Party Goers 2: VR Trouble!

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Start: Uncertain Date 2000
End: Uncertain Date 2000
Timeline: Pre-Timeline Split
Writers: Golem, Yoshiman, King Luigi, Magikoopa, Meowthar, Sapphire, DVGBC, Zora.
Main Cast: Golem, Sapphire, Magikoopa, Yoshiman, Mr. Predict, King Luigi, Pikachu, Bomberman, Meowth.
Archive: Read the Story


This is the second story in the Party Goers series. One notable landmark of this OG is the introduction of Pokemon-based concepts that would appear frequently throughout the series (particularly Team Rocket, Meowth and Pikachu).

Plot Summary

The Party Goers (Golem, Yoshiman, Mr. Predict and King Luigi) decide to test out the arcade's new Virtual Reality machines, which send them into various Nintendo video games. However, they find glitches in the virtual reality machine that cause them to occasionally be transported into a random game. DVGBC and Meowthar also appear to accompany them.

Magikoopa and Bomberman, now members of Team Rocket and accompanied by Jessie and James's Meowth, once again plot to blow up the story. This time they utilize Twin Bombinators: the Green Bombinator will emit a fatal virus into the VR machine, and the Red one will destroy the story. But first, as they are now Team Rocket members, they decide to enter the Virtual Reality in hopes of stealing King Luigi's Pikachu. Sapphire Blue spots the Team Rocket members and manages to follow them into the virtual world without being spotted. She continues to spy on them for a while.

Despite Sapphire's efforts, Team Rocket is able to successfully snatch Pikachu and send him to James, Team Rocket's new boss. The trio exits the virtual reality machine and detonates the Green Bombinator, leaving all the Party Goers trapped in the virtual reality world. Yoshiman is sent into the Minus World of Super Mario Bros. in an attempt to find the ending and stop the glitch. Team Rocket soon lights the Red Bombinator with a long fuse. But Meowth panicks and returns to the virtual world. Magikoopa and Bomberman learn from James that Meowth is upset because his yarn ball was left on their old Flying Submarine, which now belongs to Magikoopa. Magikoopa and Bomberman temporarily undo the virus so they can enter the virtual world and escape with Meowth. They then quickly reunite him with his prized yarn ball.

Sapphire escapes the virtual reality as well, presumably in the gap between the de-activation and re-activation of the VR game virus. After a sequence of several dud Bombinators and other mishaps, all the Party Goers are freed from the VR machine, except for Mr. Predict, who is accidentally left behind. This time it is Sapphire who ends the story.


Party Goers 2 introduces a really weird running gag where people are afraid of Sapphire ending the story.

Stories in the Party Goers series.
Main Series: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Holiday: Halloween - Thanksgiving
Spinoffs: Party Goers Heroes - The Party Goers!
Other: Nintenfreak's Comic - Partygoers.Keenspace - Bootleg OGs