Member OG 5A Page 6

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Pages in the Member OG 5A Archive
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Episode 65: "Hold it!" by Introbulus[edit]

Introbulus: Wait!

YY: What?

Introbulus: ...Nevermind.

YY: Oh.

Gore: Wait!

Pharoa: What?

Gore: I need to pee.

(All fall over)

Jim: Hold it.

Gore: Oh alright.


Introbulus: Wait!

Yami Yoshi: (Sigh) What now?

Introbulus: I just remembered, where's Phil?

Swordmaster: Oh yeah, we sorta forgot about that little guy, huh?

Dark Jim: Well, it's not to worry. It's not like he can come back to haunt us or something. I mean, what's he going to do?

(Suddenly, a giant Mecha-Robot appears out of an underwear-shaped portal)

Everyone: ... O.O

Giant Robot: I am Giant Indestructable Mecha-Robot thingie! By the order of Phil the Gnome, I command you to stop immediately! You are disturbing his plan, as well as his lunch! I'll give you one warning shot.

(The Robot fires a rediculously-large blast of laser energy at the OGers, sending them flying off in several directions)

YY: Couldn't come back to haunt us, eh? >:(

Episode ???: "Triple Trouble" by Yami Yoshi[edit]

In space...

BSD: Ack! Suffocating!

Dark Jim: Cloak Teleport!

*Dark Jim wraps his cloak around Yami Yoshi, the Pharaoh, BSD, and SwordMaster and teleports them to the top of a overlooking the battlefield*

BSD: What's going on?

*The thousands of Skull Fighters fly over the battlefield emitting thin red laser beams from their guns pointing it at clefts in rock formations and crevices in the ground*

Dark Jim: They're scanning for us.

Pharaoh: Great...what are we going to do now?

Dark Jim: The Kradians have installed thousands of metal hatches on the surface of this planet. They lead to the inner corridors of Krad where the MPVP HQ is located. If we are able to find one of these hatches, we should be temporarily safe.

SwordMaster: Sounds like a plan...

Yami Yoshi: All right...Let's climb down the mountain and move south where there aren't any robots. Then let's try to find those metal hatches that Dark Jim spoke of! Let's go!

BSD: Hey guys! Wait up!

*BSD scrambles after the OGers as they walk down the spiral trail and his foot hits a loose section of the cliff causing a small rockslide. The gravel falls and hits the c*ckpit of a Skull Fighter at the foot of the hill*

BSD: Aw crud…

*BSD runs from the edge of the cliff just as a red laser rips through it completely incinerating the rocks and gravel*


Yami Yoshi: The heck?

*The OGers turn around and see the Skull Fighter behind them pointing its gun at them*

Pharaoh: Dark Egg!

*The Pharaoh throws a Dark Egg at the Skull Fighter who shoots a red laser in retaliation. The red laser shatters the Dark Egg and flies toward the OGers*

BSD: Argh! We're going to die!

Dark Jim: Cloak Cover!

*Dark Jim's body cloaks over the OGers and the laser is absorbed*

Dark Jim: Dark Jim Beam!

*Dark Jim fires a beam of darkness at the Skull Fighter's gun which rips through the metal incinerating it*

Dark Jim: You guys run! I'm gonna stall this guy! WICKED WRAP!

*Dark Jim's cloak grows to an enormous size and wraps completely around the Skull Fighter*

Yami Yoshi: Let's go!

*The remaining OGers rush down the spiral trail just as two more Skull Fighters appear from the sky and land in front of the OGers*

Yami Yoshi: The Pharaoh and I will take one! You guys take the other one!

SwordMaster: Right!

BSD: Metal Transform!

*BSD transforms into BSMD*

BSMD: I'm ready to fight!


SwordMaster: Huh?

*SwordMaster looks down and the ground crumbles below him*

SwordMaster: Aaahhh!

BSMD: Aaahhh!

*The ridge collapses causing SwordMaster, BSD, and one of the Skull Fighters to fall to the trail below them*

Yami Yoshi: Let's go!

Pharaoh: Let’s stun this guy to prevent his mobility! Mummification Egg!

*The Pharaoh creates bandages that fly toward the Skull Fighter, which fires a red laser at them. The bandages are ignited in flames and dissolve*

Pharaoh: Damn!

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at the Skull Fighter*

Kradian: Activate force field!

*A red fiery shield shrouds over the Skull Fighter and destroys the egg*

Yami Yoshi: Damn…none of our attacks seem to be working! We have to find a way to disable the shield.

Pharaoh: Let’s see him resist this! Dark Egg Barrage!!!

*The Pharaoh throws twenty Dark Eggs at the Skull Fighter. The eggs smash into the shield exploding upon contact*

Pharaoh: Let’s see him resist that!

*After the last egg hits, the Skull Fighter remains unharmed*

Pharaoh: Damn him!

Kradian: Aha ha ha ha ha! All of your special attacks are useless! The shield protects me from ALL attacks! Time to finish you two vermin off!

