Retro Belmont (Author)

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Real Name: Joseph Pietrzak
Birth date: 1990
Nationality: United States of America
First OG: Beware the Forest Mushrooms (2006)

Author Characters

Retro Belmont holds these characters in more regard than any of his other ones, because he likes to pick favorites.

Retro Belmont - Holiday Special: Happy Father's Day, Masa!
Goy - Holiday Special: Happy Father's Day, Masa!
Fera- Epic Dino Slayer OG: Do America or Die Hard


I'm lazy.


The Loophole

The Loophole
The Loophole 2
The Loophole 3: Corruption (SPOG)
Senor Abbots SPOG (The Loophole 3)
Loophole Judges SPOG (The Loophole 3)
The Loophole 3 - Case 4
The Loophole 3 Case 5: Walrus Gaiden
The Loophole 4: Awakened Justice


Epic Dino Slayer OG: Do America or Die Hard
What Lies Beneath
Make War, Not Pixels!
Themepark EXTRAVIGANZA P s og edition

Gamehiker Member OG

Holiday Special: Happy Father's Day, Masa!
Gamehiker Member OG X: The Shrack of Neely

Gamehiker High University

Gamehiker High University Special: Politi-Cal!

Member OG

Member OG 11: Music Goers


Oregon Goers 48


Subspace Fanventures

Prose OGs

Pokemon: OG Version

Final Fantasy OG

Final Fantasy OG III


Beware the Forest Mushrooms
It's My Job
The Dark Mansion
Akira Sojo
OG Filmers: Alpha
OG Wars, 2030
Flimbo's Quest
The Tingle OG
YourMOTHER vs. The School!
Abbotsvania: Sinfonía de la Noche
Wariofan Mind Control OG
Wariofan Mind Control OG 2: The Wariofanning
Picture OG


[22:54] Retro Belmont: Sometimes, a man just has to find his pants
[22:54] Retro Belmont: You can quote me on that


Retro goes by 'Retro Belmont' on Gamehiker and nowhere else. On every other forum, website, online mail address or whatever, he goes by 'RetroJape'. Why he even chose the name 'Belmont' is a mystery, since he was never that big on Castlevania. It was actually his MSN name for a short time before and after he registered. He, I mean, I, often wonder if I should have my name switched back.

"Retro" is treated as a noun, not an adjective. Like a name, if that's so hard to accept.

Retro doesn't even come from the fact that he likes to play old school games, but from the company behind his favorite Gamecube game, Metroid Prime. Jape was just a word his friend came up with, and at the time, three people had "Jape" in their names.

You mean you weren't name after the Jungle Japes? My whole life is a lie! IT'S RETROJAPE NOW ANYWAY.

Things Retro Should See

[00:43] Gamehiker: Man, I am digging this update
[00:44] GORE ILLA 117: My fist is digging your face
[00:44] GORE ILLA 117: And man it will not stop tunnelling!
[00:44] GORE ILLA 117: Show that ione to Retro