicrously brief training. He is born to use such a weapon.

Black Mage: Ok, whatever. We sort of knew that that would happen.

Lupus: Never speak to Lord Lupus like that!

Koopa: Can I get a coffee break?

(Lupus incinerates Koopa with a cheese ray)

Lupus: Anyways, we heard some other intresting news. Fred and GL have been beaten quite badly, and Introbulus and two capes have been there for a while. I think that MONN-KEY has been attacked, but his communication went on the fritz. His signal must have been jammed.

LemonJello: How will we let the butter tarts escape this time, oh great Gazoo?

Gazoo: Leave me alone, I'm just a lamp, Dum-Dum.

Lupus: All heil Great Gazoo!

Gazoo: I hate you all for taking me here...

(also meanwhile)

Fred: Nrrrgh... being beaten is painful. Hey, all of my limbs are attached! Let's get up! Nrrrgh!

(Fred jumps to his feet)

Fred: Hey, GL, why are you in that tub of boiling glue?

GL: Blub Glub (help me!)

Fred: Don't worry, I'll turn on the air freshener!

GL: Flug uuuu! (**** You.)

Episode 37 by Golem[edit]

~Meanwhile, in the factory, the OGers talk as they fend off the Yami Yoshi clones...~

SwordMaster: The ocean!

GORE: Yeah! Velocity, get them to follow you into the ocean!

Velocity: Sure thing! ~breaks free of his current struggle against several Yami Yoshi clones, runs in a circle around the group, getting the attention of every Yami Yoshi clone, then runs out the door; no one follows, but rather, keeps battling~

BSSD: Okay, so they aren't as dim as we hoped!


Velocity: ~hears nothing, stops, looks behind self~ What? Oh, great! ~spots a vacuum store~ Hey...! If we can get them back in their gel form then it would be a piece of cake to just vacuum them up!


First Yami Yoshi Clone: ~wobbling from side to side, turning silver~

GORE: Wait... it's turning to gel? It's forgetting!

SwordMaster: Everyone get back! Don't let it touch you!

Episode 37: "Scare in the Air" by Yami Yoshi[edit]

Inside the Apocalypse...

*Yami Yoshi races through a dark metal hallway*

Yami Yoshi: I have to find a way outta here!

*Suddenly, three Kradians fall from the ceiling armed with cylinder shaped cannons strapped to them*

Kradian 1: You're not going anywhere! Take this!

*The Kradians start shooting fireballs at Yami Yoshi*

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at Kradian 1 knocking it unconcious. The 2nd Kradian tries to grab Yami Yoshi but rolls underneath, grabs the Kradian by the tail, and hurls it into the 3rd Kradian knocking both of them out*

Yami Yoshi: How do I get out?

*Yami Yoshi continues to race down the hallway until he reaches a door that reads Landing Bay. Yami Yoshi opens the door*

Yami Yoshi: Whoa!

*Yami Yoshi sees about one-thousand skull-pod ships lined up in straight rows. Yami Yoshi races toward the skull-pod closest toward him when a bullet flies past his face*

Yami Yoshi: Wha?

*Yami Yoshi sees Akujin standing in the doorway holding his handgun*

Akujin: Don't think you're going to escape that easily.

*Akujin fires his handgun at the skull-pod closest to Yami Yoshi and it explodes*

Yami Yoshi: Damn...

*Yami Yoshi runs to another skull-pod. Akujin fires another bullet which collides into Yami Yoshi's arm. Yami Yoshi screams in pain and clutches his bleeding arm in pain. Akujin fires another bullet at Yami Yoshi but this time, he jumps into the air and lands inside the c*ckpit of a skull-pod*

Yami Yoshi: How do you start this thing up?

*Yami Yoshi presses a red button on top of the joystick with a skull on it. The "mouth" of the skull-pod fires a missile at Akujin. Akujin blocks the explosion of the missile but the force knocks him back and drops his gun*

Yami Yoshi: Maybe this one!

*Yami Yoshi presses a button labed "Rocket Thrusters" and the skull-pod hovers into the sky. Then Yami Yoshi presses the button labeled "Back Rockets" and the skull-pod flies away from the Apocalyspe*

Yami Yoshi: Woohoo!

*Yami Yoshi controls the skull-pod using the joystick in front*

Yami Yoshi: I better find the others! I think they're in Tokyo.

*Yami Yoshi looks out the window and sees a sparkling blue ocean*

Yami Yoshi: The Atlantic Ocean...I'm still miles away from Japan! How fast can this thing go?

