Party Goers 15 Page 12

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Pages in Party Goers 15
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Author: Rob64[edit]

Rob64 throws out a pokeball~

Rob64 if the party goer members some ear plugs~

Rob64- just put them on, you'll soon see why~ Yoshi sing~

Yoshi sings~ Yoshister Yoshhhhhhiisssssster

the monsters go to sleep, and every body else which weren't wearing ear plugs including rob which forgot to put his damn ear plugs in~

Author: Rob64[edit]

Golem- you rob's yoshi will obey me?
Vorpal- its worth a go~


Author: Vorpal[edit]

Uh, Rob, I suggest you read some of the previous PG's. A couple things, Vorpal is Stryke and there is one monster, Vorpamune, (which is Masamune with the Vorpal Sword) and you can't make a quick fix like that! think of something creative!

Author: Rob64[edit]

Na i'll wait for the next story

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

YM: Woah! Funny things happen when you're lightheaded!

Mr. P: What?

YM: I imagined Rob sent out his Yoshi again.

Mr. P: Oh that.

YM: Hey! I just remembered something!

Mr. P: Now what?

YM: Another invention of mine!

Mr. P: I hope it isn't something that reverts the story back to normal.

YM: No, that would imply that there was a normal in the first place.

Mr. P: Well, there were those couple heart-wrenching scenes, and the nifty swordfights. . .

YM: But this. . . this is a laser watch! Like from that James Bond movie!

Mr. P: So what are you going to do with it?

YM: With any luck, I can split the Vorpamune back into two!

Mr. P: Not again . . .

YM: What? This is the first time I've done this.

Mr. P: No, I mean you completely ruin the story in one post.

YM: Oh, that. Here goes! *Fires laser*

Vorpamune: AAAAAARRRG!

YM: oops. That had to hurt.

Mr. P: There goes our 'G' rating.

YM: The rating went with the bloody scene.

Mr. P: That was cut from the final script.

YM: It was? I thought this was a rough draft!

Stryke: You two done talking yet?

YM: Uhh. . . yeah, I guess so.

Stryke: Because Saph and Ditto are getting away.

YM and Mr. P: DO'H!

Author: Golem[edit]

Okay guys, I've officially gone mad. Golem was not intended to be in...
My guess is that I'm confusing this and L64's PG2.
I'll hafta take out the Golem parts.
Mr. P.: Let's chase them!

~Mr. Predict looks ahead to see YM and Stryke already far ahead, Mr. P. catches up~

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Do'h! I hate it when I post something really long then someone else posts at the same time!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

happens to the best of us, Yosh ::shrug::

Author: Ditto[edit]

Saph, can I see you at the "Secret Place?"

No one else check there.

Author: Masamune[edit]

Murasame suddenly flies down from some random flying object.

Murasame: Whoa... seems Masamune's lost control...

Stryke: *nods* He got my Vorpal Sword!..

Murasame: Heh, same thing happened when he got Excalibur... Well, if I remember, the original wielder had to will the sword back to him. That's what Sir Arthur did in any case. So Vor- err Stryke, what are you waiting for?

Stryke: *begins to focus really deeply*

Vorpamune: GRAAAAAWWWLLL!!!! *smashes building*

Stryke: Errrmmm...

YM: Hmm... do you think Styke can do it?

Mr. Predict: I'm not sure... my guess is were doomed to die a nasty, dirty death.

YM: That can't be so bad, can it?

Stryke: Uuugggaaahhhh.... *still focusing*

Murasame: Hmm... perhaps I should be more specific. Stryke, focus on your sword! Not Ice Cream... yeesh.

Stryke: *nods and focuses*

Random Townsperson: Look! It's the Pokepuff Kids! *the three are defeated with one swipe of Vorpamune's hand/sword* Oh poopy!

Vorpamune: Graaaa--- eh? *Vorpamune is ripped out of his arm in a nasty PG-13 messy way, causing him to revert to normal*

Stryke: *jumps up and retreives sword and begins to transform into his Vorpal self*

YM: Well what do you know, we lived!

Mr. Predict: *nods* Pay up.

YM: Aww... *hands the money over*

Murasame: Well.. I think I overdid my cameo appearance... *jumps up to random flying object and whizzes off*

Rob64: *runs up* Huff puff... I'm back, is it over already?

Masamune: Unngghhh... ermmm...

YM: Yeah, it's pretty much over.

Rob64: Drat!

Author: Golem[edit]

Vorpal: Didn't Murasame wanna kill Ditto? Why'd he just leave?

Masamune: ~shrugs~ I dunno.