*The Skull Fighter clenches its hand into a fist, turns on his jetpack, and lunges toward the Yoshis*

Yami Yoshi: I hope this works…Tongue Tie!

*Yami Yoshi opens his mouth and his red tongue flies toward the Skull Fighter’s incoming fist*

Pharaoh: What the hell are you doing?

Yami Yoshi: Watch this!

*Yami Yoshi lifts the Skull Fighter into the air with his tongue and flings him toward the wall of the mountain. The Skull Fighter smashes a few feet into the mountain. His flame shield flashes for a few seconds and disappears*

Kradian: Damn…Oh well! You two are going to die anyways! SUPER SKULL BEAM!

Yami Yoshi: Shoot…I can only use the Absorption Egg once every 7 hours!

Pharaoh: Allow me to do the honors! Mummification Egg!

*The bandages wrap around the Skull Fighter’s body. After a few seconds, the mechanical mummy explodes in a flash of red light*

Yami Yoshi: Whew…what a hassle…

Pharaoh: Let’s go help the others!

Yami Yoshi: Right!

Five minutes earlier…

SwordMaster: Aaaaahhhhh!!!

BSMD: Aaaaahhhhh!!!

*SwordMaster and BSMD crash into the trail below as bits of gravel rain over them*

SwordMaster: *spits out dirt* Pfft…you fool! You could have transformed later!

BSMD: Oh…sorry…

*The 2nd Skull Fighter lands safely on the trail in front of them*

Kradian: I hope you guys don’t kill yourselves fighting me…

SwordMaster: Hmm…this Skull Fighter looks a bit different…

*The Skull Fighter’s hands don’t hold any weapons but are covered into two metal gloves. The Skull Fighter’s metallic body is larger than that of a normal Skull Fighter* Kradian: *punches fist into hand* Heh…an elf and a steroid dinosaur…shouldn’t be too hard…

BSMD: Don’t you know what I can do?

*BSMD breaks a boulder with one swipe of his claw*

BSMD: Beat that!

Kradian: All right…

*The Skull Fighter picks up a larger boulder with one hand*

BSMD: What’s wrong? Can’t break it? Ha ha ha!

Kradian: Naw…I’ll let you do that for me…

BSMD: What?

*The Skull Fighter hurls the boulder at BSMD that smashes into his chest knocking him almost on top of SwordMaster*

SwordMaster: Whoa!

*SwordMaster dives out of the way just as BSMD’s large body comes crashing down*

BSMD: Urgh…All right! You’ll pay! No one messes with me when I’m in bad mood!

*BSMD flies toward the Skull Fighter and smashes his metal claw into the head. The Skull Fighter jabs BSMD in the boulder wound with one hand and upper cuts him with the other. BSMD flies backward again*

BSMD: Metal Dragoshi Flame!

*BSMD spits a huge fireball that hits the Skull Fighter square in the chest resulting in a fiery explosion blasting the Skull Fighter*

Kradian: Hmm…normal punches won’t work on this guy…I’ll have to use something to penetrate his armor…

*A hatch in the Skull Fighter’s hand opens up and a sword handle pops out. The Skull Fighter presses a button on the handle and a long silver ten-foot blade emerges*

Kradian: Ha! The Skull Fighter, Warrior Mode is the most powerful Skull Fighter there is! Watch and learn!

*The Skull Fighter swings its sword at BSMD. The sword rips through the metal and slices BSMD’s arm*

BSMD: Aaarrrggghhh!!! *BSMD’s metal armor explodes and he reverts back to his normal form*

BSD: Dang…

*The Kradian prepares to swing his sword and slash BSD*

SwordMaster: I guess I should safe the kid…

*SwordMaster jumps into the air and uses his blade to block the amazing velocity of the sword as BSD cowers in terror*

BSD: Wow! Thanks SwordMaster!

Kradian: SwordMaster eh? You think you’re the “Master of the Sword”? We’ll see about that!

*A hatch of the Kradian’s left hand opens up too and out pops another sword*

SwordMaster: *clenches the blade of his sword sweating* Bring it on!

*The Skull Fighter swings its right blade downward at SwordMaster narrowly missing him. The blade slices through the ground scattering dirt everywhere. The Skull Fighter then swings its left sword vertically at SwordMaster’s chest. SwordMaster jumps into the air just as he feels the woosh of air in his sandals*

Kradian: All right! Let’s see you block this!

*Five more blades extend from the two swords each connected to each other (Similar to the two blades on the Razor Sword in Majora’s Mask)*

Kradian: BLOCK THIS!

*The Kradian swings the swords downward at SwordMaster*

SwordMaster: *thinking* There’s no way I can escape from his attack. The only way to live if I am able to block it…But how?

Voice: Do not give up Curt, Defender of the Cheesecake!

SwordMaster: Master???

