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Pages in the Member OG 4 Archive
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Author: Greatluigi

(hasn't read anything)

A man emerged from the shadows. He muttered incomprehensible curses about fools within the party fighting Lupus. He leaned his slim body against a wall and used his second sight to again spy on the party.

"Sad. Some of the people there think they know everything and think they are stronger than those truly above their status in the world. Soon, I will make myself known to them. But for now, I think I'll lay low and continue to spy on them."

The man sinks back into the shadows of his hidden location.

Author: Fred

(The man is seen on national TV)

People: It's the great GreatLuigi!

GL: Shutup You're spoiling my moment. (The man fades away)

People: Jeez, sorry.


Fred: Nrrgh... Where is Fred... Where are Fred's socks?

Lupus: I'm glad you came.

Fred: Um, what?

Lupus: We have rebioengineered you.

Fred: No, no you haven't.

Lupus: Shutup.

Fred: When do I get to eat?

Lupus: Never. Anyways, we haven't really reengineered you, I was just trying a cliche and you ruined it for me.

Fred: Eh.

Lupus: But we have still given you upgrades.

Fred: No, you haven't.

Lupus: Stop that. Your boots allow you to jump ten feet in the air for no reason now.

Fred: Um, ok.

Lupus: Your voice box was broken, so we reinstalled it, much reinforced and even louder.

Fred: Great! More silly comments!

Lupus: And a self-destruct button.


Lupus: Just kidding!

Fred: This is all like "I'm new and improved" and stuff, right?

Lupus: Well, yeah... don't tell anyone, it's gonna be a surprise.

Fred: Great, a surprise! Any brocoli-flavoured punch and I'm in.

Lupus: er... right. Look, you follow the OGers and set them up, and pound any that stray from the group.

Fred: Right. Wait, isn't that suicide?

Lupus: Yes. But forget about that. Also, your hammer is made from an-ultra hard rock now, and not any sort of metal. Got that?

Fred: Right. NON-METAL. Gotcha.

Lupus: Exactly, NON-METAL.

Fred: Stop that, they're not stupid.

Lupus: Depends which one.

Fred: Oh yeah, right. Muahahah.

Lupus: TWIFATIT will rule again!

Author: Yami Yoshi

OoC: I deleted all of those useless crap story posts. GL, if you seriously want to join this OG then I suggest you read this story over instead of posting all of this random crap.

Author: Greatluigi

In the tinnnniest corner of the room, a hunchback man sat on a chair, spinning it around.

Guy: Wheee!

??: Hey! Move the camera over here! This is my appearance scene, damnit!

Camera Guy: Oh, right, sorry.

The camera swivels over a few feet to the left where GL is sitting, still donned in a long black flowing cape.

GL: I personally think its very original, muahhahaahahahaha!

Fred: Dear lord, that was off the meter cliche.

GL: Quiet you! Come, we must be off to assasinate one of the OG'ers!

Fred: Righty O. But one thing, we're on an equal basis. Not 'I'm the master and you're the henchman' type of thing.


Lupus stands there saying nothing while playing checkers by himself.

Lupus: King me!

GL & Fred: ....

Fred: Lets go.

GL: Agreed.

Fred: Why is the dialouge continuing?


GL swishes his long flowing cape and it covers over Fred and GL.

GL: We were supposed to vanish all cliche evil style...

OOC: This is my entrance, mind you people.

Episode 90: "The Ultimate Technique" by GORE-ILLA

*At the entrance to the Wind Temple...*

Yami Yoshi: We've been standing here for an hour. When are we going to go in?

Others: (shrug)

Sword Master: Hey, whatever happened to the Robots?

Others: (shrug)

Fred appears for no apparent reason.

Fusion: What do you want now?

Fred: I challenge you to one-on-one battle with the power of sausage links!

Fusion: Whatever.

Fred: (takes out hammer) Ha ha! Prepare to lose, mediocre organism!

Fusion: You can't beat me! Since you're such a weakling that I'll let you have a fee shot.

Fred: Yes! Time to use the ultimate move! This is a secred move passed down by ancient martial artists over the millenia. Even immortals cannot withstand this great technique!

Fusion: Shut up and get this over with.

Fred runs between Fusion's legs and smashes his hard stone hammer into Fusion's, ehh...lower area so hard that the hammer shatters. Fusion falls over and rolls on the ground in pain. Whle he's distracted, Fred runs up to Fusion and swipes his right shoe and left sock, then disappears.

Jim: That had to hurt.

Introbulus: And Fusion's transformation only gave Fred a bigger target.

