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(→‎Author: Ditto: not sure what the slashes are about, but it's fixed now)
(One intermediate revision by one other user not shown)
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{{Party Goers 15}}
{{TOCright}}{{Party Goers 15 Pages}}
==Author: Masamune==
==Author: Masamune==
Line 441: Line 441:
<i>We're gonna need some eats</i><br />
<i>We're gonna need some eats</i><br />
<i>We're goin to the land of take-out</i><br />
<i>We're goin to the land of take-out</i><br />
<i>For to pick us up some treats.</i><
<i>For to pick us up some treats.</i>
<i>Oh, sasami!</i></br>
<i>Oh, sasami!</i><br>
<i>Oh don't you cry for me!</i></br>
<i>Oh don't you cry for me!</i><br>
<i>A synonym for "Kidnapped"</i></br>
<i>A synonym for "Kidnapped"</i><br>
<i>Is the name of the cit-y</i>
<i>Is the name of the cit-y</i>
Line 461: Line 461:
All right! I've got a scheme in mind! Surely you guys know how much I like creating puzzles... This first one is a relatively easy one. *evil grin* You'll have to track us, and over the course of the story, figure out what we're up to!  
All right! I've got a scheme in mind! Surely you guys know how much I like creating puzzles... This first one is a relatively easy one. *evil grin* You'll have to track us, and over the course of the story, figure out what we're up to!
==Author: Golem==
==Author: Golem==

Latest revision as of 23:12, 19 January 2009

Pages in Party Goers 15
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21

Author: Masamune[edit]

Erk, I didnt dee anything saying Ditto as Holmes... Well, Munes is different then Holmes. And good story going on, if only I got into the OG Storied enough to develop plots...

Albatoss (whom with his creepy vocie does Narrative for Masamune): We can see now Trueseal Munes in an alley waving a gun at a poor helpless soul in an alley...

Masamune: Tell me what you know about this new girl!

Man: I-I-I Dunno! Th-th-the boss jes' sez she's 'stremely infulental and able to get what she wants how she wants!

Masamune: Do you know her name?

Man: No, not even her own people know her name save a select few. She's very secretive, words on the street she's got sumtin' planned for some Party Goers people.

Dodo: What do you make of it?

Masamune: *rubs chin* Apparently someone isn't to pleased with some of the recent antics of the Party Goers. I deduce it is probally one of the original members. But who...

Dodo: Well we know its a she, we could look through the Party Goers Records.

Masamune: Done, their are plenty of suspects. We must continue to investigate Dr. Dodo.

Dodo: Quite so.

Albatoss: The two however don't realize that one of Saphire's people had been watching this entire scene. Could Trueseal Munes Detective days be over before they start?

Author: Flutter[edit]

What has been happening? My computer was broken.

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Read and find out. Heehee.

Author: Golem[edit]

Eye Surgeon: Sorry, we don't accept Bozo Bills.

Cat: ~looks down at money to see it is fake~ WHA?! Hey, I thought we were friends!!!

ES: ???

~Cat stomps out and goes back to Rhyk, Bomberman and Sgt. Flutter.~

Rhyk: Dude just left... but looky who I found!

Cat: Hey, haven't seen ya since...
Last week!

Sgt: Yeah, we should have reunions like this all the time.

Rhyk: Well, everyone's out solving a mystery and we're stuck on the steps of a jail house.
What a boring day.

BM: Y'know, we've still got this Mewtwo... who knows what it could do?
Maybe shut down Team Rocket forever!

Cat: Yes, but how do we know we can trust it?

BM: Easy! Me and Magi raised it. And since you are my "friends" to it, it'll trust us. We just gotta command it right.

Mewtwo: Yes, master?

BM: Can you teleport us to the Team Rocket base?

Mewtwo: I feel you are in for a big surprise other than what you are looking for... but here goes!

~Mewtwo teleports them all inside TRHQ.~

BM: Let me an' Mewtwo lead you. We know everything here.

