Party Goers 15 Page 10

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Pages in Party Goers 15
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Author: Ditto[edit]

Good call, Vorp.

Cat: Oh NO! Look what they've done!

*runs to a pile of snow-covered rubble and begins digging frantically*

Vorpal: Uhhh, Cat...

Cat: We've gotta get out the survivors! *goes to another pile and begins frantically digging*

Robert Stack: Uh, Cat, I don't think...

Cat: What are you waiting for?! There might be children stuck in there!!

Censor Man: I doubt that, Cat.

Cat: In the name of God, WHY?!

*They all calmly point to a sign*

Cat: *reading* "...This area has been destroyed by the Clemens Wrecking Ball Co. Future Site of Norris Office Building."

Censor Man: They haven't destroyed anything, Cat. *gestures a few feet away, where the rest of the city is bustling as usual*

Vorpal: The only damage being done is what their terrific economy is doing to Christmas.

Cat: We must stop this!

Vorpal: No, Cat. We've gotta stop Ditto and Sapphire before they commit another high-tech theft.

Robert Stack: *looking solemnly at the screen as the background grows dark* However, the exact nature of the expected theft remains... an Unsolved Mystery. If you have any information or leads regarding this case, call 1-800-Unsolved Mysteries...

*fog rolls over him*

Censor Man: Hey! Where'd William Shatner go?

Vorpal: Aw, he got mad he didn't get an opportunity to do a plug for his show...


Shatner: *in a coffee shop* That... stupid... Stack. Thinks... he's so... big. Stress... forcing me to... leave ridiculous gaps... between words... Not good. Just... have to... go back to... doing commercials with... conga drums.

Leonard Nimoy: That hardly seems logical, William.

Shatner: Never... stopped me... before.

You still didn't figure out WHAT we're here to steal. Sapphire's clue focused mainly on that, and did so quite well, I might add...

Saph, if they ever DO figure it out, I want you to write the part where we do the actual stealing.

Author: Golem[edit]

A-heh-heh, every time I've tried this, it's been not obvious enough. Ugh, you'd think I'd have learned by now.
Cat: You go find 'im. I don't care. ~stomps away~

YM~runs up to him, puts his arm on Cat's sholder~: Aw, come on! We're the good guys! We can beat Ditto and Saph any day!

Cat: You can. I won't. ~shrugs Yoshiman off, heads off past the horizon angrily~

Vorpal: Stupid thick-headed kid. We need all the help we can get.

YM: Have some concern!

Vorpal: No! Last thing we need is this depressed kid runnin' around where we can't keep an' eye on 'im! He knows US, therefore he's a threat.

Mr. P.: You know Cat, he'd go off and join Replaforce...

Vorpal: Do what you like. I'll go find Ditto myself. You're too hazardous.

RS: Vorpal comes back.

Vorpal: Hey!

RS: We need to be a team.

CM: "...said the narratoring Robert Stack."

Vorpal: Fine...

Mr. P.: Now! Judging by the clue...
He's dancing in the street. Maybe a musical play...

YM: That's it! He's in a theatre. Now what would you steal in a theatre...

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Are you trying to get at something Golem? I don't get it? Are you depressed or is that just your character?

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

YM: . . . sandbags!

Mr. P: No, you dummy!

*Meanwhile, on a building far away*

Fuzzball: Hello? Anyone here? Hello! oh crap.


YM: Curtain, floorboards, seats, confections, props. . .

Mr. P: You aren't getting anywhere. Look at the clue.

Until they reach the water's edge
wood won't be hard to find
the sound of money's everywhere
if they'd just use their heads

YM: That wasn't the copy I was given.

Mr. P: Reaching the water's edge means wood is scarce.

YM: So it's something like a forest that cuts off at the river.

Mr. P: Or any body of water.

YM: But the ground hurts their feet.

Mr. P: Anything. . . rocks. . . wood. . .

YM: Money is everywhere if you use your heads . . .

Mr. P: Panners pan for gold in a river!

YM: And what if we're wrong?

