Party Goers 15 Page 5

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Pages in Party Goers 15
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Author: Vorpal[edit]

What do you mean Golem?

Author: Ditto[edit]

Wait just a flippin' minute!

I'm waiting til' my partner gets back. I can't do anything without Sapphire.

~I condemn you all to eternal Dalmation! *woof woof*~

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Well, now that I'm back...

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Back at V-Team HQ . . .

Ba: Hey, if Wavorpal is your evil counterpart and you're evil . . .

Vorpal quickly covers Ba's mouth and throws him out the window.

Author: Golem[edit]

Goom: Wheehoo, look at 'im go.

Vorpal: The crowd goes wild.

Author: Vorpal[edit]

I shall breath into this OG, life anew!!!!!!

Masamune: All right! All right! I'll go to the philharmonic!!!!!

Dodo: Good.

and so Masamune arrives at the Philharmonic where he stares off Ditto and Saph.

Ditto: Well, since our brains were no match for you, how about brute strength?

Vorpal: (standing on a balcony above) I'm disappointed in you, Ditto. (He jumps down and snatches the Pokéball)

Just then the V-Team arrives!

V-Team Vorpal: There he is Wavorpal!

Goom: But he looks like the real one to me!!

Vorpal: No it is you, my friend who is Wavorpal!

Masa: I wish one of them had a big nose so we could tell!

Author: Golem[edit]

Vorpal: Hmf! I'll teach you a thing 'er two!
Go, Mewtwo! Use Smoke Ball!

Author: Sapphire[edit]





So much for intricate plots...

Author: Ditto[edit]

Professor Dittoarty to the rescue! Complex plot-land, here we come!

Mewtwo: Mew?

Saph: Here, boy! ~.^

Mewtwo: Two. Mew. Two. *goes and nuzzles Ditto*

Vorpal (?): Why you--! I'll make you obey me later! Mewtwo, return! *slurps up Mewtwo*

Sapphire: Dear me, they seem to be under the impression that they've gotten the drop on us!

Dittoarty: They've stolen from us in the Philharmonic, but we were planning to take the Philharmonic itself!

Sapphire: That's right, we had it all mapped out! Everything's still in place! Let's do it! *takes out her remote control*

Ditto: *grabs a baton and jumps into the orchestra pit* Okay boys, hit it!

*At Ditto's conduction, the orchestra begins playing "One Winged Angel" using sheet music already handed out*

Vorpal (?): What's going on?

*As the march begins, Saph's radio-controlled flying sub descends from the clouds and shoots several giant hookshots toward the building, to the accompaniment of the cymbals. Giant explosions erupt from below to the rumble of the percussion section, freeing the building from it's foundation. As the voices of the choir begin their demonic chanting, Saph grabs a cable and drops into the foyer. As the tune moves into the waltz, Saph and Ditto glide around, attatching cables to various things along the way. As the music reaches it's climax, the whole structure begins to be lifted by the fleet of flying vehicles, and is airlifted away. Golem, Munes, Sames, and all the other good guys tumble out. Both the building and the music fade in the distance*

Munes: After them! *hails a carriage*
Hansom! Hansom!

Dodo: Why, thank you, Munes!

Munes: No, I meant the carriage. They were called Hansoms.

Dodo: Oh.

--Meanwhile, aboard the flying building--

*The music reaches it's chilling climax as Ditto and Saph rise menacingly from the shadows of the orchestra pit to face Vorpal and Wavorpal. The two twins clap at the very well-choreographed heist. Ditto and Saph bow, then get serious*

Ditto: Thank you, thank you. Now, there's no escape. Hand us back Mewtwo.

Saph: Otherwise, we'll just blast you both and let God sort ya out.

Vorpal (?): Why I outta...

Okay, Saph, when we get through this part, I'll leave our next theft and location up to you. Due to popular demand, however, there won't be any more puzzling. This will just be a suspense story, I'm sad to say...

Author: Sapphire[edit]

YAY!! My hero!

Vorpal (?): They can't be serious, can they?

Sapphire: You wanna try me?

Vorpal (?): but with this, we can finally control the-

Ditto: Vorpal, Vorpal, my friend, I believe you've chosen the wrong side. It's hinder or help us. That is, if you're too afraid to.

Vorpal (?): Arrgh.. HEY!!

In the course of a second, using her hat as a boomerang, Saph managed to successfully thow her hat in vorpal's direction, he, surprised, dropped the pokeball in as it whizzed away. Quick as a flash it was back in her hand and the hat pulled over her eyes.

Sapphire: Ta ta, darlings!

Vorpal (?): :jawdrop: Just a minute!

Ditto: You had a minute. Now, we blast you into dust.

Vorpal (?): But.. oh forget it we'll help!!

Sapphire: Will you? Good. See those fools down there?

Vorpal (?): [see's Golem and everyone else who was knocked out of the building.] Yes...

Sapphire: Good. Sayonara!

The Vorpal twins plummet from the building to the ground, but luckily land on Goom and Ba.

Goom: Hey! This isn't a game where you can squash us for points, ya know!

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Ughh, my character development just went down in flames . . . yet again I'm leaving the Party Goers . . .

Author: Masamune[edit]

Meanwhile... for some reason unknown to man... Masamune and Murasame BOTH are in McDonalds...

Munes: Why Sames! What on earth are you doing here?

Sames: I could ask the same thing!

Munes: ... well, I suppose that'll do, you going to eat those fries?

Dodo: Isn't Boss Sames a villain?

Munes: Nah, just another guy here for no reason.

Sames: It hurts to never be a main villain... ah well.

Dodo: So what are you planning on doing?

Sames: Well... I've been thinking, I'm tired of leeching off Masamune... maybe I'll up and Register my own Pass!

Munes: Well.. that was fun! Now where were we?

Dodo: Calling for a Hansom.

Munes: Quite so! Let us go!

Sames: See you in Scene 9!

Author: Ditto[edit]

Awww, Vorp! What will it take to keep you in the story? If you had something in mind, go ahead, just don't leave again. Party Goers needs you.

C'mon, you've died and been resurrected more often than Tuxedo Mask.

(Actually, I wouldn't mine Tuxie doing that so often... just so long as there's one more "death" than "resurrection!" He he!)

Author: Vorpal[edit]

It's just where ever I write . . . never mind . . . I don't know how I'm going to fix it . . . I had a good idea, but I can't do it anymore . . .

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Noooo! Vorpal, don't leave! I wanted you to join our side or something...

If it's my fault you're leaving, then come back!

I feel rather hurt now...