~Just then, Saph's cell phone vibrates. She picks it up and--~

TR Guard: These two kids, a flyin' turtle, Bomberman, and a Mewtwo just teleported in here! I'm the only one not knocked out by its prescence 'cuz I'm viewing the surveilance tape!

Send everyone to them IMMEDIATELY!

TRG: I told you already, even Giovanni's knocked out by its awsome prescence.

Saph: AHA! I know just what to do...


Cat: Hmmmm... I'm starting to wonder if the TASTS is in need any more.

Rhyk: Always be prepared.

Mewtwo: We're here, at the main office! We can arrange all Team Rocket affairs, money, business... anything!

TRG: Sending in female...

~Just then, this really good-looking girl comes in from a door in the back of the room. It looks to everyone like something different--~

BM: Ryoko!

Mewtwo: A female Mewtwo!

Cat: Some pretty girl!

Sgt: Monstermama! (C'mon, it's not like I'd see some young woman!)

~--except for Rhyk. Being half-robot, he just sees this huge pink blob with a big smile and two wall-eyed eyes.~

Rhyk: Well, that's an unusually big ditto if I've ever seen one... perhaps morphed by TR's dark hand.

Giovanni: That's right...

TRG~looking through surveillance camera~: WHA?!

Giovanni: I'm here to collect the Mewtwo my soldiers made... now hand it over.

Author: Ditto McCloaker[edit]

Giovanni takes out a master ball and waves it at Mewtwo.

Giovanni: Mewtwo... return to your master...

Mewtwo: *suddenly snaps to attention after staring at the female Mewtwo* Wha--?

Bomberman: No! Mewtwo look out!

~Too late. In a flash of red light, Mewtwo is sucked into Giovanni's master ball.~

Giovanni: Hahaha! It's mine! It's all mine! I'm back on top! *holds up the Pokeball*

Voice: No, Mr. Sakura. You're about to be on the bottom.

Giovanni: Who's there?

*In the split second when he's not paying attention, a yellow blur flashes by his hand, wrenching the Pokeball away from him. He looks up in shock to see Pikachu crawl up on Sapphire's shoulder and hand her the Pokeball. Ditto steps into the light next to her*

Giovanni: You... Give me that back! It's mine! I'm the boss of Team Rocket!

Saph: Pretty worthless leader. You'd just lose it again anyway. We're in charge now.

Ditto: Dosvedonia! *Russian for Good-Bye*

*Ditto pulls out a hookshot and aims upward, at the glass ceiling. He pulls the trigger, and it shoots upward and the hook lodges itself within a tower. He grabs Sapphire by the waist and the two ascend onto the roof. Saph pulls out a remote control and the Flying Sub floats by. The two hop in and make their escape.*

Giovanni: Stop them!!!

*No one moves*

Bomberman: They're right. He IS a worthless leader.

--In the Sub--

Saph: They'll probably get Trueseal Munes to try to hunt us down.

Ditto: Trueseal Munes, huh? Well, at least let's give him a fitting target...

*punches Guisseppie. A black top hat pops out. He puts it on and changes form. Now, he is extremely tall and thin, with a white face pushed forward, oscillating from side to side in a curiously reptilian fashion.*

Ditto: Meet... Professor James Dittoarty! The Napoleon of Crime!

Saph: ...And Carmen-Who-Framed-Us! The greatest female criminal ever!

Author: Golem[edit]

Cat: Hey, where'd da preddy gal go?

Rhyk: Snap out o' it! Saph and Ditto just took Mewtwo!

Cat: Just great! GIOVANNI! YOU WERE HERE?!?! Why didn't you use your Rhydon?

Giovanni: Unless I wanted all control over my finances gone, I wouldn't let any of my pokémon out.

BM: So I suppose it's up to us to get that Mewtwo back?

Giovanni: No. I'm not working with a double-crosser of Team Rocket. I'm going to get that Mewtwo...
No matter WHAT.