Mr. P: . . . . Let's look at the rest.

Oh the sands for walking
really do hurt one's feet

YM: That accounts for the rocky coast.

but we'd need you to be upbeat
when you're dancing in the street

YM: . . . makes sense.

Mr. P: But is it correct, and what does it have to do with what they steal?

Author: Ditto[edit]

Hee heee...

Saph, that clue was PERFECT!!! They'll NEVER get it!!!

Give 'em a day to chew on it, then drop 'em another hint!

Golem, what's the matter? Was it something I did? I wouldn't have gone through with the puzzle, but this time they seem to be enjoying it. If they don't get it, the story will continue just the same. This is just for FUN. Don't storm off, okay?

Author: Golem[edit]

I know, Ditto. I'll write, like always.
Mr.P.: Something tells me we've got it wrong.

YM: Like that last post Ditto made?

~everyone falls over animé style~

Vorpal: Maybe he means a place where logs are shipped off to, near the shore! Or perhaps they cut logs, or whatever!

Mr.P.: Yes, yes! It says... "The sound of money"... they might press it into paper to be made into money there!

YM: And the sand hurt their feet... could it be the heat? Maybe the sand's really hot there.

RS: Now how does dancing in the street fit in all this...?

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Vorpal: Money, dancing in the street?

YM: You got it?

Vorpal: I did for a while, but you made me forget.

Mr.P.: Why you! *slaps YM*

YM: Ow.

Ba: But, they're going to

Vorpal: . . . possibly steal money to make a . . . uh

Ba: Isn't it obvious!?!?!?

Author: Masamune[edit]

Goom: Maybe it's the musical steet dance called "LumberJack Beach Special" coming p this Friday!

Everyone: *glares at him*

Goom: Heh heh... It was just an idea...

Author: Sapphire[edit]

The game continues...

Saph: *rolls dice* A three...

Ditto: It's good to own all the railroads, no? *grin* Pay up.

Saph: $200, coming up.

Ditto: *rolls dice* Hmm... 10! *his car moves down ten streets* Dang it, so close!

Saph: Hm, I don't own that one.

Ditto: Well, then I'm buying it!

Saph: Very well. *The property deed is automatically transported to him and the $375 disappears from his account.*

Ditto: A nice little addition, I might add.

Saph: Look at them. They're all grasping at straws! *rolls* 4.... ah hah!

Ditto: Hm, looks like we have some 'negotiations' to discuss.

Saph: Blue is my favorite color. *grin* I suppose the final preparations in the theft can now be discussed as well...

Ditto: First, lets trade. I can give you...

Author: Golem[edit]

~Does a Ditto-style bump~

~teehee~ Koopa Bar and Grille: Have Tons o' Fun with SSB Drunken Matches, Mario Kart Courses, and More! (BTW, if Chibi's there, there's NO coffee!)

   quote:Meiling: What do you people do for fun outdoors, stick your heds in freezers?!

Author: Ditto[edit]

Okay, time's up! Saph and I will fulfill our promise. The story continues..!

*Meanwhile, we find Cat, who, after storming away, decided to cool down by going for a walk on the famous Atlantic City BOARDWALK*

Cat: Hmmm. You know, this would be an excellent place for a party..!

*Looks around at all the people buying stuff...*

Cat: All that money changin' hands... Ow! This sand hurts my feet! I'm gonna go for a walk on that nice cool wood, and...

*thinks for a moment*

Cat: ...Money changing hands?!
...Sand hurts one's feet?!...
...Wood... near the water's edge!!


*He hears a funny sound. Climbing over the railing, he hangs down and looks under the Boardwalk. Sure enough, his eyes behold the giant blood-red submarine, with propellers. Climbing down, he sneaks near an open hatch, to see a girl in a broad red hat and a grey Team Rocket suit, talking on a speakerphone*

Sapphire: ...Pacific and North Carolina Avenues?! What about the one you just bought?

Ditto's Voice: Genius may be close to madness, but I'm not that crazy! Tell you what, I'll...

Cat: Ah-ah-ah...

