S.S. Swordefeller

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A flying pirate ship frequently found in Party Goers and spinoffs.


The primary ship Masamune uses in the modern era. It is fashioned like a traditional pirate sail frigate. Unique to it, however, is that it can fly and is crewed entirely by birds. Throughout it's many appearances, it has been destroyed or wrecked a multitude of times, but still manages to show up again. Its sister ship, the Omnipotence is captained by Murasame.

Good Timeline

The Swordefeller Beta appears in Gamehiker Member OG. This version is merely a boat on wheels that Masamune and Vorpal they use to get away from Rhyk and other villains. It soon crashes into a store, ending the short-lived maiden voyage of the ship.

The real S.S. Swordefeller is introduced in the end of Gamehiker Member OG 2: On the Road Again (which incidentally maxed out Masamune's credit card). With the enemies defeated, Masamune takes off on his ship, but takes Fred and Rebe with him. It appears again in GMOG3, primarily as the vehicle of choice in the search for Splog. In Gamehiker Member OG IV: Cheesecake of the Gods, the S.S. Swordefeller is stolen by SteveT around the same time that he killed Luigi 64. Masamune is somehow unable to hear Steve's confessions of doing it. Later Masamune goes to retrieve it, but Canadian Dude is unwilling to sell it. Before they can steal it back, a recently revived Luiigii of the Pipes returns, after having stolen it himself. During the battle with Dark Ditto, he managed to consume the Cheesecake of the Gods and while the Gamehikers escaped, he used his magic to shoot the Swordefeller out of the sky, destroying it in the process.

Following this, Masamune steals the Omnipotence. He later gets a new ship, The S.S. Condor. Later Masamune gets another Swordefeller (or renames the Condor) in Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody. It is apparently destroyed during the battle with Yami Yoshi and as of Gamehiker Member OG IX, Masamune has yet to commission a new one to be made.

During Galaxy Goers, Masamune had replaced the ship with the Bladechappe, a space frigate with time travel capabilities.