~In a puff of smoke, Giovanni dissappears.~

Cat: Great... that thing could go balistic when it's released after being tossed about like this!

Sgt: We'd better hurry then!

~As they rush off, it's too late as Saph and Ditto have arrived at their headquarters.~

Ditto: MWAHAHAHAHA!!! Let's open this poké ball up and see what this Mewtwo can do!

Saph: Yeah!

~As they open the poké ball, they stare before a flash of light. It turns into Mewtwo, who goes fanatic around the place.~


Saph: RIGHT!

~Sapphire runs over to a cabinet and reaches in to pull out a seringe and a bottle. She puts the seringe in the bottle and soaks up the liquid. Saph runs over to Mewtwo but just before injecting it the seringe flies away because of Mewtwo's power and hits Pikachu.~

Pikachu: Pikaaaaaaa... zzzzzzzzz...

Saph: OH NO!

Mewtwo: Prepare to pay, worthless beings.


Author: Masamune[edit]

Albatoss: We see a dirty bar-like area, at one of the secluded tables, Trueseal Munes and Dr. Willy G. Dodo sit across from a oddly drssed fellow, in Munes hands he holds several unmarked bills.

Masamune: So... is that all you know?

Man: Umm.. well their may be more, I dont wuite remember...

Masamune: *slides a few bills over*

Man: Ahh, look Ben Franklin just reminded me! The new assistant to this Carmen person is Professor James Dittoarty, Noone knows much else... I think..

Masamune: Really? *slides a few more bills over*

Man: Whoohoo! I beleive he is one of the mid-Part Goers, and the leader being an original. And thats all, well... Perhaps...

Masamune: *slides the rest over*

Man: Heehee, Givoanni is wrapped up in this, his corporation was taken over and the two new bosses got ahold of a powerful Mewtwo.

Dodo: Pleasure doing business with you *stands up and pushes chair away*

Masamune: *points a tranquilizer gun at Man* This was all a dream... *fires tranquilizer, sedating the man*

Author: Golem[edit]

Dodo: That was evil.

Munes: Heck, I don't care, I need that money back!

~Munes and Dodo, after hours of searching, find themselves at Saph's secret hideout.~

Munes: I detect high psychic levels... this must be where they keep the Mewtwo. Put on your psychic filter.

~They put on heavy, big body suits.
They look inside through a just-above ground window to see in the basement...~


~Just then, Munes and Dodo crash in.~

Author: Dude[edit]

Dude:Hey where am I walking to anyways? Oh an ice cream shop! STrawberry please! *walks off licking the ice cream*

Dude:....Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy the others dissapeared...and my ice cream's melting!!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

~ Saph pulls the hat down over her eyes.~

Sapphire: *grin* Just kidding. Mewtwo, return!

~It does~

Ditto: *rubs head* Ah, that feels better. What's this? We have company?

Sapphire: Not for long.

~She pressed a button on the desk. Mecanical hands appear and restrain the intruders.~

Ditto: Now lets exit. Shall we?

Saphire: Lets.

~ Once again Ditto pulls out a hookshot and aims out the window, pulling the two of them (with pikachu, who revived, and Saph has the master ball in her purse) rise out and hop aboard the sub.~

Sapphire: *eyes flash* Those fools! Always trying to ruin a brilliant plot. ~She sighs~

Ditto: By the time I'm finished.. eh, we're finished,they will learn never to mess with a plot again!

Sapphire: *smiles* I can't wait.

OOC: Hm, maybe we should be the only ones to write about our characters. heehee. ^.~

Author: Ditto[edit]

Nice save, Saph! I was worried what I was gonna do there...

Saph: Now, what shall we do to show our friends a time they won't soon forget?

Ditto: Well, let's see what we've got here...*grin*

Saph: ...A flying sub...

Ditto: ...Quite possibly the world's most dangerous Pokemon...

Saph: Millions of dollars in currency from all over the world...

Ditto: ...Courtesy of "Mom" and "Dad"... :wink:

Saph: *heehee* ...The world is our oyster!