Master: That’s right Curt. Even though I was killed by the Carrotcake Association, my soul shall live eternally inside your legendary OG Blade. I have been watching you since the beginning but never have we been able to talk. You have become such a formidable warrior…

SwordMaster: Thank you but how am I going to block this attack?

Master: Concentrate your mind and soul into the sword, as you are doing now. I should be able to help you.

SwordMaster: All right! *closes eyes*

In reality…

Kradian: What the? That guy’s sword is glowing gold! What the hell is going on?

*SwordMaster’s eyes open. They look much wilder and fierce than the regular SwordMaster’s eyes*


*SwordMaster swings his golden sword vertically at the incoming swords. There is no clang heard. The golden sword rips through each of the blades, shards of metal scatter everywhere and the sword remains fall to the ground. SwordMaster lands on the ground ninja-style stirring up a little dust*

SwordMaster: Yoshi one. Defeat the evil now. Worsen the pain you have caused…

BSD: Umm…yeah sure…Molten Egg!

*BSD spits a Molten Egg toward the hole in which he had previously damaged earlier. The Skull Fighter is unable to block the attack and the egg explodes destroying the entire Skull Fighter. The scraps of metal scatter everywhere*

SwordMaster: Yeah! We did it! Thank you Master…

BSD: Umm…what?

SwordMaster: Nevermind…let’s go find the others!

6 minutes earlier…

Yami Yoshi: Let’s go!

*Dark Jim watches as the OGers run down the trail from the summit*

Kradian: Get off me you dust rag! Super Skull Beam!

*The red beam rips through the center of Dark Jim’s cloak and the Skull Fighter’s hand emerges and flings Dark Jim into the sky* Dark Jim: Do you really think you can win just with that pathetic arm of yours?

Kradian: I’ll rip you up like a tissue paper! Take this!

*The Kradian extends its hand and grabs Dark Jim*

Kradian: Ha ha ha! I’ll never let go!

Dark Jim: Never you say? Cloak Crunch!

*Dark Jim wraps his cloak tightly around the Skull Fighter’s fist. After a few seconds a crunching sound is heard and Dark Jim rips the hand clean off the wrist. Dark Jim absorbs the hand and the tear in his cloak is restored*

Dark Jim: Defenseless now aren’t you and…


*A huge fireball smashes into the Skull Fighter turning it into a smoking crater*

Dark Jim: The hell?

*Another fireball narrowly misses Dark Jim*

Voice: Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Dark Jim: Evil?

Yami Yoshi: Hey Dark Jim!

*Yami Yoshi, the Pharaoh, SwordMaster, and BSD climb to the summit*

Pharaoh: What’s going on?

Dark Jim: Guys…Evil has returned!

To Be Continued…

OOC: That's to make up for my missing 2 weeks. *big, cheezy grin*

Author: Fred[edit]

(Meanwhile, as the pass)

Ponto: Quickly, Masked Rider , we must stop the Ragamuffins was killing the indians.

Masked Rider : Don't worry, my land mines and the Jaguar tank should do them in. Wait, this isn't the right story.

Sonic: It was an honest mistake!

Writer#1: Do not fail me again.


Writer#1: I need a better name.

(meanwhile, With EVIL)

Fred: Oh, comeon, you got owned two stories ago. Old news.

EVIL: Grah, my powers don't work on you! You're too stupid to be evil! No worries, I'll just get Lagomorph to kill you.

Lagomorph: No. Eat poodle.

EVIL: What?


EVIL: WHAT?! AND ER... Wait, is there cake?

Lagomorph: Fred, now!

(Fred puts some oil in some holy water, shakes it up, and loads it in his MEGA SOAKER XP 2,000,000,000. He then takes out the cigarette lighter attachment, and holds in front of the nozzle. And then the massive 5-pound trigger is pulled back.)

Evil: Gah! It burns and cleans my breath at the same time! YOU FIEND!

Lagomorph Sezter: And that's not all!


Lagomorph: Er, wait, maybe it is. Oh well, I'll just stuff these 500 copies of KISS down your throat.


Lagomorph: But first you must listen to the new Christian/Heavy Metal group, Jesus and the ***** cats!


Chester the Cheetah: We're suing you for stealing my line, buddy.

(EVIL Explodes)

Fred: Wait, we didn't actually do any of those things, did we?

Lagomorph: No, there wasn't anyway we could have. Seriously, nobody could be caught buying any of that crap. Unless they had mental illness.

Quirztok: So, you've deafeated EVIL.

Fred: Sure, if you say so, mongoose cupcakes.

Quirztok: Right. Well, I summon Wayne Brady to destroy you.

Lagomorph: He's not evil.

Quirztok: I know. I'm summoning his impersinator, Sean Connery.

Fred: He's not evil either.


Lagomorph: That's better.



Jean Cretien: Why are you telling me this? And why did you just attack the OGers?

Phil: Don't we remember the rules around here? Looks like you want to pay another visit to the PARTICLE ACCELERATOR for not using your french accent!

