Party Goers 15 Page 3

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Pages in Party Goers 15
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Author: Masamune

Masamune: AHA!!

Golem: WAAHHH!

Dodo: My word!

Masamune: There is either Shanghai, China or Nabb, Indiana...

Dodo: Which one has better eats though?

Masamune: Hmmm...

Golem: A dilemna...

Masamune: Let us split up! Golem, Ryke, with me! Dr. Dodo, you take the others to Nabb.

Dodo: Quite so Detective Munes!

Masamune: Anyhow, just in case, I've brought along Ultros and Chupon in my back pocket in case something happens!

Author: Sapphire


Sapphire: Hm.. something tells me that they've figured out the clue by now and are planning to set a trap.

Ditto: [Checks watch] Right on schedule.

Sapphire: *Smiles* Naturally we expected this. The fools.

She presses a button, and another slip of paper pops up. She removes the feather that she had stuck in the brim of her hat and presses a button on her ring, and dips the feather in.

Ditto: Clever of you, to keep ink handy in your ring. A surprise a minute, eh?

Sapphire: *shrugs* I try.

She offers him the feather now slightly dripping with ink.

Sapphire: Phase two?

Ditto: My pleasure.

Can't wait to see what you have to cook up. *wink*

Author: Masamune

(DEAD POST--- See Next!)

Author: Yoshiman

Man, I am bored stiff of these generic episodes. What happened to good ol' original plotlines? It was much easier to keep track of with fewer people.

Author: Ditto

Nice, Sapphire!

Munes: Player! C-5 us to Shanghai, China!

Golem: Uh... we don't have a C-5.

Munes: Oh. Well, just teleport us, Magikoopa.

Magi: Right! *waves wand*

*They dissappear from 221 C Caker street, and appear in Shanghai, China*

Golem: Now, where are they?

Rhyk: Holy smokes! Look! In the harbor! *points*

~Sure enough, there is a commotion at the nearby harbor. A bunch of cronies wearing uniforms are secretly boarding a bunch of ships~

Golem: Aha! V.I.A.L. henchmen!

Dodo: Isn't it supposed to be V.I.L.E.?

Munes: Can't. Copyright infringement.

Dodo: Ah.

~At that moment, chilling music begins to blare from several strategically placed speakers around the harbor. It is "One-Winged Angel (Instrumental Version)"~

Golem: Hey! Look! Hey! Listen! Look! Hello!

Dodo: Yeah, we've heard you're Navi impression.

~Suddenly, a crimson blur streaks across the darkened sky over the harbor. It halts, levitating over the harbor. It is the flying sub. On deck is Sapphire, with her red hat pulled down over her eyes. Her suit flaps madly around her in the wind. She pulls out a Pokeball, and points it into mid-air. Out emerges Mewtwo. It zips down toward a bunch of fishing boats, where a bunch of fishermen are hauling in nets full of fish, eel, and squid. His eyes glow red, and the water becomes rough. The fishermen quickly run for shore, leaving their full nets. From underwater, the Dittosub suddenly surfaces. It shoots a giant net out, scooping up all the seafood.~

Golem: We've got to stop them!

*</mowiki>He dives into the harbor. Mewtwo glances down and sees him, and creates a tidal wave that washes him back on shore* Munes: Those clever...! ~Meanwhile, the henchman on the giant commmercial liners are busy lashing together huge crates full of rice and vegetables. A giant hook comes down from the flying sub. They attatch it and hop on as it is all lifted onto the flying sub cargo bay.~ Munes: Of course... Chinese "''take-out''... Dodo: But, what do they want 50 tons of Chinese food for? Munes: I'm willing to bet it's all part of a larger scheme, Doctor... ~With the veggies safely inside, Saph recalls Mewtwo, and gets back in the cockpit. Finally, the Dittosub suddenly changes into the Dittojet and lifts into the sky, with the seafood in tow. The Flying Sub shoots off, and Dittojet prepares to follow. At the last moment, however, the side door opens and Prof. Dittoarty peeks out. He throws something down, then shuts the door and follows Sapphire. Everyone rushes over~ Golem: Oh no. Not another clue! Dodo: It's... a harmonica? Munes: There's a note in it! <nowiki>*reads*

We've lots of food, we hope that you,
won't get a stomach-ache,
You'll be too busy in this town that's perpetually awake.

Step one is done, but we've got miles
To go before we sleep.
My dear Munes, to get some tunes, my partner and I must creep.

Enjoy what we've got cookin,' Saph and I just know you will!
Enjoy the sights and sounds and we hope to get our phil.

Dodo: The heck-?