--Ditto reaches across the cockpit and inserts "One-Winged Angel (Instrumental Version)" into the tape deck. Chilling orchestral music fills the air--

Ditto: Now, what did you have in mind? Stealing the Crown Jewels? Party in Monte Carlo...?

Saph: Actually...

Author: Masamune[edit]

*someone jumps on hood of Ditto and Saph's car*

Murasame: Or perhaps... tell me what you are doing, eh?

Ditto: *whisper* Hey, you know this guy?

Saphire: *whisper* Nope, must be a cheap NPC Character

Murasame: Tis I, the true godfather gangster, the big cheese, the hot shot, the cream and rice, see. Me and my loyal associates have been monitoring your progress, see. And we don't like the way your monopoizing our little enemy Munes.

Saphire: *whisper* Is he going to talk all day?

Ditto: *whisper* Nope, were going under a low ramp, we'll lose him.

Murasame: *ducks* Low ramp, eh? Not so smart are ya?

Ditto: Here's a proposition... you stay out of our business and... we'll stay out of your affairs.

Murasame: I don't know boys, whaddya think?

Associate 1: Sure Thing, Boss

Associate 2: Sounds good to me

Murasame: Very well, but listen here, see. You step over your boundaries and we'll be coming back for you, see. Come on boys *all three hop off the car*

Munes: . . .

Dodo: What do you make of it, sir?

Munes: Elementary my dear Dodo, it appears the suspects are noneother that Ditto and Saphire. Jealous or angry at me simply taking over the world in no time at all. They decide to get revenge they would frame, invent some alter ego's to hide their trail and squander their stolen money on a little voyage aroudn the world.

Dodo: Extrodinary! And you figured that all out from the initials CWFU on the watch Saphire left behind?

Masamune: Quite so, and the fact that those scaliwags forgot to wear disguises. Come, Dr. Dodo, let us go back to our sources, shall we?

Author: Ditto[edit]

~Murasames' associates jump off first, falling 30 or so feet to the ground, splattering messily. Frantically, he scrambles back onto the windshied.~

Murasame: Whoa! That was close!

~He looks through the windshield to see Ditto and Sapphire in the cockpit grinning vemomously at him~

Sapphire: Whatsa matter? Do heights give you a nosebleed?

Prof. Dittoarty: You see, you just made two mistakes, Mr. Godfather...

1. You forgot that this is a flying sub not a car...

~He pulls a lever, and suddenly, the the sub lurches upward at a fantastic pace. The ground shrinks away beneath them, and the G-Forces plaster Murasame onto the windshield. Murasame clings for his life, until they are all up at 20,000 ft.~

Ditto: And 2...

Saph: ...And 2... We don't like being told what to do... *reaches for windshield wiper button*

Murasame: NO! DON'T! PLEASE!!!

Ditto: I think he's doing it again.

Saph: I hate getting bugs on my windshield..! Well, some days your the windshield...

*Turns on the wipers and pulls her hat down over her eyes*

Saph: ...Some days... your the bug...!

Murasame: No! *swipe* Turn it- *swipe* -off! I'm- *swipe* -losing my- *swipe* -grip! Noooo! *swipe*

AAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUuuuuuuggggghhhhh... *splat*

Ditto: Now that all that "noise" is gone, what was your plan, my crimson-clad compatriot in crime?

Saph: Well...! It's perfect! We'll...

~Screen pans out... Meanwhile...~

Dr. Dodo (Narrating): That evening, my good friend and companion, Trueseal Munes, and I returned to our comfy apartment at 221 C Caker Street. I was sitting by the fire writing my notes, and Munes was sitting in his armchair, playing his violin while musing over the events of the day, when suddenly...

~There is a knock at the door~

Dr. Dodo: Good heavens, Munes! Expecting company?

Munes: Not I. Have Ms. Hudson show them in.

~The landlady shows in Golem, Magikoopa, Sgt. Flutter, Dude, and Co.~

Golem: Mr. Munes! We need your help!