*Yami Yoshi presses the Back Rockets button again and the skull-pod flies faster. The counter in the corner of the control panel reads 300 mph*

Yami Yoshi: Just gotta sit back and wait to reach Japan.

*Yami Yoshi lies back in the c*ckpit seat and prepares to take a nap when something suddenly smashes into the pod*

Yami Yoshi: The hell?

*Yami Yoshi looks in the rear-view mirror and sees a giant dragon-shaped battleship tailing him*

Yami Yoshi: The Apocalypse...Aw crap.

Episode 38: "Alt+Home" by Golem[edit]

~Yami Yoshi presses the "Rocket Thrusters" button again, but to no avail. Perusing the panel, Yami Yoshi presses one labelled "Hyper Speed," and in about a second the skull-pod disappears from sight. Akujin is watching from the Apocalypse and realizes what's happened.

Meanwhile, Yami Yoshi's skull-pod has landed in a cave where there are other skull-pods. He gets out and looks around.~

Yami Yoshi: ~thinking~ What is this place?

Golem: Shipping room for the MPVP.

Yami Yoshi: WAH! You startled me! ...Why would they need a shipping room down in this cave?

Golem: Lemme show you... ~He moves his hands in an odd fashion until a piece of paper appears from thin air. Yami Yoshi picks it up before it floats to the floor.~ ...It's a map of Krad, the planet we're on now. It's from Rhyk's memory.

Yami Yoshi: ...Okay, that begs more than a few questions, but I guess they can wait... ~looking on map~ Okay, shipping room is where we are... just ahead is... the second most powerful creature EVER?!

~Rhyk zooms into view~

Rhyk: Hi! I see you work for the MPVP now! Was the job of OGer not paying well?

Yami Yoshi: You! You're the second most powerful creature ever?!

Rhyk: No... I got rid of that.

Yami Yoshi, Golem: O.O

Golem: I'll go get Introbulus, Jim, and Dark Jim!

Yami Yoshi: What?! Dark Jim?! Are they here or... ~notices Golem is gone~ ...something?

Rhyk: ~strikes pose~ This is for earth!

Yami Yoshi: ~thinking~ He looks a little out of shape... like that battle with the creature wore him out!

Episode 39: "Danger is, well, perilous." by Fred[edit]

(Meanwhile, in the storeroom)

SwordMaster: Don't touch that gel!

GORE: This really sucks. P-L0TT!

P-L0TT: Yes, Master?

GORE: Form the monkey missle launcher.

P-L0TT: Isn't that... Dark-GORE's weapon?

GORE: Why, indeed it is. It should take care of them. (P-L0TT attaches to GORE's arm and he blast the Yami Yosihs into their Gel forms)

Velocity: I'm here to finish the solution to the problem! Go vaccum!

(The vaccum sucks all of the Gels up quickly... or so they thought)

Swordmaster: Throw it into the ocean!

(Velocity whips the vaccum very far, and it lands in the middle of an ocean)

SwordMaster: Well, that takes care of that. Now, how are we making it all the way over to Krad?

Mace Windu: Looks like we can help in this situation.

Yoda: Speak truth, do you, but who am I to judge? I nothing more than talking muppet, mmm?

GORE: Masters! (bows on one knee)

Yoda: Get off knee and stop kissing up, you will. You are only Jedi Knight, yes? Then we may be masters to you, but you are still person, mmm?

GORE: Um, sure. I thought you liked that kneeling thing.

Mace Windu: No, that was only my stunt double, Bill Cozby.

Yoda: Cozby has failed us, mmm?

GORE: I'll never forget all you've done for me.

Mace Windu: Good, then forget that the ships landing crushed your house.


Ryhk: Ha, Yami Yoshi, even with all of the OGers you can't beat me while I'm mad. And I'm peeved.

YY: Um, ok.

???: Put a tomato in it!

YY: Eh?

(Suddenly, four ships land behind YY. Person pops out of the leftmost one)

Person: I'll never forgive my fight with Ryhk from being ended. So I brought along my little gang here.

(Suddenly, Man pops out of a ship)

Man: Crikey! I'm man, sharpshooter extrodinaire, mate! I somehow have a rapid-fire missle launcher even though it'd never work in a million years!

(Dude pops out of a third ship)

Dude: I'm going to slash you to ribbons with my unexplained lightsaber! I use it to impress girls and torcher people slowly... muahahha!