Phil quickly grabs Fusion's other shoe and sniffs it. He gets high.

GORE: What the Hell?

Introbulus: Shoes are the Gnomian equivalant of crack.

GORE: I see.

Fusion: Do I even have shoes?

*Back by Lupous...*

Fred: Mission accomplished! I stole Fusion's right shoe and left sock just like you orderd me, sir.

Lupus: I told you to kidnap him.

Fred: That's not what the voices in my head told me.

Lupus And GL: ....

*Back by the Wind Temple...*

GORE: Now let's enter this temple already.

Fusion: I knew I should have brought my crotch guard!

To Be Continued...

Author: Fred

(In the wind temple)

GORE-ILLA: Hey, this place is enormous.

Fusion: Need painkiller... so badly!

YY: Ok, we need to get the Hookshot, because we need it to get those bow-and-arrows, so we can...

Pharoh: I don't think this is WW.

YY: Oh, sorry.

Introbulus: Ok, let's look around.

???: I'd rather you not.

Introbulus: Um, who said that?

Pharoh: Shut. up.

Introbulus: Would you like a prodding?

YY: Enough. I think it's just a large, unknown figure that will turn out to challenge us, and hiis defeat will allow us to advance.

???: Right you are, and yet you cannot win. My name is Gale. I am going to blow you away!

GORE: Oh no, it's the punny names again.

(Suddenly Gale appears. It turns out to be a medium-sized areodynamic-looking ripple in the air)

Gale: So, as you can see my unearthly image, to you tremble to challenge me in my own abode?

Fusion: I see no problem.

Gale: Oh really? (Blows Fusion's mis-matched shoe backwards)

Fusion: Ouch! Ouch! Please, no more!

YY: Um, what now?

Pharoh: We don't seem to do enough running. Now is the time.

Gale: Ah, but that is where you are wrong. If you run, you will inevitably- (is punched by fusion)

Fusion: Ok, you're going to die.


Fred: I'm sorry sir...

Lupus: You know that is unacceptable. You must burn yourself sevral hundred times now.

Fred: Not again...

Lupus: GreatLuigi, thou shalt strike this time. For the glory of the UN!

GL: Ok, sure, whatever.

Author: Greatluigi

GL swishes his big cape again over his head and nothing happens.

GL: God damnit. Someone give me a transampamportamer thingy!

Hunchbacked Scientist: A transporter, sir?


GL grabs the transporter and pushes three buttons on it.

Transporter: Where to?


Transporter: Got it.

The transporter flashes colors for a few minutes before GL begins to get annoyed.

GL: The hell....

After 20 long minutes (2 seconds back where the OG'ers were), the transporter transported 1\2 of GL's body.


Transporter: Locked on to energy signal; transporting now!

The transporter flashed one brilliant color and transported him to the wind temple, in which upon arrival it shattered into a million pieces.

GL: Crummy devices.

YY(turning head): Hey, look! It's that guy who was on the televison earlier!

GL: DAMNIT! DON'T RUIN MY MOMENT! Now to reveal my horribly cliche weapon! The.....


GORE: How incredibly cliche, but scary at the same time!

Upon showing his scepter, GL also showed how he was....*ahem*...'bound' to it. The scepter had attached itself to GL via creating huge veins running along his arm, all potruding from the scepter and implanting themselves in GL's flesh.


Gale: Dear lord....

GL: Gale, you've served your purpose.

Gale: What? I never worked for yo-

Gale's sentence was stopped short when he was impaled by the Devil's Scepter. It was being thrown and attached to a large, red cord of sort coming from GL's general direction.

Introbulus: I don't know if I should look...

Introbulus gave in to curosity and looked towards GL's hand. A large hole was in the mutilated hand and the cord extended from there. Also, this was where all the veins intersected.

GL: Ahh, parting is such sweet sorrow.

The Devil's Scepter absorbed Gale into its being and retracted to GL's hand.

GL: Now, one of you must fight. The others.....WILL CONTINUE!!!

Fred: Wow! He is my cliche role model! *dreamy stars*

Episode 93: "Yami Yoshi Vs. Greatluigi" by Yami Yoshi

BSD: Whose gonna fight GL?

Yami Yoshi: Hmmm...I'll fight him!

GORE: What?

Yami Yoshi: Don't worry! I've fought several enemies ten times more powerful than this guy! I should be able to handle him!

Introbulus: Be careful...I have a bad feeling about this guy...

Yami Yoshi: You guys go find the Wind Artifact! I'll be fine!

GORE: Okay...Let's go OGers!