JC: On hon hon, I vill be good.

Phil: Actually, now that I think about it, I just want to KILL INTROBULUS.


Phil: Quickly, prepare my meal. Forget not the gloves.

Author: Golem[edit]

~Meanwhile, near the room where the Kradians hope to open the portal...~

Kradian 1: ~backed up against a wall on the outside of the room, panting~ We'll never get in there!

Kradian 2: ~also panting, across the doorway to the room from Kradian 1~ At least Cerberus is on a leash!

Kradian 1: Nothing will get past his guard! He's ruining the master's return!

Kradian 2: Keep your head on... we still have Charon!

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

OOC: Think it's time for a recap.

The OGers split up in GORE's post: Me, the Pharaoh, SwordMaster, BSD, and Dark Jim went to Krad and GORE, Introbulus, Velocity, and Jim are on their way to Earth to stop the Anti-OGers.

Greatluigi and Fred were shot out of a cannon and landed on Krad and supposed met up with L and his band of goonies.

General Lucifer released Evil from his Dark Orb and now he's wrecking havoc on the battlefield.

You, I think are still searching the corridors of Krad trying to find maps for the MPVP HQ where the Dimention Transporter to the other universe that Akujin is sealed in is.

That's where we are now I think...

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: ~appears from absolutely nowhere with the maps~ Here I am!

Yami Yoshi: Took you long enough! ~Golem hands YY the maps~ Now... which one has a map of the metal hatches?

SwordMaster: What are we going to do about Evil?!

Golem: Who?

Pharoah: Later. If we can get inside Krad, the others can deal with Evil when they get here.

SwordMaster: In order to defeat Evil, we will probably have to band together, every one of us!

Pharoah: Fine, but at least they can hold it off.

Yami Yoshi: Got it! The map, that is!

Episode 68: "True Evil Never Dies Down." by Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Just so you know, Dark Jim is still planning on betraying you all. He hasn't forgotten how much he hates do-gooders, and he can still control evil. But not when it's already controlled. So he's following you so he can find out who's controlling them, and take them over.

OOC: Oh, and Phil's still gathering up power. He won't be ready for any serious fighting this OG. Maybe the next one, though...

Dark Jim's Mind: Evil's back!?! That can only mean one thing; someone took the Orb of Chaos! But, maybe if I can find this person, he'll provide me with the power needed to take over his army, and I'll be able to spread endless darkenss!

YY: You coming, Dark Jim?

Dark Jim: Of course! I'm not having an inner monologue!

YY: Uh, okay, whatever.

Dark Jim's Mind: Hehehe...

(Meanwhile, with Phil)

Phil: Mweeehehehehehe!!! My collection of clothes is being finished! By the next OG, I will have enough Clorox magic to rule the world and kill Introbulus!

Minion: Sir, uhhh, aren't you supposed to talk in gibberish?

Phil: Fool! That's just an act! Trying to trick him, I am! I'm under his servitude, until he's dead or I take over a planet! Once that happens, I can do all the evil I want!

Minion: You think it will work?

Phil: If not, I can always boil your head and eat it like a cabbage!

Minion: EEp! Uhhh, okay, sir! (Runs away)

Episode 69: "Things Get Much, Much Worse." by GORE-ILLA[edit]

*The two Kradians are still stuck in the corridor with the scrolls.*

Kradian 1: Damnit, we need to get to the top of Krad's highest mountain to revive Akujin!

Kradian 2: Yeah, and we can't get there with those guys blocking our way!

???: Leave it to me.

Kradians: L-L-LORD EVIL?!!!

Lord Evil: The one and only. Now if you would be so kind as to hand me this, (swipes the scrolls) I have a minion to revive (disappears)

*Elsewhere on Earth...*

GORE: Alright - Jim and Trobby will fight Sephnity and Sephnitu. Velocity will fight Chaos and Koopa, and I'll fight Lupus and MON-KILL.

Introbulus, Jim, and Velocity: Alright!

GORE activates his lightsaber, MON activates his double-bladed lightsaber, and Lupus draws his sword. GORE charges at the three blades and a vicious battle ensues.

Introbulus takes on Sephnitu while Jim faces off with Sephnity, Velocity eliminates Koopa with ease and moves his full attention to Chaos.

*Elsewhere, a TWIFATIT battleship approaches Krad, closely followed by Team Monkey in the Flying Mokey II. Inside the battleship...*

Lupus,Koopa, and MON-KILL watch the battle on a buig screen tv on the battleship's bridge.

Lupus: Excellant. While four of the strongest OGers are distracted by our holograms, we will invade Krad and destroy the MPOVP and the OGers at the same time!

Koopa: A perfect idea, sir. It should be easy now that we have Chaos, Sephnity, and Sephnitu locked away!

MON: Yes. Remember to have their execution as sooon as possible.

*Elsewhere, on the mountains of Krad..*

Evil stands on the peak of Krad's highest mountains.

