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Long ago, a scientist named [[Silver|Dr. Nyteen]] created a large number of robots, each with they're own specific color and characteristics. One of them was Gamechamp, a red MegaMan-like robot programmed with every power in the universe. Not too long after, [[Team Rocket]] deemed Nyteen's fusion technology too dangerous and wiped out most of the robots before they were turned on, but they were only doing that to lure Dr. Nyteen there. When he got there, they set off a bomb, which let some of the Robots unharmed, but the force activated them. There were ten known robots to have survived: White, Teal, Orange, Purple, Pink, Green, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Red (Gamechamp). After that, there was a strange virus that was able to delete their memory of all that, but Gamechamp was able to hang on to part of it.
Long ago, a scientist named [[Silver|Dr. Nyteen]] created a large number of robots, each with their own specific color and characteristics. One of them was Gamechamp, a red MegaMan-like robot programmed with every power in the universe. Not too long after, [[Team Rocket]] deemed Nyteen's fusion technology too dangerous and wiped out most of the robots before they were turned on, but they were only doing that to lure Dr. Nyteen there. When he got there, they set off a bomb, which let some of the Robots unharmed, but the force activated them. There were ten known robots to have survived: White, Teal, Orange, Purple, Pink, Green, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Red (Gamechamp). After that, there was a strange virus that was able to delete their memory of all that, but Gamechamp was able to hang on to part of it.
Gamechamp later went into hiding for the rest of his life. He decided to unite with his four surviving brothers (Blue, Green, Yellow and Black, all "younger" then him by a few days) as the [[Robot Team]].
Gamechamp later went into hiding for the rest of his life. He decided to unite with his four surviving brothers (Blue, Green, Yellow and Black, all "younger" then him by a few days) as the [[Robot Team]].

Revision as of 21:04, 29 June 2007

Full Name: Red
Birthdate: UNKNOWN
Species: Robot
Creator: Gamechamp
Family: Dr. Nyteen: Creator; Robot Team, Brown, Robo Scouts, other robots: "Siblings".
First Appearance: Member OG


Long ago, a scientist named Dr. Nyteen created a large number of robots, each with their own specific color and characteristics. One of them was Gamechamp, a red MegaMan-like robot programmed with every power in the universe. Not too long after, Team Rocket deemed Nyteen's fusion technology too dangerous and wiped out most of the robots before they were turned on, but they were only doing that to lure Dr. Nyteen there. When he got there, they set off a bomb, which let some of the Robots unharmed, but the force activated them. There were ten known robots to have survived: White, Teal, Orange, Purple, Pink, Green, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Red (Gamechamp). After that, there was a strange virus that was able to delete their memory of all that, but Gamechamp was able to hang on to part of it.

Gamechamp later went into hiding for the rest of his life. He decided to unite with his four surviving brothers (Blue, Green, Yellow and Black, all "younger" then him by a few days) as the Robot Team.

Bad Timeline

Gamechamp and his Robot Team later were hired as minions of Lupus. Lupus coazxed them into joining him by promising to reveal the secrets of their past. In Member OG, Gamechamp was sent to infiltrate Yami Yoshi's group of OGers. One of the OGers, Fusion, had an instant distrust for Gamechamp that was rooted in jealousy, since Fusion was also made with every power in the universe. After Lupus was seemingly killed for good, Gamechamp entered a civil war with Dark GORE for control of Lupus's empire and then the remainder of the world. Koopa had given Dark GORE and Gamechamp each a key, and both keys were needed to unlock Lupus's secret vault, which intensified the conflict.

Three years later, Gamechamp found that Fusion had acquired a rare ruby. Gamechamp did some researching and found that the ruby is the ruby of the ancient ruby spirit Sephnito, which had Sephnito's power within. They then stole the ruby, and absorbed its powers and became the most powerful beings in the universe in Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist. They used their powers to send Dark GORE on the run and take control of Japan followed by the world. However, Gamechamp made the mistake of reviving Lupus with the ruby's power. Even though Gamechamp grew sick of Lupus and killed him again, bringing him back had broken the wish on the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) that had prevented Lupus from reviving himself.

Gamechamp also met his lost sisters, the Robo Scouts, and he soon regained memories of them. Gamechamp later attacked the OGers by fusing with the rest of the Robot Team, but they were defeated. Eventually the ruby was accidentally destroyed, and Sephnito was freed. Gamechamp tried to make Sephnito attack the OGers, but Sephnito was destroyed. Gamechamp and the Robot Team retreated to space and tried looting Lupus's old base on Mystery. Lupus then revealed himself there and got his revenge by destroying two of the robots (which were later repaired) and then marooning Gamechamp and the others in space. Gamechamp met up with the other OGers there and called a truce so that he and Fusion could fuse together and, as FusionChamp, destroyed the power-hungry ruby goddess Sephnita.

