Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist

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Start: February 19, 2003
End: March 7, 2003
Timeline: Bad Timeline
Writers: Fusion, Gamechamp, Introbulus, GORE-ILLA, SwordMaster, Golem, Black Skull Dragoshi, StuMan, Yoshiyami, Fred, Lupus.
Main Cast: Uncle Billy, Yami Yoshi, Fusion, Gamechamp, Sephnito, Lupus, GORE-ILLA, Black Skull Dragoshi, SwordMaster, Introbulus, Jim, Pharoah Yami Yoshi, Sephnita, Dark GORE, Team Monkey, Robot Team, Shadow Dragoshi.
Archive: Read the Story


The second in the Member OG series. Considered by many to be the best of the series. It featured Golem and Fred's first posts in the series, as well as SwordMaster's last (aside from one post in the next OG). It was followed by Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon!.

The First Member OG 2

Fusion had originally tried ending Member OG in what is now the middle- during the battle with Chaos, by having Asshole Character Mephisto, or maybe it was Mr. Mysterio, come from nowhere to finish off the villains. He immediately started a new Member OG 2 (which ironically had no actual VGF members appear, much less any characters from the original MOG) which, like this one, started with a rip of the first MOG's opening post by having Friendly Floyd (from the Super Mario Adventures comic) looking for his Pipe Installation Kit. The only other person who posted in it before it was locked was Introbulus, who had Mario and Luigi as the culprits in a groan-inducing NC reference.

We already have one. When the other one pushes around 300 posts, THEN you can start a new one.-Yoshiyami.

Plot Summary

It begins as Fusion's precious ruby is stolen by the Robot Team. The ruby is actually the Ruby of Sephnito. Gamechamp uses this ruby to make himself and his fellow robots invincible, and with this newfound power they begin a path of domination across the world. At one point Gamechamp used his power to restore Lupus, but grew tired of serving him and killed him. Fusion calls out for help to find out who stole his ruby, a call answered by SwordMaster, GORE-ILLA and Black Skull Dragoshi. Introbulus and Jim are busy on a sidequest in the planet Mystery, but they soon arrive as well with a new ally, the strange StuMan.

After realizing Gamechamp's hand in the theft, the OGers travel to Japan in hopes of finding Gamechamp. They find more then they expected; GORE-ILLA and Fusion fight a losing battle against the newly-formed Team Monkey after EVIL Scientist Dude deactivates GORE's cyborg parts. GORE also has some wacky prophetic dreams. Introbulus, Jim and StuMan (actually the Narrator) accidentally unleash a spirit who seeks out Yami Yoshi. Around that time, Yami found his way to the other OGers. The spirit was the ghost of Shadow Dragoshi, and he Yami to be taken over by the spirit of his Millenium Egg, the Pharaoh Yami Yoshi.

Yami Yoshi is soon restored to his normal form, and the OGers make their way to the Koopahari Desert in search of some way to stop Gamechamp. There they meet the original Koopa, who tells them of a ruby more powerful than Sephnito. However, they would need to obtain a pair of keys, one held by Gamechamp and one held by Dark GORE, in order to unlock Lupus's vault and find it. Yami Yoshi is once more overtaken by the Pharoah Yami Yoshi personality at this time and battles Introbulus in a Duel Monsters game, while Black Skull Dragoshi battles Shadow Dragoshi in a nearby cave. All the evil in the area overwhelms Jim and causes him to transform into Dark Jim.

Afterwards the Millenium Egg is destroyed (but it is shown to still be complete in later posts), which causes Pharoah to be freed from Yami's body and get his body. Pharoah later ambushes Yami and they start a battle to the death. At the same time, the OGers meet up with some Republic officers who tried attacking Gamechamp in a subplot that came completely out of left field. They plan another attack on Gamechamp with the aid of several female robots, the Robo Scouts. At this time, BSD gets caught up in his own tangent that lasts a whole page, in which he goes out into space and battles Commander Hydra and space pirates alongside Samus Aran. None of this has anything to do with anything at all.

Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh eventually put aside their differences in order to battle Gamechamp, as the Ruby of Sephnito had been destroyed (although once again, various posts contradicted this). Fusion fused the two of them into Twin-Headed Yami Yoshi. Gamechamp then summoned Sephnito himself to battle the OGers. At first Black Skull Dragoshi tried taking on Sephnito himself, but Twin-Headed Yami Yoshi would not let him hog the glory again and destroyed Sephnito with a special Dark Meteor Egg.

In the meantime Gamechamp and his Robot Team escaped into space, hoping to find some weapons to help them from Lupus's abandoned base on the Planet Mystery. But Lupus, back from the dead once more, ambushed them there and gave them a humiliating defeat. The OGers soon arrived at the planet in pursuit of the Robot Team, only to be trapped by Lupus as well. Lupus turned Fusion into cheese and ate him, causing Yami and Pharaoh to be seperated from their fused state. Lupus dumped them into outer space soon afterwards. The OGers were then sucked into a black hole which led them into the Time Rip, the resting place of the Ruby God Sephnita.

Yami Yoshi was trapped in a ruby by Sephnita, but Introbulus was able to send SwordMaster into Lupus's stomach to save Fusion. The two were able to trick Lupus into spitting them out. Fusion then restored them to normal in his usual godmodding manner. With Yami and the Pharoah fused into Twin-Headed Yami Yoshi again, the battle was ready to begin. However, Sephnita distracted them by summoning his lower ruby spirits such as Sephnitu and Sephnity. Fred entered the equation at this point (after his friend Someone Else had been running around for the whole OG) and aided the OGers in defeating Sephnity. Finally Fusion and Gamechamp fused together into FusionChamp and with their combined powers sealed Sephnita in the Time Rip.

Everyone was able to return to earth via a conveniant Lupin Express, and Lupus managed to show up the Robot Team again when they attempted to prolong the story.

Other Views

Fred: A three way power-struggle ensues between Dark GORE's Team Monkey, the Robot Team, and the OGers as they race for control of the jewel, not to mention the world. Matters are complicated by BSD's constant running off and a dark figure from Yami's past or some crap, among other serious complications and a couple new characters.

One of the better MOGs, actually.


Jim: (reading the script) Aha! If they're looking for that ruby, then it must have some power that WE can use against Gamechamp!

Introbulus: (thinking to himself) Good thing I replaced all those old cyborg parts with newer, better parts, or that remote-thingie would be serious trouble! Hmmm, I wonder if we have a sandwich in the glove compartment?(/thinking to himself)

Jim: Okay then, according to the script, we're supposed to go to the tower, find Dark Gore, steal his ancient scriptures, find the special power ruby, and will someone get Introbulus out of the glove compartment?

Introbulus: (muffled) Help! I got stuck!

Swordmaster: This is pathetic. Hurry up and get us to the stupid planet.

Introbulus: No!

SM: Er, why not?

Introbulus: Sorry, I think I just went crazy.

Fusion: I'm down with that.

Someone Else: Defenders? Aw, man, who is that wacko kidding?

Fred: Ducks are for burning.

Yoda: Cheese missing, yes.

Darth Maul: Uncle Billy's in the freezer.

Yoda: My phonebill is large, yes.

Darth Maul: Uncle Billy's in the freezer.

Yoda: Post boring, yes.

Darth Maul: Uncle Billy's in the freezer.

Yoda: Uncle Billy you fool!