Mr.P.: Now is it just me, or should we get the boardwalk back to restore peace?

YM: Nah... let's take a day off.

Vorpal: What could be so bad? The authoroties were notified...

Masamune: I wonder how the police are doing...

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Random Townsperson: Why do all the monsters pick on our town?

Other Person: Dunno. But we still don't seem to get any superheroes worth the spandex they dress in.

*A superhero walks by*

Superhero: Got change, mister?

OP: *hands him some change*

SH: eighty-five. . . nintey five. . . one dollar! *puts dollan in OP's hand* Thanks mister! *walks off*

RT: What's his super power?

OP: He can make all his teeth fall out at once.

RT: We need real superheroes.

Author: Golem[edit]

~they hear a fanfare~
???: It's...
That's me.

RT: What can you do?

SMrP: I can "Flip", which I haven't done for more than half a year.

OP: ~sigh~ We need someone REAL.

~Someone dressed like Superman comes in, but he's awfully familiar...~

SMrP: Moondo?
What are you doing in that getup?

YM: I didn't know it was possible to learn how to fly.

Moondo: Oh, I didn't learn to fly. I have a jet-pack under my cape.

Masa: Strategy?

Moondo: Someone distract them while I get the board walk untangled, and with help of some heavy equipment, get it to where it belongs.


Cat: I'm-I'm worthless. I can't even stop from crying. ~sniffle~ Is it me...? Am I that hard to live with? Maybe I should...
No, don't be so rash.
But I'm not... This has been going on for some time. When everyone has forgotten their purpose, I have none.
I'm not being rash, I'm not being rash, I'm not being rash...

~Cat walks over into the kitchen and gets out a knife...~
I've just got it... do you guys still have the Philharmonic? Or did we save it? If you get away with the boardwalk and Philharmonic...

Author: Ditto[edit]

Yes... we have the New York Philharmonic, fifty tons of Asian food, and now the Boardwalk... Do you have a guess? It would help everyone really well if you can put it together...!

Also, I promise, that's my only riddle, from here on out. I'm going clean. I've taken membership with Riddlers Anonymous. Saph and I are still the antagonists, though.

*Cat looks at his reflection in the knife...*

Cat: What is it all for...? World gone mad... does it tend to a purpose, or... is it arbitrary? Soon... I will know...

Masamune: Oh, my arm...!

Murasame: Ha ha ha! Behold, your weakness! Taste my blade! *raises sword*

*suddenly, a beam of red light comes from nowhere, and hits Masamune square in the chest...*

Prof. Dittoarty: *high above* Mwa ha ha. You think you have a chance against me, Murasame?!

Masa: Vorpamune... energy... changing me...

*with a sudden roar, Masamune again grows back into Vorpamune*

Ditto: Take care of him, great one! Build up that awesome strengh... but for later... *disappears back into the sub*

Ditto: Ha ha ha! And now, having killed two birds with one stone, and honored the illustrious Professor Moriarty... I bring his to career to an end... And call forth... another famous Professor... Guisseppie!

Guisseppie: Yes, master?

Ditto: It's time to switch out! Shape change!
*punches Guisseppie, and out pops... a pair of odd-looking glasses. Dropping his muscular Moriarty shape, Ditto reaches down and touches the glasses*

~Sound effect of Mario going "Super" which accompanies any Ditto shape-change...~

*Instantly, his body assumes a different form. Even though he is in a new form, he is for now still hidden in the shadows. However, we can see a pair of glasses glinting from the darkness, and a large, gaping red mouth...*

Ditto: Now... to put my new skills to work... Sapphire!

Sapphire: *appears, and grins at his new form* Change in game plan?

Ditto: If you would... Bring me... Mewtwo...

*Bursts into hysterical laughter, as his scary shadow is cast against a wall*

Sapphire: *shrugs* When in Rome...

Hm hm hm ha ha ha...!

Pikachu: Pika? Pika-chu-hu-hu-hu...

*they both look at Pikachu, and burst out laughing again*

Sapphire, I don't know if you saw it, but I responded at the place. Also, Golem's shuffled us into a new place, called the Cyber Soup Cafe (Naturally, no one else should look there!) Post any replies there.

(crud... I write terribly at night.)

Author: Golem[edit]

Vorpamune: ~big, long, scary, hiss( )~ ~throws swords from nowhere at Mura~

Mura: Wah! ~jumps behind Moondo, who jets Mura out o' the way, up into the sky, too far away for anyone to see~

Vorpamune: Blast, I've missed him!
There's always a consolation prize...
~bombards sub with swords~