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Emperor Akujin is the main villain of Member OG 5 and Member OG 6 and the leader of the MPVP.

Akujin first appears in Member OG 4 as a "Shadowy Figure" who issues orders to his top MPVP leaders, Chaos, Qwirtzok, and King Bob. In Member OG 5, he remains mysterious as a humanoid figure dressed in a black cloak and a crimson hood.

It isn't until his final confrontation between the OGers in Member OG 6 does he reveal his true form.

Akujin was revived many times afterwards but ultimately met his end in Member OG 10 at the hands of Nijuka.


Millions of years ago, Akujin, Nijuka,Tenorvista, and their master the Dark Cloak led an army of S-Spacers and invaded R-Space. The leader of Q-Space, Eerie II summoned the four warriors, Introbulus, Saru, Mirawk, and Cerulea to defeat them. The four warriors succeeded and sealed them back into S-Space.

I don't feel like writing anymore.