Evil: Heh heh... just a few hours till the planets align... then the time will come for the dark era to begin! (a Dark Egg flies past him.)

Yami Yoshi: Not so fast, Evil!

Evil: Grrr...Can't you OGers leave me alone?!

Yami Yoshi: No way! We'll fight you to the end!

To BE Continued....

Episode ?: "Evil Shows Its Face (Again)" by Yami Yoshi[edit]

*The OGers watch from the spiral mountain as Evil conjures red fireballs between his hands and hurls them at the Skull Figthers. The fireballs smash through through Skull Fighters and several explode*

Yami Yoshi: I can’t believe Evil has returned…with tangibility at least…

Pharaoh: Those Kradian b*stards must have released him from his Chaos Orb.

Dark Jim: At least he’ll distract the military for the time being…

Evil: Hell Bomb!

*Evil’s body starts glowing red*

Yami Yoshi: Aw crud…RUN!!!

*The OGers stumble down the mountain but not before Evil’s body self-destructs in a mushroom cloud explosion. The Skull Fighter’s with 2 miles of the explosion diameter are instantly vaporized by the blast. The Skull Fighter’s within 5 miles of the explosion radius are shattered into pieces of metal by the shockwave. The shockwave rips through the foundation of the mountain collapsing it*

Yami Yoshi: Aaaaahhhhh!!!

*Yami Yoshi falls toward the dusty ground below and within seconds, his face smashes into the ground and black dust blinds his eyes. Yami Yoshi curls himself into a ball for what seems like hours until the dust settles*

Yami Yoshi: *rubs his nose* Ow…Hey…is everyone okay?

*A pile of rocks in front of Yami Yoshi shake and the Pharaoh and BSD stick their heads out*

Pharaoh: Of course I’m okay! Who wouldn’t be right after surviving one of Evil’s Hell Bombs!? It didn’t exactly help that this kid was squeezing my tail during the whole ordeal…

BSD: Sorry about that!

Yami Yoshi: How about the rest?

*SwordMaster limps toward Yami Yoshi with Golem swooping in from the rear*

SwordMaster: Ugh…a sharp rock landed on my knee…

Golem: I’m a ghost! I can’t feel pain!

Pharaoh: Maybe I should just kill myself then…

*Yami Yoshi ignores the Pharaoh and surveys the damage. The explosion toppled the entire mountain and Skull Fighter remains lay motionless on the ground. Near the center of the battlefield, a huge funnel-like crater is formed. After observing for a few seconds, a black figure emerges from the hole*


*Evil hovers over the hole laughing like a maniac*

Inside the MPVP HQ...

*Qwirtzok, Chaos (who had escaped Team Monkey using a plot device) , and Bob sit at a round table when a hologram of Commander Lucifer appears in the center*

Lucifer: Hello Pharaoh Qwirtzok, Lord Chaos, King Bob…

Chaos: What is it now Commander Lucifer?

Lucifer: Evil has been released from his Chaos Orb and has gone on a rampage! He’s already wiped out over 1000 of my troops and killed the General! Also several invaders have appeared on the planet…

Bob: We should have taken care of this a long time ago…us three will destroy Evil. You take care of these invaders…Describe them…

Lucifer: All right…there’s these three dinosaur like creatures with really long tongues and they attack with eggs…there’s also a sword warrior, and some dark cloak…

Qwirtzok: The OGers! But what is Dark Jim doing with them?

Chaos: Heh…he must still want revenge for trying to kill him awhile back…be careful. They are extremely strong…use the Skull God. Even that should be able to defeat them…Leave the military at the bases…we don’t want to lose anymore pathetic life forms as we already have…

Lucifer: Yes sir!

*Lucifer’s hologram vanishes from the table*

Qwirtzok: *cracks his knuckles* Let’s go.

*The three MPVP members vanish from the table*



*There are three flashes of light and the leaders of the MPVP appear*

Yami Yoshi: It’s the MPVP!

BSD: Let’s get outta here!

Yami Yoshi: Nah...I wanna see how this turns out...

Chaos: We meet again Evil!

Evil: Mwa ha ha ha ha! I’ll crush you all! You’re all going to die! Pitchfork Plasma!

*The three ends of Evil's pictchfork fire red beams at the MPVP members*

Qwirtzok: Pyramid Protection!

*A golden transparent shield conceals the MPVP members and blocks the attack*

Bob: Randomizer Ball!

*Bob creates a rainbow energy ball between his hands and hurls it at Evil. It transforms into a refrigerator just as it smashes into Evil. Evil lands on a sharp rock below and it stabs through his arm*

Bob: They don’t call me King Robert of Randomness for nothing!

Evil: Satan Flare!

*Evil uses his other arm and hurls a red fireball at Bob*

Qwirtzok: Omega Obelisk!

