Member OG 5A Page 7

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Pages in the Member OG 5A Archive
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Episode 43458298503: The End...OR IS IT? Well, yeah, unless someone says it isn't. BUT THEY LOSE. by LemonJello

And so, in a brilliant blast of syrup and waffle goodness, the OGers were engulfed in the blast of the Waffle Warhead. The blast knocked Krad off its axis (it was really made of styrofoam) and killed every last one of its inhabitants. The Anti OGers escaped with Fred's god like powers and went back to the UN HQ for an icredibly wild night of crazy insane partying and many things happened that were not G rated. But what became of Yami's group of crusaders, the OGers? They respawned somewhere, of course. Why? No one knows, since they aren't FPS characters or anything like that. And so we join the OGers, somewhere...

Yami: What the HACK?!

Spawn Point Camper: rofl i wil kil lol i liek teh easy exp!!!!!!!1111

*Yami throws a Dark Egg, which kills the camper*


Yami: HACK...air fare's gonna cost a fortune.

And so the Anit OGers triumphed over the goody goody OGers. They may have commited genocide, plunged Krad into the sun and destroyed many a person's sanity, but they won. Fred later commented on the OGers, saying, "THEY LOSE!" Limejello later went on to the take over the Outback Steakhouse franchise. Lemonjello, after his tour of the Thriteenth Floor, committed more random acts of violence. Fred became the spokes deity for Fujiyaka Waffle Concerns, which had its HQ in Tokyo. The OGers are currently in Russia, doing odd jobs and such to get enough rubles to pay for the airfare back to the good old US of A. And there was much rejoicing.

FBI Warning: Akujin later died from a milk overdose. LET THIS SERVE AS A LESSON, KIDDIES.

As for Gore and those holograms or porn stars or whatever he was fighting, I don't know. I forgot to read the paper that day.

Author: Fred

HIGH FIVE! TAKE THAT, part 6. Wait, King bob dies because he, too, loses quite badly.


Is GL even around still?


*Elsewhere, in an alternate reality where the events of the above post didn't happen...*

GORE, PL-0TT, Introbulus, Jim, and Velocity materialize on the deck of Lupus's battleship, startling Lupus, Koopa, and MON-KILL.

Lupus: Child of an insolant Mystery Machine! You have seen through our deception .7 seconds sooner then expected!

GORE: That's right, now let's do this agai- hey, whee are the rest of yo?

Lupus: The MPVP portion of our group is currently spending some time in the Easily Escapable Cell. MWAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAAA!!!!1111

Introbulus: Alright, who's gonna fight you.

GORE: I must duel Lupus - for the honor of the Cheese God!

Lupus: What?! You infedal! You arte not worthy of such a title and I shall prove it in battle!!!!

GORE: Bring it on...Ex-Cheese God!

Lupus: Let the cermony begin!

Lupus and GORE begin beating eachother wioth blunt objects.

Velocity: A touching ceremony. May the cheesiest one live.

MON-KILL: Oh no you're not, GORE, the only person you're fighting is me!

MON-KILL approaches GORE and Lupus, but stops dead in his tracks when a large metal object and a powerful spell whiz past him.

Introblus: Now, now, MON-KILL. Play nice.

Jim: Yeah, Introbulus and I will show you how bad it is to gang up on people.

Velocity: Ah! Now who is my opponent? Some giant, mythical beast? Or some musclebound alien warrior? Come now, sparring partner.

Koopa walks out.

Koopa: Hi, I'm Koopa. I'll fight you tonight...and stuff. (starts weakly slapping Velocity's chest.)

Can GORE and the others defeat the Anti-OGers before it's too late? Will Akujin be free to destroy the universe? And what of Yami Yoshi's crew, what is their fate? Find out next time!

Author: Lemonjello

Oh, COME ON, Gore. So the Anti-OGers won. It's not like I had you get raped by goat men and enjoy it. Nor did I kill off all of your characters. Accept the post and please don't pull a .crack//DEFELCTION on us.

Author: Yami Yoshi

OOC: I have an idea to fuse the storyline together so just wait a second...

Episode II: Tim versus Random People! by DarkMario

Tim managed to get to Russia, but as soon as he got there..THE NINJAS ATTACKED!

Thier mighty tree limb techniques were no match for Tim's french fry tossing powers. Tim walked slowly and carefully, to avoid traps. But..



French: Haha Tim! You shall never make it into the the heart of Russia! My powers shall defeet you, and then YOU'LL HAVE NO FEET!



French: Noooo! Their extremly bad dancing and ****ty jokes defeat my bad acting powers!

French ran off to join a mob, but fell of the face off the earth, BECAUSE IT IS FLAT!!1 :OOOOO

Tim continued on. He was very close to the heart of Russia. Buts suddenly..


Bill Gates: Mwuhaha! You can never defeat me Tim Allen! Resistance to Microsoft is futile! ATTACK MY NAZI OFFICE MEN!

