Party Goers 15 Page 15

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Pages in Party Goers 15
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Author: Ditto[edit]

Masamune: ...And I'd-a gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those stupid kids!

~Back in the Flying Sub~

Ditto: *Now we see as much as Ditto's necktie and the top of his lab coat* Shall I release the Party Animal again?

Sapphire: If you think it's wise?

Ditto: They had such ideas for it.

Sapphire: Oh... okay.

Ditto: Soon, we shall revive the Messiah of Parties... Golem!

Sapphire: *under her breath* Or the Soveriegn of Celebrations, the TRUE leader of Team Rocket... Magikoopa... *goes to her secret room where we see Magi in a water-filled tank*

Ooh! Tremors of discord! This could turn interesting...!

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

or it could turn completely idiotic, depending on how we play our cards.

~Meanwhile, on a bulding not very far away~

Fuzzball: Ha ha ha. Ok, guys, the joke is up. You can get me down now. . . . . . . GET ME DOWN OR I'LL BLOW YOU ALL TO SMITHERINES! GET ME DOWN NOW!

Author: Golem[edit]

Ditto: We are nearly finished... but not completely. We need something different this time.

Saph: Icing on the cake?

Ditto: Hopefully not literally.
Vorpal: There, now that he's taken care of...
What do we do now?

Mr.P.: Find some migrain medicine. Ughhh...

YM: Why, we need to stop Ditto and Saph and turn them in! How else do you expect to get the Philharmonic, fifty tons of Asian food, and the boardwalk back?

Mr. P.: Well, we can't try anything they're expecting. They'll just sick that Party Animal on us again.

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

YM: Weeeelll. . . we could send one of my alter egos with no party in him whatsoever to go and blow up the sub.

Mr. P: Although doing so will probably rip a giant plot hole in the series.

YM: Like in 7 and 9 and 14.

Mr. P: And you don't want that to happen again, do you?

YM: Pleese? Android 33C has no party in him! He's a robot!

Mr. P: And right now he's orbiting the planet.

YM: O_o What happened?

Mr. P: Whatever happened, he can't help us. Now go fetch me some Tylenol.

Author: Masamune[edit]

Murasame: Ha! That moron took the bait! Party energy, partystream... that Squaresoft makes some ridiculous plots but they come in handy...


Murasame: Well, we let those two gather energy while those Party Stooges hinder there progress, once enough energy is gathered... we use it for our own purposes... to summon the... Party Demon!

Snipes: Hmmm... With that sssortof power... nothing can sssstop usss....

Murasame: Exactly. Then we can finally get rid of those pesky 'adventure' plotlines and finally have a real party that those so-called Party Goers will not ruin!

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

BUT, unbeknownst to Murasame, there WAS a party stream, and it WAS being disrupted. The Party Gods still had more then they could handle whilst it could happen. . .

PG1: Attention to all personnel! The party at 401 81st Street, New York, USA has been cancelled. Divert energy immidetally!

Author: Golem[edit]

Ditto: Initiating party energy transfer!

Saph: ~thinking~ Just gotta... ~switches around some wires~

Golem/Cat: YAAAAAARRRRGH!!! Hoo boy, was that an electrical shock... ~fidget~ Hey, what's happening? I'm feeling this weird feeling... ~falls back hard on bed~

Saph: ~whispering to self~ ~looking in the other room where Magi is~ Heheh, it worked perfectly, Magi's back to normal...

Author: Ditto[edit]

*By now, Ditto has come out of the shadows entirely. We can see that he is now a tall, thin man with broad shoulders, white hair, and glasses with a weird insignia on one lens. In case you hadn't guessed, he's 'Dittoing' Prof. Joseph Emmanuel Chronos*

Ditto: Excellent! Did you see that, Sapphire?! When hit with a ray of pure Party Energy, he showed signs of life! Not much life, I understand, but SOME! Afterall, this is only... POTENTIAL energy.

Sapphire: *looks in chamber, and Magi also falls limply back down* Rats. I guess he's right...

Ditto: Only by putting this energy into use can it be fully utilized... So now, my partner... Set the coordinates for the final destination... Monte Carlo!!!

Sapphire: Yes, Professor...

*Ditto's maniacal mad-scientisty laughter fills the air...*

~Where the other Party Goers are...~

Yoshiman: Man... Those two will take anything. Even the very party from a man's soul. Is nothing sacred?

Vorpal: But... the greater good, he said...

Mr. Predict: Hmmm... my head still hurts... but I sense them... nearby...