*Qwirtzok chants a strange curse and tall black obelisk appears over his head. The obelisk aims its sharp top at Evil and flies toward him like a missile. The obelisk destroys the fireball and stabs through Evil’s chest*

Qwirtzok: You like that?

*The impaled imp continues to laugh*


Bob: Why does he keep on saying that?

Chaos: It matters not because I’m going to end all of this madness! ICE 4!

*Chaos fires a frigid beam at Evil incasing his body in a block of ice*


*Chaos fires a beam of fire that melts Evil’s incased body into a black muddle*

Chaos: That should do it...let's head back to the HQ and we’ll have Lucifer take care of the OGers…He'll be here soon...Heh heh...

*The three MPVP leaders vanish just as a large object flies toward the OGers*

Yami Yoshi: Get ready you guys!

To Be Continued…

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Back on Earth...*

GORE continues dueling with the two villiains. But deep within GORE's mind, two figures argue. One is a cyborg gorilla, the other a gorilla in a jedi robe.

GORE: What are you doing? Yu're only defending! Just gain the offensive!

The Monkey: No. I must avoid violence at all costs, and if I continue defending, they will tire themselves out without a single blow being struck.

GORE: Gimme that!

GORE runs toward the Monkey, who's sitting in the control pod of the brain. GORE shoves The Monkey out of the way and jumps into the pod. Outside the body, GORE suddenly flips behind Lupus and MON and begins swinging violently at them, slowly backing them away.


Author: Lemonjello[edit]

All of a sudden, Wayne Gretsky, who is riding in the Popemobile, appears in front on Evil.

YY: What the HACK?

Wayne: I've come to destroy Evil, save the OGers, kill Limejello and finally to set up my own chain of retail stores once the the devil people are eliminated in a brutal holocuast! ENGAGE THE HOLY WATER, MISTER SHATNER!

William Shatner: Sssspoooooccckkk... *presses a button which causes a single cloud to appear above Evil, the rain holy water down on him*

Evil: NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!1111bviebveihfwhfwo73498 *Evil explodes in a shower of sparks and stuff like that*

YY: The world is safe!

Pharoah: Yay!

Wayne: I do not wish to alarm you, OGers, but Limejello, Lemonjello, Fred_In_Bed, Lagomorph and Grapejello are here. Until then, I bid you adieu.

(The Popemobile drives off into the sky.)

LimejelloL: We have been sent here by Lord Akujin to kill all of you!

YY: But...weren't you fighting Akujin?

Grapejello: HOY HOY HUZZAH.

Fred: Yes, Yami, but he offered us something we couldn't refuse: A FREE LEMON FOR EACH OF US.

Akujin: Quite right, Fred. Now kill the OGers, post-haste.

(Akujin and his new minions pull out various implements of destruction, such as a waffle launcher and Bob Saget's hair.)

Episode ?: "Waffle War" by Yami Yoshi[edit]

*The TWIFATIT members grin wickedly at the OGers*

Lemonjello: The Lemon shall be in our possession soon! TWIFATIT members attack!

Yami Yoshi: Everyone take on one member! I’ll battle Fred!

*The remaining OGers face off against Lemonjello, Limejello, Grapejello, and Lagomorph*

Fred: You shall be whipped by my waffle powers!

Yami Yoshi: It’s we’ll see about that…Flutter Kick!

*Yami Yoshi jumps into the air and performs a Flutter Kick and kicks Fred multiple times in the chest. Fred staggers backwards slightly but shows little sign of pain as he grins maliciously at Yami Yoshi*

Yami Yoshi: You liked that? Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at Fred that hits him directly in the chest. The egg explodes and Fred is blasted backwards*

Yami Yoshi: Take this!

*Yami Yoshi jumps into the air and performs a flutter kick until he is directly over Fred. Then, he points his feet downward and falls to the ground at an incredible velocity. Fred looks up and sees the soles of Yami Yoshi’s shoes before his body is flattened and his bones are crushed. Yami Yoshi jumps up and observes the condition of his opponent*

Yami Yoshi: Hmph…

*Fred’s flattened body stretches back to his original form*

Fred: How dare you make me become what I hate! You shall be crushed by the L337 power of waffles!

Yami Yoshi: Huh?

*Fred pulls a waffle out of his pants pocket and it inflates like a giant balloon*

Yami Yoshi: What the hell?

Fred: Waffle Whack!

*Yami Yoshi stands still in shock from the strange attack as the waffle smashes into his face. Flecks of spit and blood fly from his face as he flies through the air and his body slides onto the ground scattering black dust*

Fred: You lose.

Yami Yoshi: *wipes the blood off his nose* Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at Fred*

Fred: Waffle Wall!

*Fred opens the palms of his hands and a waffle appears out of nowhere and deflects the egg back at Yami Yoshi who ducks just as the egg sears past his head narrowly missing his ear*

Yami Yoshi: *thinking* Damn...this guy's strange moves are catching me off guard...What should I do?