Magi, Dude, and Bomberman are standing, alone, in a cow pasture in Nabb, Indiana.

Bomberman: What do you see?

Dude: I see a cow lookin' at us funny.

Magi: There's nothin' here. Let's go to the others. *waves his wand and they join the rest*

OOps! We posted at the same time! Should you change yours, or shall I alter mine?

Author: Vorpal

I was thinking of joing back up with the PG again, but this has become all too confusing for me. I guess I won't.

Author: Ditto

I've ruined this story, haven't I?

God, after it started so well, too. I guess I got carried away.

I feel awful.

I'll continue it if at least 3 people say it's OK (Saph? Magi? Masamune? Dude?)

If not, well... we can go back to when Saph and I first joined forces and we'll take it from there...

Man, and I was so enjoying this...

Author: Masamune

I am EXTREMELY Enjoying this OG

Hey Golem, perhaps you could Edit the title to be a seperate OG if some of the people dont like it.

Author: Sapphire

Ditto, I love the story! You have such a talent! ^.~ By all means, keep going!

Author: Oddball Mario

um....... I'm not going to be in this, but I am am enjoyin this stroy. Don't count me as a vote though. I justed whated to tell U that whoever wrote this, it's good.
I think it would be a better idead if it wasn't a PG story all together.
O well......
this is the best place with orginal stroys I ever been to!

Author: Ditto

Okay, okay... As long as you do like it so much... I'll continue it with you guys. I'll also try to make the story less linear in the future so as to make it more attractive to others. The game is on.

Masamune, any thoughts on that puzzle?

Author: Masamune

Masamune: Philadelphia!

Dodo: How is that?

Masamune: It's that or they have atrocious spelling or I'm not exactly what I used to be....

Others: *cackle*

Masamune: Bah! Let's go back so we can examine this in detail!

Author: Ditto

Masamune, have you really read the original Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle? They're some of my favorites. If you have, do you mind if one of my puzzles involves a story?


*Dittoarty sits up in his chair and spits out his Pepsi*

Ditto: *Wiping his mouth* Did they say Philadelphia?!

Sapphire: *frowning at the dashboard* That's what I heard.

Ditto: Hmmm... y'know, I had a notion they might arrive at that conclusion first (I really did) but, the details of the clue spell it out.

Sapphire: How clever. I hope he gets it. Would be such a shame if he missed the boat.

Ditto: Agreed. Is the sheet music in order for our... performance?

Saph: Right here. How nicely [red]"orchestrated"[/red] this theft will be.

Ditto: Mm. More fried rice?

Sapphire: Love some. Pass the Kikkoman sauce, please.

Ditto: Here you go. I think some conspiratorial evil laughter is in order.

Saph: Hm hm hm hmwa ha ha ha...!

Ditto: Indeed. Mu-hahahaha...

Saph: ...Mu?

Ditto: Moo.

Hey, Saph, I'm gonna try to let you know the entirety of my plan, so you can help me! Oh! I know! I'll post it... where you once donned the Lady In Red outfit to 'dance' with me. You and I are the only ones around here who know where that was... Remember?

...And Masamune, no fair looking around trying to find it. :angry:

Author: Masamune

Beh, I'm bad at mysteries, but I'll give it time to figure it out... (Riddles, beh!)

Murasame: Now listen here, see. We know where your boss is at, see.

Lackie: R-r-really?

Murasame: Thats right, their in the Motel Six, see. Dont wanna draw money with lots of money, see. But I'm to smart for them, see.

Giovanni: So... tell us, what are they planning?

Lackie: Something about oyster, umm.. world, adventuring, riddles, and some guy named Trueseal Munes.

Murasame: MUNES!? He dare interfere? *grabs a gun and shoots one of his reptilian lackies* I feel better... what do you know of this Munes fellow?

Lackie: Umm... apparently he's on their trail, not extremely good though... actually... *looks around* Word on the street says he's not really even a detective but actually a goverment spy *cocks brow*

Murasame: Oh do shut up! *shoots the lackie and kills him*

Giovanni: ... was that neccesary? he may of had additional information

Murasame: Listen here, see. I am the boss around here, see. I make the rules, you do em, see.

Giovanni: . . . . (After I get my Mewtwo, Boss Sames, Prof. Dittoarchy, Carmen-who-framed-us or those meddling Party Goers will not be able to stand in my way!)

Author: Golem

~Cat lands in the sub out of nothingness.~

Cat: Whew, that was--~notices Ditto and Saph~ :eek:

Saph: Looks like we've got ourselves a hostage... > :)

~Soon, Cat is tied to a propeller in the back of the sub.~