*The OGers leave the scene*

GL: So you're Yami Yoshi, the leader of the OGers. It shall be a pleasure defeating you!DEVIL'S SCEPTER!

*The Devil's Scepter extends out of GL's hand and flies straight toward Yami Yoshi*

Yami Yoshi: DARK EGG!

*Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg, which hits the Devil's Scepter causing it to fly to the side and smash into the wall of the temple. GL retracts the Devil's Scepter back into his mutilated hand*

Yami Yoshi: You can't defeat me! DARK EGG!

*Yami Yoshi throws another Dark Egg which is absorbed by the hole in GL's hand and fired back. Yami Yoshi rolls out of the way and the egg smashes into the ground creating a smoking crator*

GL: I see I have to use a different strategy. It's time to show you something I learned from Gale! BREEZE BLAST!

*A blast of wind blows out from the hole in GL's hand and blasts a Yami Yoshi head first into a stone column*

Yami Yoshi: Breeze Blast?

GL: After absorbing Gale, I gained his abilities and powers! I shall do the same to you too!

*Yami Yoshi jumps into the air*

Yami Yoshi: Flutter Kick!

GL: Breeze Blast!

*GL fires another Breeze Blast which blasts the airbourne Yami Yoshi near the edge of a large pit. A large metal fan spins at the bottom*

GL: See that fan? One fall and that fan'll slice your body into bloody shreds. Your body contains no skills that I have any use for so I shall dispose of you now! DEVIL'S SCEPTER!

*GL fires the Devil's Scepter from his hand and it flies straight toward Yami Yoshi. Yami Yoshi grabs the scepter and swings GL around Super Mario 64 style and flings him into the pit*


*GL falls into the pit*

Yami Yoshi: And that's the end of that chapter! Time to find the others!

*Yami Yoshi takes a few paces away from the pit but not before a red extension cord wraps tightly around his leg*

*GL's half-body floats behind Yami Yoshi*

GL: Mwa ha ha! Having half a body isn't half bad! It's time to finish you off Yami Yoshi!

*GL hovers over to Yami Yoshi and releases a flurry of punches. Yami Yoshi's face becomes badly bruised*

Yami Yoshi: Ugh...

*GL hovers over the pit and Yami Yoshi dangles over the spinning fan*

GL: Goodbye Yami Yoshi...

*GL releases the Devil's Scepter and Yami Yoshi plummets toward the fan. GL hovers to the edge of the pit. Loud slashing noises and screams of pain are heard. A few seconds later, the fan blows Yami Yoshi's bloody body parts into the air*

GL: Ha. That was easy. Now to find the other OGers! They should be a piece of cake!

Fred: Mmm...cake...

Narrator: Has Yami Yoshi truely been killed by the crazed Greatluigi? Will the other OGers stand a chance against this deranged lunatic? Find out in the next episode!

Author: Greatluigi

GL: Bwahahahahahahaha! My cliche half-body is truly giving me...uh....clichness! Bwaahhahaha! Fred, its your turn! I must regain my body!

*disappears back to the Lupus lab*

Author: Fred

Fred: Right. Muahahah, Fred can now laugh in an evil chliche way! This is so stereotyped!

GL: Shutup and go.

Fred: Ok.

(Fred instantly teleports to the wind temple)

(Meanwhile, at the ranch, I mean with the non-YY OGers...)

GORE: Ok, there's a path to the next room, it's up on that ledge.

Fusion: Got it. (flies up)

GORE: Stop that.

Jim: It doesn't matter, we're getting into the next room.

Pharoh: I wonder if YY survived... I don't feel him.

Introbulus: Wait, you're "Feeling him" most of the time?


GORE: Right, now we have to...

(Just then, then walls explode, and huge live jets of wind come out)

GORE: Holy crap! Try to resist the wind!

Introbulus: It's no use, the pressure is too great!

Pharoh: Wait, I saw some metal shields in the last hall. Does anyone think they can bring 'em to Introbulus?

Fusion: GORE and I shall attempt it.

GORE: Fine, be that way.

BSD: No, I cun do 1T sinc I roxx00rz!

(BSD tries, but he fails and flies into GORE. GORE turns on his "automatic robo-monkey wipers" to take away the grime)

GORE: Nrrgh, stupid stupid person. I'm losing footing.

Pharoh: Quick, Introbulus, use your powers to boost him!

Introb: Fine, but only if I get to be the yellow cup!

GORE: Nrrgh...

Introb: Fine, fine, here you go.

(GORE flies foward, into the doorway, and blasts out. GORE grabs all the metal he can find, and brings it back with him. He is blown back into the middle with the rest of the OGers).