*Yami Yoshi stares at Fred thinking while he pulls out two waffles attached with a strand of syrup*

Fred: I'm going to beat you with my...WAFFLE CHUCKS!

*Fred spins them in a Japanese-ninja style fasion*

Yami Yoshi: *thinking* Wait a second...waffles... Tongue Tie!

*Yami Yoshi's tongue wraps around Fred's waffle-chucks. Yami Yoshi withdraws his tongue back into his mouth swallowing the waffle chucks in a loud "GULP". Yami Yoshi bends over and a Dark Egg emerges from!*

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi throws the Dark Egg smashes into his face and explodes and a flurry of syrup droplets and waffle crumbs*

Fred: *covers eyes* No! I cannot see my precious waffles like this! Get him waffle cooker!

*A waffle cooker jumps up from behind Fred and lands on the ground in front of Yami Yoshi*

Yami Yoshi: What the hell?

*The waffle cooker opens its mouth, waffle batter drips from its square-like teeth like drool. It lunges at Yami Yoshi and closes its mouth on Yami Yoshi's arm. Yami Yoshi screams in agony and flings the waffle cooker off his arm. Yami Yoshi gasps at the red waffle-shaped burn on his arm*

Fred: Get him waffle cookers!

*Fred holds up his hands and four more waffle cookers fly up from behind him*

Fred: Heh…you’ll never mess with waffles again will you Yami Yoshi?

To Be Continued...

Editor's note: There was a 7th page (the third page of the second topic) that was lost and cannot be retrieved. Except it came back, I guess. Here it is!

Author: Dark_Mario[edit]

**Dark Mario pulls out Lupus's Plot Jole Device and changed the story completely!**

Tim Allen: Nooo! WHAT HAS HAPPEND!

**A door opens, revealing a man in a trenchcoat and a mustache holding a luger.**

Hitler:Mwuhahha! You shall be defeated by my German power and..



Tim Allen:Oh no!


**Tom Selleck takes out the stick of pokeliness and pokes Tim Allen sending him flying into France, causing Ghandi to get midevil on his ass.**

Ghandi:Tim Allen, your show Home Improvement, has lost to a sock. You shall get sent to Mexico and become a tapdancer!

Tim Allen:No! You'll have to catche me first!

**Tim Allen jumps into the Pimpmobile with Ghandi close behind in his monster truck. Tim thinks quickly and calls Jerry Seinfeld on his cell phone.**

Seinfeld:I can't help you right now, I'm trying to learn the Electric Slide!


**Tim Allen jumps out with Ghandi shooting a water gun at him! Tim acts fast and hugs a tree!**

Ghandi:Nooo! Your tree hugging powers have defeated me! I'm gonna go join the circus!

Tim:That'll show you, you evil spanish president!

???:Not so fast Tim! No one gets away with making Ghandi cry!

Tim:Oh no! You're none other than..

Kurt Russel!

Kurt Russel:Prepare to be defeated in a staring contest!

**The two stare for hours until a radioactive waste cause Kurt Russel to melt into Samuel L Jackson! Samuel runs away and pimps out some ladies!**

Tim:Ha! He loses and could never ******* me!

???:But I'll fix your plumbing!




Mr Rogers:I swear it was those kids and there meddling!

The Gang:No it wasn't us it was that mean old man Mr. Rogers!


**Scooby Doo & the Gang get in a fight with Mr Rogers! Mr Rogers uses the pr0n beams while The Gang uses the magical power of bad dancing! Tim Allen takes the advantage and steals a car.**


Will Tim ever get to Russia?

To be continued..

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Back by GORE's group...*

Velocity flies through the city, pursued by Chaos. Velocity fires a blast at Chaos and the monster explodes, leaving behind a tape recorder with prerecorded phrases of Chaos.

Velocity: What's this?

Introbulus and Jim destroy Sephnity and Sephnitu. They fall over, revealing themselves to be cardboard cut-out.

Introbulus: Imposters!

Jim: I should've known..

GORE slices Lupus and MON-KILL in half. They explode, revealingholgrams that quickly fade out.

GORE: Damnit! Holograms!

PL: Correct! While you were fighting those dopplegangers, I tracked down the real Anti-OGers and I have detected three of them in a spaceship orbitting Krad. Gather around me, and I will teleport you there.

GORE, Velocity, Jim, and Introbulus gather around PL. They all disappear in a flash of light as Tim Allen drives past pursued by the police.

To Be Continued...

Episode ? (Apparently I lost track): "Waffle War Pt. 2" by Yami Yoshi[edit]

On Earth inside the U.N. HQ…

*Lupus sits at a computer screen shoveling vanilla ice cream into his mouth dotted with shredded cheese*

Lupus: If there’s one thing that goes good with anything, it’s cheese! Cheese ice cream, cheese steak, cheese cheeseburger…

*Lupus sprinkles more shredded cheese on his ice cream when suddenly, the computer screen blares out a message*

Computer Screen: We get signal!