<Oh crap!>


Saph: What?! Well, if it isn't the guest of honor!

Cat: *running out* Guys! I've found them! I've found them!

Vorpal: Huh?

Yoshiman: What?

Trueseal Munes: What the devil?

Cat: They're under the boardwalk!

Vorpal: I loved that song. "Under the boardwalk..."

Cat: No need for songs! Song Muyo! We gotta stop them!

*Behind him, the little flying sub rises into view...*

Cat: Yike!

Vorpal: Saph! Ditto! You're under arrest!

Saph: I don't think so! *tosses a "Get Out of Jail Free" Card at him, pinning his sleeve to the wooden railing*

*The Ditto Racecar speeds up*

Prof. Dittoarty: Think you can handle this one, partner?

Saph: Why? Where are you going?

Dittoarty: I'm going to go pick up some... final preparations. Then, we'll throw our final plan... into motion!

Saph: Okay! I've got this theft under control!

*Ditto speeds off*

Yoshiman: Now what?

Author: Golem[edit]

GAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! ~comits suicide~
I'll do it more bluntly this time.
Cat: No way you'll do it with me... my purpose is served. ~dissappears FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND WILL NEVER COME BACK BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!~

YM: That was a weird exit.

Masa: Let's concentrate on the baddies here! ~grabs the Vorpal sword from Vorpal~

Vorpal: No, don't do that!

Masa: But it's the only way to-- ... Kill you ALL.

Author: Masamune[edit]

This could be a VERY interesting plot twist...

Masamune: Hey... what's going on!? *he begins to glow, the Vorpal Sword and Masamune sword begin to spin*

Vorpal: Whoa... this isn't good...

Masamune: BLAAUUGHH--

Ditto: *looks back* What the-- that's some power output... what the blazes is happening there? This was not in the plan!

*suddenly Masamune and the two swords vansih, revealing a huge purple humanoid creature with two swords for arms*

Vorpamune: . . . . .

Vorpal (Or for the sake of sanity, Stryke): Whoa...

Dodo: Oh dear, with the crystal unlocked and Masamune fused with that sword... he could become unstable!

Yoshiman: I beleive now is the time for my 'Fix-it-all-and-make-it-back-to-normal' machine!

Mr. Predict: You mean the one beside the refrigerator? I sort of broke it...

Yoshiman: Doh!

Author: Golem[edit]

Will this OG ever end? Man, this is getting good though! Hope Shane won't hafta lock it!
Ditto: As long as that lunatic's radiating energy, might as well pick up some! ~presses a button, gets surged with energy~

Vorpamune: ~hiss~ Hey, what's going on?!

~Vorpamune turns around to see energy going into Ditto's car, and hops to it and slashes the car up. Ditto rolls sideways to safety, clicking a button in his pocket. Saph comes and picks Ditto up, and they fly away.~

Stryke: Hey... My powers are diminishing faster than normal... ~his head bows down jerkily~

Mr.P.: There must be something in that card... Let's investigate! Yoshiman, you fend him off.

YM: How do I do it alone?! Oh well, at least there's the V-Team--hey, they left!
Oh well, here goes nothin'...

Author: Sapphire[edit]

gah! I hate pink!


Sapphire: *shakes head* while they are all nicely distracted...

~*once again giant hookshots decend from the sub, now attaching to the boardwalk*~

Yoshiman: What the--..

Mr. Predict: Hm... any minute now we all will be lifted thousands of feet in the air...

Sapphire: [on the sub] And now up we go!

~*the boardwalk begins to lift*~

Mr. Predict: And in any given time we all will be shaken down...

Yoshiman: But what about-..

~*the boardwalk tilts momentarily and the people standing on it began to slide off.*~

Vorpalmune: GAH!!!!

Yoshiman: Weeee!

Mr. Predict: Grab a rope, you dolt!

Sapphire: *over speakerphone* Oh no you don't!

~*the boardwalk is almost at a 90 degree angle and everyone who was standing on it now slides off. Saph balances the boardwark again and continues her ascent*~