(Suddenly, another, er, strange figure jumps out of a ship)

???: I am Walrus-man! All I'm good for is this large laser gun I hold and my vast Walrus-robot armies that aren't here at the moment!

YY: Um, What?

(Elsewhere yet again...)

Dark Jim: Look, Jim, we're going to have to find the stationwagon. We have no other hope of getting to YY.

Introbulus: Hamburgers have meat in them.

Jim: Quit it. And Dark Jim, how do you suppose we'll-

Golem: No time! Something urgent has arisen! I'll show you to your spaceship!

Introbulus: Good.

(The four run (or fly) along the corridor, with Golem in the lead. Suddenly, a huge monster stands in their way)

Introbulus: Wha- er... What's that?

Jim: It's... a bunch of those zombies sewn together.

Dark Jim: Wait, they're all attached to something. Probably a central processing unit.

Jim: It's a gigantic... undead robot...

D3-4D: Correct... initializing scaring modules. Frighten.exe, run.

Jim: Er... Well, all it's good at it looking repulsive. Let's wipe it.

D3-4D: Negative. Auto defense engaged. Deploy garbage compactor hardware.

Introbulus: Ah-oh...

Episode 40: "The OGers Vs. Akujin" by Yami Yoshi[edit]

Inside the Apocalypse control room...

Akujin: Any sign of Yami Yoshi's skull-pod?

Dr. Beelzebub: None. Our radar system cannot even detect him on the planet.

Akujin: He must have gone into hyper-speed. He can be anywhere into galaxy...Hmmm...I'll kill you eventually Yami Yoshi...

*A beeping sound his heard and Dr. Beelzebub rushes over to the control panel and looks at a flashing screen with 4 figures on it*

Dr. Beelzebub: Master! Our OGer Detection System has deteced 4 OGers in the city of Tokyo.

Akujin: Let's land. I'm going to kill you OGers one by one...Heh heh heh heh heh...

Inside Tokyo...

*The OGers walk on the sidewalk of a busy boulevard*

SwordMaster: Where did Yami Yoshi go?

GORE: I don't know. The last time we saw him was on Yoshi's Island. I wonder if the MPVP got him?

*A roar is heard and a shadow casts over the OGers*

Pharaoh: What the hell is that?

BSSD: It looks like some sort of spaceship!

Velocity: I don't like the looks of it...

*The OGers look up and see the bottom the Apocalypse. A hatch opens up from the bottom and a red beam shines from it. Akujin hovers down through the red beam and lands in front of the OGers. The Apocalypse flies away.*

Akujin: 4 are the OGers right?

SwordMaster: Yeah. Who the hell are you?

Akujin: I am Emperor Akujin, supreme leader of the MPVP and the most powerful being in the galaxy. I am here to kill you and prevent you from jeopardizing our plans of galaxy domination.

SwordMaster: Where's Yami Yoshi?

Akujin: I'm sorry to say but I think your leader is dead. My assistant kidnapped him when you were fighting the Morphing Gel and I killed him.


Akujin: Sad isn't it? He wasn't that powerful of a fighter and died a coward begging for mercy. You four shall suffer the same fate!

Pharaoh: How could you...I'll kill you!!!

*The Pharaoh jumps at Akujin and throws a Pharaoh Punch at him*

Akujin: That's right...give into anger...

*Akujin holds up his hand and the Pharaoh's body freezes midair*

Akujin: You're just as pathetic as your double...

*Akujin clenches his hand into a fist and the Pharaoh's face turns purple. Then, he clutches his stomach in pain*

SwordMaster: Take this!

*SwordMaster jumps into the air and attempts to slash Akujin. Akujin holds up his other hand and SwordMaster also freezes midair*

Velocity: Sonic Boom Punch!

*Velocity charges at Akujin and throws a super-fast punch at him. Akujin's shades glow red and the fire a pair of red lasers at Velocity. Velocity is blasted into a car and the laser holes emit smoke on his chest*

Akujin: You OGers are pathetic...

*Akujin drops his hands and the Pharaoh and the SwordMaster fall onto the street*

Akujin: *into an earpiece* Dr. Beelzebub!

Dr. Beelzebub's Voice: Yes Master?

Akujin: Build an

Dr. Beelzebub's Voice: What? An X-Bomb?

Akujin: Do as I say!

Dr. Beelzebub's Voice: Yes Master!

*Akujin turns off the earpiece and faces GORE*

Akujin: GORE-ILLA...You're one of the Jedi Knights aren't you? Why don't you give into anger? You could easily defeat me.

GORE: ...