Tim Allen: I would be dead, but you I HAVE GAP PANTS ON!


Tim was almost there but..


Author: LemonJello

Um, bump.



Author: Golem

OOC: Well, it's been more than a second, so I'm hoping it's okay to post.

~the missile flies up into the air~

Pharoah: Great...

BSD: We can still make it.

Yami: Yeah, you're right! We still have to get underground anyway!

Swordmaster: We won't have infinite air down there...

Golem: ~randomly pops in like the ghost he is~ There's an elevator to the surface that won't be under the waffles. And there's an elevator right where Fred stands for your quick getaway.

Fred: I heard what you said. ~takes out mallet~

Everyone: @#$%!

Pharoah: Fred... won't you be killed too?

Fred: Ummm... er... ~teleport~

Yami: Quick, into the elevator!

~They tapped the spot that was hiding the elevator and it rose from the ground. BOOM! Just as the door opened, they were all flooded in by a wave of waffles. Except Golem, of course, who was going to travel through the ground.~

Author: Introbulus

Pharoah Yoshi: Waffles again! Can't we ever get away from these blasted foodstuffs?

Yami Yoshi: Well, at least we're safe for the time being, protected by this super-large wall of waffles!

SwprdMaster: Say, does anybody notice something missing?

Golem: Where's Dark Jim?

(Meanwhile, outside the waffle wall...)

Dark Jim: I think they might be getting suspicious.

(Mysterious Figure): Well keep them occupied. I barely managed to find some time to escape my OWN set of idiots!

Dark Jim: I guess it's time to "earn my keep" by freeing them.

(Mysterious Figure): Will you at least make it hard for them?

Dark Jim: [img]graemlins/firedevil.gif[/img] Of course!

(Mysterious Figure): Very well, once they are all together, the plan can be put into effect.

Dark Jim: And there will be no one left to stop us!


(The mysterious figure teleports away)

(Meanwhile, at the place where OGers are fighting anti-OGers...)

Gore: Say, where'd Introbulus go?

Jim (nervous): Uhhh, something about coconuts?

Introbulus (appears out of a black hole): I'm back!

Gore: ...WHAT WAS THAT?!?!

Introbulus: This! (Pulls out a memory-wiping thingie.)


Introbulus: Okay then, I never left and was here all along, now the OGers will beat the anti-OGers and group up with the rest of the OGers near the center of the universe. (Hehehe, I love this thing.)

(Back at the other OGers...): Now how can you get rid of waffles? Why, you burn them, of course! WAFFLE-BURNING RAY!

(Dark Jim burns a hole through the waffles and into the elevator)

Pharoah Yoshi: I see light! Beautiful, beautiful light!

(The ray hits the OGers)


SwordMaster: Well, at least we're out...

(outside the waffle wall...)

Yami Yoshi: Thanks Dark Jim! I was beginning to suspect that you weren't on our side, but that proves that you are!

BSD: Even though you almost killed me with your waffle-burning ray.

Dark Jim: HAHAHAHAAHAHA...yeah. Now listen, I just got a call from Introbulus, the OGers are meeting up at a designated checkpoint!

Pharoah: Finally! We're re-uniting the group! Fighting in two teams isn't working out anymore!

Yami Yoshi: What's the checkpoint?

Dark Jim: The center of the Universe.

BSD: Oh, well that's not so bad.


Everyone: WHAT!??!?!

(To be continued...)


OoC: I'm f-in pissed. I type in a lenghthy good post and click "add Reply". That stupid flood protection thing pops up, I click, "Back", see that my entire post has been wiped, and then AOL umps me off. Here's what happened in my post anyhow since I'm too lazy/pissed to try and retype it. But I've seen worse. I had to type that GORE Vs. Akujin post three times!

-GORE and lupus continued fighting, GORE revealed he had been palnning to take Lupus's "Cheese God" status since the first OG, when he inspired YY and the others to use the Slim Fast Blasterto reduce his Cheese God powers by half.
-Introbulus, having already taken care of MON-KILL
and his metal armor, took out Lupus to rush GORE into leaving to meet the others. Velociy finished Koopa.
-Team Monkey knocked out GORE, Intro, and Velocity
by attacking from behind; they safely contained Jim and hung him on the wall of the Non-Easily Escapable Cell in which GORE and the others, still unconcious, were already held.
-Bullwinkle dropped some Doritos outside the cell as he left with the others.
-Jim as the only one still awake and planned an escape. However, the only power he could use in his condition was amplifying the smell of something outside so someone inside could smell it much better.
-Jim spotted the cheesey Doritos lying outside the cell door and looked at GORE, "grinning".

Author: Yami Yoshi

OOC: Bah. The OGers in this OG are either banned or have left VGF. I will create a new VGF Member OG so new OGers can join.