Lupus: What!

Computer Screen: Main screen turn on.

Lupus: Its you!

*GL appears on the screen*

GL: How are you gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction.

Lupus: What you say!!

GL: Err…I mean…we’ve located the OGers. We are fighting them right now.

Lupus: Oh…really? Excellent…just to be curious…who is Yami Yoshi fighting?

GL: He’s fighting Fred…the former OGer…

Lupus: Excellent…Yami Yoshi’s defeat will be inevitable in the hands of the Waffle God! Sir Fredrick of the Waffles is immortal!

Meanwhile on Krad…

*Yami Yoshi stands surrounded by five waffle cookers. Fred stands on top of a small hill with a triumphant grin on his face as the waffle cookers face Yami Yoshi, waffle batter dripping out of their open square mouths revealing their rows and rows of black square teeth*

Yami Yoshi: *clutching his arm* I can still win!

Fred: You lose Yami Yoshi. GET HIM WAFFLE COOKERS!

*The waffle cookers jump toward Yami Yoshi with their mouths open. Yami Yoshi bends his knees and jumps high into the air. The waffle cookers barely scrap the bottom of his shoes as they crash into each other. Yami Yoshi lands safely on a small rocky hill*

Yami Yoshi: Ha!

*A waffle cooker turns around and jumps toward Yami Yoshi aiming its mouth at his legs. Yami Yoshi as the waffle cooker rips clean through the hill, spins around midair, and hurls a Dark Egg at it. The waffle cooker explodes and Yami Yoshi lands on the ground ninja-style (kneeling holding his left hand face down on the ground) when two more waffle cookers fly toward him*

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg Roll!

*A large Dark Egg conceals Yami Yoshi body and the two waffle cookers bounce off the egg’s surface without leaving a scratch. Yami Yoshi rolls the egg down toward the waffle cookers crushing them. The crushed waffle cookers make a few “BZZT” noises before they explode*

Fred: More waffle cookers!

*Fred holds up his hands again and three more waffle cookers jump up from behind him and sink their teeth into the egg shattering it into pieces. Yami Yoshi falls onto the ground slightly stunned*

Yami Yoshi: Crap…

*Yami Yoshi rolls to the side barely avoiding a waffle cooker, which sinks its teeth into the ground where he was lying a millisecond earlier. Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at the embedded waffle-cooker and obliterates it. Yami Yoshi stands up and ducks just as another waffle cooker sears past his head and crashes into a rock behind him. A waffle cooker jumps behind him and succeeds in sinking its teeth into his left hand. Yami Yoshi winces in pain and sees two more waffle cookers flying toward him. Yami Yoshi uses his left hand and deflects the incoming waffle cookers. They fly backwards and smash into the rocks. Finally Yami Yoshi uses a Dark Egg and destroys the waffle cooker attached to his hand*

Yami Yoshi: Ouch…

*Yami Yoshi examines his left hand; his hand has a red waffle-shaped mark from the waffle cooker and black scorch marks from his own Dark Egg*

Fred: Hmm…apparently the waffle cookers aren’t enough…WAFFLE COOKERS! COME TO ME!

*The remaining three waffle cookers fly toward Fred and revolve around him*

Fred: Time to upgrade to Waffle God! SOAK ME IN YOUR HEAVENLY WAFFLE-NESS!

*The three waffle cookers open their mouth and shower waffle batter all over Fred body. His body soon becomes completely drenched with waffle batter and the waffle hardens around his body*

Yami Yoshi: The hell?

*Soon, the waffle and Fred emerges radiant in a golden light*

Fred: Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I am the one and only Waffle God!

Yami Yoshi: Waffle God?

Fred: That’s right. Like Lupus, I too have gone to the realm of the gods and become a deity of destruction myself! Now taste some of my WAFFLE WAVE!

*Fred fires a beam at Yami Yoshi, which sears past Yami Yoshi’s head. Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at Fred blocks the egg with a Waffle Shield. Fred pulls out another pair of Waffle-Chucks and hovers down to the ground. Yami Yoshi throws another Dark Egg but Fred blocks it with one of the Waffle-Chucks*

Fred: Waffle Throw!

*Fred pulls another and hurls it at Yami Yoshi like a discus. The waffle sears past Yami Yoshi head. As Yami Yoshi’s head spins around to observe the flying waffle, Fred jumps toward him and starts beating him with his Waffle Chucks. Yami Yoshi does spin jump and his tail smashes across Fred’s face. Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at the Fred and the explosion blasts him backwards*

Yami Yoshi: Heh…your waffle powers are still no match against me!

Fred: Oh really? Take a load of this then!

*Fred pulls a nuclear bomb shaped device out of his pocket*

Fred: The Waffle Warhead…the ultimate waffle weapon…It has a blast radius of over 1 mile and completely drowns you in a sea of waffles…you have no chance to survive make your time. Ha ha ha ha…

To Be Continued…