Later, they had lost all the money they had, and eventually started working for the OGers at $1,000 an hour in Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon!. During that time they met up with an old friend of Gamechamp's: Kargon. It is unknown how they ever met eachother, let alone how they became friends, because Kargon was good, and The Robot Team, of course, was bad. Gamechamp led the OGers to Kargon when they needed the Light Sword and helped them to pass Kargon's trials. However, Gamechamp and the others soon grew tired of being good, so they betrayed the OGers and ditched them in the middle of their big battle with Shade.

In Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest, they were working in a restaraunt when they saw the OGers get in a fight. Gamechamp overheard that they were heading for Idej Volcano Mountain. Having heard about great treasure there, Gamechamp assembled his brothers and joined up with the OGers again, only because they were going to use them to help get to the treasure. Later on, Gamechamp and Green went on a teleporter quest trying to reunite with everyone, but the teleporter was a prototype, and they never really found the right place. At one point they teleported to Lupus, who offered to let them be his minions again if they fused Jim with Dark Jim and tried to tempt them with footage of Dr. Nyteen. But Gamechamp refused, thinking that if Lupus was ever really going to divulge any secrets about Nyteen, he would have done it when they were working together the first time.

Gamechamp and the Robot Team eventually arrived at Idej Volcano around the same time as the OGers and snuck into the volcano to get to the treasure room. Gamechamp also found an ancient spellbook, which he used to summon Idej Volcano's resident guardian monster. However, the monster merged with Lupus and was later destroyed, taking the volcano with it. Gamechamp and his Robot Team escaped with the treasure, stealing the OGers' SSSS. However, a tornado swept them away and caused them to lose the treasure.

The Robots then got jobs at a pizzeria, but they ditched the job when they spontaneously decided to go out and destroy the OGers in Member OG 5: Secret of the Ooze. First they travelled to the Apocalypse in hopes of attacking Introbulus and Jim, thinking they would be the easiest since they were only two people (not taking into account Introbulus's control over all metal). However, Gamechamp wound up being seperated from his brothers and entering battle with Akujin, the most powerful villain period of the Most Powerful Villains Period.

They were then dumped in space by the beginning of Member OG 6: VGF Moon and at first tried using the teleporter from Member OG 4 again, but were unable to return to their base due to Earth's recent destruction. However, Introbulus, having been ordered to destroy the OGers, gave Gamechamp and his robots a ride in his Station Wagon so they could destroy the OGers together. For some reason they also wound up working with the MPVP. At one point they were tossed into space by Robobulus, but Introbulus presumably recovered and repaired them. Gamechamp and the Robot Team later returned to attack the OGers on Krad. It is unknown how they escaped Krad's explosion but may involve some type of magic cow.

Gamechamp was briefly mentioned in Member OG 7: Neogenesis, when it was mentioned that Gamechamp was wreaking havoc across North and South America, which were under the control of Team Rocket, on the recently-restored Earth. They were believed to be operating out of a base in Mexico. Gamechamp and his Robot Team later made a spontaneous appearance near the end of Member OG 8: This Title is irrelevant, when they decided to take on MON-KILL as a test of their power. They successfully defeated him and then talked about their victory on a talk show.

In Member OG 10: Full Circle, EVIL Scientist Dude had brainwashed Gamechamp and then made him into MON-KILL's right arm. Or was it left? Regardless, he was able to find a backup of his memories installed by Green and defeat the virus planted by EVIL Scientist Dude with the help of GORE-ILLA. Afterwards, Gamechamp travelled with the OGers for a while and later wound up back on Mystery. There he was finally reunited with Dr. Nyteen, whom had become the robotic Silver. Silver wanted to absorb Gamechamp and the Robot Team to become complete, but Gamechamp refused. With the help of their long-lost cowboy brother Brown, Gamechamp and the Robot Team fused together and were able to destroy Silver in what was undoubtably a very intense off-screen battle.

Gamechamp was later seen in Happy Ending?, where Brown met with Gamechamp and the Robot Team, and rallied with them to destroy Nyteen's secret creation, Magenta.

Good Timeline

Gamechamp appears in Father's Day Special: Happy Father's Day, Masa!, for once without his loyal Robot Team followers. He is shown to be depressed on Father's Day and angsty in general because of what had happened to Nyteen and his siblings. He joins up with GORE-ILLA's quest to deliver his Father's Day present to EVIL Scientist Dude only because of the possibility that he would suffer a horrible death.

Other Appearances