Android C: *begins beeping* They are close... *looks up* Look! Down there! I mean, 'up there!'

*High above, the Flying Sub streaks across the sky... however, several objects flutter down in it's wake, landing like confetti around the group*

Yoshiman: *picking one up* These are... golden envelopes?

Vorpal: Be these... invitations?!

Android C: *reads* "You are hereby cordially invited by

~Ditto McCloaker and Sapphire~

to a celebration of the Second Coming of the Messiah of Partyness at:

Place: Monte Carlo
Time: Very soon

Dress: Casual

Yoshiman: Pants go with everything!

Vorpal: Casual?! AWww... I have nothing to wear!!!

Yoshiman: You got that ninja-suit.

Vorpal: Black is formal! If I go wearing this, I'll stick out! *cries*

Author: Masamune[edit]


Masamune: What? Messiah? What a load of Yoshi dung... I have to stop them before the suck out all the party energy!

*more elsewhere*

Murasame: Yes! Look... Parteor is summoned! When it lands on the earth... no more Fake Party Goers to pretend like it's a party! Only the real partiers will be left! Gyahahahahahahaha!!!

Snipes: Did you breathe at all jusssst now?

Murasame: *gasp* *low whispered vocie* No.... now I did.... Urrghh...


Murasam: *snatches it and reads it* Party Messiah... Monte Carlo... Well, I guess I'll just aim my Parteor over there instead of just destroying the whole world! How clever I am!

*back to elsewhere 1*

Masamune: Let's see... this Black Ninja suit should do nicely... Dodo and Raven, get someting that's black on too!

Dodo: We already do!

Masamune: How about Dargo?

Dargo: I am wearing my black spy suit.

Masamune: That'll do, now we must save the world -and- gatecrash aparty at the same time! Ahh... I love my job!

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Vorpal: Hey, wait, what I am wearing IS casual, at least for me anyway.

YM: Well, now that's settled let's go to Monte Carlo.

Author: Masamune[edit]

Censor Man: "Later at Monte Carlo, important party people have arrived. Ditto and Saph have yet to make a appearance. But due to being drained of energy, it is extremely boring. In fact, the most exciting person is the Arab Guy who is making impression on stage"

Vorpal: Jeez... how can there be a greater good? I've never been so bored!

Yoshiman: Got to admit though, that Arab Guy is pretty good.

Mr. Predict: I wonder when Ditto and Sapphire will appear...

*Above on roof*

Masamune: Flightless 2 this is Warrior 1 do you copy?

*on the ground behind a bush beside the main entrance*

Dodo: I copy.

*Back on roof*

Masamune: Begin the plan. *presses womethign on com* Flightless, do you copy?

*inside the building underneath the refreshment table*

(Rapheal)Raven: Copy.

*back on roof*

Masamune: Remember your part... as soon as they make there move... *presses com* Warrior 2, this is Warrior 1 do you copy?

*inside the building, talking to one of the people present*

Dargo: Excuse me sir... *walks in corner* I copy.

*back on roof*

Masamune: Ok, lay low and wait for Rapheal's signal.

*On the sub*

Ditto: We'll be arriving shortly. Then we can bring him back once and for all...

Sapphire: *nods* Only if there's enough after I'm done....


Murasame: Krunk, Snipes prepare for your 'Dance of the Red Dragon' and don't mess up!

Snipes: Yesss ssssir...

Yoshiman: *sighs and looks at the stage* Hey, don't those two look familiar?

Vorpal: *shrugs* Just look like poorly dressed dragons to me.

Murasame: Ha ha ha... as soon as they awaken there so-called messiah, Parteor will be directly above... then the REAL PARTY can begin!

Ditto: We are directly above, we have three more minutes until the deadline.

Sapphire: *nods quietly*

Ditto: Something wrong?

Sapphire: Hmm? Oh nothing...

*just outside the city*

Rhyk: Urrgrhhh... almost there... *collapses on knees* Can't give up now... *falls face flat*

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Uhh, Arab Dude is dead and is in another dimension. . . but anyway, sorry for trying to get the story to make since.

Author: Golem[edit]

This is an Arab guy, not the Arab Dude.
Rhyk: Ugh... Must... destroy... vision blurry...

~As Krunk and Snipes hop on stage, Rhyk thinks Snipes is Golem. He fires at Snipes, who jumps out o' the way, sending the shot sailing towards Masamune. He uses his crystal energy to make a barrier to protect himself, and the shot reflects off and shoots off into the distance. It barely hits the edge o' one o' the sub's propellors and breaks it...~

Author: Masamune[edit]

Really? I thought the Arab Guy/Dude was just a recurring character like Biggs and Wedge that comes back even if killed.

