Party Goers 15 Page 8

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Author: Sapphire[edit]

I'm going to post there in about 2 seconds. So you'll see it. ^.^

Author: Golem (Cool Noochies!)[edit]

~Meanwhile, the search party has disbanded...

Cat is left alone in the city, thinking.~ Cat: Dang! I've searched for everyone else everywhere... If only that Ditto hadn't scared me out o' the sky, I'd have squished him like the little insect he is.
Now the others have gone... Ohhhh, I can't stand it! I need som'in' ta do to get them!
Hmmmmm... I know! Rhyk is prob'ly the only robot like himself... I'll just search it up.

~Cat goes back home and searches, using his computer. He finds Rhyk's position...~

Cat: He's constantly moving! ...Unless he's on the sub... Good Rhyk!

~Cat marks off the position on a map and runs off to the spot. He just sees the sub going over the horizon, moving slowly. He sprints down and walks down beneath the sub trying to think of how to get in. He makes an innocent face so Saph and Ditto don't suspect him, but they notice him.~

Saph: Say... doesn't this look a bit like Cat? ~shows Ditto a monitor shot~

Ditto: Yep, I'd say we've got a minor problem. I'll take care of this.

~Ditto poofs away. A minute later, he comes back with a restrained Cat.~

Author: Masamune[edit]

Hey Vorpal, you have AIM, ICQ, MSN Messenger? I was hoping I could dicusss something with you. E-mail's to slow...

Plop... plop... plop...

Masamune: So this is it, huh?

Plop... plop... plop...

Dodo: Pretty much... all those years has worn it down.

Masamune: *runs hand down the smooth stone surface* To think... this is all that's left...

Plop... plop... plop...

Dargo: Left of what?

Masamune: Of me... of us... this is where it started...

Plop... plop... plop...

Rapheal: Us? I don't even know this place...

Masamune: Not you three... us... as in me and Murasame... our swords were crafted here, in this place. And where are exile started as well.

Dargo: Hmmm... exile? *scans* I detect a large ratio of magical energy.

Masamune: Yeah, well... *looks over, to a chest in the corner. Opens it up and removes a strange jewel* Well, we have what we need. Let's go.

Author: Vorpal[edit]

I have all three. But I only use MSN, I also use Yahoo, for MSN my e-mail is, and Yahoo is vorpal64.

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Meanwhile on the rooftops. . .

Wrange and Dark are finishing a battle

Dark Tirk is badly beaten, kneeling on the sidelines of the roof.

WT: Come on! You make this too easy!

DT: You ain't human!

WT: That's another thing thats separates us.


WT kicks DT of rooftop edge


FB: I gotta see this! *Takes rope and rappels down building.*

WT: My work here is done.

YM: You kill yourself and leave?

WT: He was a bit of a nucance wasn't he?

YM: But I still don't understand.

WT: A story for another time. Good bye.

WT climbs on Cual-tan's back

YM: But isn't Cual-tan. . .

WT: Evil? No, merely free spirited.

YM: Then how can you . . .

WT: Simple. I posses the orb of dragonkind.

YM: But wait!

Too late. WT flies off.

YM: Grr. . .

C: My services are no longer needed. *Dissapears.*

YM: Well, it's just you and me, Mr. P. Why haven't you said anything all this time?

Mr. P: Nothing came up.

YM: I'll say.

Mr. P: Wait, you said only us. . . what about *YM clasps his hands over Mr. P's mouth*

YM *thought teeth*: I said just you and me.

Mr. P: Mmph k. Gotpha.

Ym and Mr. P leave qietly.

FB: *From building side*: Uh. . . there doesn't seem to be enough rope. . . guys? Hello? Someone? Anyone? Helloooo? oh man. . .

Author: Golem[edit]


In the Rocket HQ, James is talking to several Rocket Grunts in his main office. He is sitting at his desk.~

James: ...Oh yeah. Before you do all that, go scoop out Golem's house. And find something worthy!

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Where are you Saph? I wanna see the puzzle!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

I'm working on it... damn, I had this perfect set up yesterday too... Is everyone waiting on me?

Author: Ditto[edit]


*In the on-board laboratory, a figure stands in a cloud of steam and fog. As it clears, mad scientist Prof. Dittoarty lifts up his goggles and turns off his blowtorch*

Ditto: Ahhh, terrific. It's finished. Hey, Saph! I've finished preparations for our next theft!

Where is she?


Saph! Where are you?!

*Opens up a closet, and everything comes tumbling out, including Saph, who looks up sheepishly*

Ditto: There you are. What have you been up to all this time?