Munes: You must be more careful to guard extremely dangerous Pokemon.

Bomberman: How did you know, Mr. Munes?

Munes: Simple. I percive, sir, that you all look in perfectly good health, save that you, Mr. Bomberman, have one less than the customary six Pokeballs. Further, the lack of snow on your shoes shows that the situation is serious enough that Magikoopa teleported you all here, even though you are enemies.

Sgt. Flutter: Extraordinary, Mr. Munes!

Munes: Come, come. Elementary. Now, who stole it?

Rhyk: Prof. Dittoarty and Sapphire!

Munes: *eyes gleaming* Prof. Dittoarty, you say?

Magi: Yes!

~Suddenly, Dude rushes in~

Dude: Hold the phone!

Magi: Okay. *picks up the phone*

Dude: Look outside!

~They all rush out into Caker Street. High above is the Flying Sub~

Golem: Theyre... throwing down something!

*a piece of paper hits the ground. The sub quickly zips off into the distance so fast it cannot be followed*

Rhyk: What does it say?

Magi: *Reading* *Sung to the tune of "O Susana!*

For the first part of our cunning plan
We're gonna need some eats
We're goin to the land of take-out
For to pick us up some treats.

Oh, sasami!
Oh don't you cry for me!
A synonym for "Kidnapped"
Is the name of the cit-y

Golem: What are they up to..?

Dude: It's like a... Carmen clue!

Munes: Come, friends! The game is afoot!

~Inside the Sub~

Saph: Clever! Think they'll get it?

Ditto: We'll see... *blows on knuckles*

All right! I've got a scheme in mind! Surely you guys know how much I like creating puzzles... This first one is a relatively easy one. *evil grin* You'll have to track us, and over the course of the story, figure out what we're up to!

Author: Golem[edit]

Cat: Ohhhhhhhhhhh, I HATE PUZZLES!!! C'mon, let's just go take 'em out!

~Cat clicks his pen and hops inside the TASTS.~

Rhyk: No, they've probably got--

~It was too late, as the TASTS materialized.

Dittoarty: I'm getting a disturbance...

Saph: Heh. Prob'ly that li'l kid's toy.

~Sapphire flips a switch. The Cat is stuck there, not made up of matter yet, but not anti-matter.

Rhyk: Means "kidnapped"...

Dude: That's not a city name, dolt...


Dodo: Master, put away that thesaurus before anyone sees you.

Munes: EEP! ~throws it behind his back~

Author: Masamune[edit]

Masamune: . . . .

Dodo: *looking over paper a second time* What do you make of it?

Masamune: Let us inspect it more closely...

'For the first part of our cunning plan
We're gonna need some eats'

This is pretty much straightforward and offers very little clues...

'We're goin to the land of take-out
For to pick us up some treats'

Most American restaurants offer take-out

'Oh, sasami!
Oh don't you cry for me!'

. . .

'A synonym for "Kidnapped"
Is the name of the cit-y'

This and the take-out is no doubt the source of the clue. So we must figure out the supposed synonym. *sits down in chair and begins smoking pipe*

Dodo: Hmmm... I say...

~The others look at eachother worried, as Trueseal Munes has completely faded out into deep thought~

Murasame: *chuckles* *looks up* Hehehe, what fools. To think they fell for the 'splat' and mob boss trick...

Associate 1: *rips off human mask revealing himself to be a reptilian creature with a human build* Yesss, it wass done perfectly, as you sssaid it would.

Associate 2: Like Snipes said *pulls amsk off revealing himself to be a thick headed buff lizard person* your plan was perfect.

Murasame: Yes, I do beleive they'll walk right into my trap, as they have already sniffed the bait...

Giovanni: *stepping out from shadows* ...and as soon as the figure it out, we'll have them in the palm of our hands.

Murasame: Snipes, Lethar, get the chopper ready. Follow this *hands over tracking device* and stay far away enough that any sensors can't detect us.