Author: Ditto[edit]

Doesn't matter, guys! Look! This is our longest Party Goers yet! Yaaay!

*Everyone mills around, in the giant hall, with the stolen items all around it*

~Yoshiman goes over to a large table with the 50 tons of Chinese food on it~

Yoshiman: Hm. It's still fresh... *eats some* Just the right amount of soy sauce...

~Mr. Predict goes over to the New York Philharmonic, where the musicians are sitting around waiting for something to do~

Mr. Predict: You guys know "Seasons in the Sun?"

Pit Leader: Sure! We do it all the time, when we're supposed to be practicing! *they begin playing, and Mr. Predict taps his toe, the gentle music soothing his headache*

~Vorpal, hears the song~

Vorpal: Hey! I love that one! "We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun..."

Goom: Ergh...

Ba: Boss is TOTALLY tone deaf...

~Vorpal notices the Boardwalk in the center of the room. He goes over and begins to dance. Soon, others join in...~

Dodo: *in his hiding place* This place is starting to seem like some kind of a... a...

*everyone freezes, wide-eyed*

Yoshiman: Chinese food ...A huge buffet...

Mr. Predict: New York Philharmonic... world's greatest music...

Vorpal: Boardwalk... dancin' on it...

Goom: Don't you guys see?!

Ba: That's what their scheme was...!

*Masamune pops out of his hiding place, in his Trueseal Munes getup*

Masamune: By Jove, I have it! They've been planning a giant Party!!

Dr. Dodo: Good heavens, Munes!

*everyone stops and looks at the villain who has just appeared from his hiding place*

Masamune: ...Oh, dash it all. Dr. Dodo, you really must restrain my enthusiasm in the future.

Dodo: *rolls eyes*

Voice: So... you've figured it out, eh?

Voice: It's about flippin' time!

*On a balcony, two figures drop down from rappeling lines. It's a girl in a Team Rocket suit with a broad red hat. Beside her is a white-haired scientist with a floating ? block hanging around his shoulders*

Sapphire: If you wonder who we are...

Ditto: ...Then listen to us, guys!

Sapphire: To save the series from redundant plots!

Ditto: To make you post, lots and lots!

Sapphire: To return this series to it's original plan...

Ditto: To create a Party the best we can!

Sapphire: *pose* Sapphire!

Ditto: *pose* Ditto McCloaker!

*they step forward, and hold out Pokeballs*

Ditto: Yes... but no party is complete without... A Disco Ball!

*he whips out a remote and pushes the button. The roof of the casino opens, to reveal above... a full moon*

Vorpal: But... the moon isn't a party favor!

Ditto: It can... with enough Party Energy!
Sapphire! Release the energy!

Saph: Yes, professor!

*She releases Mewtwo. He flies out, and projects all the energy at the moon. When it hits it, it becomes "Party-ized." It spins, sending sparkling lights all over the scene*

Vorpal: Whoa...

Yoshiman: But... what's the point?

*Ditto goes over to a table with a sheet over it*

Ditto: Well, my inquisitive friend, it's not just because we love a good time... You see, by doing this, Saph and I have created... the ULTIMATE PARTY!

Sapphire: When all this Party Energy is focused in one spot like this, it can revive... the true bringer of partiness...

Ditto: Behold! The Messiah of Parties!

*throws off the sheet to reveal the prostrate, peaceful body of...

Ditto: Magikoopa?! *turns to Sapphire* What's this? A trick?

Sapphire: Call it... an artistic disagreement.

Ditto: Wha...!?

Sapphire: You know I didn't much care for Golem. His idea of a Partying is to go off on some adventure... So I made a little switcheroo. Instead, we're going to revive someone who knows that the secret to fun is crashing parties and making mischeif. The Leader of Team Rocket... Magikoopa... the Sovereign of Celebrations!

*With that, she signals the orchestra, who begin playing "One-Winged Angel." Suddenly, Magikoopa's arm turns into a giant wing, and he levitates off the table...*

Sapphire: I told you at the beginning. *pulls the hat down over her eyes mysteriously* I'm quite capable of handling those who double-cross me...


Rhyk: zzzt... spark... Over there... the Flying Sub... cough... Cat must be in there...

This is good. Magi should be here to write speak for himself... This is just what he'd like...