Akujin: *pulls out a red lightsaber out of his pocket* Let's see what Master Yoda has taught you!

GORE: *pulls out a blue lightsaber* You're going down Akujin!

Episode 41: "Plan A" by Golem[edit]

~Meanwhile, the Jims and Introbulus watch as the walls close in on them.~

Introbulus: ~waves right hand at walls, slowing them down almost to a standstill~ Good thing that worked!

Dark Jim: All right, now! ~Dark Jim and Jim cast spells at D3-4D~

D3-4D: Firewall on. ~the spells ricochet off and everyone dives out of the way~

Jim: Okay... that doesn't work.

Dark Jim: Let's try a steady stream this time. If we can aim our blasts so that they ricochet at a wall, we can cut through the rock and metal. There has to be some room behind those walls for something to push it.

Introbulus: One problem with that. Cutting through the metal would make me lose my grip, and all sides would come crashing in on us at once. Also at a much faster rate than if I wasn't holding it to begin with.

Dark Jim: What about the machine itself?

Jim: Getting past zombies different than getting through rock.

Introbulus: Right... life, even weak life like that of zomibies, makes it a lot harder to focus. Not to mention we don't know if the firewall would protect it or if the walls would make us pancakes before I could do anything.

Jim: Well... what else can we do?

Dark Jim: We'll have to go with plan A.

Introbulus: ...Yeah.

Jim: Okay, where do we stand and aim?

Episode 42 by Greatluigi[edit]

*Meanwhile, at the boiling pit of glue*

A hand beigns to potrude(sp?) from the steaming pile of glue. After a second, a crusted scepter shoots out from the pile and wraps it's long vein around the ceiling, then the scepter retracts a statue like GL from the glue.

The statue then proceeds to thaw.

Episode 43: "Yami Yoshi and Rhyk Vs. The People Gang" by Yami Yoshi[edit]

Inside the Shipping Room of Krad...

*Yami Yoshi and Rhyk face Person, Man, Dude, and the Walrus-Man*

Rhyk: What do you four clowns want?

Person: King Bob of Randomness sent us here to destroy you at all costs! Attack People Gang!

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at Person but instantly clutches his wounded arm in pain. The egg uselessly hits the ground*

Yami Yoshi: bullet wound...

Man: Time to take these two blokes out! Fire!

*Man attempts to blast Yami Yoshi and Rhyk with his missle launcher but he is obviously unable to operate it*

Man: Blast it mate!

*Rhyk jumps toward Man and punches him in the forehead. Then he snatches the missle launcher from Man's hands*

Rhyk: Time to download info!

*Rhyk presses his hand on the missile launcher and for a few seconds*

Man: Aw crikey...

*Rhyk fires the missile launcher at Man. Several missiles crash into his body obliterating it*

Yami Yoshi: Wow...

Rhyk: Anyone else?

Dude: Dude, you are like totally going down!

*Dude pulls out his red lightsaber*

Rhyk: Take this!

*Rhyk tries to fire his missile launcher but it makes a clicking sound and no missiles fly out*

Rhyk: Crap. It must be out of missiles,,,

*Rhyk coverts his missile launcher hand back into a normal human hand*

Dude: Ha! You're totally going down!

*Dude charges at Rhyk and raises his lightsaber over his head. Rhyk punches Dude causing him to stagger back stunned. Then Rhyk releases a flurry of punches which appear to Yami Yoshi as a blur*

Yami Yoshi: Damn he's fast...

Dude: Dude that's like, not cool. I'm gonna make sure you like, die!

Rhyk: I have downloaded the minds of countless fighters in the galaxy! There's no way you can beat me! Take this!

*Rhyk teleports over to one of the skull-pods and picks it up. He throws the skull-pod at Dude and it crashes on top of him, completly flattening his body. Blood oozes from the bottom of the skull-pod*

Walrus-Man: Walrus Army! Attack!

*Several hundred mechanical walruses crawl out of Walrus-Man's spaceship and crawl toward Rhyk*

Rhyk: You think your blubber army can stop me?

*Rhyk picks up the skull-pod on top of Dude and pulls the lightsaber out of his hands*

Rhyk: Time to chop up some Walrus-Salad!

*Rhyk turns on the red lightsaber and charges at the Walrus Army. Rhyk swings the lightsaber in a horizontal fasion and slashes three walrus robots in half*

Walrus-Man: Tusk Cannon Attack!