Saph: Sorry. I've just been getting ready. Where've you been all this time?

Ditto: Working on those inventions you wanted for the next heist.

Saph: Alright, alright. Anyway, I've got the thing all planned out. Shall we?

Ditto: Pressure's on you, Carmen-Who-Framed-Us.

Don't worry about that "invention." I just made that up as an explaination because I've been too busy to post lately. It's not a part of the story, really, I just thought it'd be a good way to "explain it all away." Besides, I like being a Mad Scientist.

Author: Golem[edit]

http:// www. vgmusic. com/music/console/nintendo/snes/smkrainbow.mid

I just felt like posting that.
~While Ditto and Sapphire and Ditto are talking amongst each other, Cat unties himself...~

Cat: Rhyk, buddy! I got new batteries right here...

~Cat puts in the batteries...~

(Start playing http://www. vgmusic .com/music/console/nintendo/snes/Smithy1.mid without spaces)

~Rhyk gets an evil grin~

Cat: Oh, great! Now that you're okay, let's kick some Rocket butt!

~Rhyk opens the sub door and pushes Cat out, chasing him to see Cat fall to his death.~

Cat: What are you DOING?! :sweat: Two times in one day...

Rhyk: What Ditto never had the guts to do...

Cat: Kill me? We're best o' friends!


Meowth: Oops! Looks like I've stepped on a button... looks like from the time Magi, BM, and I made that stupid clone!

~Back to the others...

Cat climbs on top of Rhyk and starts to gain control.~

Cat: I've gotta take out your batteries!

Rhyk: You'd kill both of us then! Your life or justice?

Cat: Uhhhhh... can't there be a happy medium?

Rhyk: NO! ~drops Cat~

Cat: :sweat: History repeating itself here...
Hmmm... I think I still have my scarf! ~takes out scarf from under shirt, throws it up at Rhyk to latch on~

Rhyk: Get OFF! ~flies about like crazy~

~Now Cat is swaying his weight to dodge buildings.~

Cat: Gah! ~pulls hard on the scarf, Rhyk falls down some and Cat gets on top~

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Rhyk falls . . . and falls . . .

Cat: His booster jets are broken!

Rhyk: Gaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Cat: Rhyk!

Rhyk spirals downward farther and farther.

Rhyk: Caaaat!

Cat: Rhyk, I'll save you! *Golem swings his scarf at Rhyk*

Rhyk grabs the scarf

Cat: I'll pull you up! *Cat pull up the makeshift-rope*

Cat: What do you mean, make-shift? It was meant for things like this! *My mistake*

Author: Golem[edit]

~Rhyk climbs up the scarf.~

Cat: See? I would never let you die! So do you still want to kill me?

Rhyk: No. Well, yeah! ~hops on Cat's back sideways, and jets away on it~

Cat: Owww! ~skids across the building~ Dang, that was a trick for him to get away!

~Meanwhile, Ditto and Saph finally notice Cat and Rhyk are missing...~

Ditto: Run a scan for Rhyk! He can't be far! ...At least I hope...

Saph: ~looking up from radar~ We're in luck! Rhyk hasn't flown far! Changing courses to chase Rhyk!

Ditto: And Cat?

Saph: Unfortunately, we can't find anything special to track him down by--even though he's transformed.

Ditto: Just chase Rhyk then!


Cat: Look, they're going in Rhyk's direction!
...Which means they're prob'ly following the traitor....

~The sub flies by Cat on its way to Rhyk. Cat hops on and grips to the top for dear life. Inside...~

Ditto: We have someone on top... might be Cat!

Saph: Shake 'im off?

Ditto: No, that'd be too nice. Go at warp speed!

Author: Masamune[edit]

---Later at Masamune's not-so-secret abode...---

Masamune: With this crystal...

Dodo: ... how does the crystal work?

Masamune: It amplifies my powers.... Murasame as well. That's why I never got it out because I was afraid Murasame would cause to much damage. But I'll have to take that risk.

Dargo: Yes... their seems to be massive energy coming from the crystal. It appears your weapon has harnessed the energy....

Masamune: Exactly, now I shoudl be able to handle Ditto and Vorpal... just so long as Murasame doesn't come.

Author: 420Link[edit]

golem, I'll clue only you in.............
the first and most entertaining will ride back to his party soon...............

Author: Ditto[edit]


Well, I guess that Cat's outta the bag...

...That was a nice Top Secret Plan we had once...

Nobody look there, okay? For the sake of Saph's and my plans?