GORE: There.

Introbulus: Alright, let's plug some holes!

(Everyone stares)

Introbulus: Ok, it's sexually explictive AND lame, but I couldn't think of anything. This was a hard one. Forgive me or die.

(Introbulus stops the rushing air)

Introbulus: Ha, I have stopped Captain Planet AND his Eco-Slaves.

GORE: Onward! Wait... (GORE runs off into a corridor, and before anyone gets what's happening, he is long gone)

Pharoh: Um, what?

Fusion: We must stop him.

Jim: I hate this temple. It's hard to be a cloak.

(Meanwhile, with GORE)

Fred: Excellent, by tempting him with this convient gigantic piece of cheese, I have exploited his only weakness. He cannot win.

(Fred bonks GORE-illa over the head with a mallet, and GORE mainframe runs his screensaver)

Fred: Excellent. I will now bring you back to UNHQ where we will work you into being absorbed by DARK-GORE! Muahahahaha! There goes that laugh again...

Episode 96: "Introbulus Versus Fred" by GORE-ILLA

While Fred was laughing, the other OGers caught up with him.

Fred: D'oh! Aw well, more victoms for me! Up for another round, Fusion?

Fusion: I'd gladly destroy you with one-kadrillionth of my power...but Introbulus hasn't been in any fights for a while, s-so he should fight!

Introbulus: Alright.(flexes hands)

Fred: Ha ha! Prepare to feel my wrath! (pulls ot stick) Wait! Where's my mallet?

BSD: Didn't you break it on Fusion?

Fred: oh yeah...then I must have hit GORE with this, too...(sees GORE eating the cheese)

Introbulus: Enough stalling! Ultimate Prod!!!!


Other OGers: O.O

GORE: You...killed Fred...

Fusion: Damn, I could've done that!

Pharoah Yami Yoshi: Enough stalling. We need to find my descendant.

Introbulus: ...Alright...

*Back by Lupus...*

Mecha-Dark GORE: Urgent news, Sir Lupus! Fred is DEAD!

Lupus: Who?

Mecha-Dark GORE: Remember? He used to be with the OGers, got The Cheese Star plans, joined us, you sent him to kidnap the OGers...

Lupus: Hmmm...nope, doesn't ring a bell.

Koopa: Who should we send next?

Great Lugi: I've rested enough. I'm ready for more blood.

To Be Continued...

Author: Fred

Eat me.

Author: Greatluigi

Hunchbacked Scientist: I've rebuilt you with a metal lower body. Until the rest of your body impossibly reforms on that platter over there, you'll have to use the...


GL: I can now again climb to the top of the charts on the Cliche Chart! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

GL presses the buttons on his transporter and waits a week( 2 minutes where the og'ers are)

GL: God fu-

Transporter: Locked on to subject energy.

GL is transported to the temple.

GL: INTROBULUUSUSUSBULL****! YOU FIGHT ME~1111111111111111111111



Episode 97: "Greatluigi is Gone" by Fusion

Fusion: To get to Introbulus, you must go through me.

GL: But Fred almost killed you! How do you think you'll fare against me?

Fusion: Revert! *goes through another DBZ-like evloving sequence and turns into Final Fusion*

GL: Oh crap! GL Punch!

*FF dodges the punch*

GL: Two million GL Punches!

*FF dodges the two million punches*

GL: Alright, GL Pun-*gets kicked by FF*

*GL goes flying back. He gets back up with several bones on his face broken. He runs over to punch FF, only to be tripped over by him*

GL: That's it! RIP 2 Beam!

*GL launches a beam similar to the one MDG pulled off on Gore. FF slaps it away into space like it's nothing*

GL: Um, gatta run!

*GL retreats*

Introbulus: He's getting away! Fusion, go after him!

*FF just stands there. Suddenly, he prepares to run*

Gore: GL's escaped! Fusion, you nimro-

*But before he can finish, FF zips away after GL and catches him in two seconds flat. FF holds his green lightsaber up to GL's neck*

GL: Look, I won't spam again! I promise!

FF: Die.

*The OGers turn away, not wanting to see what FF does to GL. When they turn back, they see a headless GL lying on the ground*

Introbulus: Wow, you're gonna have to teach me how to evolve!

FF: You can't, only I can do it. Now come on, we gotta find the next artifact!

*They all rush to find the next artifact*


Author: Greatluigi

OOC: The hell? I am not spamming in this topic. And besides, this battle was meant for Introbulus. There was so many hints to how he could win. *coughcoughMETALLOWERBODYcoughcough*