*The Walrus Army start firing their tusks at Rhyk. Rhyk holds up his hand and the tusks stop midair and fly back toward the walruses. The remaining walruses explode and mechanical parts fly everywhere*

Yami Yoshi: Where have I seen this before?

Walrus-Man: No! My Walrus Army!

Rhyk: You're next!

*Rhyk jumps into the air and swings his lightsaber in a vertical fasion and slashes the Walrus-Man in half*

Person: Aw crap...I better get outta here!

*Person hops into his skull-pod and prepares to fly away*

Rhyk: I'll kill him another time...

*Rhyk turns off the red lightsaber and faces Yami Yoshi*

Yami Yoshi: How the hell did you do all that?

Rhyk: I am a specially designed cyborg created by Golem. I have the ability to download the abilities and skills of other fighters. I have downloaded the abilities of countless fighters making me one of the most powerful warriors in the universe!

Sonic: Rhyk the Cyborg has proven to be quite a fighter but will he help assistant in the war against the OGers? Find out in the next episode!

Episode 44: "Force Fight" by GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE: Wait a sec...I have a red lightsaber!

Akujin: Ah, you saw through my trick. I switched your lightsaber wth that fake blue one just as you reached for it to demonstrate my great speed. (tosses GORE the red lighsaber. GORE tosses the blue one away and catches the red.) Now, young GORE-ILLA, I will further demonstrate my power.

Akujin points his finger forward, and builds up an energy ball so tiny only a telescope could see it. He fires it. GORE feels something fly past his right shoulkder; he looks down to see blood leaking down his right arm. Sword Master stood there, with most of his hair blown off, and blood running down his head. If he hadn't lowered his head slightly, his head would be gone. Several buidings behind SM collapsed. In the distant harbor, several boats collapsed. Explosions continued the horizon. This al happened within five seconds.

GORE: What is that?

Akujin: The Akujin Beam. Its an indestructable, unblockable beam that will circle the Earth, slowly getting bigger, until its so big that it will destroy the Earth. Your only way to stop it is to kill me. (takes out black lightsaber.) Now that we have a timed battle, I suggest we start.

Akujin dove at GORE and took a fierce offensive. GORE struggled to keep up. The Akujin Beam then returned, now the size of a softball. GORE raised his lightsaber to block it, but the beam flew right through the lightsaber and temporarily short-circuited it. The others ducked, but a piece of BSD's tail got cut off. GORE quickly fixed his lightsaber just as Akujin attacked him again. Spotting an opening, GORE quickly swung his lightsaber at it. Akujin simply raised s knee and blocked the blow with it. Akujin then raised his other leg and kicked GORE with it. He was skidded back across the street. Akujin then raised his arms, and all the wreckage from the buildings rose into the air.

Akujin: Now to test your power in the Force.

Akujin pointed forward and the mass of rubble flew at GORE. GORE leaped through the hurricane of rubble. Akujin grinne, and raised his hand. A final piece of rubble, a roof with a long, needlelike pole sticking out from it, rose into the air. Akujin pointed forward and it flew at GORE as fast as a torpedo. GORE leaped from rubble to rubble and saw the rooftop flying at him. Knowing that dodging was useless, he sat there and waited for the end. However, something flew in front of him at the last second and was impaled on the pole. It was the Pharoah.

Pharoah Yami Yoshi: Go on without me...

The Pharoah was swept away by the wind. GORE angrily leaped to the ground and dashed at Akujin the instant his feet touched the ground. He let a fercious attack at Akujin and cut off his arm. He then thrust his lightsaber through Akujin's chest.
Akujin did not scream; rather, he laughed.

Akujin: Bweh heh heh...Ha ha ha...Bwahahahhahaa!!!

Akujin then exploded, and a dark cloud of smoke floated into the air. The Akujin Beam dissolved, and the wreckage fell to the ground. GORE climbed up the rubble and saw the Pharoah, BSD, SwordMaster, and Velocity lied on the ground, unconcious. GORE reached out his arms and concentrated on the Jedi healing technique.

GORE: I have...just enough energy...

GORE focused all of his energy on his fallen friends. Their wounds disappeared and they regained conciousness, just as GORE-ILLA collapsed.

SM: GORE! Quick, we have to find PL!

Velocity: I hope PL's okay, because without Introbulus around to help him...

BSD: Let's hurry!

So, the four heroes rushed off, not noticing the dark fog of smoke floating above GORE. It slowly descended until it entered GORE's body. GORE's wounds automatically healed, and he climbed to his feet - with dark red eyes.

Akujin-GORE: Bweh heh heh...